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M 1770—1913
This edition is limited to one thousand
copies, of which this is No.sSkeO
This famous picture was painted by Raphael, and was
presented in 1506 to Henry VII by the Duke of Urbino in
gratitude for his investiture with the Order of the Garter.
It remained in royal keeping until the execution of
Charles I, when it was sold for £150. and passed by way
of Paris into the hands of Catherine of Russia, and is now
to be seen in "The Hermitage" in St. Petersburg.
FROM 1770 TO 1913
Table of Contents
St. George and the Dragon
Introduction . . .
History of St. George ....
Historical Sketch of St. George's Society
Facsimile of "A Song For St. George's Society"
Biographies and Portraits of the Presidents
St. Luke's Hospital and St. George's Society
List of Officers and Committees
List of Honorary Members
List of Members .....
Facsimile of Present Certificate of Membership
Act of Incorporation and Present Constitution of
Society .......
Facsimile of Original Certificate of Membership
Facsimile of Original Rules of the Society
Bequests and Donations ....
Principal Subscribers to Contingent Fund
List of Almoners of the Society
Places of Banquets .
Permanent Fund
Recapitulation ....
Statistics .....
Index . . .
. 12-20
. 21-102
. 23-25
List of Illustrations
St. George and the Dkagon .... Frontispiece
Facsimile of "A Song For St. George's Society" . . 23-24
Portraits of Presidents:
Goldsborough Banyar . . . . . . .104
Theophylact Bache 106
Anthony Barclay . . . • • .118
Charles Edwards ... .... 122
Edward F. Sanderson 124
Henry Eyre 136
Sir Edward M. Archibald 138
John G. Dale 142
Henry E. Pellew 144
Briton Richardson ........ 148
F. W. J. Hurst 150
Edward Hill 154
Richard J. Cortis 156
Henry W. O. Edye 160
Edward F. Beddall 162
Sir Wm. L. Booker 166
Harold A. Sanderson . . . . .168
William M. Massey . . . . . 172
George G. Ward 174
Sir Percy Sanderson * . . . . . . 178
Robert H. Turle ........ 180
E. F. Darrell 182
J. E. Grote Higgens 186
E. K. Beddall 188
L. B. Sanderson ........ 190
H. W. J. Bucknall 192
Old Badge of the Society ...... 246
New Badge of the Society. ...... 247
Facsimile of Present Certificate of Membership . . 248
Facsimile of Original Certificate of Membership . . 302
OF the many nationalities settling in cosmo-
I politan New York, the fortunate as a rule
form a social club, where they can enjoy
familiar pleasures and congenial companion-
ship ; the unfortunate look to such organizations to help
them in their difficulties. The fortunate Englishman
needs no social club, for the American clubs are most
generously opened to him and he is among his own kind
from the first. None the less the duty of helping his less
fortunate brethren falls upon him and should be wel-
comed as the highest form of patriotism. The St.
George's Society provides every opportunity that he
needs, and the only thing to be regretted is that its splen-
did work is not more generally known and appreciated.
It is fair to say that the St. George's Society of
New York is unique among charities. In the first
place it has a history extending over a century — a
century of charitable work — devoid of self-aggrandize-
ment of any form. None of the thousands who have
joined its membership can have done so for personal
profit or amusement; for it takes both money and ser-
vice from its members and gives nothing in return but
the pleasure of pure patriotism.
In the second place its charity is direct. With a
full knowledge of the importance of organized charity
one may yet say without fear of contradiction that
there is a place also for the charity which gives first
and asks afterwards. The St. George's Society can
boast that practically all of its funds go direct to the
needy. A large number of those who apply are people
of good education and upbringing to whom the methods
of organized charity would be particularly repugnant.
Not the most sensitive of these can say that there is
anything humiliating in the kind of assistance given
by the Society. For those who are out of employ-
ment, work is found, and those, who are in need, receive
both food and clothing. Often the recipient is un-
worthy of help, but he is helped again and again as
long as there is any possibility of a permanent improve-
Such a charity should surely command the support
of all true Englishmen, and one feels that, were it
better known, its membership would be increased
tenfold. Such a charity deserves also that its records
should be perpetuated, and, if this book helps in any
way to secure that much-to-be-desired increase of
members, the work of its compilers and revisers will
not have been in vain.
The first history of the Society was made in 1885
by a committee consisting of Messrs. Robert Waller,
E. F. Beddall and H. A. Racker. On them fell all
the hard work of collecting, arranging, and digesting
facts and records, scattered with varying degrees
of fullness and exactitude over the space of more than
a hundred years.
Last year it was decided that this volume should be
revised and brought up to date. The work of the
present committee has, of course, been as nothing
compared to that of their predecessors. The changes
introduced into the old text are chiefly those of revision
and correction. The long history has been made more
accessible by headlines and marginal dates. Some
repetitions and uninteresting matter have been left out,
and some interesting facts, unearthed from old news-
papers and private papers, have been added.
The connection between St. Luke's Hospital and St.
George's Society has been treated in a separate section,
so as not to interrupt the story of the Society. Por-
traits have been added to the revised lives of the Presi-
dents wherever such could be procured. Reproductions
of Raphael's "St. George with the Garter," of an
ancient and modern badge, and of the newly discovered
"Song for St. George's Society," have been introduced.
The outline of the life of St. George as the Patron Saint
of England has been compiled from the latest results
of modern research. An index has been added and the
history brought up to the time of the annual dinner
on St. George's Day, 1913.
It is the earnest hope of the undersigned that the
revised history may help to popularize the good work
of the Society among those whose pride it is to call
themselves Englishmen, or of English descent, and whose
greater pride should be to carry out those principles of
duty which have ever been the watchword of England.
It is also their sincere hope that, as the Society grows, it
may never change the methods, which have been char-
acteristic of it, through the long years of its history,
but that to all Englishmen who seek its aid may be
extended the charity which forgives to seventy times
seven, and the beautiful hope which may be symbolized
by that "unsightly root" mentioned in Comus,
which proved to be of "divine effect," and of which
1 The leaf was darkish and had prickles on it,
But in another country, as he said,
Bore a bright golden flower."
Charles W. Bowring
Francis H. Tabor
St. George for Merry England
"Thou, amongst those saints whom thou doest see,
Shall be a saint, and thine owne nation's frend
And patrone; thou Saint George shalt called bee,
SaintGeorge of merry England, the sign of victoree."
The doubts, that have hung for centuries around
the personality of St. George, the Patron-Saint of
England and the Champion of Christendom, have been
to some extent dispelled by modern research. It can
now be safely affirmed that his romantic and inspiring
figure must no longer be confused with that of George
of Cappadocia, the Arian bishop, who usurped the see
of Alexandria. The latest proof of this has been
given in an article, read before the Royal Society of
Literature in London, in which a Greek inscription,
dating back to A. D. 346, is described as taken from
a very ancient church in Syria. In this, St. George is
spoken of as a holy martyr, and the testimony seems
conclusive, as the other George, the Alexandrian
bishop, did not die until A. D. 362. The accusation,
therefore, that "we have had two St. Georges in history,
and, to our shame, we have made them one," cannot
be further levelled against those, at least, who have
studied the latest developments of the story.
His Life
The actual facts, that can be definitely accepted
about the famous soldier-martyr are, as might be ex-
pected, meagre in the extreme. The best authorities
agree that he was a native of Lydda in Palestine, where
he was born about A. D. 270 of a noble Cappadocian
Christian family. Very probably his youth was spent
in Cappadocia, and this gives a clue to the persistent
confusion of his career with that of his unworthy
namesake, George of Cappadocia. The young Christian
soldier served with distinction in the Roman army and
so highly was he regarded by the Emperor Diocletian
that he quickly rose to comparatively high rank. A
good part of his military career was spent in Persian
Armenia where tradition tells us he was exceedingly
active in organizing the Christian communities already
in existence there. The principal town in the main
province of this country was Urumiah, and, in it or
near it, several churches were afterwards founded in
his honour. In course of time the chief of these became
one of the most popular places of pilgrimage to which
sufferers resorted in cases of fear and great distress of
mind. It is interesting to note also that in the neigh-
bourhood of these churches there grew "a sacred rose-
bush of the single Persian variety, covering some fifty
square yards and visible miles away, making the air
heavy with its scent." This connection between the
Saint and the flower, that was adopted as one of his
symbols, would seem to show that the biblical "Rose
of Sharon" has always been dedicated to him.
It was after the Persian campaign came to an end
that St. George first came into contact with Britain,
at least according to legendary lore. Diocletian is
represented in the tale, that has come down to us, as
having sent him to Britain, which, after a long inde-
pendence, had been once more brought under the sway
of the Empire. All of this is very dubious, however,
willing though an enthusiastic follower of St. George
may be to believe it. The suggestion, made by Dr.
Clapton, the latest biographer of the Saint, that St.
George sailed through the Irish Sea and that it became
on that account known as St. George's Channel, is
little more than a pious wish that the details of a
shadowy story might be regarded as beyond the need
of sound historical proof.
The next fact mentioned in the Saint's life is one that
there is good cause for believing to be only too true.
This was an edict of the Emperor for the extermination
of the Christians throughout the Empire and it had
the effect upon St. George of causing him at once to
lay down his arms and cast in his lot with the perse-
cuted sect. He sought an interview with his former
master but was speedily laid under arrest, tortured,
and finally put to death at Nicomedsea on 23rd April, 303.
St. George in English History
The earliest fact, that links St. George to England,
may be considered to be the erection of the church over
his tomb at Lydda by Constantine the Great, who
became King of Britain and Emperor of Rome in
A. D. 306. This Emperor was not only half English
by blood, but he was born in the ancient city of York.
This first tribute to the Saint's memory was unfor-
tunately destroyed by the Saracens in the seventh
century and, although Richard Cceur de Lion rebuilt it
as a thanksoffering for his victories in the Crusades,
it is again but a memory for modern times.
To the members of all Societies bearing his name,
it should be of interest to note that the first instance
of St. George's name being employed as Patron and
Protector was in the case of King Arthur's Society of
St. George and the Round Table. The date of the
beginning of this is approximately put at about two
centuries after the Saint's martyrdom and the founda-
tion of this order of chivalry not only established the
fame of St. George on a firmer basis but has led to his
name being imperishably entwined not only with the
traditions but also in the literature of the English
speaking race.
In the actual history of England, the first mention
of St. George's name is forthcoming in the order of the
Council of Oxford in 1222, which declared that his
feast should be kept as a national festival, but it was
not till the reign of Edward III that he was really
elected patron of the Kingdom. In 1348 the great
soldier-king first did honour to the great soldier-martyr
by founding St. George's Chapel at Windsor. In the
following year, Thomas of Walsingham relates that, at
the siege of Calais, the king, moved by a sudden im-
pulse drew his sword with the exclamation: "Ha!
Saint Edward! Ha! Saint George!" The kingly
words and action fired the spirits of his soldiers and they
routed the French. From that time usually dates the
acceptance of St. George as the patron-saint of England,
instead of Edward the Confessor. It is significant to
notice that the celebrated order of the Garter was
instituted in 1350, almost immediately afterwards.
Indeed this order of chivalry was originally called by
the name of St. George, and it is not without significance
to the sympathetic mind to recall that the "Jewel" of
the Garter, which has since encircled many a haughty
neck, has ever been known on the tongues of men as
"The George," and that the centre of the star, that
has blazed on many a noble breast, has proudly borne,
through the centuries, the Cross of St. George as a
kind of oriflamme. Its supremely fine motto: "Honi
soil qui mal y pense" has not only been closely linked
ever since with the memory of St. George, but has
gradually been adopted by popular feeling as the most
fitting expression of the ideal of which the Saint is
the acknowledged archetype. It may be appropriate
here to quote what an old writer has well said of these
words so redolent of the spirit of true charity: "This
is a very great and lordly motto, marking the utmost
point and acme of honour, which is not merely in doing
no evil but in thinking none, and teaching that the
first — as indeed the last — nobility of education is in
the rule over our thoughts."
In 1415, the year of the great English victory of
Agincourt, the celebration of St. George's festival was
raised to the highest order of importance in the Church
by being put upon a level with Christmas Day, during
both of which times it was strictly enjoined that there
was to be a cessation from all kinds of servile work.
Since then, with the passing of the years, the English
votaries of St. George have carried his name far and
wide over the face of the earth. "On every ocean we
have borne his flag, on every island we have reared his
fame. We gave his name to St. George's Channel, the
stormy inlet of the Irish Sea. The direst peril on the
Atlantic Ocean we have called St. George's Bank.
From Behring Straits to Maine, from Florida to
Patagonia, we have set him on guard."
St. George and His Emblems
Reference has already been made to the rose as
St. George's flower and it was undoubtedly on account
of this circumstance that England came to regard it
as the national floral emblem. In like manner his
cross became the nation's flag. It is true that we
cannot all be Knights of the Garter save in spirit, but
to the plain gentleman, "whose limbs were made in
England," it is enough that the Cross of St. George
stirs him to the depths, when memory recalls it to him
as the national flag for many a long and momentous
year. It is enough for him that it flew over the head
of Drake when he swept the Armada before him on a
day big with fate for our race; enough, that it flaunted
itself when our sea-dogs grappled with the Dutchmen —
the hardiest foe against whom they ever double-shotted
a gun; and again enough, that it streamed on the
wind at the fore of the Victory when Nelson's spirit
passed amid the thunders of Trafalgar.
The glow of a just but well-curbed pride makes joy
run high and life be good for him when he remembers
"The dead dumb fog hath wrapped it — the frozen dews have kissed —
The morning stars have hailed it, a fellow star in the mist."
And, to-day, it lives as the elder brother in the triple
comradeship of the Union Jack, within whose massy
folds are entwined, let us hope for evermore, the
Crosses of St. George, St. Andrew, and St. Patrick.
St. George and the Dragon
St. George has always been represented in art, as
being armed as a knight, mounted on a rampant horse
and transfixing the dragon with his lance. In the
eyes of many generations now, he has ever appeared:
"Y'cladd in mightie armes and silver shielde as one for
knightly guists and fierce encounters fitt." The story
of the contest has really a much more ancient origin
than is popularly assigned to it, for all the traditions
relating to it are merely "sacred myths of faded creeds,
absorbed into the newer faith and recoloured." Modern
scholarship accepts it as a myth of the hoariest antiq-
uity, common both to the Aryan and Semitic peoples,
and reappearing only by adoption in Christian form.
It is essentially identical with the legendary tale of
Apollo and the Python, and of Perseus and Andromeda
in classical times, and with Sigard and Beowulf among
the Teutonic races. It is peculiarly significant that
the "Beowulf," the earliest and greatest recorded poem
that our ancestors brought with them when they con-
quered and settled in Britain, should have as its main
theme the hero's fight with the monster Grendal, a
struggle in all respects analogous to the more widely
known battle between St. George and the Dragon.
The latter tale first appears in "The Golden Legend"
of Jacques de Voragine and it was so readily swallowed
by the credulous clerks and laity of the Middle Ages
that it retained, for a lengthy period, a place in the
special services of the Church until one of the Popes
cut out the incident of the dragon and henceforward
St. George was simply acknowledged as a martyr. As
a matter of fact it seems feasible that the uncertainty,
which existed regarding him almost from his martyr-
dom, naturally tended to give the various composers
of his biography the opportunity of attaching to him
popular heathen myths which had been floating
unadopted by any Christian hero. The number of
warrior-saints in the calendar had never been very
great, and, as St. George was unprovided with a history,
the credulity of the monastic mind soon supplied the
deficiency. Despite such naive intentions however,
the exploit, now imperishably joined with the warrior-
saint's name, was never anything more than a repeti-
tion of the widely prevalent Aryan myth of the sun-
god as the conqueror of the powers of darkness.
St. George and Charity
Like many another Christian saint, St. George not
only entered into the inheritance of veneration pre-
viously enjoyed by a pagan hero, but he had also
finally to relinquish it except in the wider and higher
emblematical meaning which is now attached by man-
kind to the theme. The splendid allegory, of the
conflict between St. George and the Dragon as accepted
by the spirit of modern times, is peculiarly appropriate
when considered in the light of the aspirations of a
benevolent society. It is an inspiring circumstance
that, throughout many centuries, St. George has been
not only the Patron-Saint of England, and the Cham-
pion of Christendom, but also eminently a protector of
the distressed. The traditions, both of the East and
the West, have proclaimed that, from the first, sufferers
resorted in pilgrimage to his shrine when they were
in fear or grievous trouble.
In England during the Middle Ages many bene-
ficent foundations can have their origins traced to
the influence and example of St. George. To men-
tion but one instance, the earliest and not the
least famous of such institutions was the foundation
for the education of the poor and needy that was
reared by the generosity of William of Wykeham,
whose name has since been reverenced as "The
Father of English Public Schools." This great Eng-
lishman had organized for Edward III the order of
St. George, and he was fired with enthusiasm for the
high ideals and chivalrous aspirations of this "flower
of knighthood." These he embodied in his famous
statutes for his Colleges at Oxford and Winchester,
and his loving care for these children of his piety is
clear to all who care to read the "minutest directions
for the preservation of corporate unity and the moral
culture of truth, honour, and self-reliance." E. O.
Gordon in her book "Saint George," has aptly phrased
the lofty spirit which dominated and inspired this
pious and courtly English priest and gentleman.
"Wykeham's scholars," she writes, "like the Knights
of the Round Table and the Knights of the Garter, were
solemnly sworn, as soon as they attained to years of
discretion, loyally to maintain the honour of their
school and college. Thus the ancient laws of chivalry
were no longer confined to a few chosen leaders of noble
birth, but they became the actual foundations on which
the great fabric of national education has been reared."
In emulating the Saint's wide and tolerant charity,
his disciples now and hereafter will be most nearly
akin to him in spirit, for gratitude has long endeared
his memory, and piety has sealed his fame as "Christ's
faithful soldier and servant unto his life's end," and in
these latter days may the good works and manifold
activities of such a brotherhood as the St. George's
Society of New York bear fruit as the outward ex-
pression of that ideal of kindly deeds which it is the
duty and privilege of the living to hand on to the
generations that are yet unborn.
Historical Sketch
The degree of certainty, that can be attached to the
date usually accepted as marking the origin of any
society, is a point of never failing interest to its mem-
bers. The year 1786 has been hitherto regarded as
that in which the St. George's Society of New York
first saw the light. It was in this year that the records
of the Society were first kept; it was then also that
the Constitution of the Society was given its original
form; and it was in 1786 that the chair was filled by
the first of a now lengthy line of Presidents.
Despite these facts there has always existed among
the members a latent feeling that this date did not
fix the real beginning of their Society's affairs, and
it has been the good fortune of Henry W. J. Bucknall,
Esq., the President of this year, to give to the Society
a new certificate of birth, which antedates its start
exactly sixteen years. The clock has been put back
from 1786 to 1770. The dignity of added years
has suddenly become the portion of St. George's
Society of New York, and the romance lies in the
circumstance that the new chapter in its history
centres in the accidental discovery of a song.
In February last, the President received a letter
from Paul Dana, Esq., enclosing "A Song for St.
George's Society." This song had recently been
found among the papers of Winthrop Sargent, a
friend of Washington, and the first territorial Governor
of Mississippi. According to the original manuscript,
which Mr. Bucknall has kindly presented to the
Society, the song was "sung at the second anniversary
meeting of St. George in New York, April 23rd,
1771," to the tune of "The Black Sloven." The re-
production of it within these pages is the outcome
both of the President's generosity and of his desire
that all, who are glad of the find, may have an oppor-
tunity of easy reference to it.
Directly Mr. Bucknall had secured the prize, he
saw its importance as a proof of the Society's earlier
life, and he set on foot further inquiries about it. His
efforts were particularly successful as regards the tune
of the song. After communication with his brother
in London, that gentleman was fortunate enough to
run the tune to earth in the British Museum, where it
was found in The Universal Magazine of Knowledge
and Pleasure in which it is mentioned as taken from
The British Muse, published in February, 1771.
The celebration of St. George's day in New York
had, however, taken place for a number of years
previous to this, but it had been more of the nature of
a general rejoicing among English folks than a cere-
mony attached to the name of any particular society.
A few of these notices are added here to show the
general feeling which eventually was directed towards
the formation of the present Society.
Early Notices of St. George's Festivals
The earliest notice, that now exists, is to be found in
the New York Mercury of April 26th, 1762:
"Friday last, being the Anniversary of St.
1762 George, his Excellency, Sir Jeffrey Amherst
gave a ball to the ladies and gentlemen of this
city at Crawley's New Assembly Room. The com-
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[Transcription of "St. George's Song"]
Tune, "Black Sloven"
Ye Sons of St. George here assembled today
So honest and hearty so cheerful and gay,
Come join in the Chorus and Loyally Sing
In praise of Your Patron, your Country and King.
Tol le lol, Tol le lol, Tol le lol,
Tol le lol, Tol le lol, Tol le lol.
Tho' plac'd at a distance from Britain's bold Shore
From thence either We or our Fathers came o'er,
And in will, word, and deed we are Englishmen all
Still true to her cause and awake to her call. — Chorus.
Let Cressy, Poictiers and let Agincourt show
How our ancestors acted some ages ago,
While Minden's red field and Quebec shall proclaim
That their Sons are not changed, or in nature or name. — Chorus.
Should the proud Spanish Donns but appear on the Main
The Island they pilfered by Force to Maintain,
The brave Sons of Thunder our Wrongs will redress
And teach them again what they learned of Queen Bess. — Chorus.
Tho' the proud Roman Eagle to Britain was borne
Both Talons and Feathers got plaguily tome
And Caesar himself both with Foot and with Horse
Was glad to sneak off with — "It's well 'twas no worse." — Chorus.
Tho' party Contentions awhile may run high
When danger advances they'll Vanish and Die
While all with one Heart, hand, and Spirit unite
Like Englishmen Think and like Englishmen Fight. — Chorus.
Then here's to our King and O Long may he reign
The Lord of those Men who are Lords of the Main
While all the contention among us shall be
To make Him as happy as We are made free. — Chorus.
And here's to the Daughters of Britain's fair Isle
May Freedom and They ever crown with a Smile
The Sons of St. George, our good Knight so profound
The Sons of St. George — even all the World round.— Chorus.
pany consisted of 96 ladies and as many gentlemen,
all very richly dressed and 'tis said the entertainment
was the most elegant ever seen in America."
The same account is also printed in the New York
Gazette and Weekly Post Boy, issued on April 29th, 1762.
During the next few years the celebration appears
to have fallen somewhat in abeyance, at least the
concluding remark in the following notice would lead
one to that opinion.
The New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury of April
30th, 1770, contains this item of news:
"On Monday last the Gentlemen of the Eng-
1770 lish Nation, residing in this City, and those
descended from English Families, gave an ele-
gant Entertainment at Bolton's, to his Excellency,
General Gage, and his Honour, Lieut. Governor
Colden, in Commemoration of St. George, their
tutelar Saint; ninety-seven persons were present.
Fifty-one native English and forty-six Descendants;
the Day was celebrated in true Mirth and perfect
Harmony, every Heart being delighted with the festive
revival of a Custom much neglected in this City by
the Sons of the renowned St. George."
The year 1771 appears to have witnessed a more
than usually elaborate celebration. The notice in the
New York Journal of April 25th, of that year
1771 attaches special importance to the event and
is of interest as supplying the earliest toast-list
so far recorded.
"On Tuesday last, being the Anniversary of St
George, a Number of English Gentlemen, and Descend-
ants of English Parents, amounting in the whole to
upwards of an hundred and twenty, had an elegant
Entertainment at Bolton's, in Honour of the Day;
President John Tabor Kempe, Esq., His Majesty's
Attorney General; present, the Right Honourable the
Earl of Dunmore, his Excellency General Gage, the
Gentlemen of his Majesty's Council, etc., etc., etc.
On which Occasion the following Toasts were drank,
and the Company parted early and in high Good-
humour :
1. The King.
2. The Queen.
3. The Prince of Wales and the rest of the Royal Family.
4. The Constitution of England in Church and State.
5. The Navy and Army of Great Britain.
6. The Governor and Province of New York.
7. The Commander in Chief and Army in America.
8. His Majesty's principal Secretaries of State.
9. Prosperity to Great Britain and Ireland.
10. Prosperity to British America.
11. The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge.
12. The Mayor and Corporation of the City of New York.
13. Prosperity to King's College of the City of New York.
14. The Chamber of Commerce of the City of New York.
15. The Marine Society of the City of New York.
16. The Worthy Descendants of the First Settlers.
17. Our Brethren, the Sons of St. David.
18. Our Brethren, the Sons of St. Andrew.
19. Our Brethren, the Sons of St. Patrick.
20. Prosperity to the Manufactories of Great Britain and Ireland.
21. May the friends of Old England ever enjoy her Protection and her Enemies
feel her Resentment.
22. The Roast Beef of Old England.
23. The Sons of St. George in every quarter of the Globe, etc.
The New York Mercury, dated April 29th, also
repeats the above elaborate description. This note
is of peculiar interest, as it was at this celebration that
"The Song for St. George's Society" was first sung.
Rivington's New York Gazetteer, of April 29th, 1773,
contains the next reference:
"On Friday last the Sons of Saint George, with the
Descendants from English Families, celebrated the
memory of their thrice renowned Patron at
1773 Hull's Tavern: his Excellency the General, his
Majesty's Council, and the Judges honoured
this genteel Assembly with their presence; a royal
salute accompanied their gracious Sovereign's Health,
and the Day and Evening passed with that friendly
Gaiety, which has ever presided in these Anniversaries
of the festal Albions."
The New York Mercury April 25th, 1774, refers to
that year's meeting in these words:
"Saturday last being the Anniversary of St.
1774 George, the Champion of England, the same
was celebrated at Hull's Tavern, by a Number
of English Gentlemen, etc., etc., where the Day and
Evening were spent as is usual on such occasions."
Very nearly the same notice is repeated a few days
later in the New York Gazetteer.
In the Mercury of April 27th, 1778, we read that,
"Last Thursday the Sons of St. George in full Assembly,
at Hick's Long Room, celebrated the Annivers-
1778 ary of their Tutelar, and thrice renowned
Patron. The first Personages in this Country
honoured the Meeting with their Presence: a very
elegant Entertainment was provided, and the most
perfect Order, good Humour, and Hilarity presided,
during the Day and Night of the Festival."
Next year's account in the Mercury ran as follows:
"Friday was celebrated the Anniversary of the
1779 thrice renowned Saint George, Patron of
England when a great deal of Good Humour
presided over each Convivial Board, and, as usual, large
Libations of Generous Wine were consumed by the
Honest Sons and Descendants of John Bull."
The celebration of St. George's day in 1780 was
again prominently alluded to in the Mercury. The
toast list, of which a copy is given here, is of
interest on account of the large number of well- 1780
known names that received this honour.
"On Monday last, the Anniversary of the Tutelar
Saint of Old England, the Thrice Renowned St. George,
was celebrated with universal festivity; the houses of
entertainment were filled with his true Sons, who
passed the day and evening with their wonted cheer-
fulness and good humour. The sons of St. George
celebrated the festivity of their tutelar Saint, at Mr.
Strachan's Queen's Head Tavern, where an elegant
dinner was prepared for that purpose. The following
loyal toasts were drank, and the day spent with every
social enjoyment.
1. The Day, St. George and the Dragon.
2. King.
3. Queen, and Royal Family.
4. Navy and Army.
5. General Clinton.
6. General Knyphausen.
7. Admiral Arbuthnot.
8. Governor of the Province.
9. General Tryon.
10. General Pattison.
11. General Prevost and the brave troops that so gallantly defended Georgia
against the combined forces of French and Rebels.
12. The immortal memory of Colonel Maitland.
13. Lord North and the Majority of both Houses.
14. Admirals Rodney, Ross and Digby.
15. Admiral Parker.
16. The Sons and Daughters of St. George in every part of the world.
17. The Sons of St. David, St. Andrew and St. Patrick.
18. A speedy revival of civil authority and a happy reinstatement of the Loyal
19. Peace with America honourable to Great Britain."
We have repeated these lengthy toasts, partly on
account of their historical interest and it is fair to
assume, we think, from these references and from the
tone and spirit indicated by the toasts proposed at the
anniversary dinners, that the Society, whatever else
it may have been, had a decidedly political complexion,
in its early days. Be it understood, however, that
these sentiments were expressed before the United
States had secured their independence, and at a time
when Englishmen, both here and at home, believed
that the contest then raging would eventually terminate
in the success of the British arms.
The Mercury of April 30th, 1781, informs its readers
that "On Monday last being the Anniversary of St.
George (tutelar Saint of England), the Disciples
1781 of that thrice renowned Champion met in
Celebration of it, at Mr. Amory's Tavern,
where an elegant entertainment was provided, and the
Day passed in Mirth, Song, and true Jocundity." The
Royal Gazette published by Rivington, also prints the
above in its issue of April 25th, 1781. In the next
year the same newspaper contains a prominent adver-
tisement of the approaching festival. This appears in
copies of the paper for April 17th and April 20th, and
the announcement is in these terms: "The Sons of
St. George and their Descendants propose to celebrate
the Anniversary of their thrice renowned Champion
on the 23rd of April, at Mr. Strachan's Tavern. Gen-
tlemen, who propose to assemble on this occasion are
desired to leave their names at Mr. Rivington's."
In the next issue of the Royal Gazette on April 24th,
1782, the celebration is duly mentioned as having
passed over with its usual success.
"The Anniversary of St. George, tutelar Saint of
England, was yesterday celebrated by his Sons and
Descendants: entertainments were given by the
first Personages at their own houses, and dinners 1782
provided at the principal Taverns in this City;
the day and evening passed with that decorum and
cheerfulness which ever prevails on the commemoration
of this thrice renowned Champion."
Period of Revolutionary War
After this date, the newspapers are significantly
silent on the topic of St. George's day of festival. This
is not to be wondered at when it is recalled
that New York was finally evacuated by 1783-86
the British troops on November 25th, 1783,
and that nearly a thousand families followed them in
loyalty to their king and the mother-land across the
sea. From the quotations that have been already
given it will be seen that, during the greater part of
the Revolutionary War and as long as New York
remained in the possession of the British forces, the
Sons of St. George kept his flag flying in hope, and it
was not long until they revived, as it were, with an
increased vigour which they displayed to their fellow-
citizens by the establishment of the Society whose
history has remained unbroken ever since.
The results of the war were accepted as final, and from
that time the Society ceased to take any active part in
politics, thenceforward devoting its energy and means
to relieving the necessities of its fellow-countrymen and
in promoting the social enjoyment of its members.
For many years after the war it may be safely assumed
that an Englishman's lot in New York was not a
happy one. The animosities engendered by that deadly
contest, and the spirit, in which it was waged, naturally
created an unfriendly feeling between the two countries
which time alone could soften, hence the necessity for
some such organization as this to bring Englishmen
together and enable them to obtain among themselves
that social relaxation and enjoyment which was denied
them by others of the community. But the final
extinction of the bitterness caused by the war, and the
renewal of friendly relations soon happily rendered
this exclusiveness in social life no longer necessary.
This was exemplified some half a century later, when
prominent members of the Society assisted in founding
the St. George's Cricket Club, and appointed for
several years thereafter, St. George's Day as a holiday,
in order that they might visit the grounds decorated
with the flags of the two nations floating on either side
of the Cross of St. George. This was done without
causing any manifestation of dissent such as might
have occurred at an earlier date. The kindly and
charitable feeling, of long duration now between the
two nations and ever-widening with the years, has
enabled the Society to concentrate its influence and
resources upon the development of that higher purpose
of benevolence for which it was primarily created.
Loss of the Original Book of Minutes
During the yellow fever epidemic of 1822, the early
records of the Society, comprised in the Book of
Minutes, were lost and the only data
1786-1824 prior to that time at the disposal of the
compilers were found in the following in-
teresting sketch prepared by George Chance, Samuel
Corp, Robert Barnes, and Joseph Fowler, a committee
appointed at a quarterly meeting held in January,
1828. This report was presented and adopted at a
subsequent meeting in April, 1830.
"The St. George's Society of New York was estab-
lished in the year 1786, immediately after the date of
the introduction prefixed.
"It arose from the congenial feelings of some native
English then settled here, who felt, that though this
was to be their permanent residence, they could not
restrain the gratifying recollections of their native land,
or be unmindful of the condition of any who might
resort to their vicinity in a state of indigence or dis-
"They formed a band who should delight in period-
ical meetings, with a view of cherishing social inter-
course among themselves, and devising means for the
relief and happiness of others.
"The most prominent character in organizing the
Society was Mr. John Wilkes, a true-born Englishman,
with a heart full of kindness and abounding in all the
social affections, whose worth, justly appreciated as
it was by numerous and respectable connections, soon
created subscribers to a constitution, and the English
of character, finding their way hither, almost without
exception became members, either permanent or hon-
orary, according as their residence was either fixed
or transient.
"Although it is said that this Society was established
in 1786, yet, as there had existed one before the Revolu-
tionary War, with the same title and of somewhat
similar character, it was resolved in the following year
to make eligible and to invite, as new members, any
of the antecedent Association, or their immediate de-
scendants or friends, though natives of this country,
who might be desirous of enrolling themselves, and
thus evincing respect for the land of their ancestors
and manifesting their sentiments of charity and be-
"The few lines of introduction to these sheets were
from the pen of the late Richard Harison, Esq., of this
city, to whose memory, whether we regard individual
worth or professional renown, every tribute of respect,
every token of our esteem is due. Of capacious mind
and expanded imagination, it was natural that the
associations he indulged in should draw and fix his
admiration upon the land whence were derived the
precepts which had been the subjects of his ardent
and unwearied studies, and that with this enlightened
bias, he should look with a friendly eye and a feeling
heart toward an institution of this character, and he
became of the Society.
"In like manner, a most exemplary and estimable
personage, long since deceased, the Rev. Dr. Moore,
afterward the venerated Bishop of the Diocese, was
an early, cheerful and efficient member, long acting as
one of the Charitable Committee.
"The expressive motto on the seal of the Society
was of his selection:
" 'Let Mercy be our Boast and Shame our only Fear.'
"The present members of the St. George's Society,
united as all preceding them have been, in the bonds of
charity and good-will, feel grateful for the aid their
cause has received from their own countrymen and
from so many distinguished citizens of the State.
Their institution rears its structure upon the basis of
benevolence and love of country, and ought to be
supported by every native of character who lands upon
the American shore. It is their determination to
dispense what good may be in their power, and although
most of them have made their homes in this, their
adopted country, they cannot cease to venerate that
of their forefathers, or rejoice in holding up the vir-
tuous characters to whom it has given birth, as ex-
amples for emulation."
Original Constitution Lost and Found
The Book of Minutes, containing the earliest pro-
ceedings of the Society, commencing April 16th, 1823,
mentions that the original Constitution was then lost,
probably at the same time and under the same circum-
stances as the first Book of Minutes disappeared. At
a meeting held about the same time a resolution was
adopted authorizing the Secretary to advertise for it
in the Evening Post and the New York Gazette. Whether
this effort to regain it was successful or not does not
clearly appear, but, as the result of diligent search
and careful inquiry, a copy of the Rules was fortunately
discovered in the possession of Mr. J. H. V. Cockcroft,
a grandson of James Cockcroft who had been elected
in 1787 a member of the Society. It was placed at the
disposal of the Society by the courtesy of its owner
and a fac-simile of this most interesting document will
be found in the appendix to the present work. It will
assuredly appeal to the historical sense of the members
of the St. George's Society, since it is the earliest
charter in existence not only of their liberties but also
of their duties and privileges as a charitable and social
The unfortunate and irreparable loss of the first
Minutes renders it impossible to give any history of the
youth of the Society and it cannot now be
1786-1824 ascertained if any amendments to the Con-
stitution were adopted within that period.
One or two very meagre details have, however,
been preserved from the Treasurer's books for 1809 to
1812, 1815 to 1819, and from subscription lists for the
annual dinners in 1819 and 1822. According to these
it would appear that at some time previous to 1809
the dues from members had been changed from an
annual subscription of thirty shillings, to an initiation fee
and annual subscription of five dollars respectively, and
that in 1816 the initiation fee was raised to ten dollars.
In 1815 it is recorded over the signature of the
Secretary, Thomas Proctor, that "during the war no
annual meetings were called," and that at a
1815 meeting held at the Bank Coffee House on
April 3rd of the same year, a resolution was
passed making it optional for members to pay their
Change of Name
From the Minute Book commencing April 16th,
1823, already referred to, it appears that the name of
the Society was changed in the year 1824, from
1824 the "Society of St. George" to the "St.
George's Society of New York." Provision had
also been made for the election of Life Members
on the payment of a sum not less than fifty
dollars, which, together with any donations received,
was to constitute a Permanent Fund and the interest
thereon alone was to be used in charity. The dates
of the quarterly meetings had also been changed from
the 23rd of January, April, July and October, to the
10th day of those months, the number of the Stewards
increased from four to six, the fine for absence at the
Annual Dinner and at the quarterly meetings had been
abolished and a set of Bye-Laws framed for the govern-
ment of the Society, which have been maintained up
to the present time substantially as they were originally
At the quarterly meeting held January 10th, 1825,
the following additional article was unanimously
adopted and added to the Constitution: "No 1825
alteration shall be made in this constitution
unless such alteration shall have been proposed at a
previous quarterly meeting."
Friendly Relations with Kindred Societies
Two years later, Thomas Dixon, Esq., who was then
in the President's chair, received an invitation from
the St. Andrew's Society, to be present at
their annual banquet, but, owing to his 1827-28
absence in Canada, he was unfortunately
compelled to decline the friendly invitation. In the
following year, however, the President was in a posi-
tion to accept a similar honour offered to him by the
Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. From the prominence
given in the minutes to these incidents it would appear
that this was the commencement of a practice, since
so happily followed, of inviting the Presidents of each
of these sister societies to be present at the annual
banquets given by the others. It may be worth noting
also that, in the beginning of this year, another addition
to the personnel of the Society's officers was made by
the passing of another amendment providing for the
election of one or more physicians.
Attempt to Aid Immigrants
In 1830 a motion was put forward by the Rev. Dr.
Wain wright, "that a committee be appointed to take
into consideration the expediency of establish-
1830 ing in this City, an English Emigrant Office,
under the patronage of this Society, for the
purpose of giving advice and assistance to persons
newly arrived in this country, and if expedient to re-
port a plan for carrying the design into effect." This
having been readily carried, a committee of five was
appointed to consider the subject, and in June of the
same year a report was presented recommending the
establishment of such an office. In January of the
next year this laudable effort had to be abandoned
as the committee found themselves unable to raise the
funds necessary for carrying out the project.
The difficulty of obtaining a quorum at the quarterly
meetings appears to have received the attention of the
officers at this time, and in 1831 a motion was
1831 made to amend the Constitution so as to make
nine a quorum, but the proposition was nega-
tived, as likewise was a motion of the same date to
prevent the re-election of the President, Vice-Presi-
dents, and Secretaries. In this same year an effort
was made to amend the clause in the Constitution
relating to the Secretaries, by making it read two
Secretaries in place of Secretary and Assistant Secre-
tary. This was not successful, but a motion to reduce
the number of the Stewards from six to four, made at
the same meeting, was adopted.
Financial Worries
In January, 1835, the Treasurer's report showed a
debit balance of $264.06 against the Charitable Fund,
and a committee of three was appointed to
devise means for replenishing that fund. At a 1835
subsequent special meeting held in the following
month the committee stated that, according to the
terms of the Constitution, "they discovered that the
only constitutional power they possessed of enlarging
the charitable or disposable fund consisted in obtaining
new members," and the matter was then dropped. An
informal resolution, however, was passed by the meet-
ing to the effect that each member should exert his
influence with those of his acquaintances who were
eligible to obtain their consent to be proposed as
members of the Society at their next meeting. Follow-
ing up this idea a committee of five was appointed at
a special meeting held in March, 1835, "to collect and
present at a future meeting of the Society, the names
of Englishmen, residents and such others as are eligible
to become members of the Society." The task of this
Committee seems to have been so successfully accom-
plished that, at the next regular meeting on April 10th,
sixteen new members were proposed and afterwards
elected. At a special meeting, held within the next
week, a slight alteration was made in the fifth Bye-law.
Under the original form of this, it had been provided
that the expenses of the guests at the annual dinner
should be borne by the Society. The new amendment
struck out the words, "the charge of whom shall be
borne by the Society," and substituted for them, "but
no expense attending the dinner shall be chargeable
to the Charitable or Permanent Fund."
Qualifications for Membership
The second article of the Constitution defining who
were eligible for membership was likewise amended at
the same meeting, and made to read as follows:
"The following persons may be admitted members
of the Society:
"1. A native of England.
"2. A son of a native.
"3. A grandson of a native.
"4. British officers and their sons, wherever born.
"5. Natives of British Territories who may be sons or grandsons of Englishmen.
The minutes of April 10th, 1835, state that a com-
mittee had been appointed "to prepare for the press
a list of members with the Constitution and Bye-Laws
of the Society, and that 500 copies of the same be
printed as early as practicable. This duly appeared in
pamphlet form, giving the articles of the Constitution
of the Society, revised to February 4th, 1836, and also
a sketch of the origin and design of the Society to-
gether with a list of the members. A copy of this
pamphlet is preserved in the rooms of the Society at
108 Broad Street and is of interest as being, in a way,
the forerunner of the present volume.
The same minutes record that "the committee be
instructed to draw up an address expressive of the
nature, wants, and claims of the Society, and that a
copy thereof and of the list of members be transmitted
to such persons as may, by membership or otherwise,
be likely to promote the interests of the Society."
This committee, consisting of Joseph Fowler, James
Chesterman, Charles Edwards, Moses Isaacs, and Dr.
Bartlett, presented their report at the meeting of the
Society, held on January 11th, 1836. The following is
an extract:
"A scheme which has for its object the benefit of
one's fellow creatures never fails to awaken in the breast
of the philanthropist a lively interest in its favour.
To the humane and benevolent, therefore, no apology
for the members of the St. George's Society will be
required for placing before them some of the charac-
teristics of an institution which its officers have reason
to believe has been sometimes misrepresented and is
not generally well understood.
"Half a century has elapsed since the formation of
this Society, and it has been continued with little
interruption in useful, though not extensive operation
to the present day. An erroneous idea has prevailed,
and which may not in every instance have been re-
moved, that the funds of the Society have been lavished
at the festive board. This is not true. The annual
dinner is provided at the expense of the members who
partake of it, and in some instances a surplus of money,
arising from the subscriptions to it, has been trans-
ferred to the Treasury Box of the Society. If some-
times at a meeting the social glass and the national
song have found a place, all will agree that it was in
good keeping with natural feeling, and few will be
found to condemn the practice. For the more ex-
tensive usefulness of the Society the great want is, in
plain language — money. There are other means, how-
ever, by which great service may be rendered, such as
seeking out proper objects and examining the cases
of applicants for relief, certificates of which will
always be cheerfully attended to by any member
of the Charitable Committee, whose duty may be
thereby rendered less burdensome and its performance
"The great claim on the members, and on those
who may, by becoming members, or in any other way,
enjoy the privilege of doing good, is — their countrymen
in distress, strangers in a strange land, — and although
few have it in their power to relieve every case, to the
credit of humanity be it said, fewer still is the number
of those who can look on such a scene with cold in-
difference. It need hardly here be stated that the
cases which call for charitable aid are numerous.
Those who, urged by philanthropy, or in the course of
their duty as officers of some charitable institution,
have made a winter's walk through the narrow streets
and by-lanes of this large city — those and those only
can duly appreciate the value of a few dollars, or what
good even a single dollar may sometimes effect in the
garret, the cellar, and the hovel, when properly dis-
tributed and seasonably applied. It is not so much
the common beggar, whose home is in every street and
at everybody's door, who claims the attention of the
Charitable Committee; it is more frequently the silent
sufferer who has seen better days; assistance to whom,
when administered with delicacy, comes nearer the
heart of both him who gives and him who receives.
Benevolence is the avowed purpose of the Society, the
every-day work of the Charitable Committee, and
may it not shine forth once a year through the fellow-
ship of that band, united for the perpetuity of the means
which may keep the hands of Charity in constant
The address concluded with an appeal to all who were
charitably disposed to assist the Society, either by
becoming members, if eligible, or by subscribing to its
funds; but the success attending its circulation was
apparently limited, since at the April quarterly meeting
of the same year the question how to increase the
membership was again considered, and a committee of
eighteen was appointed to promote this object. Also
at this meeting a committee of five, to which the Presi-
dent was subsequently added, was selected to devise
means for increasing the Permanent Fund. The
records fail to show what success attended the efforts
of the first named committee, but the second would
seem to have taken up the subject vigorously, for in
January of the following year they were able to report
a substantial addition to the Permanent Fund of the
The Fiftieth Anniversary
The fiftieth anniversary of the Society naturally
filled the members with enthusiasm and made the
dinner of that year one of unique interest. The cele-
bration which took place in Mr. W. Niblo's saloon,
afterwards Niblo's Theatre, was attended by nearly a
hundred and fifty members and their friends. The
occasion, fraught with so much importance in the
annals of the Society, passed off with great eclat. The
stir it produced was so widespread that The Albion
newspaper actually devoted a whole page of its news
in order to give the event due prominence. The
following quotations are taken from the opening speech
of the President, Joseph Fowler, Esq.
In the first of these he gives timely expression to
that good taste and kindly feeling that have ever been
characteristic of the Society. "I hardly know how to
give utterance to the sentiments which crowd into my
mind, on this, to the Sons of St. George, most inter-
esting occasion, and I shall do but justice to the pur-
poses of the assembly, when I say, that it is not for
mere pageantry — that it is not with feelings of vanity
or ostentation — but with hearts feelingly open to every
sentiment of benevolence and patriotism, that we have
this day met to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary
of our Society — to celebrate our Jubilee.". . .
"On an occasion so fitting, none will withhold the
tribute of affection due to the founders of this Society —
to those true-born, warm-hearted Englishmen who,
more than half a century ago, gave to this Institution
its starting impulse — and who, to use the expressive
language of a worthy member who contributed to that
impulse and is yet with us, 'formed a band who should
delight in periodical meetings, with the view of cher-
ishing social intercourse among themselves and devising
means for the relief and happiness of others.' '
The Society and the City Corporation
In 1837 the funds of the Society were again quite
inadequate to relieve the wants of many applicants.
A committee was appointed for the purpose of
1837 asking a donation from the Corporation of the
city in order to meet the serious calls made upon
the Society. This application was presented in due
course to the Board of Aldermen, accompanied by a
petition signed by prominent members of the Society,
but the Board declined to make any contribution.
Undeterred by this refusal the committee worked
on, and by means of private subscriptions from members
endeavoured to procure the needed funds. Mr. James
Boorman having offered $500 on condition that an
additional $1,000 was secured, a special subscription
was set on foot which resulted in the collection of over
$1,600. About $1,200 was spent in the immediate relief
of 170 individuals and families, and the balance was
placed to the credit of the Charitable Fund. The
Collecting Committee appointed for this special work
was then dissolved after receiving the cordial thanks
of the Society for its successful exertions.
A St. George's Day in New York
Under the above heading a very full account of the
celebrations of this year was published in The Albion.
The following remarks are taken from the news-
paper in question: 1838
"The twenty -third of April was a proud day
for the Sons of St. George. ... It was ushered in by
the arrival of the noble Sirius steaming the latest tidings
from their native shores. At the earliest break of day
the Stewards of St. George's Festival repaired on
board this cunning and adventurous craft, to greet and
welcome the gallant commander and his crew."
Later in the day the Great Western on its voyage
from Bristol came to anchor in the East River. These
two arrivals naturally created unusual excitement, as
they solved the problem of successfully navigating the
Atlantic by steam power. There was also a local
cause for rejoicing, as on this day the banks of the
City of New York resumed specie payment after a
suspension of nearly a year. "Under such happy
auspices did the Sons of St. George assemble to cele-
brate the fifty-second anniversary of their benevolent
The anniversary dinner was held at the Carlton
House at the corner of Leonard Street and Broadway,
and among the guests were the commanders of the
Sirius and the Great Western, Lieutenant Roberts, R.N.
and Lieutenant Hoskin, R.N. Among the toasts
drunk was one in honour of this memorable event. It
was given in these terms:
"Success to the two great steamship companies in
their endeavours to form a more speedy communication
between Great Britain and the United States."
Act of Incorporation
A committee, appointed to increase the Permanent
Fund, put forward at this time a recommendation
relating to the incorporation of the Society. This
matter was taken up for discussion at a general meeting
and a new committee of three was chosen to carry the
plan into effect. This committee reported in January,
1840 that, with the kindness and assistance of friends,
they had been enabled to obtain the following Act of
Incorporation, passed on March 23rd, 1838.
"The people of the State of New York, represented in
Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
1. Anthony Barclay, Joseph Fowler, Charles Ed-
wards, Rev. Manton Eastburn, and such other persons
as now or may hereafter become associated with them,
are hereby constituted a body corporate by the name
of the St. George's Society of New York.
2. The objects of said Society are benevolent and to
afford relief to the indigent natives of England, their
wives and children.
3. The corporation shall have power to make by-
laws, rules and regulations for the admission of its
members and their government, the election of its
officers and their duty and government, the expelling
any of its members for not obeying its laws, and for
the safe keeping of its property and funds.
4. The said corporation may purchase and hold real
and personal estate, but the annual income of the said
real and personal estate which the said corporation
may at any one time hold shall not exceed five thousand
5. The said corporation shall possess the general
powers and be subjected to the general restrictions and
liabilities presented in the third title of the eighteenth
chapter of the first part of the revised Statutes."
The committee having been advised that a resolution
had better appear on the minutes of the Society at
some general meeting showing that this Act was ac-
cepted and recognized, the following resolution was
accordingly prepared and adopted:
"This Society having been incorporated under its
present style by an act of the Legislature of the State
of New York on the twenty-third day of March,
eighteen hundred and thirty-eight.
Resolved: That such Act be accepted and recog-
nition revert back to the time when the said Act
became a law, and so as to cover all the proceedings
from that period, and all future proceedings of the
Society, and be binding on all its then and present
and future members."
A Great Charity Concert
The funds available for distribution would seem at
this period to have been unusually low. A motion
was laid before a meeting in October, 1838, to make
arrangements for giving a Charity Ball but this
was dropped and a concert recommended
1839-40 instead. This took place in the City
Hotel on February 5, 1839, and yielded
nearly two hundred and fifty dollars.
The efforts to obtain outside help were afterwards
repeated, and on December 23, 1840, another concert,
on a much more ambitious scale, was given at the
National Opera House. The advent of this concert
was proclaimed in the advertisements of The Albion in
the following glowing terms:
"On this occasion the stage will present a coup d'oeil
of a most imposing description and which for arrange-
ments and adaptation for the purpose will be without
a parallel in the United States." Another statement,
taken from the same source, will strike the present
day reader as somewhat novel: "The greatest care
has been taken to obviate the scruples of those who
from conscientious motives do not generally visit a
The success of this concert was largely due to the
eminence of the artists who volunteered their services,
amongst them being the veteran Braham who sang,
"The Death of Nelson" and "The Bay of Biscay."
From a financial point of view the concert also came
up to the most sanguine expectations and the sum of
$1,300 was handed over to the Society after all expenses
had been paid. The Albion in concluding its descrip-
tion of the evening, remarked that, "If ever there was
a doubt as to the stability of the building, Wednes-
day evening must have dispelled it, as it was a
perfect cram wheresoever a human being could be
Diploma of Membership
The membership of the St. George's Society has
always been esteemed a worthy honour and this feeling
was evinced by the fact that at a meeting on October
18th, 1840, a committee was appointed to draft a form
of membership to be issued to members. A design was
prepared by Messrs. Rawdon, Wright and Hatch, en-
gravers, and this was accepted as suitable and ordered
to be printed. The form and wording of this diploma
are not given, nor is there any indication appearing in
the minutes of what they consisted. It is probable,
however, that this diploma was the same as the Certifi-
cate of Membership still in use, a copy of which will
be found further on in this volume.
Birth of Prince of Wales
The birth of the Prince of Wales, in 1841, called
forth a motion to give a ball in honour of the event,
and a committee was appointed to make the
necessary arrangements. No record of the sue- 1841
cess attending the ball is given, except in a
paragraph in the annual report of the Charitable Com-
mittee where it is stated that the sum of $700 was
realized from the ball.
Office of Almoner
Until the year 1842 the work of inquiring into the
merits of the numerous applicants for relief rested
entirely with the individual members of the
Charitable Committee. At the January meet- 1842
ing of that year, however, a motion was brought
forward, "That the President ex-officio shall be a mem-
ber of the Charitable Committee in addition to the
number of which the Committee at present consists,
and that he shall have the same power to dispense
money in charity, as is now allowed by the rules to
members of the Charitable Committee. And that in
addition such committee shall be empowered to appoint
a trusty person to visit and report to them who are
and who are not proper objects for the relief of the
Society, and to remunerate the said person for his
trouble in making such report." This was adopted at
the next meeting and was the initial step in the pro-
curing of a salaried Almoner, an office which, with
one temporary interruption, has since been con-
tinued with marked advantage to the interests of the
In 1844 an unfortunate episode occurred in the
abrupt withdrawal of the President of this Society
from a dinner given by the Friendly Sons of St.
1844 Patrick. From the prominence attached to it
in the minutes, the incident would seem to have
produced considerable feeling and excitement at the
time. The cause of the President's withdrawal was in
reference to the question of making the "Repeal of the
Union," one of the toasts which he would have had to
honour in his official capacity if he had remained in
the banquet-room.
Queen Victoria's Portrait
In the beginning of this year a committee was given
full power to obtain for the Society, a portrait of Her
Majesty, Queen Victoria, and they were also
1845 authorized to raise by subscription the funds
needed to secure it. An attempt was made to
get Mr. Partridge to copy his celebrated portrait of the
Queen, but the price asked was more than the com-
mittee felt warranted in spending. Negotiations were
then entered into with Mr. Carden, Her Majesty's own
artist, to execute a replica of Winterhalter's portrait
in Windsor Castle. The outcome of this was that the
picture was obtained and presented by the Committee
to the Society at a special meeting held on St. George's
Day in 1852. From that time until the death of the
Queen in 1901, it was displayed at every banquet of
the Society. It was then lent to the Hamilton Hotel
Company in Bermuda, on the condition that they
would display it in a suitable manner.
On April 2nd, 1846, a special meeting was called for
the purpose of taking into consideration the pro-
priety of consolidating the British Protective
Emigrant Society with the St. George's Society. 1846
The Committee which was appointed to consider
this presented a report advising against the proposed
amalgamation, and the subject was dropped.
St. George's day in 1847 was celebrated in very
prosaic form by the Society. At the previous meeting
the Society had agreed to dispense with the
dinner in consequence of the distressed condition 1847
of Ireland and other parts of Europe, but Mr.
Thomas Warren pointed out that; "The repugnance of
the members of the Society generally to the postpone-
ment of the dinner is apparent from the fact, that, on
this day, there are to be no less than four different
dinners of the members at various places, without the
union, conviviality, sanction, or respectability of an
ordinary public dinner of the Saint George's Society."
Considerable dissatisfaction seems to have been caused
by "the lack of courtesy evinced by the Society in not
earlier notifying the Stewards of an intention to forego
the annual anniversary." This rather militant resolu-
tion was eventually dropped and another one of a
conciliatory nature carried. In it the Society assured
the Stewards that the omission of the festivities "origin-
ated only in honest motives," and it was further hoped
that "the Stewards will so regard the action of the
preceding meeting, under the circumstances in which
the Society was placed, to have been admissible as a
matter of necessity rather than of choice." At the
same meeting there was a general feeling that extra
subscriptions should be asked for in aid of the Benevo-
lent Fund, and a committee of seven was appointed
for the purpose of carrying this out. Their efforts met
with very little success and, at a subsequent meeting,
they declared that it was with deep and lasting regret
that they were "obliged to report that the very small
sum of $186 is all that has been received." Such a
paltry sum being totally insufficient to meet the im-
mediate needs of the Society, a new committee of
seven was selected to make a more extended effort to
fill the empty coffers, but the records fail to show what
success was the outcome of this. At any rate the end
of the year found things looking very black from a
financial point of view. The President stated at the
December meeting that they had an exhausted Treas-
ury and that the Charitable Committee had communi-
cated to him, "the painful fact that they were not only
without funds wherewith to relieve the many pressing
applications which are made to them at the present
inclement season of the year, but that the Society's
account with the Treasurer had been already over-
drawn to a considerable amount."
The funds of the Society continuing to be insufficient,
unusual efforts were made to increase them, and in
April, 1848, advantage was taken of the anni-
versary to hold a special service at Trinity 1848
Church at which, after an address suitable to
the occasion, delivered by the Rev. Dr. Wainwright, a
collection was made which amounted to $111.60. The
sum thus realized was handed over to the Charitable
Fund. The practice, then for the first time started,
of attending divine service at Trinity Church was
followed for several years afterwards, but was dropped
as a regular custom in 1853. Since then, however,
attendance at Trinity Church has always been re-
garded by the Society as a seemly duty upon special
Another special committee, appointed at the quar-
terly meeting held April 10th, 1848, "to consider and
report upon the best mode to make known to British
subjects resident in New York, the object and design
of St. George's Society, and to obtain an accession of
members," resulted in a lengthy report being presented
at the next meeting on April 17th. This contained a
number of recommendations for the more prompt col-
lection of the dues from the members and a more
economical distribution of the funds. On a motion,
dealing with this report, it was resolved: "That a
Finance Committee be forthwith appointed, whose
duty it shall be to superintend the investment of the
Society's funds accumulating from time to time, inclu-
sive of the sum now in the Treasurer's hands, and
whose duty it shall be to collect the arrears due from
members in a prompt and effective manner." The
decision was also arrived at, that the office of Almoner
should be abolished and notice was given to amend
the Constitution so as to provide that in the future all
subscriptions and donations should be added to the
Permanent Fund, and that the Committee of Charity
should be empowered to spend only the interest that
accrued from any such fund.
The final form of the resolution runs as follows:
"All subscriptions and donations are to be added to
the Permanent Stock of the Institution, and the Com-
mittee of Charity are authorized to expend only a sum
equal to the interest derived from said fund; nor shall
the Treasurer advance any sums to be disposed of in
charity beyond the actual means derived from said
interest." This resolution, however, was subsequently
rescinded by a unanimous vote at the quarterly meeting
held January 10th, 1849.
Union with the British Protective Emigrant
At the meeting held May 4, 1848, a proposal for
uniting the British Protective Emigrant Society with
the St. George's Society was brought forward for con-
sideration. The amalgamation of the two societies
was advocated by the Committee appointed to discuss
the matter and the following Articles agreed to:
1. "That the above named Societies be united.
2. That the functions of the British Protective
Emigrant Society be hereafter managed by a
committee of twelve, and be designated the
British Protective Emigrant Committee, with
power to form rules and regulations for carrying
out the objects for which the B. P. E. Society
was established.
3. That the above committee shall consist one half
members of St. George's Society and the other
half members of the B. P. E. Society at the date
of its union with St. George's, or of persons in
future subscribing not less than five dollars per
annum for the purpose of said British Protective
Emigrant Committee, although not members of
St. George's Society nor eligible to be elected
thereto. Said committee shall be elected at the
annual meeting of St. George's Society held for the
election of its officers.
4. Future subscriptions and donations to the British
Protective Emigrant Committee shall be paid to
the Treasurer of the St. George's Society.
5. There shall be provided from the funds of the
St. George's Society a sufficient sum annually
for the maintenance of the objects of the said
B. P. E. Committee, which sum shall be equal to
the usual and average sum heretofore expended by
the B. P. E. Society for that purpose, should that
amount be deemed necessary by said committee."
Fanny Kemble
The friendly union between the two Societies was
fitly celebrated by a concert in January, 1849. This
was highly successful, realizing over $1,100, one
half of which went to the funds of each society. 1849
Another concert, given during the last month
of the year, was rendered memorable by the fact that
Mrs. Fanny Kemble, the great English actress, gave a
display of her talent to an enthusiastic and entranced
audience. The committee in their report said that
they had "much satisfaction in stating the result had
far exceeded their most sanguine expectations, attri-
butable in a great measure to the attraction held out,
by the announcement of our distinguished country-
woman, Mrs. F. A. Kemble, she having volunteered
her valuable services." In response to the recom-
mendation of the concert committee that some suitable
testimonial be given to the famous actress, the General
Committee by a unanimous vote resolved to ask an
appropriation from the Society's funds, not to exceed
Fifty Dollars, to procure the emblem of this Society,
struck off in gold, with a suitable inscription on the
same." This token of their appreciation was shortly
afterwards presented to Mrs. Kemble along with a
special vote of thanks from the Society.
"The Committee appointed to present the Gold
Emblem of St. George's Society to Mrs. Fanny Kemble
reported verbally, stating that they had presented the
Gold Emblem to Mrs. F. Kemble, who expressed her
grateful sense of the honour, and kindness the Society
had done her." The concert was so successful in every
respect that its proceeds placed the finances of the
Society once more upon a sound and solid basis.
In 1851 an effort was made, by petition to the Legis-
lature, to place the Society on the same footing as the
other National Charitable Societies of the city,
1851 by adding the President of the Society to the
list of Commissioners of Immigration. This
attempt to strengthen the status of the Society failed
however, because the Committee, to whom the petition
was referred, reported against its adoption.
The chief guests of honour at this year's banquet
were Sir Henry Bulwer, the British Ambassador at
Washington, and Mr. Lytton, afterwards Lord Lytton,
then Charge d' Affaires for Sweden. In his speech in
reply to the toast of H. B. Majesty's representatives
in this country, Sir Henry Bulwer alluded to a pre-
tended dispatch from himself to the Secretary of
State, published by a paper called the Boston American
Celt. He repudiated the whole affair and characterized
the publication jokingly as a forgery. This reference
to the Celt resulted in a condemnatory attack upon the
ambassador by another paper called the Irish American.
A letter from Sir. Henry Bulwer was sent to the Presi-
dent of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. In this letter
Sir Henry strongly objected to the assumption that
his remarks had been intended to show disrespect to
the Celtic race.
During the same year the Rev. Jonathan Wain-
wright, the Chaplain of the Society, was elevated to
the Episcopacy as Provisional Bishop of the Diocese of
New York and a committee was appointed to wait upon
him for the purpose of offering their congratulations.
Grinnell Expedition
In the minutes of October 10th, 1851, mention is
made of the prominent part played by the St. George's
Society in honouring the officers and men of the Grinnell
Arctic Expedition. It was carried unanimously , "That
such members of this Society or other persons who
propose to give a dinner to Henry Grinnell, Esq., of
this City, the liberal and humane author of the late
Arctic Expedition of the brigs Advance and Rescue in
pursuit of our enterprising and missing countrymen,
Sir John Franklin and his Associates and to the officers
commanding and attached to those vessels, be allowed
to use the Title of this Society in their Cards of In vita-
tion, and Notes and Notices in reference to the Dinner,
without however, compromising the Society or any of
its Members, except Subscribers, in the charges in-
curred." The fund for presenting each of the officers
and men of the relief expedition with a silver medal,
and a gratuity to each of the latter of a five dollar piece,
was so liberally supported by the members of the
Society that a substantial surplus was declared, and the
greater part of it was handed over for the benefit of
the Society's funds.
Louis Kossuth
Before the year was ended, the Society had again
occasion to show the breadth of its interests, by their
presentation of a characteristic address to Louis Kos-
suth, the Hungarian patriot, on his arrival in this
country. This address, was delivered to the distin-
guished visitor by the President, Dr. Beales.
The alliance between the St. George's Society and
the British Protective Emigrant Society held good for
only a few years and in 1853 the connection
1853 between the two was terminated. On October
10th, a motion was made for the appointment
of a committee to confer with the Protective Board of
the Emigrant Society. A report was brought in during
the following year, and the Committee's recommenda-
tion to dissolve the union was accepted and, at the
next meeting, formally adopted. At the same time,
a motion to amend the Constitution so as to give power
to the Charitable Committee to act as an Emigrant
Committee, by way of giving advice to and assisting
emigrants in obtaining situations, was passed unani-
During this year the Society was also a joint
recipient of a handsome gift made by William Miles,
Esq., the President of St. David's Society. This con-
sisted of eight lots in the Cypress Hills Cemetery.
At the wish of the donor this ground was divided into
four equal parts and specially reserved for the burial
of the pauper dead of the four British societies, St.
George's, St. Andrew's, St. David's and the Friendly
Sons of St. Patrick.
Since 1848 the Society had been without the services
of an Almoner but the subject was again brought up
for consideration at the April meeting in 1854.
The result of the discussion was that the 1854
previous resolution was rescinded and the office
of Almoner again restored.
Emigration Discouraged
The low state of the funds in the hands of the Society
in 1855 was again the subject of much concern. At
the January meeting it was stated that the
sum at the credit of the Charitable Fund was 1855
only a little over a hundred dollars. As the
demands upon the society had been growing largely,
a special appeal was made to the members through a
committee appointed for that purpose. So generous
was the response that over two thousand dollars were
collected and handed over to the Treasurer. This
Committee recommended in addition that the follow-
ing resolution should be adopted and made known, as
widely as possible, among their fellow-countrymen in
"That the St. George's Society of New York, in
view of the large number of mechanics and labourers
now out of employ, most of whom are in a suffering
condition, do strongly recommend those of their
countrymen intending to emigrate to the United
States to remain at home until a change for the better
shall take place." A special committee, appointed to
consider the above recommendation, came to the con-
clusion that, "it was inexpedient to take any further
action at the time, since they found on inquiry that
while there had been and was much suffering among
the poorer classes of emigrants, yet that for good
mechanics there was more employment to be had than
was sought for, and that brighter prospects appeared
in the future."
Thackeray's Farewell
In this year the Society had the extreme good fortune
to secure the aid of Thackeray as a lecturer for the
benefit of their Charitable Fund. The President had
been empowered to wait upon the great novelist, as
soon as his arrival in New York had been announced,
but he was informed that Mr. Thackeray could not
give his services to the Society for the reason that prior
engagements occupied his time to the full.
The friendly aid of the Mercantile Library Associa-
tion, however, having been obtained, the lecturer was
induced to deliver a lecture for the joint benefit of the
St. George's Charitable Fund, and the Norfolk Orphans.
The Metropolitan Theatre was secured and the lecture
on the appropriate subject of "Charity and Humour,"
delivered there on the 1st December. The net pro-
ceeds amounted to $566 one half of which was handed
over to the Treasurer of the Society by the Mercantile
Library Association.
As Thackeray's name is undoubtedly the most
famous one that has been actively connected with this
Society, his generous readiness to help its funds has
made the date of the delivery of his lecture a red-letter
day in the annals of St. George's Society. Under the
heading of "Thackeray's Farewell," the New York
Daily Times of December 3rd, 1855, gave the following
interesting details:
"Mr. Thackeray on Saturday delivered his lecture
on 'Charity and Humour' at the Metropolitan Theatre
for the benefit of the charitable fund of the St. George's
Society. William Young, Esq., President of the St.
George's, occupied a seat on the platform and was
supported by the members of the Society, each wearing
the cross at his buttonhole. Mr. Thackeray was intro-
duced by the President of the Mercantile Library
Association and then proceeded to rivet the fetters of
his audience for upwards of an hour and a quarter;
reading comical things, touching quiet veins of humour,
and producing extracts from volumes of the sayings
of Mr. Punch, which told all the better for the ex-
quisite elocution of the reader. ... In concluding his
genial communion with a company that was neither
all Yankee nor yet all English, but apparently a mixture
of all the races that find representatives in New York,
Mr. Thackeray took occasion to express his gratifica-
tion at the fact that the last meeting he should have
the opportunity of enjoying with his American brethren
in New York should have been an occasion on which
an American and an English society was in the ques-
tion. As an Englishman, and speaking for St. George's
members as Englishmen, he was sure that it was a
pleasure to all of them. And so he made his bow
and retired — and that is the last of Mr. Pendennis."
In a sense the last words of the newspaper were destined
to be prophetic, for Thackeray was never in America
For the benefit of readers who care for these things;
it may be mentioned that the lecture, which, apart
from its great author, should still retain its interest
for the members of this Society, will be found in Volume
XXV of the Standard edition of Thackeray's works
published in 1883-5.
Motto of the Society
At the quarterly meeting held on April 10th, 1857,
notice was given of a motion asking for a committee
to consider the propriety of changing the motto
1857 of the Society. In the following October this
committee reported that they had come to the
conclusion that the motto, "Let Mercy be our Boast
and Shame our only Fear," was inappropriate to the
objects of the Society. In recommending its abolition
they suggested in its stead that either of the following
should be substituted: "Ubique patriam reminisci" or
"For England's sake we succour England's sons."
When the matter was discussed at the January meeting
of the next year however, it was decided to keep the
original motto of the society. The general feeling of
the meeting appears to have been that it was inadvis-
able to adopt any change whatever, and, since then,
the motto has stoutly weathered the storm and stress
of more than another half century.
On St. George's day of this year, there was a specially
large attendance of members at the dinner which
was held at Delmonico's, Chambers Street and
Broadway, the Vice-President, Henry Eyre, Esq.,
being in the chair. The most distinguished of
the guests on that occasion was Lord Napier, the
British Ambassador to Washington. In response to
the usual toast of Her Majesty's Representatives, his
lordship made his first public address in this country.
This was followed with the most eager attention, as
there were at that time some important diplomatic
differences between the two governments. The speech
was couched in the most conciliatory terms, and con-
veyed the impression that there was an earnest desire
on the part of England that the most friendly relations
should subsist between the two countries. Lord
Napier's summing up of the matter was given in a
happy and apposite reference. "Gentlemen" he said,
"the only entangling alliance which I shall venture to
recommend to your adoption is the submarine cable
between this country and England." The Ambassa-
dor's stirring address was ended by a declaration of his
personal wish to cement good feeling between the two
nations: "Finally, gentlemen, I have received these
sentiments as a faithful trust from the hands of my
Sovereign, and I will not lay up this profitable talent
in a diplomatic napkin."
Miss Cushman's Offer
In November a special meeting was summoned to
consider the propriety of accepting an offer made by
Miss Charlotte Cushman, the great American trage-
dienne, to give a dramatic entertainment for the benefit
of the Charitable Fund. It was mentioned also that
Mr. Charles Matthews, the actor, had also volunteered
his services. The motion was readily carried that the
offer of these eminent players should be thankfully
accepted. Most unfortunately this plan was unsuc-
cessful for the committee at the next meeting reported
that they had failed to arrange matters and conse-
quently had abandoned the proposed entertainment.
The President had already complained of the "great
lukewarmness on the part of the majority in the affairs
of the Society" and he had even gone so far as to
declare that "unless this state of things was remedied,
and he was efficiently sustained, he should decline to
serve the Society further in an official capacity." With
such a feeling as this apparently abroad among the
members, it is not difficult to see why on this occasion
they missed the services which the talented Miss
Cushman had generously placed at their disposal.
Mrs. Kemble's Famous Reading
In 1858, however, the Society seems to have been
animated with a different spirit, for they made a
special effort to secure once more the services
1858 of Mrs. Fanny Kemble. The President's letter
to Mrs. Kemble brought a most gracious reply
in which she placed herself at the disposal of the
Charitable Committee. The great actress gave her
world-famous reading of Hamlet, and the "Kemble"
Committee informed the meeting of April 10th, 1858,
that they were in the happy position of being able
to add nearly $800 to the Charitable Funds. The
Society's gratitude was admirably embodied in a
letter of thanks, which the President sent to Mrs.
Kemble. Mrs. Kemble's kindly help was a most
happy augury and the anniversary day of St.
George's was celebrated with more than the
customary enthusiasm. The principal feature of the
celebration was the revival of the special religious
service at St. Thomas's Church. At this service a large
congregation, including Lord Napier and the families
of many of the members of society, was present.
The sermon, preached by Dr. Morgan, the Rector,
contained many happy allusions to the favoured con-
dition of the motherland, blessed in her Queen, her
warriors dead and alive, and her children scattered far
and wide over the whole world.
The dinner, which followed, took place at the Metro-
politan Hotel and was attended by one hundred and
twenty-five members and many guests, among the
latter being Lord Napier, British Minister to the United
States, Mr. Odo Russell, First Attache, Baron Von
Gerolt, Prussian Minister, Mr. Pearly, British Com-
missioner of Fisheries, and the Presidents of the sister
societies. The chair was filled by Dr. Beales, the
President, who was supported on his right by Lord
Napier and on his left by the Prussian Minister.
Above the Chairman's seat was hung the British flag,
at each side of which were draped the flags of Prussia
and the United States. Later in the evening Lady
Napier and a number of other ladies, graced the
company with their presence and occupied seats at the
upper end immediately beneath the recently acquired
copy of Winterhalter's painting of Queen Victoria in
her royal robes.
The Days of the Mutiny
The occasion was deemed so important at the time
and was attended with so much eclat that a brief
extract from one of the leading speeches may be per-
mitted here. The President in his remarks alluded
feelingly to the time of stress and strain through which
England was just then passing: "But a short year
since, England was struck with horror, I will not say
with terror, at the dreadful news from India, which
told us of the massacre of our brave countrymen and
of the horrible and unimaginable atrocities that Eng-
land's daughters had never before suffered from a foe
since the dawn of history. England's enemies shouted
with joy and gloried in anticipation of her downfall.
I am proud and happy to say that in this country
among intelligent men and among all good minded
Americans that sentiment was repudiated. I say it is
a glory to Americans that on this occasion they cheered
us in the struggle and acknowledged that England's
cause was the cause of right and civilization. . . . This
evening we receive the news of the fall and capture of
Lucknow. Retribution has fallen upon the rebels and
England's might and England's honour stand clear and
bright before the civilized world."
The Atlantic Cable
In September, the Trinity Church authorities in-
vited the Society to attend a special religious celebra-
tion in commemoration of the great event of the suc-
cessful completion of the first Atlantic cable, which had
been landed almost simultaneously on August 5th, in
Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, by Captain Hudson, of
the U. S. steamer Niagara and in Valentia Bay, Ireland,
by Captain Preedy of H. B. M. ship Agamemnon, thus
uniting America with Europe. Later in the day a
demonstration took place in the city, and, by an invita-
tion from the Mayor, the Society was represented in
the grand procession from the Battery to the Crystal
Palace in 42nd Street, where the freedom of the City
was presented to Mr. Cyrus W. Field and Captain
Hudson, two gentlemen who had taken a leading part
in laying the cable.
During the last month of the year a meeting was
specially called to arrange about an offer that had been
made to give an entertainment at the Academy of
Music for the benefit of the Charitable Fund. The
prima-donna La Piccolomini and other distinguished
artists had volunteered their services, and the Society,
in thankfully accepting these, took the opportunity of
paying Mrs. Fanny Kemble the compliment of the
use of a box at the Musical festival.
General Emigrant Board
In 1859, St. George's Society was enabled to show
its ever alert concern in all that pertained to the
welfare of Englishmen settled in this country.
At a special meeting, a plan was considered for 1859
the formation of a general Board for the pro-
tection of emigrants of all nations from the frauds so
frequently practised upon them by sellers of counterfeit
tickets and by other swindlers. Two delegates, Messrs.
Robert Waller and Philip Pritchard, were appointed to
represent the Society on the proposed Board. At a
subsequent meeting, held April 10th, 1860, the dele-
gates reported that an organiziation had been formed
under the title of "Board of Deputies of Benevolent
and Emigrant Societies of the City of New York."
A constitution had also been framed, under which
officers were elected from the delegates of the societies
that had joined. The St. George's Society apparently
had taken a leading part in this formation, for the
Society's two representatives were elected to fill the
posts of Vice-President and Secretary. It was further
reported that, in accordance with the Constitution,
the Board had sent a special agent to Albany for the
purpose of securing the passage of a law to safeguard
the rights of the Board. In gaining this, the agent had
been completely successful. The report concludes with
the expression of its warm thanks for the liberality dis-
played by the British Steamship Companies in furnish-
ing the necessary funds to get the act in question
The provisions of the Act having been put into
operation, the British Steamship Companies were soon
enabled to put down with a firm hand the outrageous
frauds that had previously been so common. "No
better work than this has ever been accomplished by
the Society, and the thanks of this great community
are justly due to the gentlemen who, at great labour
and cost to themselves, secured this result: Messrs.
Robert Waller, Philip Pritchard and R. J. Cortis."
During this year, the Constitution of the Society
was still further amended so as to increase the number
of members constituting the Charitable Committee
from five to seven, and, in the following year, another
change was made so as to make emigrants from the
British Colonies eligible for relief as well as those who
were natives of England.
Visit of Prince of Wales
The visit of the Prince of Wales to the United States
in 1860, was made the subject of a special meeting to
consider whether any steps should be taken by the So-
ciety in reference thereto. The Society learned, how-
ever, that no demonstration on its part would be
conveniently acceptable to His Royal Highness,
as he was appearing here not as the Heir 1860
Apparent to the Crown of Great Britain, but
simply as a nobleman on a friendly visit and the guest of
the American people. Under these circumstances the
members of St. George's Society were reluctantly com-
pelled to forego further action in the matter.
Death of the Prince Consort
The death of the Prince Consort on December 4,
1861, was commemorated by the adoption of resolu-
tions expressive of the deep regret of the Society
at his untimely death, and of their sympathy 1861
with Her Majesty, the Queen, and her family
in their great affliction. As an additional token of
respect, the annual dinner in celebration of St. George's
day was also abandoned this year.
War Times
This was the first of a series of unfortunate years, so
far as the celebration of the dinner was concerned.
During the three years that followed, the United
States were convulsed by the terrible Civil War, and
the Society, with becoming feeling, dispensed with their
usual public dinner throughout this period. Again in
1865 they were obliged to omit the dinner on account
of the assassination of President Lincoln, and the mem-
bers took the opportunity of showing their good feeling
toward the land of their adoption by passing resolutions
of sympathy and condolence with the Government
and the people of the United States.
Mr. Eyre's Gift
Under the presidency of Henry Eyre, Esq., the
Society took a new lease of life largely owing to his
munificence. At the meeting of January 10th,
1865 1865, the Treasurer's report showed that the
Permanent Fund amounted to only $11,000.
As a consequence the President offered to double any
sum that could be raised to the extent of $5,000, and
a special committee of three was appointed for the
purpose of seeing if it was possible to increase the total
fund to $25,000. The success of this committee was
so gratifying that, at a meeting held in the beginning
of the next year, they were in a position to report a
total collection of over $14,000, thereby raising the
fund to an amount greater than what they had set out
to secure. A list of the subscribers to this fund is
given towards the end of this volume.
Although the subscriptions to this fund had been
more liberal than even the most sanguine had ventured
to hope, it was nevertheless resolved, in order to induce
a more general interest, that all donations of $50 and
upwards, should constitute the giver a life member of
the Society. By this provision, sixty-four names were
put upon the list, and amongst them it is interesting
to note the five sons of the President who had been the
mainspring of the whole affair. The committee's re-
port was not presented until January 10th, 1867, when
further subscriptions to the amount of $1,140 were
announced. Mr. Eyre's splendid offer had thus resulted
in an increase of more than $15,000 for the benefit of
the Society's Permanent Fund and the members grate-
fully voted him their thanks in these terms: "The
thanks of this Society are eminently due and are hereby
tendered to Henry Eyre, Esq., for the liberality and
forethought evinced in his late donation of Five
Thousand Dollars to the Permanent Fund by which
generous and well timed example, the members at
large were stimulated to zealous and successful efforts
to increase it as detailed in the Treasurer's report."
The Treasurer reported, at the annual meeting held
January 10th, 1866, that a change had been made in
the Society's investments from Bank stocks to
Railway Bonds, and at the same meeting a 1866
resolution was passed complimenting the Treas-
urer, Mr. Robert Bage, on the many valuable services
rendered by him during the twenty-one years he had
held that office. The hope was also expressed that he
would be long spared "to be elected and serve us in
the same capacity."
A similarly pleasant duty was performed in the same
year when the Society voted their thanks to Mr.
Charles H. Webb, for his faithful services as the Agent
and Almoner of the St. George's Society for the pre-
ceding twenty-two years. In consideration of these
and various other services during a membership of
forty-two years, Mr. Webb was unanimously elected an
Honorary Life Member. At the same time the Secre-
tary handed to the Treasurer ten dollars, stating that
he had been directed by a friend to pay the same as
the initiation fee of Mr. Charles Kean, the tragedian,
to make up the amount constituting him a life
The Charitable Committee at the January 1868
meeting of this year reported the rendering of aid
by the British Steamship Companies in granting
tickets at reduced rates to those who were desirous
of returning to England, but were unable to pay
the regular fare.
New Constitution
At the October meeting following, the Committee,
that had been appointed to revise the Constitution,
recommended various changes which were finally
1869 adopted in January, 1869. The alterations that
were made provided for the abolition of the
Charitable Committee and the substitution of an
Executive Committee with general powers for the
supervision and management of the affairs of the
Society. It was also agreed that the initiation fees of
new members should be added to the Permanent Fund.
During this year Sir Edward Thornton, C. B., the
British Minister at Washington, was made an honorary
member of the Society. Throughout the whole period
in which he represented Great Britain in this country,
Sir Edward recognized the good works of the Society
by an annual gift of fifty dollars to its funds.
Duke of Connaught's Visit
On January 10th, 1870, the Society, having been
informed of the contemplated visit of H. R. H. Prince
Arthur, to this city, appointed a committee to
1870 confer with the sister British Societies here on
the subject of preparing a suitable address for
presentation to the royal visitor. This Committee
subsequently reported that an address had been written
and would be presented to His Royal Highness at the
Brevoort House, on January 31st. The address was
read by E. M. Archibald, Esq., H. B. M. Consul at
New York, and among those present were representa-
tives of the St. George's, St. Andrews', St. David's and
St. Patrick's Societies and the New Caledonian Club.
Christmas Gifts
On Christmas Eve of this year, the Executive Com-
mittee inaugurated the custom of making a gift of
money and provisions to worthy pensioners of the
Society. This charitable practice has ever since been
kept up on behalf of the Society.
Scott Centenary
The hundredth anniversary of the birth of Scott was
commemorated in New York by a great demonstration
in Central Park. The Scott Centenary Com-
mittee conveyed to the St. George's Society its 1871
desire that members should be present to
honour the name of the greatest writer of his day and
generation. The response of the Society was gener-
ously given in the following words of a resolution pro-
posed by E. M. Archibald, Esq.: "Whereas the said
Society entertaining the highest admiration of the
gifted genius and a profoundly grateful respect for the
memory of Sir Walter Scott, and being desirous of
testifying their regard for so great and good a man,
whose varied literary productions have illustrated the
history and made classic ground of the most interesting
localities of Britain, and by their interesting, delightful,
and refining influences conferred lasting blessings on
the nations of the earth: Therefore, Resolved that
the said invitation be cordially accepted and a special
committee be appointed to be present at the said
celebration and be joined by as many others as
At the quarterly meeting of October 10th, 1871, the
death was announced of Robert Bage, Esq., who had
faithfully served the Society as its Treasurer for twenty-
seven years. Special resolutions were adopted and
entered into the minutes expressive of the regret of
the Society at the loss they had sustained. It was
decided later on to mark their appreciation of his
services by presenting his family with a piece of plate,
the cost of which was met by subscriptions from the
members to whom Mr. Bage had been for so long a
familiar and respected figure.
During the next two years, the Society's annals
were short and simple, and no incident, worthy of
special record, occurred in that interval.
Charity Organization
In 1874, the Executive Committee proposed to
change the method of relieving transients by supplying
them with tickets for meals and lodgings, instead
1874 of giving them money as had hitherto been the
practice. With a view of administering still
further help, they also started then a more complete
system of dealing with such cases. The benefits ex-
pected to accrue to emigrants through the establish-
ment of the British Protective Emigrant Board in 1849,
to which reference has already been made, had always
received the close attention of the Society. After that
Board was dissolved, the work it had undertaken to
perform was taken over by the St. George's Society.
A new clause in the Constitution made the giving of
advice to emigrants a part of the work of the Executive
Committee, but it was not until 1874 that any definite
and decided action was taken. In that year, with the
co-operation of the St. Andrew's Society, offices were
rented at 3 Broadway, and two persons were appointed,
one as Almoner and the other as Secretary. Their duty
was to look after the British emigrants arriving at this
port. In order to enable them better to obtain in-
formation as to where labour was most in demand, a
joint circular was issued by the two Societies to all
kindred institutions in the United States and in Canada,
inviting them to supply such information as was needed
in carrying out this object. The replies received
were most encouraging and the results that followed
highly satisfactory. So gratifying, indeed, were they
that it was at once decided to give temporary relief to
persons, passing through New York on their way to
their new homes, by means of tickets for meals and
lodgings, which could be obtained at low rates in the
restaurants and lodging houses that had been estab-
lished under the auspices of the Charitable Institutions
in the city. Following up this scheme of better organ-
ization, a number of philanthropic gentlemen formed
themselves into a Board with the object of systematizing
the work of all the charitable activities and of protecting
them, so far as might be, from imposition. Careful
investigation soon showed the need of not only checking
indiscriminate almsgiving to individuals, but also of
stopping subscriptions to unworthy charities. Eventu-
ally an Exchange was created, through which the
names of applicants for relief were communicated from
the one society to the other and thereby the purposes
aimed at were more fully accomplished. The Chair-
man of this Board was Henry E. Pellew, Esq., the St.
George's President at that time. Through his influ-
ence and by his advice a hand-book was issued, em-
bracing a compendium of all the charitable societies in
the city, both public and private, their aims and
objects, their revenue and expenditure, with particulars
showing who were proper recipients, and also such
directions as were necessary for these people to secure
relief. Despite its good intentions, the Board did not
long receive that support from the public to which its
merits entitled it. In course of time it went out of
existence, but the good work and the fruit of the seed
sown is preserved in the "Charity Organization So-
ciety" which succeeded it in 1882 and which has, since
then, had a most useful and beneficent career down to
the present day.
The united Board having obtained the consent of
the Commissioners of Charities that applications for
relief should be recognized when supported by any of
the charitable societies, the St. George's and St.
Andrew's Societies undertook the work of visiting some
of the wards of the city. The Executive Committee
of this Society afterwards submitted a report upon
this work which showed that great benefits had resulted
from the exertions of the Commissioners. After the
joint arrangement with the St. Andrew's Society, in
regard to supplying information to emigrants, was
terminated, this Society still continued the work and
in 1880 issued a circular of information and advice,
which was freely distributed in Castle Garden among
those arriving from England.
Ladies' Committee
During this year a Ladies' Committee was formed
to assist in visiting applicants for relief, and in advising
the Committee about the proper recipients for their
bounty. Unfortunately the methods adopted were
found to be impracticable and the Ladies' Com-
mittee was abandoned after a two years' trial, 1879
despite the fact that the object sought after had
been so praiseworthy.
Proposed Home for the Aged
At a later meeting in the same year the question of
founding a Home for aged men and women, was
brought up for discussion. A special committee was
appointed to consider the whole matter, but, as the
scheme did not meet with the support that was ex-
pected, it was for the time allowed to drop. The
subject was again revived in 1882, when a proposal
was made to raise a sum of money to be invested
according to the Constitution of the Society in the
names of the President, Treasurer and Secretary as
Trustees. The income of this money was to be used
in placing old and destitute English people in existing
Homes, and the principal to be allowed to accumulate
until a sufficient sum was raised to erect and endow a
Home, through and in the name of the Anglo-American
Free Church of St. George the Martyr. Although this
scheme met with the approval of the Committee, the
fund has never been started, but it is hoped that the
wealthy Englishmen residing in this city may at some
time in the near future take up the matter again and
carry it to a successful conclusion.
A special committee was selected in 1883, with a
view to secure an increase in the membership
of the Society. Similar committees had tried 1883
their best to attain this end in 1869 and 1870,
but the efforts of the new committee seem to have
been the most successful, since, in a report presented
by the Chairman, Mr. John Moulson, it was shown
that two life and thirty-one annual members were
added to the roll through their personal efforts.
Labour Bureau
The Order of the Sons of St. George, composed of
artisans of English nationality, approached this Society
in 1884, for help towards opening a free employ-
1884 ment bureau. Their idea was to establish on a
permanent basis a "Labour Lodgery" to which
applicants could be sent, and where, besides receiving
material help, they could be otherwise aided in the
equipment necessary to a successful search for em-
ployment. The question was considered by the Execu-
tive Committee and Messrs. Robert Waller and Charles
F. Wreaks were appointed to make investigations.
Their report was an exhaustive one, showing the
benefits likely to be derived from the scheme, and
recommending that a trial of it should be made. On the
adoption of the report, the Society appropriated a
small sum toward the expenses of the Bureau and
consented that its Almoner should act as its superin-
tendent. The Bureau was accordingly set on foot and
proved a complete success, No less than four hundred
and fifty-five situations were obtained for applicants
during the first two years of its existence. This method
of giving help has been one of the most useful and
effective adjuncts to the work of the Society. "The
principle of giving alms to able-bodied men and women
is no doubt necessary and expedient at times, but it is,
on the whole, demoralizing in its tendency and influence
upon the recipients. The idea in establishing the
bureau was to obviate this defect and to enable men
and women to keep their self-respect, however much
they might temporarily be in want of help."
Although the Bureau no longer has an independent
existence, the practical good, which it started, has since
been carried on by the Society, and one of the most
important of the Almoner's duties is to give that help
and advice which the Labour Bureau was intended to
supply on the principle that "there is no better charity
than in aiding the needy to maintain themselves by
finding for them the employment they seek."
The Centenary Year
At the January meeting of this year, the Special
Committee, consisting of Messrs. Robert Waller, E. F.
Beddall, and H. A. Racker, which had been
appointed to collect information regarding the 1886
history of the Society, reported that "they had
collected and collated valuable historical facts in rela-
tion to the founding of the Society, its officers from the
commencement, its first printed Constitution and the
names of members who signed the same." The Com-
mittee further submitted that it was advisable to
publish these historical sketches and that the most
appropriate time was the present year since it was the
hundredth anniversary of the Society. The recom-
mendations of the Committee were accepted by the
Society and in the following year appeared the volume
upon which the present work has been to a large extent
The Centennial Anniversary of the Society was cele-
brated by a dinner at Delmonico's on Tuesday evening,
27th April, St. George's Day having this year fallen on
Good Friday. The members, along with their guests
and friends, present on this noteworthy occasion num-
bered about one hundred and thirty. Among the
guests, who accepted the invitation to be present, were
Sir William Lane Booker, the Consul-General, General
Horace Porter, and Mr. Whitelaw Reid, who was
afterwards American Ambassador to England. The
New York Tribune of April 28th contained a full
account of the dinner and the proceedings which passed
off in a manner eminently worthy of this memorable
red-letter day in the history of St. George's Society.
The great respect, which the members of the Society
held for the sterling qualities of Mr. Edward Hill, was
fittingly displayed at the time of his death which took
place during this year. They unanimously resolved
that "this Committee as a mark of respect to the
memory of our late friend attend the funeral in a
body." This honour, unusual in the annals of the
Society, was duly paid to his memory, and the motion,
referring to it, was inscribed in the minutes with the
hope that "others may be stimulated by his example
to like effort in our common interest — to extend the
influence and usefulness of this Society."
The Centennial Anniversary had also been signalized
by a munificent offer, made by Mr. Hill a short time
prior to his decease, to give $2,500 to the Permanent
Fund and an additional sum of $2,500 or any part of it,
provided that an equivalent amount was subscribed
by the members of the Society. This offer was
promptly accepted and a further sum of $2,000 was
added by Mr. Edward Blackburn, an old life-member.
The movement thus initiated resulted in the collec-
tion of over $10,000.
Efforts to Increase Membership
A small reduction in the total membership of the
Society took place at this time, and, in directing atten-
tion to this, the Committee made an earnest
appeal to individual members to make a special 1887
effort to counteract this decline in their numbers.
"Let us, each one," they declared in their report,
"charge ourselves with the personal obligation of en-
rolling one new member during 1887, so that when we
meet here next year we may not only have the satis-
faction of a large addition to our members, but also
experience the far higher gratification resulting from a
largely increased ability to meet the needs and claims
of our distressed fellow-countrymen."
In the following year an addition of eight members
was all that had resulted from the above request, and
the appeal was renewed for increased efforts on
the part of the members. At the same time the 1888
Committee urged the importance of liberal con-
tributions to the Contingent Fund as there were con-
stantly cases coming before them which called for
prompt and substantial aid. These cases, as the Com-
mittee pointed out, were exactly such as call for the
sympathy and help of all Englishmen, but still they
did not actually have a claim for relief from the
funds of the Society. This being so, the Committee,
if left without the Contingent Fund, had either to
decline to help or make constant calls on the in-
dividual members. It was resolved also, with the
view of obtaining a better attendance of members
at the meetings, that the Secretary should be instructed
to notify in future the members by individual inti-
mation, instead of by advertisement in the daily papers.
Proposed Building
At the annual meeting of this year, an important dis-
cussion took place upon the question of erecting a
building in the city, to further the purposes and
1889 aims of the Society. Eventually a resolution,
presented by the President, was unanimously
adopted. According to its terms the President was
empowered to appoint a committee to prepare a plan
for procuring a building for the use of the Society as
well as a plan for raising the funds necessary to obtain
the same. This committee was requested to report
their opinion, on or before the October meeting of the
following year, but the minutes of the Society contain
nothing further upon the matter.
Year after year, throughout this period in the history
of the Society, the complaint is regularly put forward
that the members were dilatory in giving their
1891 support. As a consequence, a proposal was
made by Mr. Kinahan Cornwallis that "a special
committee be appointed to consider the best means to
bring the Society more prominently before the English
residents and the public by means of a Ball after the
Annual Dinner or in some other way." An amendment
to this having been lost, Mr. Cornwallis's motion was
carried and a committee of five appointed by the
President. The annual dinner of this year was held
at Delmonico's and special mention is made in the
minutes of the fact that in point of numbers it was the
most successful dinner ever held by the Society.
Gift to the Contingent Fund
The good work, done by means of the Contingent
Fund, had always been hampered by the lack of money,
and it was therefore a welcome piece of news for
those concerned in the distribution of the income
from this fund, when they learned that a special 1892
donation of $5,000 had been made to the
Society by R. Fleming Crooks, Esq., "In Memoriam
J. T. A. C."
Death of the Duke of Clarence
In the minutes of the January meeting of 1892, it is
recorded that "On the recent sad occasion of the death
of H. R. H. the Duke of Clarence, the officers of the
Society took prompt and active steps to express its
sympathy with Her Majesty, with their Royal High-
nesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, and with the
Princess Victoria Mary of Teck in their bereavement."
The British Consul General in New York also called a
meeting at which "this Society was most creditably
represented." This meeting of English residents passed
similar resolutions of sympathy and these were trans-
mitted by cable to the Home Secretary.
The hand of death had likewise been busy among
the members of the Society during this period, and
among those whose services were thus lost to the
Society was Mr. W. C. Pickersgill who had lived to be
the oldest member. His connection with the Society had
extended over nearly sixty years, and this record period
was specially mentioned in the minutes of the Society.
The same meeting expressed their appreciation of
the services of Mr. F. W. J. Hurst during the six years
he had held the office of President, and Mr. Turle
also moved "that on the occasion of Mr. Thomas B.
Bowring's retiring from the office of Treasurer of the
Society and of his departure from the city, a vote of
thanks should be passed and seconded for his efficient
and active services in behalf of the Society."
A proposal was read by the Secretary at the Annual
Meeting of this year, bearing upon the ever-present
question of the membership. The letter, which
1893 was submitted to the members, had been re-
ceived from Mr. Robert Waller who was then in
England. Mr. Waller's suggestion was that it was
advisable to forward the Annual Reports to all absent
members with a view to securing that they should
remain annual members or, if possible, that they might
be induced to become Life Members. The idea was
received with favour by the meeting, and the Secretary
was directed to write to Mr. Waller stating that his
plan would be adopted in some such shape as proposed.
The members also took the opportunity of forwarding
to Mr. Waller their appreciation of his long and active
services and of the continued interest he showed in the
welfare of the Society.
British Military Tournament Company
The active part which the St. George's Society has
always taken in attending to the wants of those in
difficulties, was very clearly displayed in an
1894 incident that happened in New York in 1894.
A company, composed of nearly a hundred
men and travelling under the name of the British
Military Tournament Company, had fallen upon evil
ways and been disbanded. The men were soon in sore
straits, and efforts were being made on their behalf by
Mr. George Crouch, who afterwards became a member
of this Society. The committee of the St. George's
Society having heard of the distressed condition of the
men at once set to work, and a large sum of
money was raised to meet the emergency. After a
considerable amount of this had been paid out, the
original promoter of the Company in England cabled
funds to meet any expenses incurred by the men. He
also gave instructions that the subscriptions should be
refunded. When the committee proceeded to carry out
these requests, they were agreeably surprised to find
that the great majority of the subscribers wished to
hand over their amounts to the credit of the Contingent
Fund. This resulted in an addition of nearly twelve
hundred dollars to its somewhat scanty funds, and the
members of the Society not only had the satisfaction
of sharing in the efforts to alleviate the distress, but
they had also the consolation of receiving a substantial
although unexpected return for their services.
At the Annual meeting held on January 23rd, the
attention of the members was called to the fact that
during this year would be celebrated the fiftieth
anniversary of the Anglo-American Free Church 1895
of St. George the Martyr, with which the St.
George's Society had been so long and intimately con-
nected. Notice was also given that a service, appro-
priate to the occasion, with an address giving a short
history of the church, would be held on the Sunday
preceding St. George's Day.
St. Luke's Hospital
This year opened with the St. George's Society in a
position to congratulate itself on two matters
of importance. In the first place the negoti- 1896
ations regarding the Society's rights in St.
Luke's Hospital had been brought to a successful ending
and the Secretary was then in the happy position of
being able to announce that, "The Society now pos-
sesses by deeds duly executed and recorded, all the
rights and privileges previously exercised by the Church
of St. George the Martyr." The other question was
the removal of the ancient bugbear, caused by the
trouble of getting and keeping members.
Diamond Jubilee
In this year Queen Victoria celebrated the sixtieth
anniversary of her beneficent reign, and the loyalty of
the St. George's Society was shown in the elab-
1897 orate display that was a feature of the dinner
of that year. The Secretary's Report contains
the following remarks about this auspicious event: "In
view of the fact of this year being the sixtieth anni-
versary of Her Gracious Majesty, Queen Victoria, the
dinner was more elaborate than usual. Menus, beau-
tifully illustrated and bearing the portraits of the Queen
in 1837 and 1897, together with the Royal Coat of
Arms handsomely executed in colour and gold, were
one of the features of the evening. I wish to say,
however, in this connection that these beautiful sou-
venirs were not provided by the Society but were a
gift of one of its members, who has always been an
ardent supporter of the Society's cause. Unfortunately
he desires to have his name withheld. I say, unfor-
tunately, because I feel that you all would be most
ready to express to him personally your gratitude for
his gift if his name were known."
The dinner in itself was an eminent success, and it
was the Society's pleasure on that occasion to entertain
a number of the officers of H. B. M.'s ship Talbot.
A Congratulatory Address
Not content with what was done at the dinner, the
St. George's Society felt that a special effort should be
made to emphasize this great and historic occasion.
In May of the same year a circular was issued to the
members by the Executive Committee requesting them
to co-operate in the preparation of a congratulatory
address to be signed, if possible, by every member of
the Society and sent to Her Majesty the Queen. This
request met with an enthusiastic response and the
result was that a most beautiful album was prepared,
bound in imperial purple morocco and gold. The
wording and form of the Address were drawn up by
the Rev. Dr. Morgan, the Rev. Dr. Warren, Sir Percy
Sanderson (Consul General), George G. Ward, Esq.,
2nd Vice President, and George Massey, Esq., Chair-
man of the Executive Committee.
The album itself was composed of about twenty
vellum leaves, and on the first page was the Royal
Coat of Arms followed by the Society's Address to the
Queen. The pages, reserved for the signatures of the
members of the Society, were embellished with hand
painted views of New York.
The full text of the correspondence relating to the
sending and acceptance of this Address is preserved in
the minutes of the Society, but is of too great a length
to insert here. Suffice it to say that Her Majesty
returned her sincere thanks for the sentiments of respect
manifested in the address, and also sent her best wishes
for the welfare and prosperity of the St. George's
Society of New York.
Shortly afterward the sum of $350 was subscribed by
the members and handed over in the name of the
Society to help in the payment for the Jubilee Memorial
Windows that were placed in the Church of St. John
the Evangelist, of which church the Rev. B. F. De
Costa, D.D., one of St. George's most active members,
was rector.
Society's Badge
At the annual meeting of 1897, a discussion arose
as to the advisability of the Society's adopting a badge
to be worn by its members. The committee, that was
appointed to deal with this, now reported in the follow-
ing terms: "That it is eminently desirable that the
Society should have a badge, the use of which would
tend to expand the benefits and popularity of the
Society, by cementing the union of its members and
promoting a more cordial feeling at its gatherings."
The committee stated also, that they had chosen the
design, submitted by Tiffany & Co. In connection
with this adoption of a badge, it may be interesting
for present members to know that one of the badges,
in use by members about 1830, has been fortunately
preserved, and is now in the possession of George C.
Pennell, Esq., whose grandfather was its original wearer.
Through the courtesy of Mr. Pennell, the Society has
been enabled to reproduce this interesting relic for
insertion in the present volume.
During this year, Mr. Hurst, who had added two
more years to his previous six years' service as Presi-
dent, was again the recipient of further favours
1898 at the hands of his fellow members. A recep-
tion was held in his honour by the members,
in recognition of his long connection with the Society
and the exceptional services he had rendered to it in
the past. At the reception, which was held at Del-
monico's on February 13th, 1898, Mr. Hurst was
presented with a beautiful punch-bowl, "as a token of
the Society's esteem for him as a man and an officer."
A similar token of respect was paid to Mr. Berkeley
Mostyn in the November of this year when the mem-
bers presented him with a loving cup in appreciation
of the valuable work he had done on behalf of the
The Secretary's report at this time again alluded to
the perennial question of the membership. Whilst the
roll of the Society showed some increase, it was never-
theless due merely to the activity of a few and not to
the efforts of the members as a whole. The Secre-
tary's view was that things would remain in the same
dull routine until each of the members awakened to a
sense of the importance of individual interest, and until
all realized the splendid organization and work under
their control.
The St. George's Society on their own initiative had
resolved to solicit contributions from its members for
the relief of sufferers from the war in the Trans-
vaal, but, as a general committee of persons of 1900
British birth had been formed in New York, it
was afterward agreed to hand over all subscriptions to
the custodian of the funds of the general committee.
Death of the Queen
The regular order of business was suspended at the
meeting of January 23rd, 1901, on account of the
death of Queen Victoria and a committee 1901
was appointed to draw up appropriate resolu-
tions expressing the deep regret of the members at the
loss of their beloved Queen and their sympathy with
her bereaved family. In the meantime at the Presi-
dent's suggestion, a cablegram, expressive of sympathy,
was dispatched to King Edward VII.
Assassination of the President
A similar, sad duty fell to the Society again at the
end of the year, when President McKinley was assas-
sinated. The chaplains of the Society were asked to
frame a resolution and it was resolved by the members
to place on record in their minutes the admiration and
affection with which they regarded the singularly high-
minded and religious character of the late President.
At the January meeting of this year, the Chairman
of the Executive Committee announced that the pay-
ment from the Contingent Fund amounted to
1902 over $1,200 of which the principal sum was for
the purchase of five lots in Cypress Hills Ceme-
tery. The committee pointed out that this had become
imperative as the ground at that time in the possession
of the Society had been entirely filled.
The question of the Society's securing a permanent
home, by purchase or otherwise, which had been dis-
cussed at the previous semi-annual meeting was now
brought forward again, and a motion was unanimously
carried that the President be instructed to appoint a
committee to examine into the whole matter and to
report at the next annual meeting. At the October
meeting the Secretary was instructed to invite Sir
Michael Herbert, British Ambassador at Washington,
to become an Honorary Member of the Society. His
acceptance of this offer was announced at the next
January meeting.
Bequest and Gift
On the death of Mr. William Skinner, who was a
member of long standing, having been elected in 1859,
the funds of the Society were considerably
augmented. Through a bequest in his will, the 1903
Society received the sum of $1,000, as a mark
of his interest and appreciation of its work. At the
same meeting the announcement was made of a dona-
tion of $500 from Mr. George A. Hearn, a Life Member
of the Society. Suitable acknowledgments were made
in both instances for these very acceptable additions
to the Society's financial resources.
Permanent Home
The report of the committee on this matter was also
submitted to this meeting, and, as it was of more than
usual importance, a portion of it may be reproduced
here: "Your committee regret to have to report that
owing to the great changes in the real estate market,
the opportunities that presented themselves a year ago,
for obtaining a permanent home for the Society have*
at the moment, entirely disappeared. The property
they had in view when making the suggestion to the
Society, has since been sold at considerably enhanced
values. At present your committee do not consider it
advisable to recommend the purchase of real estate at
the prices now asked."
The committee had also made such enquiries as were
possible as to the cost of fitting up a home for the
uses of the Society and in their report they expressed
the opinion, "That such changes as the Society would
probably require could not be made at a reasonable
cost." They also said that, if the meeting wished the
committee to continue, they still trusted to be able to
find suitable quarters for such a permanent home as
would increase the opportunities for benefitting their
less fortunate countrymen, and, at the same time,
prove a credit and honour to the Society.
This committee again pointed out the necessity for
proceeding further in this question and stated that
their opinion was "that a permanent home and
1904 fixity of location would be a great benefit to the
Society. To be pushed from office to office,
from year to year, is an annoyance and expense to the
Society and militates against the good the Society is
trying to do." After a general discussion of this report,
a motion was put to the meeting and carried, that
$2,000 of the surplus now in the Charitable Fund be
transferred to a special account to form the nucleus of
a fund to enable the Society to procure a permanent
location for the administration of its work provided
that such a purchase be found to be legal.
At the same meeting a motion was carried that Sir
Mortimer Durand, His Majesty's Ambassador at
Washington, should be elected an honorary member of
St. George's Society.
During this year the Society in the person of its
President, received several marks of honour which in-
dicate, in a considerable degree, the high esteem in
which it was held by outside bodies. Among these
may be mentioned that the President was invited to
meet the English municipal visitors to the St. Louis
Exposition at dinner on May 23rd. Again on October
6th, by invitation the President had the honour of
meeting Colonel Sir Howard Vincent, K.C.M.G.,
C.B., M.P., Aide-de-camp to the King, and during
the same month another invitation was received from
the President of St. George's Hall, Company C, of
Ottawa, on the occasion of laying the corner stone of
their new Hall by his Excellency the Governor-General
of Canada.
Prince Louis of Battenberg
As soon as it was learned in 1906, that the Second
Cruiser Squadron under the command of Prince Louis
of Battenberg, was to pay a visit to New York,
steps were taken by the Society to tender an 1906
invitation to his Serene Highness and the
officers under his command. Mr. Edward F. Darrell,
the President, was requested on behalf of the Society
to write to the Prince asking him and his officers to
attend a banquet that would be given to them by the
British residents in the city under the auspices of the
Society. Prince Louis's reply contained his acceptance
of the invitation and he suggested that the 9th of
November would be an appropriate date as it was the
King's birthday. A committee was then formed to
take charge of the details and it was also decided to
ask the sister societies to join with St. George's Society
in making the banquet a success. The dinner took
place at the Waldorf-Astoria, on the evening of Novem-
ber 9th, Sir Percy Sanderson, British Consul-General,
presiding. Six hundred and forty sat down to dinner.
One hundred and twenty of the number were the guests
of the evening and consisted of officers of the British
and American fleets. Over two hundred and fifty
ladies and gentlemen sat in the boxes, surveying with
interest the animated display. Shortly afterwards the
Society was complimented by the Royal Society of St.
George in London, on the enthusiastic manner in which
they had been able to carry out the banquet.
In the report submitted by Mr. Henry W. J. Buck-
nail, the Chairman of the Executive Committee, men-
tion was again made of the desirability of securing a
fixed abode for the Society. This was made painfully
evident at this time because the Society had, only a
few months previously, been put to the inconvenience
of having to shift its headquarters once more and it
had only been after considerable difficulty that adequate
premises had been obtained at 108 Broad Street, where
the office work of the Society has since been carried on.
The committee again expressed the opinion that there
was great need for a permanent home since "landlords
decline to give leases for longer than a few months, and
with the rapid growth of the city, it will become more
and more difficult to get such rooms as are required."
The efforts towards obtaining this permanent home
for the Society had indeed been slowly going forward
and the state of matters, as they existed then, was
summed up in the report, which the committee on the
Permanent Fund presented at this meeting to the
members. This report stated that the total amount,
standing to the credit of the Permanent Home Fund,
was now over $4,000, but that "they had not yet found
a suitable building which can be purchased for the
amount at their disposal at present."
A proposal was brought forward at the Annual
Meeting held on January 23rd, to abolish the ad-
mission fee of $10, which had previously been
1907 required from members on their election, but,
when this came up for discussion at the next
annual meeting, the motion was declared lost.
Presentation to Sir Percy Sanderson
At the annual banquet of the Society, the Right
Honourable James Bryce, O. M., the British Ambassa-
dor, was the guest of honour and a special feature of
the dinner was the presentation to Sir Percy Sanderson,
K. C. M. G., of a silver bowl from the members, "in
recognition of his work as President of the Society for
two terms and his ever ready willingness to further the
best interests of the Society during his residence in
New York."
At their first meeting during this year, the Society
voted their cordial thanks to Mr. Berkeley Mostyn
for his work in the past as delegate from the
St. George's Society to the St. Luke's Hospital, 1908
and also for his untiring services in obtaining
for the use of the Society, twenty beds in the Hospital.
The Secretary was likewise instructed to insert the
motion in the minutes and send a copy of the same to
Mr. Mostyn.
The members also were informed that the Rt. Hon.
James Bryce, O. M., the British Ambassador accredited
to the United States of America, had accepted the
honour of being enrolled amongst the Honorary Mem-
bers of the Society.
Shortly after voting their thanks to Mr. Berkeley
Mostyn, the Society received notice of his death. A
meeting of the Executive Committee passed a
resolution that "the St. George's Society has lost 1909
a man of noble character, a loyal friend, a true
Englishman, and one who for more than thirty years had
laboured in many ways in the interests of the Society,
and who will always be especially remembered as one
of our delegates to St. Luke's Hospital, and the one
who perhaps did more than any other towards securing
the enduring and untold benefit which the St. George's
Society receives from its connections with that institu-
Steamship Privileges Revoked
At this annual meeting the Chairman of the Execu-
tive Committee had to report that one of the sources
of benefit, which the Society had been for a long time
able to rely upon, had been suddenly closed to them.
For a considerable number of years previous to this,
the Cunard and the White Star Steamship Lines had
generously granted free passage to deserving but needy
persons who had applied to the St. George's Society for
aid. Now, however, the members were informed that
these welcome grants had been cancelled and that, al-
though the Committee had written to Mr. Harold
Sanderson, manager of the White Star Line, and an
ex-President of the Society, his reply had been un-
favourable. Mr. Sanderson had told them that he had
brought the question of these passages specially before
the Steamship Conference held in Paris, but had not
succeeded in getting a favourable reply. In his opinion
it seemed that nothing further could be done in the
A special appeal of the Executive Committee for an
increase to their funds resulted at this date in the
collection of over $800 together with special Christmas
donations amounting to another
Hudson-Fulton Celebration
In the month of June, 1909, Mr. L. B. Sanderson,
the Vice President, acting on behalf of the President,
Mr. Beddall, who was then in ill health, called a meet-
ing of the principal officers of the other British Societies
in New York, to arrange for the entertainment of
Admiral Sir Edward Hobart Seymour, 0. M., G. C. B.,
and of the officers of the Cruiser Squadron dispatched
by His Majesty's Government to New York, in connec-
tion with the international celebration of the Hudson-
Fulton anniversaries.
A banquet in their honour was organized by the
representatives of the five societies concerned and took
place at the Waldorf-Astoria on the night of October
5th, with Mr. Sanderson, the St. George's acting
President, in the chair. Among the foreign representa-
tives who were present, were Gross Admiral Von Koster
of the Imperial German Navy and Admiral Le Pord,
commanding the French Battleship squadron. The
whole ceremony was carried out with the greatest en-
thusiasm and it was generally admitted to be one of
the most successful features of the entire Hudson-
Fulton celebration.
In this year, Mr. Robert Waller died on the eve of
his 89th birthday. He had been a member of St.
George's Society for almost seventy years and at the
time of his death, he was not only senior but the oldest
member of the Society. It was not, however, these
facts alone that made Mr. Waller's personality a
notable one, but rather the active part that he had
taken in the conduct of the Society's affairs during the
greater part of his long connection with it as a member.
For almost thirty years he had been a member of the
Executive Committee and its chairman for a consider-
able period. On two occasions he had served as Vice
President, and, altogether, the value of his work might
be justly said to be commensurate with the lengthy-
period over which it extended.
Death of Edward VII
On May 7th, 1910, the world in general and the
British Empire in particular were shocked to hear of
the death, after a very short illness, of His
1910 Majesty, King Edward VII. This Society, to-
gether with the other British Societies of New
York, after cabling a message of sympathy to Queen
Alexandra, arranged that a committee be appointed
to consider what steps should be taken to express their
feelings in suitable form. It was ascertained that the
Rev. Dr. Manning, the Rector of Trinity Church, was
ready to hold a memorial service, and that C. W.
Bennet, H. B. M.'s Consul-General, had agreed to act
with the Committee in looking after the details. This
Memorial Service was held at Trinity Church on
Friday, the 20th of May, by the Rev. Dr. Manning,
assisted by the Chaplains of the different societies, and
also the Chaplain of the Seamen's Institute. So great
had been the number of applications for seats that
another service was held at St. Paul's Chapel, Vesey
Street and Broadway, simultaneously with the one at
Trinity Church.
Increase in Membership
At the annual meeting of the preceding year, it had
been resolved to make a special effort to increase the
membership of the Society, and a special com-
1911 mittee had been appointed for the purpose of
going thoroughly into the matter. The energy
and systematic work of this committee not only brought
in many new members but its activity stimulated
other members with the result that the Society could
shortly boast that it was able to show for the first time
in its history, a member's roll with over six hundred
names, and the hope naturally arose that the good
work, done in the past, would increase proportionally
with this large infusion of new vigour. The actual
figures were:
Honorary Members 3
Life Members 108
Annual Members 500
making a total of 611 members as compared with the
previous total membership of 499. In the Secretary's
report this gratifying fact is duly noted in the following
remarks: "This shows an increase of 112 members, a
larger increase than has ever been shown in one year,
and raises the Society to a new high-water mark. We
trust that our members will continue their exertions
and endeavour to keep up this most excellent ratio of
Coronation Day
On June 22nd, the day of the Coronation of King
George V and Queen Mary, a special service was held
at Trinity Church, at which the Society was largely rep-
resented. So great indeed was the number of applicants
that the Executive Committee were quite unable to pro-
vide seating accommodation for all who wished to attend.
At the semi-annual meeting of the Society, held on
October 23rd, two motions of rather more than usual
interest were put before the members and carried.
The first of these, related to the present volume. Its
substance was to the effect that "The History of the
Society should be brought up to date and reprinted,
after a circular shall have been sent to the members to
ascertain which of them are willing to subscribe, and
that a Committee be appointed by the President for
that purpose." The other motion was that an address
of welcome be presented to H. R. H. the Duke of
Connaught upon his arrival on this continent to take
up the office of Governor-General of Canada. On the
arrival of the Duke of Connaught in Canada, the
President, Mr. Lloyd B. Sanderson, sent a cordial letter
of greeting to the new Governor-General. On the
strength of the fact that the Duke has been an Honor-
ary Member of this Society for over forty years, it may
be appropriate to quote a few lines from the letter that
the Society tendered to him on this occasion:
"On behalf of the St. George's Society of New York,
and as its President, I have the honour to extend to
Your Royal Highness, one of our oldest members, a
very loyal welcome to these shores. It is a source of
profound satisfaction to this Ancient and Philanthropic
Society, composed of Englishmen resident here, their
sons and grandsons of both American and British birth
and nationality to feel that they have residing on this
side of the Atlantic and within a few hours' distance of
New York, a Prince of that Reigning House for which
they entertain sentiments of so much loyalty and
devotion, especially a Prince, whose career has been so
distinguished and above all, so useful to the British
Empire as that of Your Royal Highness."
"Titanic" Disaster
The Annual Dinner of the Society was cancelled this
year on account of the appalling catastrophe that will,
in the annals of the sea, be inseparably bound up with
the name of the Titanic. It was a fitting and seemly
act on the part of the members, to lay aside all
thought of festivity during a time of sorrow 1912
that shocked two continents and reverberated
round the world. St. George's Day of 1912 was ac-
cordingly devoted to a Memorial Service, conducted by
the Rev. W. T. Manning, D.D., in Trinity Church, for
the fifteen hundred souls lost in the wreck. Officials
of the White Star and Cunard Steamship Companies,
survivors of the disaster, and many notable people
attended the service which was held under the auspices
of the Society. The opening part of the service was
conducted by the Rev. Dr. Courtney, Chaplain of St.
George's Society, and former Bishop of Nova Scotia,
while the Rev. Dr. Manning read the closing prayers
after which "Nearer, My God, to Thee," was sung as
the recessional hymn. More than half of the six
hundred members of this Society and their friends were
present at this service which was one of the most im-
pressive held in Trinity Church in recent years.
A committee was also appointed by the members of
the Society, to raise funds for the relief of the Titanic
sufferers, and, at the October meeting, it was reported
"that out of $1,364, so received, $1,085 had been ex-
pended, leaving a balance of
"Havens" Relief Fund
During this year also through the much appreciated
efforts of one of the members of the Executive Com-
mittee, the charitable funds of the Society were materi-
ally helped by an annual grant of $250 from the
Havens Relief Fund Society. This money is available
only for cases of direct relief and its expenditure is
under the special supervision of the Chairman of the
Executive Committee ex officio. This Committee, on
behalf of the St. George's Society, expressed to the
Havens Relief Fund Society, its appreciation of this
generous grant.
At the 127th Annual dinner, held at the Waldorf-
Astoria, the St. George's Society had as their guest of
honour, Walter H. Page, the recently appointed
1913 Ambassador to Great Britain, who, in the course
of some quietly witty remarks, thanked the mem-
bers and their guests for the privilege of permitting him
to begin his English studies before he left home. The
theme of his speech was the great common heritage
of England and America, and the necessity for em-
phasizing the mutual interests of the two nations and for
ever keeping green the memories of our * 'heroes of action
or literature, sea-dogs, heroes, poets, — gentlemen all,"
because "our race on both sides of the sea keeps its
elemental youth by remembering its common, immor-
tal heritage of men of great deeds and noble speech."
Perhaps the most notable feature of the evening
was the presentation by the President of the Society,
of the original of the recently discovered song, first
sung at the second anniversary of the Society on St.
George's Day, in 1771, and to which allusion has
already been made. Fac-simile copies of this most in-
teresting document were distributed as souvenirs among
the members and their guests. The song was also
splendidly rendered by one of the singers, and, as its
last echoes died away, many of those present must
have felt the unique privilege that was theirs of listening
to the words and tune of a song that had lain unknown
and utterly forgotten for nearly a century and a half.
Goldsborough Banyar
First President
i 786- i 787
Mr. Goldsborough Banyar was elected first President
of the St. George's Society on January 23rd, 1786. He
was born in London in 1724, and came to America
about 1737. In 1746 he was appointed Auditor-Gen-
eral and afterwards served as Deputy Clerk of the
Council. In 1752 he was elected Registrar of the
Court of Chancery, in 1753 Judge of Probate, and in
1757, a Trustee of the New York Society Library. His
public life came to an end with the termination of
British rule in this city. Mr. Banyar married in 1767,
the widow of Major Appy. This lady was the daughter
of Major Abraham Mortier, the British Paymaster of
the forces in North America. There were two children
of the marriage, the elder of whom, Goldsborough
Banyar, Jr., married Maria, daughter of Chief Justice
Jay. After leaving the public service, Mr. Banyar
removed to Brunswick, near Albany, in 1787. His
death took place in 1815 at Albany.
The following description of him in his later years,
is taken from "Random Recollections of Albany,"
published in 1854, in Albany Annals:
"Among other curious subjects that attracted my
attention during the early part of my residence in
Albany, was a blind old man led about the streets by
his coloured servant.
"It was old Mr. Goldsborough Banyar, a most in-
telligent, wealthy and respectable old gentleman.
First President
"He was the most perfect type of the Anglo-American
then living (1809). He was the last of a race, or class of
men now totally extinct — a race born in England, grown
rich in America, proud of their birth and prouder of
their fortune. He had been a Secretary of State under
the Colonial Government. At the breaking out of the
Revolution, very naturally, and, the prospect consid-
ered, very wisely, he took sides, not arms, with the
mother country.
"A short, stout built man, English alike in form, in
character and aspect, and, at the closing years of his
life, infirm, gouty, and nearly blind, but still sound in
mind and venerable in appearance."
Second President
Theophylact Bache
Second President
The family name of Bache has been traced to a
knight called De La Beche who followed William the
Conqueror from Normandy in 1066. The more imme-
diate ancestor of Theophylact Bache, was a Collector
of Excise in Settle in the West Riding of Yorkshire,
where the subject of this notice was born in 1734. At
an early age he came out to New York under the care
of Mr. Paul Richard, a relative by marriage. This
gentleman, who at one time filled the office of Mayor
of New York, employed young Theophylact as his
assistant. The industrious apprentice was so highly
esteemed by Mr. Richard that, when the latter died,
he left his clerk a considerable sum of money.
Mr. Bache married on October 16th, 1760, Ann Doro-
thy, daughter of Andrew Barclay. Amongst their fam-
ily three sons became identified with the St. George's
Mr. Bache filled many positions of trust in the City.
For many years he was a vestryman of old Trinity
Church. In 1773 he was elected President of the New
York Chamber of Commerce and was also for three
years President of the New York Hospital of which
also he was a Governor for a good many years. Mr.
Bache retired from active business life in 1803 and
afterwards spent much of his time at his country resi-
dence in Flatbush, Long Island.
The portrait, reproduced here, is from a picture in
the New York Chamber of Commerce.
Miles Sherbrooke
Third President
The third President of St. George's Society was a
prominent merchant in New York and a partner in the
Auction House of Perry, Hays, and Sherbrooke. In
the year 1774 he had been elected a member of the
Committee of Correspondence of Fifty-One, and
throughout the period of war he remained in New
York quietly carrying on his business in Mill Street.
During this period he lived in Flatbush, Long Island,
where he underwent the experience of being captured
in June, 1778, by an American officer called Captain
Mariner, who owed Sherbrooke a personal grudge. It
is interesting to note that Mr. Bache, the previous
president of St. George's Society, was likewise taken
prisoner at the same time. In the following year his
property was confiscated and he was banished from the
city. A few years later he petitioned the New York
Legislature for a reversal of his attainder. This ap-
pears to have been granted, since it is recorded that
he had again settled in New York in 1790, in a house in
Whitehall Street. His position soon became an assured
one again, and his interest in the welfare of the dis-
tressed is proved by the fact that he was one of the
Vestry appointed by General Robertson to relieve the
poor of the city. The same desire to render help
induced him to join this Society in its second year of
existence, and, as this sketch indicates, he rose in a
few years to the highest position in the gift of the
members. Mr. Sherbrooke's importance in the busi-
ness world of his day is proved by the fact that he was
one of the incorporators of the New York Chamber of
Commerce. He left behind him the reputation of being
"a merchant of great ability and a gentleman of a
warm, social nature, combined with a versatile and
well-stored mind."
Joshua Waddington
Fourth President
The fourth president of the society was born at
Blyth, Nottinghamshire, England and was the seventh
son of the rector of Harworth. He came to America
in 1776 to join his brothers, William and Henry, who
had already established themselves in New York as
importers of foreign goods. His arrival took place on
the memorable 28th of September when one-half of the
city was destroyed by fire.
After his brothers returned to England, Joshua Wad-
dington became the leading figure in the linen importing
trade of America, doing business under the name of
J. Waddington & Co., at the corner of Pine and Pearl
Streets, until the firm was dissolved at the time of the
War of 1812.
Mr. Waddington married, in 1780, a daughter of
Mr. Elias Desbrosses, and, on her death, he again
married in 1804, Gertrude Gouveneur, daughter of
Abraham Ogden.
In 1787 Mr. Waddington was elected a Director of
the Bank of New York, and in addition he was inter-
ested as a stockholder and director in many of the
other old Banks, Insurance Companies, and joint stock
enterprises of the city of his day.
"He is said to have been one of the most energetic
and socially disposed merchants of his day and to have
entertained his friends and associates with regal
splendour, and was never better pleased than when
extending true English hospitality at his home, or
while distributing charity to his fellow-countrymen in
distress. He was a true son of St. George, proud of
his family and of the land of his birth, and careful of all
that concerned his honour and good name."
Mr. Waddington's long and well-spent life came to
a close in 1844 when he died in the 89th year of his age.
Samuel Corp
Fifth President
1809-1812, and 1821-1824
The senior partner in the English exporting house of
Corp, Ellis, and Shaw, was elected the fifth president
of St. George's Society in 1809. During the last years
of the eighteenth century Mr. Corp's business was
situated at 171 Pearl Street and he then occupied
rooms over his store, as was the custom of New York
merchants at that early day. In 1806 his firm became
involved in the Caracas Expedition through its deal-
ings with Mr. Samuel G. Ogden, who was induced by
General Miranda to enter upon a wild scheme for the
liberation of South America. A ship called Leander
was fitted out with war material and 150 young men
from the city sailed with her. This visionary expedi-
tion to Caracas turned out, however, a complete
failure and the main loss fell upon Mr. Corp who
honourably discharged in full all the obligations that
had been contracted.
In the St. George's Society Mr. Corp filled the
position of Steward in 1788, 1794, and 1795. He was
an active member of the Charitable Committee from
1796 to 1799, and was Vice President from 1800 to
1808. After his first period of office as President, he
was again called upon to fill the chair between 1821
and 1824. Altogether Mr. Corp was connected with
the society for the long period of fifty-two years. He
had been one of the original subscribers in 1786 and
remained a member in good standing until his death
in 1838. When he died in harness in that year, his
commercial career in New York had lasted almost
sixty years. It is interesting to note that the minutes
of the meeting, which passed resolutions in praise of
Mr. Corp's services, were signed by James B. Elliman,
who was elected a member in 1833 and was still alive
in 1886. The two lives of Mr. Corp and Mr. Elliman
thus formed a unique record in covering by their
membership a complete century of service on behalf of
the Society.
Jonathan Ogden
Sixth President
From 1813 to 1815, "during the War no annual
meetings were held," and the office of President re-
mained vacant. The next gentleman to serve was
Mr. Jonathan Ogden who was a Yorkshireman by
descent, having been born March 6th, 1768, in the
parish of Leeds, in the county of York, in England.
His arrival in this country nearly coincided in point of
time with the establishment of the Society. Shortly
after his settlement here he had the privilege, as he
was wont to relate in after years, of witnessing the
inauguration of Washington as First President of the
United States,
In 1804 he was married at Trinity Church to Miss
Charlotte Eliza Walton and they had a family of two
sons and three daughters.
Soon after arriving in America, he established the
house of Ogden, Day, & Co., afterwards Ogden, Fergu-
son, & Co., and so prosperous did he become among
the merchant princes of his day that he was said to
have been at one time the largest holder of cotton in
the United States.
In 1795 he was elected a member of the New York
Chamber of Commerce and held that position for nearly
forty years. For a considerable period, also, he be-
longed to this Society, serving on its Charitable Com-
mittee from 1806 to 1815. It may be noted that his
partners, Mr. John Day and Mr. Samuel Ferguson,
were Vice Presidents of the Society during Mr. Corp's
term of office.
Mr. Ogden's death took place on January 2nd, 1833,
at his residence, 4 State Street, and he was buried in
Trinity Church near the scene of his many activities.
Thomas Dixon
Seventh President
The office of President was held by Mr. Dixon for
a longer period than by any other occupant of the
chair except Theophylact Bache. Altogether he served
the Society in its highest post for nearly a whole decade.
In 1816, as a young man, he came to America from
England where he had been born in 1792. Gradually
he built up a prosperous business in the dry goods trade
at 77 Pine Street, and there continued for many years,
although at a later period of his active business life he
became a banker and dealer in foreign exchange. He
was a resident of New York for nearly half a century
and during that time did his full share in building up
the wealth and grandeur of the city.
In the affairs of the St. George's Society he took a
very special concern and "his cheque for one hundred
dollars came as regularly to the Treasurer as the years
rolled along." In personal appearance he was of a
tall commanding presence and his genial courtesy as a
host rendered him eminently fitted to perform the
duties attached to the chair of a social and charitable
Mr. Dixon returned to England in 1862 and died at
Eastbourne, Sussex, on October 3rd of that year.
Joseph Fowler
Eighth President
1835-1836; 1843; 1846; 1856
Mr. Fowler's popularity with his fellow members of
St. George is best seen in the fact that they chose him
as President on no fewer than four different occasions.
During his last year as President, he was H. B. M.
Acting Consul at New York, filling that post during
the interval between the retirement of Mr. Anthony
Barclay, and the appointment of Mr. E. M. Archibald.
During his tenure of this important office he enjoyed
the full confidence not only of the Government at
home but also of the English residents in New York.
Ninth President
Anthony Barclay
Ninth President
Although born in New York, Mr. Barclay and his
two elder brothers always considered themselves British
subjects since they had been born under the flag of the
Consulate, their father being British Consul at New
York in the early days of the republic, when Washing-
ton, Adams, and Jefferson were Presidents.
Mr. Barclay spent a number of his earlier years in
Savannah, where he married Mrs. Glen, a wealthy
widow of that city. When he returned to New York,
he entered the business of his brothers who had been
rapidly rising to the very highest eminence as mer-
Mr. Barclay, who was generally known among his
friends as Colonel Barclay, first lived in Dey Street,
near Greenwich Street. Afterwards his residence was
in College Place where his house became a leading
social centre largely due to his brilliant and intellectual
wife who was acknowledged to be New York's most
fascinating conversationalist of her day.
In December, 1842, on his being appointed British
Consul for New York, he retired from the firm of
Barclay and Livingston,and placed all his acknowledged
abilities at the service of the British Government.
As Consul he succeeded Mr. James Buchanan, who
had held that office from 1816 up to that time, and he
was assisted by Mr. Robert Bunch as Vice-Consul
to whom reference is made further on in this volume
in connection with St. Luke's Hospital. During
the Crimean War, he was relieved of his office on
the charge that he had enlisted men for service in
the field. This accusation, however, was satisfactorily
explained away, and Mr. Barclay was awarded a
pension by his Government. This he lived to enjoy
for nearly twenty years. On his withdrawal from
public service, he retired to his country mansion near
Hartford, Conn., where he died on March 17, 1877, in
the 85th year of his age.
Charles Edwards
Tenth President
i 840-1841
In 1840 the St. George's Society chose Mr. Charles
Edwards as their tenth president. His early manhood
was spent in England where he was born on May 30th,
1797. He settled in New York in 1825 and soon made a
name for himself both as lawyer and writer. His
reputation among his professional brethren was a high
one and he enhanced it greatly by publishing in 1833
four volumes entitled, "The Chancery Reports." This
work proved of such high merit that a second edition
was called for in 1844.
His second literary production was a monograph,
"The History and Poetry of Finger Rings," and this
was followed by "Feathers from my Wing," and
"Pleasantries about Courts and Lawyers." This last
work, which was dedicated to his son who is still in the
land of the living, contains many entertaining anecdotes
of Alexander Hamilton, Daniel Webster, William H.
Seward and other notable leaders of that generation.
The book abounds in wit and is still well worth perusal.
Mr. Edwards was very fond of and a great devotee to
private theatricals, a man of most untiring energy,
both socially and professionally and one of the most
versatile and learned men who have had the honour of
presiding over the St. George's Society.
His hospitality was on the most lavish scale, and one
of his boon companions was Anthony Barclay, who had
already preceded him as President of St. George's,
Tenth President
The two of them were always the life and soul of the
company that delighted to gather around them to hear
their exceptional powers of conversation.
Mr. Edwards died on May 30th, 1868, leaving a
widow and four sons, one of whom, Pierrepont, was
for some years British Vice-Consul for the port of
New York, and is still a member of this Society.
Eleventh President
1842 and 1848
Edward Fisher Sanderson
Eleventh President
1842 and 1848
Mr. Sanderson had the honour of being elected Presi-
dent of St. George's Society on two different occasions.
An Englishman by birth, Mr. Sanderson came to
America in 1823, when he had reached the age of
twenty-four. He made a start in business at 134 Pearl
Street and his integrity and ability soon enabled him
to build up a very successful connection. In the course
of time he became the senior member of the Sheffield
and New York firm of Sanderson Brothers & Co.
This firm carried on its affairs for a considerable num-
ber of years at 16 Cliff Street.
Mr. Sanderson's energy also found outlet in his
duties as a Director of the Merchants' Bank as well as
of several of the local Insurance Companies. Mean-
while, his keen interest in the welfare of St. George's
Society was in no way diminished by the fact that he
considered it his duty to become a citizen of the United
States. Much of Mr. Sanderson's leisure was devoted
to the study of scientific literature, and he made a
special study of mineralogy in which he gained an
expert knowledge.
Mr. Sanderson, who had married a daughter of Mr.
Isaac Carow, returned to England in 1856 after he had
made an ample fortune. The remaining ten years of
his life were spent in the country of his birth and his
death took place on September 26th, 1866, when he
had reached the 67th year of his age.
A striking testimony to his many good qualities was
forthcoming in New York when his approaching de-
parture for England became known. His brother mer-
chants and his fellow-members of the St. George's
Society joined in giving him a public reception as a
proof of the esteem and regard they entertained for
him as a merchant, a philanthropist, and a man.
W. B. Cuthbertson
Twelfth President
No record can be traced of Mr. Cuthbertson's early
life and parentage but it is known that he was highly
esteemed as an English merchant, being engaged as an
extensive importer of wines and spirits in Water Street,
New York. After joining the St. George's Society, he
became an interested and active worker in alleviating
the wants of his fellow countrymen, and was particu-
larly conscientious in his attention to the duties of the
committees upon which he was placed.
An amusing story of a clerk of his deserves a few
lines here for its preservation. Needing help in his
office, Mr. Cuthbertson was prevailed upon to engage
at a rather high salary, Tom Oldfield, a young blood of
the day and a son of his old friend, the head of the
firm of Oldfield, Bernard, & Company. Needless to
say the new recruit was not exactly fitted for the
hum-drum of an office life since he had already some-
thing of a reputation as an habitue of old Washington
Hall, where in years long ago the Society held its annual
dinners. After being appointed, Tom would make his
appearance at the office at precisely two o'clock in the
afternoon. This went on for a week, when Mr. Cuth-
bertson, unable to stand it any longer, gave his lazy
clerk a sound lecture. "But, my dear sir," said Tom,
"I don't get my breakfast until one o'clock — how can
I come earlier?" "Get your breakfast earlier," replied
the merchant. "How can I?" was the answer. "I
don't get up until past twelve." "Then get up earlier,"
was the advice given him. "How can I?" asked Tom,
"when I don't go to bed until daylight." Further
argument was deemed useless and the services of Old-
field were gently but firmly dispensed with by the
venerable merchant.
John S. Bartlett, M. D
Thirteenth President
Dr. John S. Bartlett was a Dorsetshire man, having
been born in that county in 1790. When he settled
in America he took up his residence in New York.
Part of his education was obtained in Scotland and he
was a graduate of the Edinburgh College of Physicians
in 1820. For some years after he came to America, he
edited the Albion newspaper, and found time besides
to publish a considerable number of books. Among his
publications were several professional works. Of these
the most important were: "The Physician's Pocket
Synopsis," published in 1822 at Boston, and "A Letter
to the President, Counsellors and Fellows of the Massa-
chusetts Medical Society," published in the same city
in 1837. Dr. Bartlett's attainments as a medical man
were honoured by his election as a member of this
Boston Society.
After a number of years of residence at Concord,
Massachusetts, Dr. Bartlett came back to New York
and lived for a time in Barclay Street. In later years
after 1853, his office was at 86 William Street. His
death took place at Middletown Point, New Jersey,
on the 25th of August, 1863. He was recognized by
all who knew him as, "a man of happy, social tempera-
ment, of a convivial disposition, delighting in all the
good things of this life, a keen sportsman, and a trusty
son of Britain."
John C. Beales, M. D.
Fourteenth President
1849-1853 and 1858-1860
Dr. Beales was born in the county of Norfolk,
England, in 1804. He was educated for the medical
profession and, as a student, attended the lectures of
John Kendrick, the famous English surgeon. After-
wards he became dresser at St. George's Hospital,
London, to the celebrated Sir Benjamin Brodie, and
eventually graduated from the Royal College of Sur-
geons, London, in 1829. In the same year he left
England and took up his residence in Mexico, where
he married Donna Dolores De Soto, a descendant of
Fernando De Soto, the discoverer of the Mississippi
In 1835 Dr. Beales removed to New York and for
many years was medical examiner for the Albion Life
Insurance Company. Many honours were conferred
upon him in the years that followed. He was admitted
an M. R. C. S. of London, and a Licentiate of the
Proto Medicato of Mexico. In New York, the Acad-
emy of Medicine made him a Fellow and he also held
the honorary degree of Doctor of Medicine of the
College of Physicians in Madrid.
For many years Dr. Beales was the leading spirit in
St. George's Society and was always ready to respond
to any call that might be made upon either his time or
his purse. The following sentence is quoted here as
giving an acquaintance's impression of him. "He was
a tall, well built specimen of an Englishman, fond of
society, a giant in energy, and a Demosthenes in
Dr. Beales was in his 74th year when he died on
July 25th, 1878. His family, consisting of a son and
a daughter, inherited from him large estates.
William Young
Fifteenth President
William Young, one of the descendants of a very
old Scottish family, the Youngs of Leny, was born at
Deptford in the county of Kent, England. His father,
Vice-Admiral W. Young, at that time held a naval
appointment there.
Mr. Young spent a number of years both in the
North and South of America and during the course of
his travels, married a lady belonging to Charleston,
South Carolina. After settling down in New York, he
became proprietor and editor of the Albion in 1848.
This journal, which no longer exists, he held and con-
ducted for eighteen years, embracing the difficult period
of the Civil War in the United States. In 1869, Mr.
Kinahan Cornwallis, one of our oldest living members,
purchased the Albion from him and his publisher, Mr.
William H. Morrell, who was also until his death a
life member of the Society. Mr. Young still continued
to contribute articles to his former paper and later
began the publication of an evening paper, the first of
its kind in New York; but, as he lost money by it, he
soon discontinued its issue.
In 1873, Mr. Young left New York to reside perma-
nently in Paris, where his two unmarried daughters had
previously taken up their residence, and where he had
lived for a time when young. Among his literary con-
tributions may be mentioned his translation of two
hundred of Beranger's Songs, and of "L 'Homme qui
Rit" one of Victor Hugo's romances.
Mr Kinahan Cornwallis, to whom we are indebted
for part of the above information, knew Mr. Young
intimately and thus expresses his opinion of him: "He
was a well-bred Englishman — tall, fine-looking, refined
and highly educated and of reserved and austere
manner, with thoroughly English sentiments and
Septimus Crookes
Sixteenth President
No record has been preserved either of Mr. Crookes's
birth or of the particular line of business in which he
was engaged while residing in this city. About all
that is known of him is that he was a warm personal
friend of Charles Edwards, a former President of St.
George's Society. The latter in witnessing Mr.
Crookes's will testified that he had known him inti-
mately both in England and America for upwards of
thirty years. Mr. Crookes remained a bachelor all his
life and died during the latter part of the year 1867.
Henry Eyre
Seventeenth President
Henry Eyre was born on November 14th, 1815, at
Beverly, in Yorkshire. After being educated at the
Grammar School there, he went to Rio de Janeiro in
1829 and began his business career in the well-
known house of Phipps & Co. After spending ten
years there, he came to New York and founded the
firm of J. L. Phipps & Co. In 1850 he retired from
that firm and established the house of Henry Eyre &
Co., in New York and Eyre, Moke, & Co. in New
Orleans, in connection with Johnson & Co. of Liverpool,
Subsequently he went into business for himself in the
South American and China trade, and soon became
one of the largest importers in New York.
Apart from his other activities, he held the post of
Director of the New York Branch of the Royal Insur-
ance Company of Liverpool, as well as similar positions
in the Bank of the Republic and in the Con-
tinental Insurance Company.
In 1849 Mr. Eyre married Georgina, third daughter
of John Eyre, Esq., of Eyre Court, County Galway,
Ireland. Four of his five sons by this marriage after-
wards became life members of the St. George's Society.
Mr. Eyre himself had joined the Society in 1840, and
served on the Charitable Committee in 1854-55, and
also as Vice President in 1856 and 1857.
He made his tenure of office memorable by a gift of
$5,000 in 1865 to the Permanent Fund, upon the con-
Seventeenth President
dition that a similar amount should be raised by the
members. This offer was promptly and liberally
responded to and by the time the list was closed a
sum of over fifteen thousand dollars had been raised.
On his retirement from the Presidency he continued
to be a firm friend of the Society, and upon his death,
which occurred on May 4th, 1882, resolutions ex-
pressive of deep regret and sympathy were adopted and
forwarded to his family.
- V* .
Eighteenth President
Sir Edward Mortimer Archibald
Eighteenth President
Sir Edward Mortimer Archibald was born in Truro,
Nova Scotia, on May 10th, 1810. After reading law
with his father, who was Master of the Rolls of Nova
Scotia, he entered the British service as Registrar of
the Supreme Court of St. John's, Newfoundland. Sub-
sequently he became Registrar and Clerk of the Legis-
lature and then in succession Attorney General, Advo-
cate General, and Judge of the Supreme Court of
Some years later Mr. Archibald was appointed to
succeed Mr. Barclay as British Consul in New York
and in 1871 he was promoted to the Consul Generalship.
During the Civil War and the Fenian excitement,
Mr. Archibald's duties were often more of a diplomatic
than a commercial nature, and the success which
attended his performance of them won high praise from
the Home Government and the leading men in this
country. At the close of the war he was made a
C. B. and appointed Treasurer of the "Geneva award."
In the payment of that award he carried with him to
Washington in one instance $15,000,000 in one cheque.
A curious fact in connection with this journey was that
the train upon which the Consul General was travelling
broke down and, as the time for the payment of the
money had nearly expired, the British Government
came very near being declared a defaulter.
In 1880 Mr. Archibald was entitled to retire upon a
pension, he having attained the age of seventy years,
but an exception was made in his favour by Lord
Salisbury, and he was requested to retain his office.
In 1882 he went to England, where he was knighted
and received the order of St. Michael and St. George,
with a pension of £1,500 a year. Two years after-
wards he resigned his office and left this country to
reside in England. On his retirement from the Govern-
ment service, a complimentary dinner attended by two
hundred representative citizens, was given to him at
Sir Edward Archibald died at Brighton, England,
on February 8th, 1884.
John G. Dale
Nineteenth President
Mr. Dale was a native of Lancashire in England
where he was born in 1830. His father was a minister
of the Episcopal Church. He began his business
career with the shipping firm of Richardson, Spence &
Co. of Liverpool. At the close of the Crimean War,
the Liverpool and Philadelphia line of steamers was
established between these two cities and Mr. Dale
came to this country as bookkeeper. In the winter of
1856-7 the Delaware River was frozen over and a
vessel of this line in seeking a harbour put into the
port of New York. This accidental arrival, it is said,
led to the establishment of an office in this city of
which Mr. Dale was made the head. Thenceforth, he
devoted himself, heart and soul, to the building up of
what was then known as the Inman Steamship Line.
Some time afterward Mr. Dale was also selected as
the New York agent of the British and Foreign Marine
Insurance Company.
After serving his term of office as President of the
St. George's Society, he was appointed Treasurer and
filled that office with great satisfaction to the members
until the day of his death. Mr. Dale's liberality in
charitable affairs was not confined to the work of the
Society for, as a member of Calvary Church, he took
a keen interest in its efforts to relieve the distressed.
Further evidence of his capacity for affairs was
displayed in his membership of the Maritime Exchange,
Nineteenth President
the Produce Exchange, and the Chamber of Commerce.
In addition to these he became a member of the Down
Town Association and of the Union Club.
Mr. Dale died in the prime of his life at 55 Irving
Place in this city, on March 23rd, 1883. In speaking
of him shortly after his death one of his friends said:
"He was a man of positive convictions, strong in his
likes and dislikes. At the dinner table he was the
best of hosts."
Twentieth President
Henry E. Pellew
Twentieth President
Mr. Henry E. Pellew, born in 1828 at Canterbury,
England, was the son of George Pellew, D.D., Dean of
Norwich, and grandson of Edward, first Viscount
Exmouth. After attending Eton, he graduated at
Trinity College, Cambridge, and entered public life as
a Justice of the Peace for Middlesex. Shortly after-
wards he sailed for America and in 1858 his marriage
took place with the daughter of Judge William Jay of
Bedford, Westchester County, New York, whose
father, John Jay, was the first Chief Justice of the
United States and a Governor of this State.
From 1859 to 1873 Mr. Pellew was again living in
England and during that period he took a leading part
in founding Keble College, Oxford, which was under-
taken as a memorial of the Rev. John Keble, with the
special object of enabling its members to get a Uni-
versity education at the smallest possible cost. As
Secretary of the Fund Mr. Pellew collected over
£50,000 on its behalf.
On coming finally to this country he resigned his
place on the Council of the College. After his return
to New York he largely identified himself with the
principle of co-operation and the interchange of infor-
mation among the charitable institutions of the city.
In conjunction with several prominent Americans of
that time he set on foot the "Bureau of Charities" which
later on became the Board of United Charities of which
he was Chairman. He edited at the same time the
"Handbook of the Benevolent Institutions and Char-
ities of New York," which was published by that
Board. This work has now developed into the valu-
able institution of the Charity Organization Society.
Mr. Pellew's services and experience led to his ap-
pointment as a Commissioner of Education, but in
1881 he resigned this and other posts on account of
impaired health. Since then he has resided mainly in
Washington, D. C. During the whole time of his con-
nection with this Society, Mr. Pellew devoted his
energies in extending its usefulness, and, under his
guidance, a marked improvement was made in the
distribution of its funds.
Briton Richardson
Twenty-first President
Briton Richardson was born at Hooly Hill, Cheshire,
England, on the 30th July, 1818. After leaving school
he first engaged in the cotton printing business in
Manchester. In 1859 he came to this country and went
into the cotton thread manufacturing business at
Fall River. While there he invented a process for
glazing cotton thread. This was very favourably
received by experts in the trade and secured for its
inventor a place of authority in the ranks of his fellow
merchants. Later on he engaged in the same branch
of work at Haydenville, Mass., and met with even a
greater share of success than had formerly fallen to his
In 1863 he settled in New York and took up the
importation of raw silk. He was actively engaged in
this business until his death in March, 1898. His
business capacity and his prominent standing in the
silk trade were seen in the fact that towards the end
of his career he was Vice-President and Secretary of the
Silk Association of America. In addition he organized
and was the first President of the Merchants' Central
Mr. Richardson was throughout his life deeply in-
terested in church matters and was for a considerable
number of years one of the wardens of St. Paul's
Church, Brooklyn. In connection with that church he
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Twenty-first President
organized the first surpliced boys' choir which took
part in a religious service in that city.
Mr. Richardson was elected a member of the St.
George's Society in 1863 and served five years upon
the Executive Committee. He also filled the office of
Vice-President from 1874 to 1877 and in the following
year was chosen as the official head of the Society.
Twenty-second President
1880-82; 1889-91; 1895-96
F. W. J. Hurst
Twenty-second President
1880-82; 1889-91; 1895-96
Mr. Hurst was a native of St. John's, Antigua,
British West Indies, where he was born on February
13th, 1840. After being educated at Bermuda, he
commenced his mercantile career in 1856 in London.
In 1859 he was in the office of Guion & Co. of Liver-
pool, and in 1861 became managing clerk and agent
for Edward Lawrence & Co. at Bermuda and in the
Confederate States from August 1863 to 1865. When
he received the appointment of manager for the United
States of the National Steamship Company of Liver-
pool he settled in New York in 1866 and in the same
year was elected a member of this society.
His name soon appeared upon the list of officers, for
he was made Assistant Secretary and a Steward in
1867 and a member of the Charitable Committee in
1868. With the late Edward Walker he was largely
instrumental in facilitating the work of the revised
constitution in 1869, under which the Society made
several important changes. Upon the decease of Mr.
John G. Dale, he was chosen as Treasurer of the
Society, and held this office until 1885.
Mr. Hurst married on June 2nd, 1868, Caroline
Eliza, daughter of Mr. Edward S. Jaffray, a member
of this Society and one of New York's merchant
princes. While in England Mr. Hurst had been a
member of the 5th Lancashire Rifle Volunteers, from
1859 to 1866 and had risen from the ranks to be a
Lieutenant in 1864. In New York his genial social
nature led to his taking a prominent share in club life.
He was President of the Travellers' Club and of the
Land and Water Club, and, for some time, Treasurer
of the New York Yacht Club.
Edward Hill
Twenty-third President
Mr. Edward Hill's birthplace was the ancient town
of Boston in Lincolnshire. He was born there in 1825
and came to this country shortly before he reached
the age of twenty. The business in which he estab-
lished himself was mainly connected with the importa-
tion of chemicals, and his energy and ability quickly
secured for him success.
His membership of the St. George's Society dated
from 1856. He served on the Charitable Committee
in 1862-68, on the Executive Committee in 1869, and
again in 1877-8. The duties of Vice President were
fulfilled by him during six years, and he was also
Treasurer in 1885-6, thus serving the Society for twenty
years in one capacity or another.
Of a generous and impulsive nature he was inde-
fatigable in his efforts to promote the welfare of the
Society and his contributions to its funds were at all
times of a most liberal nature. During his time as
President he took and furnished an office at his own
expense for the use of the Society. The crowning
effort of his career was his strenuous and successful
attempt to place the finances of the Permanent Fund
on a satisfactory footing. Towards this he gave per-
sonally the handsome gift of five thousand dollars.
As a member of the Vestry of the Church of St. George
the Martyr, he was the representative of that church
on the Board of Managers of St. Luke's Hospital.
Twenty-third President
The Society as a whole could judge best of his liberal
nature by his open-handed gifts, but his associate
officers were further able to testify that, in their almost
daily intercourse with him during the later years of
his life, they were accustomed to place the greatest
reliance upon his judgment and to adopt most of the
suggestions which he put forward for the welfare of
the Society.
Mr. Hill died on August 8th, 1886, leaving three
sons and two daughters, two of the former being
members of the Society.
Twenty-fourth President
Richard J. Cortis
Twenty-fourth President
i 885-1886
Mr. Richard J. Cortis spent his early life in Hull,
in Yorkshire, England, having been born there on
March 7th, 1824. When about thirty years of age
he began business in New York in January, 1855, and
was for a considerable period successfully connected
with the Liverpool lines of steamers. During a period
extending over thirteen years he filled the highly
responsible position of General Agent and Manager
for the White Star Line.
Mr. Cortis, with others prominent in the work of
the Society, was largely instrumental, in 1860, in se-
curing the passage by the legislature of an Act designed
to put a stop to the operations of the swindling ticket-
agents in this city. These rascals had for long ruth-
lessly robbed ignorant and unwary passengers bound
for Europe from this port, but the Act quickly put an
end to their doings, as it turned out a complete success
from the point of view of the purpose for which it was
In private life Mr. Cortis was a liberal supporter of
the St. George's Society, and, through his influence as
General Agent of the White Star Line, he was able to
do a vast amount of good. This took the form of
ungrudging and highly effective aid to the Society's
charitable work by granting free passages, at the
request of the Chairman of the Executive Committee,
to many applicants who, from failing health and inabil-
ity to gain a livelihood here, were desirous of returning
to friends in the old country. Mr. Cortis's death took
place on November 27th, 1910, in Brooklyn, at the
advanced age of eighty-six years.
Henry Walrond Oke Edye
Twenty-fifth President
Mr. Henry Walrond Oke Edye was born in Ham-
burg of English parents on the 19th April, 1836, and
was educated there in the Hamburg State College
"Johanneum." After a successful career as a student
in that institution, Mr. Edye was apprenticed in 1853
to the firm of Tietgen & Robertson of Hamburg,
one of the best known and most highly reputed houses
in that ancient and famous commercial centre.
In 1858, at the conclusion of his apprenticeship, he
proceeded to New York and was soon engaged as a
clerk with Messrs. L. E. Amsinck & Co. Not content
with the subordinate position thus obtained, the young
clerk became desirous of a wider field for the display
of the abilities with which he knew himself to be
endowed. With this end in view, he accordingly com-
menced business for himself in 1860 under the style of
Robert M. Sloman & Edye. The new firm under
his care and energy soon became very prosperous and
was subsequently known as that of H. W. O. Edye,
& Edye, & Brick.
After being connected with this house for nearly ten
years, Mr. Edye joined partnership with Mr. Funch
in 1869. Under the name of Funch, Edye, & Co., these
two gentlemen continued their prosperous career as
In course of time Mr. Edye's financial position
warranted his withdrawal altogether from active busi-
Twenty-fifth President
ness life and his thoughts naturally reverted to the land
of his birth from which he had long been severed.
There he eventually settled down, and the last few
years of his life were spent at his country seat in
Dockenhuden, near Hamburg.
Mr. Edye's death occurred on May 12th, 1903, at
Bergedorf, in the neighbourhood of Hamburg.
Twenty-sixth President
Edward F. Beddall
Twenty-sixth President
Mr. Edward F. Beddall, who was born in the county
of Essex, England, on May 1st, 1839, spent his early
youth in the service of the Royal Insurance Company.
After spending nine years in its London office, Mr.
Beddall was appointed manager of its Canadian branch,
with his headquarters at Montreal. The severe losses,
caused by the conflagrations in Chicago and Boston,
in 1871-2, and the promptitude and liberality with
which they were settled by the British Insurance
Companies generally, resulted in an enormous increase
in the business of the "Royal" in the United States.
As a consequence Mr. Beddall was transferred to its
New York office at the close of the year 1873, and
given charge of the American branch in connection
with which he is still at this date in active service.
In 1896-1897, he had the honour of being President
of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters, in whose
hall now hangs his portrait, presented by the Board.
The picture of Mr. Beddall in the present volume is
taken from this presentation portrait.
Mr. Beddall's membership of the St. George's Society
began in 1880, and in the following year he was elected
a member of its Executive Committee. Two years
later he became the Chairman of that Committee and
fulfilled the onerous duties of that position with dili-
gence and fidelity until 1885, when he was chosen
Vice President. Mr. Beddall's tenure of the post of
President only lasted for one year as he declined re-
election, greatly to the regret of his fellow-members.
In 1895, he was appointed a Delegate of the Church
of St. George the Martyr to the Board of Managers
of St. Luke's Hospital and held this position for several
years. Largely through his efforts, the rights and
privileges enjoyed by that Church in the Hospital were
transferred to the St. George's Society. A reference to
his services in this matter will be found in the sketch
in the present volume dealing with the history of St.
Luke's Hospital.
Sir William Lane Booker, K. C. M. G.
Twenty-seventh President
Sir William Lane Booker was employed for five
years in the Consulate at San Francisco, where he was
Acting Consul from July 5th, 1856, till April 30th, 1857.
In May of that year he became Consul for the State of
California, United States, with residence at San Fran-
cisco, and later, on February 9th, 1871, he was ap-
pointed Consul for the States of California and
Oregon, and for Washington Territory. During this
period he was also Post Office Agent at San Francisco.
At the beginning of 1883, his promotion was con-
firmed as Consul General for the States of New York,
Delaware, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Connecticut*
Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska and for the territories
of Dakota, Wyoming, and Utah. His new post neces-
sitated his coming to New York as his headquarters.
Three years afterwards his district was limited to the
States of New York, Delaware, New Jersey, Rhode
Island, and Connecticut, and at the same time, on
August 6th, 1886, he was made a C. M. G.
Sir William Booker, who had become a Life Member
of the St. George's Society in 1883, on his settlement
in this city, was elected to the President's chair in 1892.
He also held this position during the following year,
and, on his retirement from office, was awarded thie
thanks of the Society "for his valuable services, and
for the unfailing attention and kindly interest which
had always marked his work as President."
Twenty-seventh President
In March, 1894, Mr. Booker received the honour of
knighthood and exactly four months later he retired
on a well-earned pension. Sir William's death occurred
in London on the nineteenth of February, 1905.
Twenty-eighth President
Harold Arthur Sanderson
Twenty-eighth President
At the annual meeting of the St. George's Society,
held on January 23d, 1894, Mr. Harold A.Sanderson
was elected President for that year. Mr. Sanderson
was born at Birkenhead, England, in 1860, and received
his education in Liverpool and in Brussels, Belgium.
He was in business in Liverpool for some time before
he came to America in 1879. After settling in New
York he founded, with his father, the firm of Sanderson
& Son, Steamship Agents.
In 1895, the Society lost the valued counsel and
support of Mr. Sanderson, who had been chosen to fill
an important position in the old country. A cordial
vote of thanks to him for his services was ordered to be
entered on the Minutes in full and a copy of this was
engrossed and forwarded to Mr. Sanderson.
Prior to his leaving America, Mr. Sanderson was a
member of the firm of Sanderson & Son, New York.
On his return to England he became a partner in
the firm of Ismay, Imrie & Co., managers of the
White Star Line. At present he is President of the
International Mercantile Marine Company. Among
his many offices of trust it may be mentioned that he
is chairman or director of the following companies:
International Navigation Company, Ltd.; Mississippi
& Dominion Steamship Company, Ltd.; The Brit-
ish & North Atlantic Steam Navigation Company,
Ltd.; Shaw, Savill & Albion Company, Ltd; and
George Thompson & Co., Ltd. In addition Mr. San-
derson holds the post of Director of the Liverpool &
London Steamship Protection Association, Ltd. Mr.
Sanderson's London clubs are the Constitutional and
the Royal Automobile. In Liverpool he is a member
of the Palatine. His spare time is devoted to the
up-to-date recreations of golf and motoring.
William M. Massey
Twenty-ninth President
William M. Massey was born in September, 1841,
at Northwich, in Cheshire, England, where his father,
the Rev. Samuel Massey was for some time a vicar.
He was educated at private schools in Northwich,
Manchester, and Montreal, where his parents had re-
moved when he was twelve years old. He gained
his earliest business experience in Montreal, where he
served his apprenticeship as a chemist and druggist
in the firm of Lyman, Savage & Co. During this
period he also attended special courses at McGill
University with a view of advancing himself in his
He came to New York in 1869 and, on settling here,
entered the firm of Caswell, Hazard & Co., with whom
he remained until 1875, when, along with Mr. John
R. Caswell, he established the firm of Caswell, Massey
& Co. When they sold out their business to a corpora-
tion in 1907, Mr. Massey retired and has since lived
in England.
Whilst in this city, Mr. Massey took a deep interest
in public affairs. For many years he did good work
for the New York College of Pharmacy as Trustee
and Vice-President. In military matters he was also
an enthusiast, and was one of the founders of the
Victoria Rifles of Montreal. Later, he became a
member of the Seventh Regiment of New York and
rose to the rank of Second Lieutenant.
Twenty-ninth President
His membership of St. George's Society dates from
1873, and he soon became one of the faithful band
whose regular attendance, year after year, was instru-
mental in keeping alive the corporation of the Church
of St. George the Martyr, through which the valuable
rights of that corporation in connection with St.
Luke's Hospital were eventually transferred to this
Society. After filling the offices of Secretary in 1889,
and of Vice-President in 1892-94, he was elected
President in 1897, and re-elected for a second term the
following year. His term of office was signalized
by the presentation to Her Majesty Queen Victoria
of an address of congratulation on the occasion of Her
Majesty's Diamond Jubilee.
Mr. Massey's genial nature made him persona grata
in many clubs, among them being the Union League,
the New York, the Seventh Regiment Veterans, the
British Schools and Universities Club of New York,
and the Larchmont Yacht Club.
Thirtieth President
George Gray Ward
Thirtieth President
Mr. George Gray Ward was born December 30th,
1844, at Great Hadham, Hertfordshire, and was edu-
cated privately at Cambridge. Upon leaving school
he decided to make telegraphy his career and was for
several years in the English Telegraph service. In
1865 he entered into a three years' engagement with the
Egyptian Government to assist in perfecting the tele-
graph system of that country. He first became identi-
fied with submarine cable work in 1869, when he was
selected to accompany the steamship, Great Eastern, as
a member of the electrical staff during the laying of
the first cable of the French Atlantic Cable Company.
In 1874 he came to New York and organized the
system of the Direct United States Cable Company
in the United States. Mr. Ward's improvements in
the Trans-Atlantic cable service reduced the time of
transmission to a minimum and made his company
not only very popular with the public but also of
valuable aid to the press. In 1875 Mr. Ward intro-
duced the system of registered addresses which has
since been adopted throughout the world and has re-
sulted in an immense saving to the cabling public.
In 1883 he became associated with Messrs. John
W. Mackay and James Gordon Bennett in the estab-
lishment of independent Trans-Atlantic cable service
and, when Mr. John W. Mackay died in 1902, Mr.
Ward succeeded him as Chairman of the Board of
Directors of the Commercial Cable Company.
Mr. Ward has been closely identified with the de-
velopment of submarine telegraphy throughout the
entire world, and has under his management upwards
of 30,000 miles of submarine cables, extending two-
thirds around the world.
Mr. Ward's strenuous business career is also shown
by the fact that he is Vice-President and Director of
a number of companies, and an active member of the
New York Chamber of Commerce. He is also Honor-
ary Secretary and Treasurer in the United States of
the Institution of Electrical Engineers of England.
He was one of the representatives at the International
Telegraph Conferences held at Budapest, London, and
Lisbon in the years 1896, 1903, and 1908 respectively.
His high standard of business integrity has won for
him many friends in the business world even amongst
his keenest competitors.
Mr. Ward has been decorated by the German
Emperor and the Emperor of Japan for his share in
laying the cables between those countries and America.
Notwithstanding these manifold activities, Mr. Ward
has been able to take a full share in the work of the
St. George's Society and has devoted a great deal of
his time to its interests having been a member of the
Executive Committee and Vice-President for several
years. He is at present one of the delegates to St.
Luke's Hospital.
Sir Percy Sanderson, K. C. M. G.
Thirty-first President
Sir Percy Sanderson, the son of Richard Sanderson
and Charlotte Matilda, daughter of the first Viscount
Canterbury, was born in London, on July 7th, 1842.
After being educated at Eton and Addiscombe, the
famous military academy, founded in 1809, by the
Honourable East India Company of England for the
instruction of its cadets, Sir Percy entered the army
as Lieutenant in the Royal Madras Artillery in 1859.
Six years later he was appointed to the Royal Horse
Artillery and also became A. D. C. to Sir William
Denison, Governor of Madras. In 1866 he was chosen
as third class Commissary of Ordnance, and in 1868,
was acting A. D. C. to Lord Napier, Governor of
Madras. His Indian career came to an end in the
same year, when he returned to England on sick cer-
tificate, and was retired on half pay in January, 1870.
He again entered the public service in 1876 and,
after serving in some minor posts, he was appointed
Consul General for Roumania in 1882, and H. M.
Commissioner for carrying out the arrangements re-
specting the navigation of the Danube. During the
Danube Conference he was in London on public service
for part of 1883 and in the same year became Charge
d' Affaires at Bucharest. Three years later his services
were rewarded with the C. M. G.
It was not until July 12th, 1894, that his connection
with this country began. On that date he was ap-
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Thirty-first President
pointed Consul General for the States of New York,
Delaware, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Connecticut,
to reside at New York. Almost immediately on his
arrival, he joined the St. George's Society, becoming
later a life member. He quickly rose to the highest
position that is in the gift of the members to bestow,
and during his tenure of this position he presided at
the dinner of the Allied Societies given in honour of
Prince Louis of Battenberg.
In 1897 he received the Jubilee Medal and two years
afterward was knighted. His retirement on a pension
in 1907, brought to a close a public career extending
over nearly half a century.
Thirty-second President
Robert H. Turle
Thirty-second President
Mr. Robert H. Turle was born in Taunton, England,
on the thirteenth of December, 1846. His keen desire
for a seafaring life induced his parents to apprentice
him as a sailor-boy when he was fourteen years old.
He followed this line until he was more than twenty-
five, and was then ready and eager to take charge of
a vessel himself. The fates ordained otherwise in his
case, however, and he came to New York in answer
to an invitation from his uncle, Mr. John Hobbs.
Here he rapidly mastered the ins and outs of Produce
Exchange transactions and started in business for him-
self. As a member of the Produce Exchange, he soon
extended his activities, particularly as regards the ex-
tensive shipping of grain to Europe. He continued in
this business, until he retired in April, 1905.
Like all Englishmen, he was devoted to his own
country, and did not seek naturalization here until
President Cleveland's second administration. His in-
terest in the welfare of the St. George's Society was
deep and lasting, and for some years he served it as
Mr. Turle married in 1880, Kathleen Gordon Ford,
daughter of Mr. Gordon L. Ford.
His retirement into private life was unfortunately a
very brief one, and he had barely settled down when
his death occurred on May 13th, 1905.
Thirty-third President
Edward Fairbairn Darrell
Thirty-third President
Mr. Edward F. Darrell was born on June 11th,
1862, at Hamilton, Bermuda, of which island his
father, the Hon. R. Darrell-Darrell, B.A. (Cantab.)
was Solicitor-General. When a young man of nine-
teen, Mr. Darrell became a resident in the United
States and for many years afterwards he was connected
with the National Steamship Company, in various
important positions. In 1895 he left them to go into
business for himself and, seven years later, in 1902, he
formed the present firm of E. F. Darrell & Co.
Mr. Darrell became a member of the St. George's
Society in 1897 and quickly identified himself with its
different phases of work. For a considerable time he
served on the Executive Committee and eventually
was elected Chairman of that Committee. For three
years from 1902 to 1904, Mr. Darrell held the office of
Vice President and was then President of the Society
for the following two years. Since 1906, Mr. Darrell
has also been a Delegate to the St. Luke's Hospital
from this Society.
As a member of various clubs and societies, Mr.
Darrell takes an active share in the social life
of the city. He has served on the House Com-
mittee of the New York Yacht Club, which he first
joined in 1896, and has been a member of the Calumet
Club for over twenty years. In this club Mr. Darrell
not only served on the Board of Governors but was also
for some time its Treasurer and afterwards its President
from 1905 to 1909. The Pilgrims and other Anglo-
American Societies also have Mr. Darrell's name upon
their rolls of membership.
John E. Grote Higgens
Thirty-fourth President
Mr. John E. Grote Higgens was born at Wareside,
in Hertfordshire, England, of which place his father
was the vicar. After receiving part of his training at
Stubbington House, a naval school, with a high repu-
tation for the success of its pupils in after life, he sub-
sequently completed his education on the continent.
On his return to England he served for some time,
as a lieutenant of the 2nd Herts. Volunteers during the
period when this voluntary military movement was
in the heyday of its popularity in England.
When he came to try his fortune in this country in
1874, he first proceeded to Virginia where he was for
some time engaged in farming. About nine years later
he came to New York in 1883 to engage in the cotton
business, and was soon elected a member of the Cotton
Exchange, with the progress and welfare of which he
was actively connected for the rest of his life. His
energy and capacity were early apparent to his col-
leagues and they gave a proof of their recognition of
his sound qualities by making him their choice to serve
on the Board of Managers of that institution.
Mr. Higgens became a Life Member of the St.
George's Society in 1889, and, from the start, ener-
getically identified himself with its work. His services
were mainly in connection with the Executive Com-
mittee, of which he was for some time the Chairman.
Thirty-fourth President
He also served a term as Vice-President before being
elected President in 1907.
His death took place in New York, on February 5th,
Thirty-fifth President
Edward Kirkpatrick Beddall
Thirty-fifth President
The only instance, in the history of the Society, of
father and son both serving as Presidents happened
when Mr. E. K. Beddall assumed in 1909, the office
which his father, Mr. Edward F. Beddall, had so
worthily filled twenty-one years previously. Mr. Ed-
ward K. Beddall was born in London in the year 1867,
and came to New York at an early age. Having
mastered the business of fire insurance, Mr. Beddall
afterwards represented as manager several of the lead-
ing companies, both domestic and foreign.
Mr. Beddall's connection with the St. George's
Society began in 1884. Ten years later he was elected
Chairman of its Executive Committee and he also
filled the post of Vice-President in 1905. He has at
all times had the objects of the Society closely at heart
and has been untiring in his efforts in its behalf.
Thirty-sixth President
Lloyd Bowen Sanderson
Thirty-sixth President
Like so many of the past Presidents of the Society,
Mr. Lloyd Bowen Sanderson can claim England as his
native country. He was born in April, 1866, in Birken-
head, close to Liverpool, and received the earlier part
of his education, from 1874 to 1880, at the Birkenhead
School. The next two years were spent in a school
in the north of France. On his return to England,
he was apprenticed in Liverpool to Molyneux, Taylor,
& Co., with whom he remained until 1887. In the
August of that year he came to New York, but his first
stay was a brief one, as, in April, 1888, he settled in
Boston, where he represented the firm of Sanderson &
Son for the next six years.
When he returned to New York in 1894, he became
junior member of the firm of Sanderson & Son, and, on
the 31st of December, 1900, he rose to the position of
senior partner in the same firm.
In the same year as he came back to New York, he
joined the St. George's Society, and has since taken
a deep and lasting interest in all that pertains to its
progress. During the term he was President, he
presided at the dinner given by the allied British
societies to Admiral Seymour.
Mr. Sanderson's social activities are also displayed
in his membership of the following clubs : Racquet and
Tennis Club, Union Club, New York Yacht Club,
Down Town Association, and Rumson Country Club.
Thirty-seventh President
Henry W. J. Bucknall
Thirty-seventh President
Mr. Henry W. J. Bucknall, the President of the St.
George's Society at the present time, was born in Spain
on November 3rd, 1857. He is the second son of Mr.
William M. S. Bucknall of London and, it is interesting
to add, can claim descent through his great-grand-
mother from Fielding, the great novelist, whose im-
mortal romance of "Tom Jones" has been described
by Gibbon, the historian, as "that exquisite picture of
humour and manners which will outlive the palace of
the Escurial and the Imperial eagle of Austria."
Mr. Bucknall spent his schooldays at Uppingham
School, the school that Thring made famous in the
annals of education. Here he remained a pupil from
1871 to 1876, and, during that time, took a command-
ing share in the athletics of his school, eventually be-
coming captain of the school in football.
After leaving school he spent two years in London
with Henry Bucknall and Sons, and then resided in
Spain and Portugal, for the purpose of learning the
language and studying the business of these two coun-
tries. In 1882 he left Portugal, and, on his way to
America, via Southampton, very narrowly escaped
drowning in the Bay of Biscay, when the S.S. Douro,
on which he was a passenger, was wrecked.
He arrived in New York in May, 1882, and in October
of the same year he formed the firm of Gudewill &
Bucknall and has been a member of that firm and its
successors, Bucknall, Scholtz & Co., ever since.
Mr. Bucknall began his connection with St. George's
Society shortly after he settled in New York, and has
always taken more than ordinary interest in its welfare.
Besides his present office, he has been Chairman of
the Executive Committee, Treasurer, and, on two
different occasions, the first Vice-President.
St. Luke's Hospital
The scheme for a church-hospital, for British emi-
grants arriving in New York, was first inaugurated in
1845 by the Rev. Moses Marcus, then Chaplain of
St. George's Society. The corporation of Trinity
Church aided the plan by granting him a block of
ground at the foot of Duane Street. This land had
originally been granted by the city for purposes that
had not been carried out, and the city authorities now
proposed to exchange for this grant twenty-four lots,
lying on Fifth Avenue, on condition that a suitable
building for a hospital and chapel for the accommo-
dation of British emigrants should be erected within
a specified time. It was subsequently found necessary
to extend this time for satisfactory reasons.
Mr Marcus died in or about 1850, while engaged
in collecting funds in England for the building. It
looked at the time as if the object of his ambition was
going to fail entirely and it would most probably have
done so but for the timely appearance of a new body —
St. Luke's Hospital, having a somewhat similar aim in
view. In June, 1852, while the negotiations for a
fusion of the two interests were in progress, Robert
Bunch, Esq., then H. B. M. Vice-Consul at New York,
and also one of the Wardens of the Church of St.
George the Martyr, proceeded to England to collect
subscriptions for the erection and endowment of a Free
Hospital and Church for British emigrants. The sum
of £160 was collected specifically for the hospital and
its equivalent $823.55 was paid by Mr. Bunch to the
treasurer on his return. In addition the liberal sum of
$10,000 was subscribed for the Church and invested in
New York in the name of the trustees for its benefit.
After the final arrangements had been made between
the two corporations on the fifteenth of October, 1852,
the Church of St. George the Martyr renewed the lease
to St. Luke's Hospital of all its rights and title in the
plot of land on Fifth Avenue, then valued at $40,000 but
now (1859) worth at least three times as much. The in-
strument conveying this property contained the fol-
lowing conditions:
1. A ward or portion of the building, capable of
holding twenty beds shall be reserved for the use and
occupation of British emigrants, to be called always,
"The Ward of St. George the Martyr."
2. Fifteen of such emigrants shall at all times be
admitted upon the certificate of either the British
Consul or Vice-Consul, or of the Rector, or of a Church
Warden of the Anglo-American Free Church of St.
George the Martyr.
3. The British Consul or his representative and also
one of the Wardens and one of the Vestrymen of the
said Church shall be ex-officio members of the Board
of Managers of St. Luke's Hospital.
4. No invidious distinction shall ever be made in the
treatment of such emigrants.
5. Provision is to be made for ten or more additional
beds. A clause was also added that the hospital, while
still in its infancy, should not be forced to carry out
the full furnishing of twenty beds. It appears, from
the minutes of the Society in April, 1859, that under
this agreement the hospital was somewhat dilatory in
carrying out its legal liabilities, and claimed in forma
pauperis that the fulfilment of its engagements should
be indefinitely postponed. After a brief interval, a
committee of St. Luke's Hospital reported in favour of
the immediate grant of five beds. The authorities of
the church admitted that this was a considerable point
gained for their side but they also took care to let the
committee know that it was a relatively insignificant
return compared with what the hospital had received.
This was succinctly stated as follows, evidently for the
purpose of refreshing their opponents' apparent lack
of memory.
(1) Land on Fifth Avenue, valued at least $40,000.00
(2) Money raised specifically in England 823 . 55
(3) Half of sum collected by Mr. Bunch 5,234 .02
The St. George's Society's Committee somewhat sar-
castically added by way of comment that, "in return
for which sums the Church of St. George the Martyr
obtained a ward containing twenty beds into fifteen of
which no patients can be admitted except on payment
of $3.50 a week."
The indenture further bound the hospital and its
successors and assigns in the sum of $5,000 to be paid
as liquidated damages for every non-observance of any
of the covenants and agreements therein specified. It
was stipulated also that this payment, if it ever had to
be made, should not in any way affect the rights and
privileges of the British emigrants to the use of the
hospital, or the rights of the Church to apply to the
courts to enforce any of the covenants agreed to
between the two bodies.
The transfer of the land in question was formally
sanctioned by the corporation of Trinity Church by a
special deed, and a bond was given by St. Luke's
Hospital to Trinity Church in the sum of $25,000 for the
performance of certain conditions of which the most
important was: "There shall be at all times beds to
at least the number of twenty, to be used by British
emigrants arriving in the city of New York, being mem-
bers of a church in communion with the Protestant
Episcopal Church in the United States of America,
having no settled place of residence, who require medi-
cal or surgical skill, for which beds, when vacant,
such emigrants shall be entitled to a preference."
From the foregoing it would appear that the St.
George's Society, in its corporate capacity, had not at
any time any legal rights to the management and
patronage of St. Luke's Hospital. It was likewise
clear that the privileges granted to British emigrants,
so far as they relate to the use of the hospital for their
medical or surgical treatment, rest with the Church of
St. George the Martyr and with the British Consul or
Vice-Consul for the time being in this city. However,
it was strongly felt by the St. George's Society that,
in order to protect the provisions of the agreement
made with St. Luke's Hospital, it was highly expedient
in the interests of the British emigrants, to maintain
the organization of the church in all its legal integrity
so that the important rights and privileges, acquired
under the agreement already recited, should be in no
wise imperilled.
In the meantime troubles arose between the two
bodies in reference to the $10,000 collected by Mr.
Bunch in England. In 1859, the position of affairs
was briefly summarized as follows for the information
of members of the Society:
"Although the Free Church was no longer associated
with the scheme for relieving the temporal needs of
emigrants, it had not been allowed to expire. The
sum collected by Mr. Bunch was deposited in the New
York Life Insurance & Trust Company, to the joint
credit of Anthony Barclay and Robert Bunch, as
trustees, and the interest was applied temporarily to
the maintenance of the Church. Arrangements were
made to occupy the building then situated at the
corner of Thompson and Prince Streets, in conjunction
with Emmanuel parish, and, after the election of the
Rev. Mr. Leonard as rector, it seemed likely that the
Church of St. George the Martyr would in due time
assume its proper position among the congregations
in the city.
In December, 1853, however, a formal demand was
made by St. Luke's Hospital for the whole or a part
of the sum, collected by Mr. Bunch, upon the ground
that the contributors had meant the money for that
institution. This was refused and protracted legal
proceedings followed, which in 1856, ended in a com-
promise, each party taking half of the sum and paying
their own costs. It was stated at the time that this
course was adopted for the sake of peace and to prevent
further waste of the principal involved. The only
clause in the agreement of special interest to the St.
George's Society was that by which St. Luke's Hos-
pital guaranteed to apply the sum received, "toward
the endowment and support of the ward of St. George
the Martyr, and the furnishing of the chapel to be
connected with the Hospital."
In consequence of this regrettable action, the means
of the Church were so crippled as to interfere materi-
ally with its sphere of usefulness. In the year 1859,
it was "a church that had scarcely any parishioners
and no building for the celebration of Divine Service."
The whole state of affairs was well described by Dr.
Melville in these words: "We are thus at the present
time a legally constituted corporation with a perfect
organization duly recognized and represented in the
Diocesan Convention of the Protestant Episcopal
Church in this State, and possessing a valuable vested
interest in the St. Luke's Hospital and a certain
amount of money, but not sufficient to enable us to
carry on the missionary work which it is our earnest
desire to do."
It was the general opinion then that the continued
existence of this Church was absolutely necessary to
preserve the rights of the British emigrants, but the
committee of the St. George's Society, which had gone
into the matter, considered that "the British Consul
holds the same rights of nomination independently of
the Church, nor does it matter how he acquired them.
We think, therefore, that we should obtain all that can
be required through the Consul without reference to
the Church. But it will be clearly seen that it never-
theless becomes advisable for this Society to watch
the progress of the Church of St. George the Martyr,
and, if necessary, to promote the objects and success
of that corporation."
The remaining half of the money, about which there
had been so much ill-feeling, still had to be disposed of,
and, in support of the report of a special committee,
four members of the Society were placed in 1859 upon
the Vestry of the Church, and some of the former
Vestrymen also became members of the Society.
Having managed in this way to gain complete con-
trol, they immediately took steps to erect the Church.
Three lots were purchased on the north side of Forty-
fourth Street, between Fifth Avenue and Sixth
Avenue and a plan was adopted for a suitable
building at a moderate cost. This church was not
long in being completed, and was opened for Divine
service as a free church in the April of 1860.
Every effort was made to work the parish success-
fully but without success, and it soon became evident
that there was no real need for a separate church for
Englishmen. In consequence of this, in November,
1861, the pews were all rented with the exception of
a third which were retained for their original use.
Even this effected but little and the resources of the
Church were soon exhausted by the payment of current
expenses. As a result the rector resigned his charge
and the property was sold.
Subsequent misfortunes again scattered still more
the balance of the funds held in trust, and, in 1873,
came the resignation of the Senior Warden. His place
was filled by Mr. Robert Waller, one of the most
prominent members of the St. George's Society, and
the parish was thereafter maintained solely by the
direct assistance of this Society, through an annual
appropriation made from its Contingent fund for that
From the date of his election, Mr. Waller devoted
his energies to preserving, through the Church, the
valuable rights in St. Luke's Hospital. It would be
ungrateful also in this connection to forget the names
of many others of the Society who were actively en-
gaged in maintaining the organization of the Church.
Among these, place of honour should be given to the
Rev. Moses Marcus, then Chaplain of this Society,
Robert Bunch, Thomas Field Frank, E. F. Beddall,
H. A. Racker, Rev. F. B. De Costa, F. W. J. Hurst,
and Berkeley Mostyn, "to whom we are most deeply
indebted, and whose names must never be forgotten
for the privileges we now enjoy."
Experience having shown that a separate Church for
British emigrants was apparently not required, the
Vestry of the Church in 1878, made formal applica-
tion to St. Luke's Hospital for the transfer to this
Society of all the rights and privileges acquired under
the deed of covenant in 1852. Although this sugges-
tion was at first favourably received, it was finally
rejected, but one result of the discussion which then
took place was to induce the hospital to designate by
name a particular ward for the use of British emigrants.
This was, after all, only acting up to the first article of
the agreement which until that time had been com-
pletely neglected. It is also important to note that
the Society could now always avail itself of the beds
in the Hospital through an order of a Warden of St.
George the Martyr, since these Wardens had mostly
been for a long time prominent and loyal members of
St. George's Society.
In 1886, an important discussion took place at a
meeting of the St. George's Society with reference to
the difficulty of obtaining ready admission to the free
ward of St. George the Martyr, for cases coming
before the physicians of the Society in which prompt
aid was required. Eventually it was, on motion, re-
solved that a committee be appointed to confer with
the Vestry of St. George the Martyr, to ascertain
whether some more efficient means could not be devised
for readily dealing with urgent cases in which medical
aid was necessary. At the October meeting of 1887,
Dr. Irwin explained that arrangements had been made
under which the difficulties in securing ready access
to the free ward had been materially diminished.
The committee handed in its full report in January,
1888. This dealt with the question of the free beds,
in trust of the Vestry at St. Luke's Hospital, the
position of the Society with regard to the same, and
the possibility of extending the usefulness of this valu-
able bequest. The complicated and in some respects
unfortunate history of the trust had been summarized
for the Committee's benefit by Mr. Robert Waller, the
Senior Warden, and, in commenting upon this, the
Committee declared that a fuller knowledge of the facts
was highly desirable for the consideration of the
Society's members.
In dealing with the state of affairs which then existed,
the words of the report itself may best be quoted as
they show not only the attitude gradually adopted by
the hospital authorities but also the precise position in
which the St. George's Society now stood with regard
to the whole matter:
"During subsequent years differences arose which
led to occasional friction between the hospital author-
ities and the representatives of the British Charity.
Time, no doubt, soon accustoms to the possession of
property, the monies originally contributed had been
expended, the Church of St. George the Martyr had
become a less positive reality, the hospital has received
no regular income either from the Vestry or from this
Society, and it seems possible that the authorities of
St. Luke's may have come to look upon the maintenance
of these free beds, which they especially resent being
called the beds of the St. George's Society, as some-
what of imposition upon their institution. The Vestry,
however, thanks in a great measure to the untiring
fidelity of Mr. Waller, has succeeded in holding on to
its rights and has even effected a satisfactory ar-
rangement for the exchange of patients by which the
exclusive right to our ward is provisionally resigned for
the privilege of occupying twenty beds in the ordinary
wards of the hospital suitable to the age, sex, and con-
dition of the individuals. It must be thoroughly
understood, however, that these privileges at present
pertain exclusively to the Vestry of the Anglo-American
Church of St. George the Martyr, and the British
Consul; and that, although the Consul and the mem-
bers of the Vestry are usually active members of
the St. George's Society, and are no doubt only
too anxious to administer the charity upon lines
identical with the objects of the Society, nevertheless
the Society possesses absolutely no rights, no privileges
whatever in St. Luke's Hospital and further it seems
questionable whether the Vestry can legally hand over
its rights to the Society, without sacrificing the very
important privilege of direct representation upon the
Governing Board of the Hospital. Such a transfer
has been attempted but the Hospital authorities have
refused their consent except at the price of representa-
tion, which for many reasons it does not seem wise to
This somewhat unsatisfactory state of affairs had
led to confusion in the minds of members of the Society,
and the Committee were consequently careful to point
out to them that admission orders had to be signed
by one of the Wardens of the Vestry or by the Consul
before they could have legal effect. Happily these
gentlemen had done everything in their power to
facilitate the obtaining of orders for deserving cases by
every member of the St. George's Society, and, as a
result, had arranged that such orders might be obtained
not only from them personally and at the Consulate
even in the absence of the Consul-General, but also
by application at the office of the Society and at all
times through the physicians of the Society.
Another rather important point which was also
secured was that a more liberal interpretation of the
term, "British Emigrant" was accepted by the Hospital.
"All persons born in the British Isles, whether English,
Welsh, Scotch, or Irish are now eligible for the
Mention has already been made of the fact that the
Vestry of the Church of St. George the Martyr made
an attempt in 1878, to transfer to the St. George's
Society all the rights and privileges which it held under
the deed of covenant of 1852. The application then
made was rejected on behalf of St. Luke's Hospital
and it was not until May 31st, 1895, that a final agree-
ment was arrived at between the three parties con-
This document marks the termination of a long and
somewhat involved set of negotiations, and its import-
ance, as regards the St. George's Society, warrants the
following account of it, which, it is hoped, will be
found to give the gist of the matter, stripped of most
of the legal phraseology and stated as concisely as
The first point of importance dealt with is descrip-
tive of the new site acquired by the authorities of St.
Luke's Hospital for the erection of a new hospital to
take the place of the old one which had been situated
between Fifty-fourth Street and Fifty-fifth Street.
At the time when the agreement was drawn up, the
new hospital was already being built and its locality is
stated as being "bounded by Morningside Avenue,
One hundred and thirteenth Street, Amsterdam or
Tenth Avenue, and One hundred and fourteenth
The second point, however, is the one of most vital
interest to the members of St. George's Society. After
explaining that the Anglo-American Free Church of St.
George the Martyr desired to transfer to the St.
George's Society all the rights and privileges which it
held under the agreement of 1852, and that the St.
George's Society should be given the right to elect each
year two of its members as ex-officio members of the
Board of Managers of St. Luke's Hospital, the docu-
ment proceeds as follows: "Now therefore this agree-
ment witnesseth that the said St. Luke's Hospital in
the City of New York for and in consideration of the
premises and the sum of one dollar to it in hand paid
by each of the other parties, the receipt of which is
hereby acknowledged, consents to the transfer and
assignment to the St. George's Society of New York
by the Anglo-American Free Church of St. George the
Martyr, of all the rights and privileges possessed by
the latter."
The representatives of the hospital further agreed
with the St. George's Society and "its successors and
assigns" to carry out in the new hospital each and all
of the obligations that had been previously stated in
the agreement of October 15th, 1852.
In return the St. George's Society consented to the
sale "of the entire property now occupied for hospital
purposes on Fifth Avenue between Fifty-fourth and
Fifty-fifth Streets."
With regard to the representation of St. George's
Society upon the Board of Managers of St. Luke's it
was mutually agreed that, "Then and thereafter two
members of said St. George's Society, being members
in good standing of the Protestant Episcopal Church
of the United States of America, chosen and certified
by said Society for the purpose, shall be ex-officio mem-
bers of the Board of Managers of St. Luke's Hospital."
Those elected were to hold exactly the same position
on the Board as the Warden and Vestryman previously
chosen on behalf of the Anglo-American Church.
The final point discussed was the question of effi-
ciency in the working of the hospital. It was agreed
between the parties that it had proved incompatible
with proper hospital service and with proper care of
patients to keep apart a separate ward for the use of
British emigrants because of their requiring to be dis-
tributed in different wards suited to the nature of the
treatment required, and their difference in sex and age.
As a consequence it was mutually determined by both
parties to set aside the provision in the covenant of
1852, for the reserving of a special ward and to treat
such British emigrants in the various wards of the
hospital suited to the age, sex and nature of the treat-
ment. This very important proviso was likewise added
"That there shall always be a ward in said hospital
called, ' The Ward of St. George the Martyr,' and so
designated by a tablet erected therein." A tablet,
bearing this inscription, is now placed in Ward
Norrie. 4.
Since that time the relations between the Society's
delegates to the Board of Management of St. Luke's
Hospital and the other members of that body have
been of the most harmonious nature. In the Dele-
gates' report, dated January 23rd, 1905, this was par-
ticularly referred to as a source of gratification. The
same report contained a grateful reference to the ser-
vices of the Rev. B. F. De Costa, D.D., who for many
years had thrown open the Church of St. John the
Evangelist, as a place of worship for the members of
the Church of St. George the Martyr, thereby enabling
the Wardens and Vestrymen of that Church to keep
alive the valuable franchise they possessed in the
Hospital and which they afterwards transferred to the
St. George's Society. Mention was also made at this
time of the fact that the cost of endowment of each
new bed in the Hospital was now $7,500 instead of
$5,000 as heretofore.
At the annual meeting of 1908, a well-earned vote of
thanks was passed by the Society as a token of their
regard for the manifold aid they had always received
from Mr. Berkeley Mostyn in connection with St.
Luke's Hospital. In the following year the Executive
Committee adopted a resolution on Mr. Mostyn's death
in which they extolled him as "one who will always be
especially remembered as one of our Delegates to St.
Luke's Hospital, and the one who perhaps did more
than any other toward securing the enduring and
untold benefits which the St. George's Society receives
from its connection with that institution."
In concluding this brief outline of the Society's con-
nection with St. Luke's Hospital, one may be permitted
to add that the St. George's Society can point with
just pride to the fact that the first idea of a church
and hospital originated with its chaplain, the Rev.
Moses Marcus; that the first building of the hospital
was erected partly upon ground obtained solely through
his efforts; and that a considerable amount of money
was collected and paid over to St. Luke's Hospital
in the early years of its existence through the
exertions of the members of this Society.
1786 1787
President Goldsborough Banyar Goldsborough Banyar
Vice-President Theophylact Bache Theophylact Bache
Asst. Vice-President William Seton William Seton
Sect, and Treasurer John Wilkes John Wilkes
Stewards Thomas Barrow Thomas Barrow
John Evers John Evers
John Berry . John Berry
John C. Shaw John C. Shaw
1788 1789
President Theophylact Bache Theophylact Bache
Vice-President William Seton William Seton
Asst. Vice-President Joshua Waddington Joshua Waddington
Sect, and Treasurer John Wilkes John Wilkes
Stewards Gerard Walton Gerard Walton
John Berry John Berry
John Delafield John Delafield
Samuel Corp Samuel Corp
John Evers
1790 1791
President .Theophylact Bache Theophylact Bache
Vice-President William Seton William Seton
Asst. Vice-President Joshua Waddington Joshua Waddington
Sect, and Treasurer John Wilkes John Wilkes
Stewards John Berry John Evers
John Delafield Adolphus Yates
John Evers John Dewhurst
Adolphus Yates Frederick Philips
1792 1793
President Theophylact Bache Theophylact Bache
Vice-President John Atkinson Miles Sherbrook
Asst. Vice-President Peter Kemble Frederick Philips
Treasurer James Casey James Casey
Secretary John Wilkes Martin S. Wilkins
Stewards John Evers Daniel Badcock
Adolphus Yates Robert Kemble
John Dewhurst Gilbert Morewood
Frederick Philips John C. Shaw
1794 1795
President Theophylact Bache Theophylact Bache
Vice-President Miles Sherbrook Miles Sherbrook
Asst. Vice-President Frederick Philips Frederick Philips
Treasurer James Casey James Casey
Secretary Martin S. Wilkins Martin S. Wilkins
Stewards Daniel Badcock Samuel Corp
Robert Kemble Francis Bayard Winthrop
Gilbert Morewood Gilbert Morewood
John C. Shaw John C. Shaw
1796 1797
President Theophylact Bache Theophylact Bache
Vice-President Miles Sherbrook Miles Sherbrook
Asst. Vice-President Frederick Philips Frederick Philips
Treasurer John Ferrers John Ferrers.
Secretary William Bache (son of the
President) William Bache
Stewards Samuel Corp Francis Bayard Winthrop
Francis Bayard Winthrop .... Joshua Waddington
Gilbert Morewood William Williams
John C. Shaw James Casey.
Charitable Committee. . . .Rev. Benj. Moore, D.D Rev. Benj. Moore, D.D.
Samuel Corp Samuel Corp
F. B. Winthrop John Atkinson
John Atkinson Samuel March
William Kenyon Thomas Roberts
John H. Thompson Absalom Bainbride
Samuel March Benjamin Winthrop
1798 1799
President Theophylact Bache Theophylact Bache
Vice-President Miles Sherbrook Miles Sherbrook
Asst. Vice-President Frederick Philips Frederick Philips
Treasurer John Ferrers John Ferrers
1798 1799
Secretary William Bache William Bache
Stewards Daniel Badcock Henry White
James Casey John Ellis
Samuel March Aquila Giles
William Williams Thomas Roberts
Charitable Committee. . . .Rev. Benj. Moore, D.D Rev. Benj. Moore, D.D.
John Atkinson John Atkinson
Thomas Roberts Thomas Roberts
Benjamin Winthrop Benjamin Winthrop
Aquila Giles Aquila Giles
Joshua Waddington Joshua Waddington
1800 1801
President Miles Sherbrook Miles Sherbrook
Vice-President Frederick Philips Frederick Philips
Asst. Vice-President Joshua Waddington Joshua Waddington
Treasurer John Ferrers John Ferrers
Secretary William Bache William Bache
Stewards Henry White Henry White
John Ellis John Ellis
Thomas Roberts Thomas Roberts
Aquila Giles Aquila Giles
Charitable Committee. . . .Rev. Benj. Moore, D.D Rev. Benj. Moore, D.D.
John Atkinson John Atkinson
Thomas Roberts Thomas Roberts
Benjamin Winthrop Benjamin Winthrop
Henry Waddington Henry Waddington
John Ellis John Ellis
1802 1803
President Joshua Waddington Joshua Waddington
Vice-President John Wilkes John Wilkes
Asst. Vice-President Samuel Corp Samuel Corp
Treasurer John Ferrers John Ferrers
Secretary Thomas Delves Thomas Delves
Stewards Henry White Henry White
Henry Waddington Henry Waddington
John Ellis John Ellis
John Evers John Evers
Charitable Committee. . . .Bishop Benjamin Moore Bishop Benjamin Moore
John Atkinson John Atkinson
Benjamin Winthrop Benjamin Winthrop
Henry Waddington Henry Waddington
John Ellis John Ellis
Thomas Roberts Thomas Roberts
1804 1805
President Joshua Waddington Joshua Waddington
Vice-President John Wilkes John Wilkes
Asst. Vice-President Samuel Corp Samuel Corp
Treasurer John Ferrers John Ferrers
Secretary Thomas Delves Thomas Delves
Stewards Henry White Henry White
John Ellis John Ellis
John Evers John Evers
John Waddington John Waddington
Charitable Committee. . . .Rt. Rev. Benj. Moore, D.D.. Jonathan Ogden
William Duer Samuel Corp
John Waddington Capt. Frederick Philips
Benjamin Winthrop Ezra Hounsfield
John Ellis Thomas Waddington
Thomas Roberts Thomas Roberts
1806 1807
President Joshua Waddington Joshua Waddington
Vice-President John Wilkes John Wilkes
Asst. Vice-President Samuel Corp Samuel Corp
Treasurer John Ferrers John Ferrers
Secretary R. S. Newby R. S. Newby
Stewards John Ellis William Bayard
John Evers John Atkinson
Samuel Anderson Samuel Anderson
Paul R. Bache Paul R. Bache
Charitable Committee Rt. Rev. Benj. Moore, D.D. . .Rt. Rev. Benj. Moore, D.D.
Jonathan Ogden Jonathan Ogden
Samuel Corp Samuel Corp
Capt. Frederick Philips Capt. Frederick Philips
Ezra Hounsfield Ezra Hounsfield
Thomas Waddington Thomas Waddington
1808 1809
President Joshua Waddington Samuel Corp
Vice-President John Wilkes Samuel Ferguson
Asst. Vice-President John C. Shaw John C. Shaw
Secretary Robert S. Newby Robert S. Newby
Treasurer John Ferrers John Ferrers
Stewards William Bayard William Bayard
Thomas Proctor William Williams
Paul R. Bache James Casey
John Sadler Samuel March
Charitable Committee. . . Rt. Rev. Benj. Moore, D.D. . .Rt. Rev. Benj. Moore, D.D.
Jonathan Ogden Jonathan Ogden
1808 1809
Charitable Committee . . . Samuel Corp Thomas Waddington
(Cont'd) Thomas Waddington Thomas Proctor
Ezra Hounsfield Ezra Hounsfield
Capt. Frederick Philips Capt. Frederick Philips
1810 1811
President Samuel Corp Samuel Corp
Vice-President Samuel Ferguson Samuel Ferguson
Asst. Vice-President John Charles Shaw John Charles Shaw
Treasurer John Ferrers John Ferrers
Secretary Robert S. Newby Robert S. Newby
Stewards Thomas Proctor Thomas Proctor
Paul Richard Bache Paul Richard Bache
James Seton James Seton
Charles Shaw Charles Shaw
Charitable Committee. . . .John Atkinson, Jr John Atkinson, Jr.
Jonathan Ogden Jonathan Ogden
Samuel Corp Samuel Corp
Capt. Frederick Philips Capt. Frederick Philips
Ezra Hounsfield Ezra Hounsfield
Thomas Waddington Thomas Waddington
1812 1813-1815
President Samuel Corp
Vice-President John Charles Shaw
Asst. Vice-President Capt. Frederick Philips
Treasurer John Ferrers
Secretary Robert S. Newby
Stewards John Atkinson, Jr
Thomas Barrow
William Duer
Charles Wilkes
Charitable Committee. . . .John Atkinson, Jr
Jonathan Ogden
Samuel Corp
Capt. Frederick Philips
Ezra Hounsfield
Thomas Waddington
These officers evidently held over to 1816, as during the war no meetings were
held. On April 3d, 1815, however, John Noble was elected treasurer and Thomas
Proctor secretary.
1816 1817
President Jonathan Ogden Jonathan Ogden
Vice-President John Charles Shaw Charles Wilkes
2d Vice-President Charles Wilkes Thomas Barrow
1816 1817
Treasurer John Noble John Noble
Secretary Robert S. Newby Robert S. Newby
Stewards Wm. Duer Wm. Duer
Cadwal'r D. Colden CadwaPr D. Colden
Henry Cruger Richard Harison
James Eastburn Andrew Hamersley
Charitable Committee. . . . John Goodeve John Goodeve
John Delafield John Delafield
James Chesterman James Chesterman
Dr. Joshua Fisher Dr. Joshua Fisher
John Downes John Downes
Richard Vose Richard Vose
1818 1819
President Jonathan Ogden Jonathan Ogden
Vice-President Charles Wilkes Thomas Barrow
Id Vice-President Thomas Barrow Thomas W. Moore
Treasurer John Noble John Noble
Secretary Cadwal'r D. Colden Cadwal'r D. Colden
Stewards Thomas Warren Joseph Tremain
David Wagstaff Thomas Marston, Jr.
Edward Thornton Bernard Metcalf
Thomas W. Moore James Sanderson
Charitable Committee. . . .Thomas Sands Thomas Sands
James Chesterman James Chesterman
Dr. James Fisher Dr. James Fisher
Daniel Oakey Daniel Oakey
Robert Ogden Robert Ogden
Rev. John Bristed Rev. John Bristed
1820 1821
President ". Jonathan Ogden Samuel Corp
Vice-President Samuel Corp John Day
2d Vice-President Thomas Barrow Daniel Oakey
Treasurer John Noble John Noble
Secretary Cadwal'r D. Colden Thomas Proctor
Stewards Thomas Marston, Jr Thomas Dixon. .
Charles Wilkes Cadwal'r D. Colden
Fanning C. Tucker Francis Tomes
James Whitehouse James Seton
Charitable Committee Rev. John Bristed Rev. John Bristed
James Chesterman James Chesterman
Dr. Joshua Fisher Dr. Joshua Fisher
Robert Ogden Robert Ogden
Thomas W. Moore John Okill
John Okill T. Rutherford
1822 1823
President Samuel Corp Samuel Corp
Vice-President Daniel Oakey Daniel Oakey
2d Vice-President Thomas W. Moore Thomas W. Moore
Treasurer John Noble John Noble
Secretary Thomas Proctor Thomas Proctor
Stewards Thomas Dixon Thomas Dixon
James Chesterman George Chance
Joseph Matthews Wm. Roberts
George Chance Thos. Bowerbank, Jr.
Charitable Committee. . . . John Suckley
Chaplain ; Rev. G. Upfold, D.D
Physician Joshua Fisher
1824 1825
President Samuel Corp Thomas Dixon
1st Vice-President Daniel Oakey Joseph Fowler
Id Vice-President Thomas W. Moore George Chance
Treasurer William Roberts William Roberts
Secretary A. S. Garr A. S. Garr
Asst. Secretary Wm. H. Shipman Wm. H. Shipman
Stewards Thomas Bowerbank Thomas Newbould
G. W. Wallis Thomas Sands
John Wheeley Samuel J. Tobias
Thomas Newbould John S. Timmins
Thomas Sands George W. Wallis
Thomas Carter Wm. H. Hardy
Charitable Committee. . . .Thomas Gibbons Robert Barnes
Robert Barnes John Noble
James Chesterman James Chesterman
John Noble Luke Barker
William Weyman William Weyman
Com. of Accounts Benj. Armitage Daniel Oakey
Thos. Warren John Noble
James Blackstock Thomas Warren
1826 1827
President Thomas Dixon Thomas Dixon
1st Vice-President George Chance George Chance
2d Vice-President Joseph Fowler Joseph Fowler
Treasurer William Roberts James Chesterman
Secretary Andrew S. Garr Andrew S. Garr
Asst. Secretary Wm. H. Shipman William H. Shipman
Stewards Thomas Warren Edward Hardy
Geo. H. Newbold Joseph Sands
Francis Tomes James Blackstock
1826 1827
Stewards (Cont'd) Edward Hardy Francis Tomes
Henry Heycock Henry Heycock
James Blackstock William Dawson
Charitable Committee. . . .Rev. Dr. Wainwright Rev. Dr. Wainwright
Daniel Oakey Daniel Oakey
John Noble John Noble
Jas. Chesterman Wm. W. Shirley
Robert Barnes Robert Barnes
Com. of Accounts William Weyman William Weyman
Thos. Newbould Thos. Newbould
Hugh Spooner Hugh Spooner
1828 1829
President Thos. Dixon Thomas Dixon
1st Vice-President Geo. Chance George Chance
2d Vice-President Joseph Fowler Joseph Fowler
Treasurer Jas. Chesterman James Chesterman
Secretary Andrew S. Garr Andrew S. Garr
Asst. Secretary Wm. H. Shipman Wm. Dawson
Stewards Wm. Dawson John H. Bartlett
Thos. W. Moore Wm. Barraclough
Hugh Spooner Samuel Butcher
Geo. Pardow William Cairns
Joseph Green Henry Jackson
John H. Bartlett Edwin F. Sanderson
Physicians Dr. Joshua Fisher Dr. Joshua Fisher
Dr. Luke Barker Dr. Luke Barker
Dr. William H. Ireland Dr. Wm. H. Ireland
Charitable Committee Rev. Dr. Wainwright Rev. Dr. Wainwright
Daniel Oakey Daniel Oakey
John Noble John Noble
Wm. W. Shirley Robert Barnes
Robert Barnes Wm. Roberts
Com. of Accounts Hugh Spooner Hugh Spooner
William Lang Jas. Blackstock
Jas. Blackstock Francis Tomes
1830 1831
President Thomas Dixon Thomas Dixon
1st Vice-President Joseph Fowler Joseph Fowler
2i Vice-President Wm. Banks Wm. Roberts
Treasurer James Chesterman Jas. Chesterman
Secretary William Dawson Wm. Dawson
Asst. Secretary Hugh Spooner Joseph Sands
Stewards E. F. Sanderson Francis Tomes
Edward Hardy Joshua Dixon
1830 1831
Stewards (Cont'd) Win. Barraclough Dr. Pennell
Dr. Pennell Wm. W. Shirley
Joseph Sands E. F. Sanderson
Henry Jackson C. H. Webb
Physicians Dr. Pennell Dr. Pennell
Dr. Joshua Fisher Dr. Barker
Dr. Barker Dr. Ireland
Dr. Ireland Dr. Fisher
Charitable Committee. . . .Rev. Dr. Upfold Rev. Dr. Upfold
Daniel Oakey Daniel Oakey
John Noble John Noble
Joseph Trulock Joseph Trulock
Samuel Corp Samuel Corp
Com. of Accounts Wm. Cairns Wm. Cairns
Jas. Blackstock Jas. Blackstock
Francis Tomes Francis Tomes
1832 1833
President Thomas Dixon Thos. Dixon
1st Vice-President Joseph Fowler Joseph Fowler
2d Vice-President Andrew S. Garr Henry Jackson
Treasurer Jas. Chesterman Jas. Chesterman
Secretary Wm. Dawson Wm. Dawson
Asst. Secretary Joseph Sands Joseph Sands
Stewards Henry Wreaks Wm. Cairns
Wm. W. Shirley James Blackstock
Adam Ashton Wm. Barraclough
John Mortimer, Jr Francis Tomes
C. H. Webb E. F. Sanderson
Joseph Tarratt Joseph Tarratt
Physicians Dr. Pennell Dr. Ireland
Dr. Barker Dr. Barker
Dr. Ireland
Charitable Committee. . . .Daniel Oakey Daniel Oakey
Joseph Trulock Joseph Trulock
Samuel Corp Francis Tomes
George Chance Geo. Chance
Wm. Roberts Wm. Roberts
Com. of Accounts Wm. Cairns Wm. Cairns
James Blackstock James Blackstock
Francis Tomes Edward Hardy
1834 1835
President Thomas Dixon Joseph Fowler
1st Vice-President Joseph Fowler Francis Tomes
2d Vice-President Henry Jackson Joseph Tarratt
1834 1835
Treasurer Jas. Chesterman James Chesterman
Secretary James Blackstock James Blackstock
Asst. Secretary Joshua Dixon J. B. Elliman
Stewards Wm. Cairns Henry Wreaks
Wm. Dawson Edward Hardy
E. F. Sanderson Chas. Edwards
Joseph Tarratt John Connah
J. Robinson
T. Adams
Physicians Dr. Pennell Dr. Pennell
Dr. Ireland Dr. Ireland
Dr. Barker Dr. Barker
Dr. Wm. Roberts, Jr.
Charitable Committee. . . .Daniel Oakey Daniel Oakey
F. Tomes George Newbould
J. Trulock Josh. Trulock
Geo. Chance Joseph Cox
Joseph Sands J. B. Dodd
Com. of Accounts Wm. Cairns Wm. Cairns
Edward Hardy John Mortimer, Jr.
Henry Wreaks Henry Norris
1836 1837
President Joseph Fowler Anthony Barclay
1st Vice-President Francis Tomes John J. Bartlett
2d Vice-President Chas. Edwards Charles Edwards
Treasurer James Chesterman James Chesterman
Secretaries James B. Elliman James B. Elliman
Francis Tomes, Jr Edward W. Canning
Stewards E. W. Canning S. T. Cary
Joseph Lowe Robert S. Buchanan
Charles Wreaks J. C. Beales, D.D.
John B. Waistell Henry Jessop
Physicians Dr. Pennell Dr. Pennell
Dr. Barker Dr. Barker
Dr. Roberts Dr. Roberts
Dr. Beales
Chaplains Rev. Dr. Hawks Rev. Dr. Hawks
Rev. M. Eastburn, D.D.
Charitable Committee. . . .Daniel Oakey Joseph Cox
Dr. Pennell Jos. Trulock
Jos. Trulock Rev. Dr. Hawks
Jos. Cox Dr. Pennell
George Cripp Edward F. Sanderson
Com. of Accounts Wm. Cairns Wm. Cairns, Jr.
1836 1837
Com. of Accounts John Mortimer, Jr Henry Norris
(Cont'd) Henry Norris Moses Isaacs
1838 1839
President Anthony Barclay Anthony Barclay
lst Vice-President Charles Edwards George Chance
2d Vice-President Edward W. Canning Thomas Stalker
Treasurer Jas. Cheslerman James Chesterman
Secretary Jas. B. Elliman B. H. Downing
Asst. Secretary Edward Frith Henry Jessop
Stewards B. H. Downing A. W. Jee
D. Evans B. W. Davis
J. Blain Thomas F. Green
Samuel Clapham James Sheward
Physicians Dr. Pennell Dr. Pennell
Dr. Barker Dr. Roberts
Dr. Roberts Dr. Beales
Dr. Beales
Chaplains Rev. Dr. Hawks Rev. Dr. Hawks
Rev. Dr. Wainwright Rev. Dr. Wainwright
Rev. Dr. Eastburn Rev. Dr. Eastburn
Charitable Committee. . . .Jas. Boorman Thomas Dixon
B. H. Downing Dr. Barker
E. F. Sanderson Joseph Steele
Wm. Jackson Charles Cox
Chas. Cox W. D. Cuthbertson
Com. of Accounts Wm. Cairns Wm. Cairns
John Mortimer, Jr John Mortimer, Jr.
Henry Norris Henry Norris
1840 1841
President Charles Edwards Chas. Edwards
1st Vice-President E. F. Sanderson E. F. Sanderson
2d Vice-President W. D. Cuthbertson W. D. Cuthbertson
Treasurer James Chesterman Jas. Chesterman
Secret tries B. H. Downing B. H. Downing
Henry Jessop Septimus Crookes
Stewards Glover Clapham John Taylor, Jr.
George Stothard Wm. Bottomley
John Warrin R. N. Tinson
Alfred Waller Jos. Rhodes
Physicians Dr. Pennell Dr. Pennell
Dr. Roberts Dr. Roberts
Dr. Beales Dr. Beales
Dr. Sabine
1840 1841
Chaplains Rev. Dr. Hawks Rev. Dr. Hawks
Rev. Dr. Wainwright Rev. Dr. Wainwright
Rev. Dr. Eastburn Rev. Dr. Eastburn
Charitable Committee. . . .Dr. Barker Dr. Barker
Joseph Steele Joseph Steele
Charles Cox Edward Hardy
Edward Hardy Geo. Stothard
Wm. Jackson Win. Jackson
Com. of Accounts John Mortimer, Jr John Mortimer, Jr.
Henry Norris Henry Norris
Samuel Clapham James B. Elliman
1842 1843
President Edward F. Sanderson Joseph Fowler
1st Vice-President W. D. Cuthbertson Robert N. Tinson
1 1 Vice-President Robert N. Tinson John Taylor, Jr.
Treasurer Jas. Chesterman James Chesterman
Secretaries Septimus Crookes Charles B. Elliman
Charles B. Elliman Henry Owen
Stewards Henry Dixon Edmund Baldwin
Samuel C. Shaw John K. Bradbury
Robert Bage Henry C. Hobart
Henry Owen James Stokes
Physicians Dr. Pennell Dr. Pennell
Dr. Roberts Dr. Beales
Dr. Beales Dr. Sabine
Dr. Sabine Dr. Bradshaw
Chaplains. Rev. Dr. Hawks Rev. Dr. Hawks
Rev. Dr. Wainwright Rev. Dr. Wainwright
Rev. Dr. Eastburn Rt. Rev. Bishop Eastburn
Rev. John Dowdney
Charitable Committee. . . .Wm. Jackson Alfred Waller
Alfred Waller George Stothard
George Stothard Josh. Steele
John Taylor, Jr John Warrin
John Warrin John Campbell
Com. of Accounts John Mortimer, Jr John Mortimer, Jr.
Henry Norris Henry Norris
J. B. Elliman James B. Elliman
1844 1845
President .. . . W. D. Cuthbertson W. D. Cuthbertson
1st Vice-President John Taylor, Jr Henry Jessop
2i Vice-President Henry Jessop Septimus Crookes
Treasurer Robert Bage Robert Bage
1844 1845
Secretaries Henry Owen Henry Owen
Joseph Rhodes James Sheward
Stewards Septimus Crookes James R. Walter
Joseph Harvey Edward Walker
James Owen Frederick Diaper
Richard Clark William Hindhaugh
Dr. Pennell Dr. Pennell
Physicians Dr. Beales Dr. Beales
Dr. Sabine Dr. Sabine
Dr. Bradshaw Dr. Bradshaw
Chaplains Rev. Dr. Wainwright Rev. Dr. Wainwright
Rev. John Dowdney Rev. John Dowdney
Charitable Committee. . . .John Campbell William Jackson
Thomas Warrin Jos. Rhodes
Edward Walker Edward Walker
James R. Walker Alfred Waller
James Sheward Edmund Baldwin
Com. of Accounts John Mortimer, Jr Robert N. Tinson
James B. Elliman Benjamin H. Downing
E. W. Hoskins John K. Bradbury
1846 1847
President Joseph Fowler John S. Bartlett, M.D.
1st Vice-President Dr. Bartlett James Stokes
Id Vice-President James R. Walter Frederick Diaper
Treasurer Robert Bage Robert Bage
Secretaries Henry Owen Rev. Moses Marcus
Thomas Reynolds Thomas Reynolds
Stewards Henry Brind Thomas Warner
George Loder Dr. Bradshaw
Matthew Mottram Joseph H. Ash
Charles Lowther George Johnson
Physicians Dr. Pennell Dr. Pennell
Dr. Beales Dr. Beales
Dr. Sabine Dr. Sabine
Dr. Bradshaw Dr. Bradshaw
Dr. F. H. Jackson Dr. F. H. Jackson
Chaplains Rev. Dr. Wainwright Rev. Dr. Wainwright
Rev. Jno. Dowdney, M.A... .Rev. Jno. Dowdney, M.A.
Rev. Moses Marcus, D.D Rev. Moses Marcus, D.D.
Charitable Committee. . . .Edmund Baldwin Edmund Baldwin
Edward Walker Edward Walker
William Hindhaugh William Hindhaugh
George Shaw George Shaw
B. H. Downing B. H. Downing
1846 1847
Com. of Accounts Robert N. Tinson R. N. Tinson
Alfred Waller Alfred Waller
J. K. Bradbury Charles Clifton
1848 1849
President Edward F. Sanderson J. C. Beales, M.D.
1st Vice-President John C. Beales J. Leander Starr
2d Vice-President John Leander Starr William Young
Treasurer Robert Bage Robert Bage
Secretaries Rev. Moses Marcus Edward Walker
Edward Walker John T. Walker
Stewards Thomas Knock John C. Wells
John T. Walker G. B. Brown
William J. Heather Henry Jessop
Robert Martin Thomas Knock
Physicians Dr. Richard Pennell Dr. R. Pennell
Dr. J. C. Beales Dr. J. C. Beales
Dr. G. A. Sabine Dr. G. A. Sabine
Dr. Robert Bradshaw Dr. Barker
Dr. Francis H. Jackson Dr. Bradshaw
Dr. Francis
Dr. Jackson
Chaplains Rev. Dr. Wainwright Rev. Dr. Wainwright
Rev. Moses Marcus, D.D Rev. Jesse Pound
Rev. Jesse Pound
Charitable Committee. . . .Edmund Baldwin Charles Lowther
George Shaw G. Shaw
Charles Pitt C. B. Elliman
Edward F. Richardson Charles Pitt
B. H. Downing Thomas M. Sother
Com. of Accounts Thomas Dixon Thomas Dixon
R. N. Tinson Charles Clifton
Charles Clifton R. N. Tinson
British Protective Emigrant Board for 1849
Thomas Dixon Anthony Barclay
Richard Bell W. D. Cuthbertson
John Connah Septimus Crookes
Richard Irvin Henry Jessop
Matthew Rudsdale Thomas Knock
G. W. Taylor B. H. Downing
1850 1851
President J. C. Beales, M.D J. C. Beales, M.D.
1st Vice-President William Young William Young
1850 1851
2d Vice-President Charles Pitt Charles Pitt
Treasurer Robert Bage Robert Bage
Secretaries Edward Walker Edward Walker
J. T. Walker J. T. Walker
Stewards A. Waller Robert Bage
Dr. Bradshaw Robert Kershaw
J. C. Wells C. C. Harvey
J. T. Walker Robert Waller
Physicians Dr. Richard Pennell Dr. R. Pennell
Dr. J. C. Beales Dr. J. C. Beales
Dr. G. A. Sabine Dr. G. A. Sabine
Dr. J. W. Bradshaw Dr. Joseph Bradshaw
Dr. F. H. Jackson Dr. F. H. Jackson
Chaplains Rev. Dr. Wainwright Rev. Dr. Wainwright
Rev. Francis Vinton, D.D. . Rev. F. Vinton, D.D.
Charitable Committee Charles Pitt C. Pitt
C. B. Elliman C. B. Elliman
Charles Lowther R. Bunch
Robert Bunch J. C. Wells
Z.Waller Z.Waller
Joseph C. Wells C. C. Harvey
Thomas M. Sother
Com. of Accounts Edward F. Sanderson E. F. Sanderson
R. N. Tinson R. N. Tinson
British Protective Charles Clifton Charles Clifton
Emigrant Board A. Barclay A. Barclay
R. N. Tinson W. D. Cuthbertson
W. D. Cuthbertson Dr. J. S. Bartlett
C. B. Elliman Thomas Knock
Robert Bage H. De B. Routh
Edward Walker C. B. Elliman
Richard Bell Richard Irvin
Richard Irvin Richard Bell
John Connah William Brand
E. W. Canning Benjamin F. Dawson
G. W. Taylor David Ogden
W. C. Pickersgill Thomas Stalker
Superintendent Charles H. Webb
1852 1853
President J. C. Beales, M.D J. C. Beales, M.D.
1st Vice-President William Young William Young
2d Vice-President Charles Pitt Charles Pitt
Treasurer Robert Bage Robert Bage
Secretaries Joseph C. Wells Joseph C. Wells
1852 1853
Secretaries (Cont'd) John T. Walker Edward F. Ward
Stewards R. Bunch James E. Walker
Holbert Smales E. F. Ward
C. C. Harvey T. Tempest
Dr. Arnold Alfred Large
R. Lethbridge
T. M. Sother
Physicians Richard Pennell, M.D R. Pennell, M.D.
J. C. Beales, M.D J. C. Beales, M.D.
G. A. Sabine, M.D Joseph Bradshaw, M.D.
R. H. Jackson, M.D Edmund Arnold, M.D.
Otto Rotton, M.D Otto Rotton, M.D.
Jos. Bradshaw, M.D
Ed. Arnold, M.D
Chaplains Rt. Rev. Dr. Wainwright. . . .Rt. Rev. Dr. Wainwright
Provisional Bishop of New York
Rev. Francis Vinton, D.D. . Rev. F. Vinton, D.D.
Rev. Dr. Neville
Charitable Committee. . . .R. Bunch Charles Pitt
Charles Pitt Robert Bunch
C. C. Harvey Thomas Tempest
Dr. Bartlett John S. Bartlett
Charles B. Elliman Robert Waller
William Thomas Charles B. Elliman
Thomas M. Sother Thomas M. Sother
Com. of Accounts E. F. Sanderson Edward Walker
C. Clifton Robert Waller
British Protective R. N. Tinson C. Clifton
Emigrant Board Anthony Barclay A. Barclay
C. B. Elliman E. F. Ward
J. S. Bartlett Robert Bunch
Adam Norrie Alfred Large
David Ogden Charles Edwards
Benjamin F. Dawson M. B. Burnett
W. D. Cuthbertson Richard Bell
Robert Bunch Adam Norrie
Thomas Knock W. D. Cuthbertson
Richard Bell J. R. Morewood
James W. Cameron David Ogden
Edward W. Canning C. B. Elliman
Superintendent Charles H. Webb Charles H. Webb
1854 1855
President William Young William Young
1st Vice-President Joseph W. Bradshaw, M.D. . . Joseph W. Bradshaw, M.D.
1854 1855
2d Vice-President Thomas Knock Thomas Knock
Treasurer Robert Bage Robert Bage
Secretaries Edward F. Ward Edward F. Ward
Mitford B. Burnett Mitford B. Burnett
Stewards Mitford B. Burnett Henry Eyre
C. G. Hook Robert Leech
Francis Rider John C. Loch
George Bulpin J. R. Crookes
Charles Christmas
Job Roberts
Physicians Richard Pennell, M.D Richard Pennell, M.D.
John C. Beales, M.D John C. Beales, M.D.
Joseph W. Bradshaw, M.D. . . Joseph W. Bradshaw, M.D.
Edmund Arnold, M.D Edmund Arnold, M.D.
Otto Rotton, M.D Otto Rotton, M.D.
Chaplains Rt. Rev. Dr. Wainwright Rev. Dr. Hawks
Rev. Edm. Neville, D.D Rev. Dr. Neville
Charitable Committee. . . .Charles Pitt Charles Pitt
Robert Waller Robert Waller
Thomas Tempest Henry Eyre
Henry Eyre Robert Leech
Robert Leech .George S. Rainsford
George S. Rainsford George Schedel
Thomas M. Sother T. M. Sother
Com. of Accounts Edward Walker Charles Clifton
Robert Waller Edward Walker
Charles Clifton Robert Waller
1856 1857
President Joseph Fowler Septimus Crookes
1st Vice-President Henry Eyre Henry Eyre
2d Vice-President Henry Owen Joseph C. Wells
Treasurer Robert Bage Robert Bage
Secretaries Mitford B. Burnett M. B. Burnett
John C. Loch William M. Smith
Stewards Charles Cooper J. S. Milford
R. Bainbridge Arthur Kendall
J. Stanley Milford Joseph E. Walker
William M. Smith
Physicians Dr. Pennell Dr. Pennell
Dr. Beales Dr. Beales
Dr. Bradshaw Dr. Bradshaw
Dr. Rotton (Brooklyn) Dr. Rotton
Dr. Charles M. Cooper
Chaplains Rev. Dr. Hawks Rev. Dr. Hawks
Rev. Dr. Neville
1856 1857
Charitable Committee. . . .Robert Waller Robert Waller
C. B. Elliman C. B. Elliman
G. S. Rainsford E. F. Ward
E. F. Ward George L. Rainsford
Dr. Rotton (Brooklyn) C. H. Webb (Brooklyn)
Com. of Accounts Charles Clifton Charles Clifton
Edward Walker Edward Walker
Robert Waller Robert Waller
1858 1859
President John C. Beales, M.D John C. Beales, M.D.
1st Vice-President Edward F. Ward Edward F. Ward
2d Vice-President Edward Walker Edward Walker
Treasurer Robert Bage Robert Bage
Secretaries Henry E. Pellew Henry E. Pellew
W. P. Talboys Philip Pritchard
Stewards Henry E. Pellew Thomas M. Braine
Joseph E. Walker J. H. Prout
George M. Knevitt James Napier
W. P. Talboys Philip Pritchard
Physicians Dr. Pennell Dr. Pennell
Dr. Beales Dr. Beales
Dr. Bradshaw Dr. Bradshaw
Dr. Rotton Dr. Cooper
Dr. Charles H. Cooper Dr. Rotton
Chaplains Rev. Dr. Hawks Rev. Dr. Hawks
Rev. George C. Pennell Rev. Geo. C. Pennell
Charitable Committee. . . .Edward F. Ward Robert Waller ]
Charles B. Elliman Philip Pritchard I New
George S. Rainsford Thos. M. Braine f York
Arthur Kendall E. M. Newbould J
Chas. H. Webb (Brooklyn). .Jno. T. Walker ] Brook-
G. M. Knevitt > lyn
James Napier
Com. of Accounts Charles Clifton .Charles Clifton
Robert Waller John T. Walker
John T. Walker Robert Waller
1860 1861
President John C. Beales, M.D Henry Eyre
1st Vice-President Edward F. Ward Edward Walker
%d Vice-President Edward Walker Philip Pritchard
Treasurer Robert Bage Robert Bage
Secretaries Philip Pritchard R. J. Cortis
R. J. Cortis T. M. Braine
1860 1861
Stewards J. Moulson, Jr C. W. Frederickson
T. M. Braine J. N. B. Middleton
R. J. Cortis J. M. Vickers
C. W. Fredrickson E. T. Christianson
Physicians Dr. Pennell 1 Dr. Pennell ]
Dr. Beales \ New York Dr. Beales [ New York
Dr. Cooper J Dr. Cooper J
Dr. Rotton 1 „ „ Dr. Otto Rotton, Brooklyn
Dr. Cansdell j
Chaplains Rev. George C. Pennell Rev. Dr. Hawks
Rev. Dr. Hawks Rev. G. C. Pennell
Rev. Dr. Vinton Rev. Dr. Vinton
Charitable Committee. . . .Robert Waller Robert Waller
Philip Pritchard [ New Philip Pritchard [ New
Thos. M. Braime f York Thos. M. Braine [ York
Rev.G.C.Pennell J Thos. F. Frank j
Jno. T. Walker ] Brook- Jno. T. Walker 1 Brook-
James Napier J- lyn James Napier > lyn
G. M. Knevitt J S. S. J. Frith J
Com. of Accounts Charles Clifton Charles Clifton
Charles B. Elliman Charles B. Elliman
Joseph C. Wells Arthur Kendall
Delegates to Board of
Dep. of Benev. and
Emig't Soc Robert Waller Robert Waller
Philip Pritchard Philip Pritchard
1862 1863
President Henry Eyre Henry Eyre
1st Vice-President Edward Walker Edward Walker
2d Vice-President Philip Pritchard Philip Pritchard
Treasurer Robert Bage Robert Bage
Secretaries Richard J. Cortis Thos. M. Braine
Thomas M. Braine John Cook
Stewards Edward Baker Daniel Goodwin
John M. Webb Orville Oddie
Daniel Goodwin John M. Webb
Orville Oddie Charles Vinton
Physicians Jno. C. Beales, M.D Jno. C. Beales, M.D.
Chas. W. Cooper, M.D Chas. W. Cooper, M.D.
Otto Rotton, M. D Otto Rotton, M.D.
Inglis Lough, M.D.
Chaplains Rev. Francis Vinton, D.D. . .Rev. Francis Vinton, D.D.
Rev. Fran. I. Hawks, D.D... .Rev. A. S. Leonard, D.D.
1862 1863
Charitable Committee Robert Waller Robert Waller
Thos. Field Frank I New Thos.Field Frank { New
Edw. W. Canning { York Edw.W.Canning [ York
John R Griffith J John R. Griffith J
John T. Walker ] John T. Walker j
Chas. Paulson \ Brook- Chas. Paulson [ Brook-
EdwardHill j lyn Edward Hill J lyn
Com. of Accounts Charles Clifton Charles Clifton
Charles B. Elliman Chas. B. Elliman
Delegates to Board of Arthur Kendall Arthur Kendall
Dep. of Benev. and
EmigH Com Robert Waller Robert Waller
Philip Pritchard Philip Pritchard
1864 1865
President Henry Eyre Henry Eyre
1st Vice-President Edward Walker Edward Walker
2d Vice-President Thomas D. Middleton Henry de Beauvoir Routh
Treasurer Robert Bage Robert Bage
Secretaries Thomas M. Braine Thomas M. Braine
William T. Smith Wm. T. Smith
Stewards William T. Smith Charles H. Webb
Orville Oddie Orville Oddie
William A. Virtue James B. Hodgskin
Joseph N. Harvey George Wade
Physicians J. C. Beales, M.D. ] New J. C. Beales, M.D. 1 New
C.W.Cooper, M.D. 1 York S. R. Percy, M.D. 1 York
H.J. Phillips, M.D. j H. J.Phillips,M.D. j
OttoRotton,M.D.,flroo%rt..Otto Rotton, M.D.,
Chaplains Rev. Francis Vinton, D.D .... Rev. Francis Vinton, D.D.
Rev. A. S. Leonard, D.D Rev. A. S. Leonard, D.D.
Charitable Committee. . . .Robert Waller Robert Waller
Thos. Field Frank I New Thos.Field Frank I New
Edw.W.Canning (York Edw.W.Canning f York
John R. Griffith J John R. Griffith J
John T. Walker. < John T. Walker j
Charles Paulson \ Brook- Charles Paulson \ Brook-
Edward Hill J lyn Edward Hill J lyn
Com. of Accounts Charles Clifton Charles Clifton
Charles B. Elliman Charles B. Elliman
Delegates to Board of Arthur Kendall Arthur Kendall
Dep. of Benev. and
H Soc Robert Waller Robert Waller
Richard J. Cortis Richard J. Cortis
1866 1867
President Henry Eyre Edw. M. Archibald, C.B.
1st Vice-President Henry De Beauvoir Routh .. . .Henry De Beauvoir Routh
U Vice-President John T. Walker John T. Walker
Treasurer Robert Bage Robert Bage
Secretaries Thomas M. Braine Thomas M. Braine
William T. Smith F .W. J. Hurst
Steivards Charles H. Webb Thomas D. Middleton
James B. Hodgskin John R. Griffith
George Wade John Hobbs
F. W. J. Hurst
Physicians J.C.Beales, M.D. ] New J.C.Beales, M.D. ) New
S.R. Percy, M.D. f York H.Railton, M.D. j York
H. Railton, M.D. J
OttoRotton,M.D.,BrooH;/n..Otto Rotton, M.D., Brook-
Chaplains Rev. Francis Vinton, D.D. . .Rev. Francis Vinton, D.D.
Rev. A. S. Leonard, D.D Rev. Alfred Stubbs.D.D.
Rev. Edward W. Syle
Charitable Committee. . . .Robert Waller Robert Waller
Thos. Field Frank ( New Thos. Field Frank [ New
Edw. W. Canning [ York Edw. W. Canning f York
John R. Griffith John R. Griffith J
Chas. Paulson Chas. Paulson
Edward Hill ., i Brook- Edward Hill I Brook-
R. J. Cortis J lyn Richard J. Cortis J lyn
Com. of Accounts Charles Clifton Charles Clifton
Charles B. Elliman Chas. B. Elliman
Delegates to Board of Arthur Kendall Arthur Kendall
Dep. of Benev. and
Emig't Soc Robert Waller Robert Waller
Richard J. Cortis Richard J. Cortis
President Edward M. Archiabld, C.B...Edw. M. Archibald, C.B.
1st Vice-President John R. Griffith John G. Dale
2d Vice-President John Hobbs John Hobbs
Treasurer Robert Bage Robert Bage.
Secretaries Thomas M. Braine Thomas M. Braine
Solomon J. Jones Solomon J. Jones
Stewards Morris H. Henry, M.D
J. Milner Vickers
Solomon J. Jones
Physicians John C. Beales, M.D John C. Beales, M.D.
Morris H. Henry, M.D Morris H. Henry, M.D.
Otto Rotton, M.D
Chaplains Rev. Francis Vinton, D.D. . .Rev. Francis Vinton, D.D.
Rev. Franklin Babbitt Rev. Franklin Babbitt
Charitable Committee. . . .Thos. Field Frank 1 Edward Walker, Ch. Ex.
Edw. W. Canning [ New Robert Mackie [Com
Chas. B. Elliman f York Edward Hill
F. W. J. Hurst Charles Paulson
Edward Hill Aymar Cater
Rich. J. Cortis !> Brook- F. W. J. Hurst
W. C. Muraford J lyn Arthur Kendall
Com. of Accounts Charles Clifton Charles Clifton
Arthur Kendall Thos. Field Frank
Delegates to Board of J. Milner Vickers Edward W. Canning
Dep. of Benev. and
Emig. Soc Robert Waller Robert Waller
Richard J. Cortis Richard J. Cortis
Almoner Rev. Frederick Sill
1870 1871
President Edward M. Archibald, C.B... . John G. Dale
Vice-Presidents John G. Dale Thomas D. Middleton
F. W. J. Hurst F. W. J. Hurst
Treasurer Robert Bage John Hobbs
Secretaries Thomas M. Braine Thomas M. Braine
Peter Jones Peter Jones
Executive Committee Edward Walker Robert Mackie (Chairman;
James Curphey Edward Walker
Aymar Cater J. Sefton Brancker
Wm. C. Mumford Charles T. Gostenhofer
Robert Mackie Wm. C. Mumford
Wm. B. Bowring Edward Phillips
John Hobbs James Curphey
Com. of Accounts Charles Clifton Robert Waller
Robert Waller Thomas F. Frank
Thomas Field Frank R. J. Godwin
Physicians John C. Beales, M.D J. C. Beales, M.D.
Morris H. Henry, M.D Luis P. Walton, M.D.
Otto Rotton, M.D Charles F. Young, M.D.
Chaplains Rev. Francis Vinton, D.D. . .Rev. Francis Vinton, D.D.
Rev. Franklin Babbitt Rev. Franklin Babbitt
Delegates to Board of
Deputies, etc Robert Waller Robert Waller
Richard J. Cortis Richard J. Cortis
1872 1873
President John G. Dale John G. Dale
Vice-Presidents F. W. J. Hurst F. W. J. Hurst
1872 1873
Vice-Presidents (Cont'd) .Charles T. Gostenhofer Charles T. Gostenhofer
Treasurer John Hobbs John Hobbs
Secretaries Thomas M. Braine Thomas M. Braine
Peter Jones Peter Jones
Executive Committee Robert Waller (Chairman).. .Robert Waller (Chairman)
James Curphey Thomas B. Bowring
Edward Dobell James Curphey
Ernest Chaplin Edward Phillips
Edward Phillips George F. Pim
Joseph Hyde Sparks Joseph Hyde Sparks
Charles Vinton Charles Vinton
Com. of Accounts Thomas F. Frank Thomas Field Frank
Richard J. Godwin R. J. Godwin
E. Brenton Archibald E. Brenton Archibald
Physicians John C. Beales, M.D John C. Beales, M.D.
Luis P. Walton, M.D Luis P. Walton, M.D.
Charles F. Young, M.D Charles F. Young, M.D.
Chaplains Rev. Francis Vinton, D.D. . .Rev. Franklin Babbitt
Rev. Franklin Babbitt Rev. Frederick Sill
Delegates to Board of
Deputies, etc Robert Waller Robert Waller
Richard J. Cortis Richard J. Cortis
1874 1875
President Henry E. Pellew Henry E. Pellew
Vice-Presidents Edward Hill Edward Hill
Briton Richardson Briton Richardson
Treasurer R. J. Cortis R. J. Cortis
Secretaries Peter Jones Peter Jones
H. G. M. Linton H. G. M. Linton
Executive Committee Robert Waller (Chair man).... Robert Waller (Chairman)
James Curphey R. D. Perry
Charles T. Gostenhofer Hen. H. Romilly
John G. Dale John G. Dale
John Moulson John Moulson
Edward W. Mascord Edward W. Mascord
J. C. Vincent J. C. Vincent
Com. of Accounts R. J. Godwin R. J. Godwin
E. Brenton Archibald E. Brenton Archibald
Thomas M. Braine John Orpe
Physicians John C. Beales, M.D John C. Beales, M.D.
Luis P. Walton, M.D Luis P. Walton, M.D.
Charles F. Young, M.D Charles F. Young, M.D.
Chaplains Rev. Franklin Babbitt Rev. Franklin Babbitt
Rev. F. Sill Rev. J. H. Rylance, D.D.
Delegates to Board of 1874 1875
Deputies, etc Robert Waller Robert Waller
Richard J. Cortis Richard J. Cortis
1876 1877
President Henry E. Pellew Henry E. Pellew
Vice-Presidents Edward Hill Briton Richardson
Briton Richardson John Moulson
Treasurer John G. Dale John G. Dale
Secretaries Henry Romilly Henry Romilly
Maynard C. Eyre A. E. Tucker
Executive Committee Robert Waller (Chairman).. .Robert Waller (Chairman)
R. D. Perry Edward Hill
John Moulson R. J. Godwin
Edward W. Mascord R. D. Perry
J. C. Vincent S. Dally
Richard J. Godwin C. F. Wreaks
Thomas E. Evans E. Brenton Archibald
Com. of Accounts E. Brenton Archibald John Orpe
John Orpe Thos. W. Weathered
Thomas W. Weathered J. C. Vincent
Physicians John C. Beales, M.D J. C. Beales, M.D.
Luis P. Walton, M.D Luis P. Walton, M.D.
Charles T. Young, M.D C. T. Young, M.D.
Chaplains Rev. Franklin Babbitt Rev. F. Babbitt
Rev. Jos. H. Rylance, D.D. Rev. Jos. H. Rylance, D.D .
Delegates to Board of Rev. F. Courtney
Deputies, etc Robert Waller Robert Waller
Richard J. Cortis R. J. Cortis
1878 1879
President Briton Richardson Briton Richardson
Vice-Presidents John Carey, Jr John Carey, Jr.
Thomas E. Jevons Thomas E. Jevons
Treasurer John G. Dale John G. Dale
Secretaries W. Wilton Phipps Alex. E. Tucker
A. E. Tucker Samuel Lee
Executive Committee R. D. Perry (Chahman) R. D. Perry (Chairman)
Robert Waller Robert Waller
Edward Hill E. Brenton Archibald
Henry E. Pellew Henry Romilly
Henry Romilly Charles F. Wreaks
John Moulson . . W. W. Phipps
E. Brenton Archibald G. Bentham Rae
Henry Eyre )
E. M. Archibald.C.B.V^.
Henry E. Pellew j °"'
1878 1879
Com. of Accounts F. C. Gostenhofer F. C. Gostenhofer
C. F. Wreaks Berkeley Mostyn
J. C. Vincent James E. Pulsford
Physicians J. C. Beales, M.D Luis P. Walton, M.D.
Luis P. Walton, M.D Ben. F. Dawson, M.D.
Chaplains Rev. Jos. H. Rylance, D.D. .Rev. Jos. H. Rylance, D.D.
Rev. F. Courtney Rev. F. Courtney
Delegates to Board of
Deputies, etc Robert Waller
Richard J. Cortis
1880 1881
President F. W. J. Hurst F. W. J. Hurst
Vice-Presidents Edward Hill Edward Hill
Thomas E. Jevons Richard J. Cortis
Treasurer John G. Dale John G. Dale
Secretaries Alex. E. Tucker Alex. E. Tucker
F. G. Richardson F. G. Richardson
Executive Committee Robert Waller (Chairman).. .Robert Waller (Chairman)
Samuel Dally Samuel Dally
Chas. F. Wreaks Charles F. Wreaks
G. Bentham Rae Berkeley Mostyn
W. W. Phipps Edward Mascord
Berkeley Mostyn E. F. Beddall
Edward W. Mascord John R. Walker
Henry Eyre Henry Eyre
E. M. Archibald, C.B. [Ex. E. M. Archibald, C.B. [Ex.
Henry E. Pellew (Off. Henry E. Pellew I Off.
B. Richardson J B. Richardson J
Com. of Accounts F. C. Gostenhofer F. C. Gostenhofer
J. G. Harper J. G. Harper
Richard Sanderson Win. Lindsay Blatch
Physicians Luis P. Walton, M.D Luis P. Walton, M.D.
Benjamin F. Dawson, M.D. .Benjamin F.Dawson, M.D.
Chaplains Rev. Jos. H. Rylance, D.D. .Rev. Jos. H. Rylance, D.D.
Rev. F. Courtney Rev. A. G. Mortimer
Delegates to Board of
Dep. of Benev. and
Emig't Soc Robert Waller Robert Waller
Richard J. Cortis Richard J. Cortis
1882 1883
President F. W. J. Hurst Edward Hill
Vice-Presidents Edward Hill R. J. Cortis
Richard J. Cortis Robert Waller
1882 1883
Treasurer John G. Dale John G. Dale
Secretaries Alex. E. Tucker Berkeley Mostyn
E. G. Richardson Percy Chubb
Executive Committee Robert Waller (Chairman).. .E. F. Beddall (Chairman)
Charles F. Wreaks Charles F. Wreaks
Berkeley Mostyn John Moulson
H. A. Racker H. A. Racker
John Moulson Alex. E. Tucker
Henry W. O. Edye Henry W. O. Edye
Edward F. Beddall Herbert Barber
Henry Eyre Sir E.M.Archibald
E. M. Archibald, | C.B. K.C.M.G. E*
C.B. \ Ex.Off. Henry E. Pellew \ Off.
Henry E. Pellew | B. Richardson
B. Richardson J F. W. J. Hurst
Com. of Accounts F. C. Gostenhofer F. C. Gostenhofer
Edward W. Mascord Edward W. Mascord
Wm. Lindsay Blatch Charles S. Bonnor
Physicians Luis P. Walton, M.D Luis P. Walton, M.D.
Benjamin F. Dawson, M.D. .Ben j. F. Dawson, M.D
Chaplain Rev. A. G. Mortimer Rev. D. P. Morgan
Delegates to Board of
Dep. of Benev. and
Emig't Soc Robert Waller Robert Waller
Richard J. Cortis Richard J. Cortis
President Edward Hill Richard J. Cortis
Vice-Presidents Richard J. Corti-; Edward F. Beddall
Robert W&Her Berkeley Mostyn
Treasurer F. W. J. Hurst Edward Hill
Secretaries Berkeley Mostyn Percy Chubb
Percy Chubb Oliver Adams
E. F. Beddall (Chairman)
Executive Committee E. F. Beddall (Chairman). . .H. A. Racker
Charles F. Wreaks Henry W. O. Edye
Henry W. O. Edye Herbert Barber
John Moulson John Parsons
Alex. E. Tucker H. O Northcote
H. A. Racker Thos. B. Bowring
Herbert Barber A. M. Townsend
SirE.M.Archibald ]
C.B. K.C.M.G. I Ex.Off. Henry E. Pellew ]
Henry E. Pellew [ B. Richardson \ Ex.
B. Richardson F. W. J. Hurst I Off.
1884 1885
Com. of Accounts F. C. Gostenhofer F. C. Gostenhofer
F. S. Smithers F. S. Smithers
Charles S. Bonnor F. S. Smithers
Physicians Luis P. Walton, M.D Luis P. Walton, M.D.
Benjamin F. Dawson, M.D. .Benj. F. Dawson, M.D.
Chaplains Rev. D. P. Morgan Rev. D. P. Morgan
Rev. B. F. DeCosta Rev. B. F. DeCosta
Delegates to Board of
Deputies, etc Robert Waller Robert Waller
Richard J. Cortis Richard J. Cortis
1886 1887
President R. J. Cortis H. W. O. Edye
Vice-Presidents .H. W. O. Edye Berkeley Mostyn
Berkeley Mostyn R. Fleming Crooks
Treasurer Edward Hill E. F. Beddall
Secretaries Jeffrey Beavan Jeffrey Beavan
Oliver Adams Oliver Adams
Executive Committee E. F. Beddall (Chairman),. .Herbert Barber
H. A. Racker Thomas B. Bowring
Herbert Barber John Orpe
R. Fleming Crooks H. A. Racker
John Parsons John Parsons
Thomas B. Bowring George Massey (Chairman
John Orpe
Com. of Accounts Henry Hague Henry Hague
James Francis James Francis
J. R. Waters John R. Waters
Chaplains Rev. D. P. Morgan Rev. D. Parker Morgan,
Rev. B. F. DeCosta Rev. B. F. De Costa
Physicians B. F. Dawson, M.D J. W. Dowling, M.D.
J. W. Dowling, M.D T. H. Allen M.D.
Delegates to Board of
Deputies, etc Robert Waller
Richard J. Cortis
President E. F. Beddall F. W. J. Hurst
Vice-Presidents R. Fleming Crooks A. M. Townsend
John Parsons H. T. S. Green
Treasurer Thomas B. Bowring Thos. B. Bowring
Secretaries Jeffrey Beavan William M. Massey
Oliver Adams Oliver Adams
Executive Committee H. A. Racker H. D. Forwood
George Massey (Chairman).. George Massey (Chairman)
H. T. S. Green
Jno. Notman Harold A. Sanderson
A. M. Townsend George T. Knight
George T. Knight H. A. Racker
Harold A. Sanderson Robert H. Turle
Com. of Accounts James Francis Henry Hague
Henry Hague John R. Waters
John R. Waters Ed. H. Sewall
Physicians J. W. Dowling M.D T. H. Allen, M.D.
T. H. Allen, M.D J. A. Irwin, M.D.
Chaplains Rev. D. Parker Morgan, D.D.Rev. D. Parker, Morgan,
Rev. B. P. De Costa Rev. B. F. De Costa, D.D.
Rev. E. Walpole Warren,
1890 1891
President F. W. J. Hurst F. W. J. Hurst
Vice-Presidents A. M. Townsend H. T. S. Green
H. T. S. Green Harold A. Sanderson
Treasurer Thomas B. Bowring Thomas B. Bowring
Secretaries Berkeley Mostyn Berkeley Mostyn
Henry Wreaks Henry Wreaks
Executive Committee H. D. Forwood R. Fleming Crooks
E. F. Beddall (Chairman) ... E. F. Beddall (Chairman)
George Massey H. D. Forwood
Harold A. Sanderson George Massey
R. J. Fearon J. Bruce Ismay
H. A. Racker Richard Henderson
Robert H. Turle Frederick Lehmann
Com. of Accounts Henry Hague H. A. Racker
John R. Waters A. M. Townsend
Edward H. Sewall H. Stikeman
Physicians T. H. Allen, M.D T. H. Allen, M.D.
J. A. Irwin, M.D J. A. Irwin, M.D.
Chaplains Rev.D.Parker Morgan, D.D... Rev. D. Parker Morgan,
Rev. B. F. De Costa, D.D . . . .Rev. B. F. De Costa, D.D.
Rev.E. Walpole Warren, D.D.Rev. E. Walpole Warren,
1892 1893
President W. Lane Booker, C.M.G. . . W. Lane Booker, C.M.G.
Vice-Presidents Harold A. Sanderson Harold A. Sanderson
William M. Massey William M. Massey
1892 1893
Treasurer Thomas B. Bowring E. F. Beddall
Secretaries Berkeley Mostyn Berkeley Mostyn
Henry Wreaks Henry Wreaks
Executive Committee H. S. Forwood H. A. Racker
H. A. Racker George Massey (Chairman)
Henry Hague Oswald Sanderson
Thos. E. Jevons (Chairman) H. M. Kersey
Fred. Lehmann C. J. Hogan
Oswald Sanderson H. A. Simonds
Com. of Accounts Henry Hague Henry W. J. Bucknall
A. M. Townsend James T. Anyon
H. Stikeman A.M. Townsend
Physicians T. H. Allen, M.D T. H. Allen, M.D.
J. A. Irwin, M.D J. A. Irwin, M.D.
Chaplains Rev. D. Parker Morgan, D.D.Rev. D. Parker Morgan,
Rev. B. F. De Costa, D.D ...Rev. B. F. De Costa, D.D.
Rev.E. Walpole Warren,D.D. Rev. E. Walpole Warren,
1894 1895
President Harold A. Sanderson F. W. J. Hurst
Vice-Presidents William M. Massey Henry W. J. Bucknall
H. A. Racker H. A. Racker
Treasurer Edward Litchfield Edward Litchfield
Secretaries Berkeley Mostyn Berkeley Mostyn
Henry Wreaks Henry Wreaks
Executive Committee F. S. Smithers F. S. Smithers
H. M. Kersey H. M. Kersey
George Massey (Chairman) .George Massey (Chairman)
H. A. Simonds John Smithers
Oswald Sanderson Oswald Sanderson
H. W. J. Bucknall George Gray Ward
L. B. Stoddart
Com. of Accounts Henry Hague Henry Hague
A. M. Townsend A.M. Townsend
E. F. Beddall E. F. Beddall
Physicians T H. Allen, M.D T. H. Allen, M.D.
J. A. Irwin, M.D J. A. Irwin, M.D.
Chaplains Rev.D.ParkerMorgan,D.D.. Rev. D. Parker Morgan,
Rev. B.F.De Costa, D.D. . . Rev. B. F. De Costa, D.D.
Rev.E. Walpole Warren.D.D.. Rev. E. Walpole Warren,
1896 1897
President F. W. J. Hurst William M. Massey
Vice-Presidents H. W. J. Bucknall Berkeley Mostyn
H. A. Racker George Gray Ward
Treasurer Edward Litchfield Edward Litchfield
Secretaries Berkeley Mostyn H. Wreaks
Henry Wreaks E. K. Beddall
Executive Committee F. S. Smithers F. S. Smithers
H. M. Kersey George Clapperton
George Massey (Chairman) . George Massey (Chairman)
John Smithers John Smithers
Oswald Sanderson Oswald Sanderson
George Gray Ward R. H. Turle
L. B. Stoddart
Com. of Accounts A. M. Townsend CD. Smithers
Henry Hague E. F. Beddall
E. F. Beddall R. Y. Hebden
Physicians J. A. Irwin, M.D J. A. Irwin, M.D.
Thos. R. Pooley, M.D Thos. R. Pooley, M.D.
Chaplains Rev.D.Parker Morgan, D.D...Rev. D. Parker Morgan
Rev. B. F. De Costa, D.D. . .Rev. B. F. De Costa, D.D.
Rev.E.WalpoleWarren.D.D.Rev. E. Walpole Warren
Delegates to St. Luke's
Hospital F. W. J. Hurst F. W. J. Hurst
E. F. Beddall E. F. Beddall
1898 1899
President William M. Massey George Gray Ward
Vice-Presidents Berkeley Mostyn George Coppell
George Gray Ward Edward Litchfield
Treasurer Edward Litchfield Robert H. Turle
Secretaries E. K. Beddall E. K. Beddall
L. B. Sanderson L. B. Sanderson
Executive Committee John Gault H. Edwards-Ficken
Geo. Massey (Chairman)
R. H. Turle, (Chairman) . . . L. B. Stoddart
George Massey H. Wreaks
Harry Hooper R. G. Winny
George Clapperton Thos. F. Main
F. S. Smithers E. F. Darrell
J. Smithers J. Smithers
Oswald Sanderson H. G. Kellock
Com. of Accounts H. T. S. Green F. S. Smithers
E. F. Beddall R. Y. Hebden
C. D. Smithers John Gault
1898 1899
Physicians R. W. Taylor, M.D R. W. Taylor, M.D.
Luis P. Walton, M.D Luis P. Walton, M.D.
Chaplains Rev.D.Parker Morgan, D.D...Rev. D. Parker Morgan,
Rev.E.Walpole Warren, D.D. Rev. E. Walpole Warren,
Rev. B. F. De Costa, D.D. ..Rev. B. F. De Costa, D.D.
Delegates to St. Luke's
Hospital F. W. J. Hurst F. W. J. Hurst
E. F. Beddall E. F. Beddall
1900 1901
President George Gray Ward Sir Percy Sanderson,
Vice-Presidents George Coppell Robert H. Turle
Edward Litchfield E. K. Beddall
Treasurer Robt. H. Turle John Gault
Secretaries E. K. Beddall L. B. Sanderson
L. B. Sanderson George K. Kirkham
Executive Committee George K. Kirkham R. H. Gemmell
Geo. Massey (Chairman) . . .
W. A. Shortt George Woolley
R. G. Winny C. F. Shallcross
Thos. F. Main F. S. Smithers
E. F. Darrell C. W. Bowring
H. Hooper E. F. Darrell (Chairman)
L. B. Stoddart H. Hooper
H. Edwards-Ficken H. Edwards-Ficken
H. Wreaks H. Wreaks
Com. of Accounts F. S. Smithers F. S. Smithers
John Gault Arthur Coppell
Henry A. Murray Henry A. Murray
Physicians R. W. Taylor, M.D R. W. Taylor, M.D.
Luis P. Walton, M.D Luis P. Walton, M.D.
Chaplains Rev.D.Parker Morgan, D.D.. .Rev. D. Parker Morgan,
Rev.E.Walpole Warren, D.D. Rev. E. Walpole Warren,
Delegates to St. Luke's D.D.
Hospital F. W. J. Hurst F. W. J. Hurst
E. F. Beddall E. F. Beddall
1902 1903
President Sir Percy Sanderson, K.C.M.G.
Robert H. Turle
Vice-Presidents R. H. Turle E. F. Darrell
E. F. Darrell Thos. E. Jevons
1902 1903
Treasurer John Gault Chas. W. Bowring
Executive Committee E. K. Beddall (Chairman).. .J. E. G. Higgens
W. P. Ritchey L. B. Sanderson
F. S. Smithers Hon. R. M. Stuart-Wortley.
C. F. Shallcross H. W. H. Bucknall
Chas. W. Bowring F. S. Smithers
Harry Hooper E. K. Beddall (Chairman)
W. A. Shortt George K. Kirkham
George L. Wooley W. P. Ritchey
George K. Kirkham C. F. Shallcross
Secretaries L. B. Sanderson F. B. Thomason
F. B. Thomason CD. Franks
Com. of Accounts Arthur Coppell Arthur Coppell
Henry A. Murray Henry A. Murray
Hon. R. M. Stuart-Wortley. .Clarence Whitman
Physicians Luis P. Walton, M.D Luis P. Walton, M.D.
Thos. R. Pooley, M.D Thos. R. Pooley, M.D.
Chaplains Rev.D.Parker Morgan, D.D...Rev. D. Parker Morgan
Rev.E.Walpole Warren, D.D. Rev. E. Walpole Warren
Delegates to St. Luke's D.D.
Hospital George Gray Ward George Gray Ward
Berkeley Mostyn Berkeley Mostyn
1904 1905
President Robert H. Turle Edward F. Darrell
Vice-Presidents Thos. E. Jevons J. E. G. Higgens
E. F. Darrell E. K. Beddall
Treasurer Chas. W. Bowring Chas. W. Bowring
Secretaries W. Allaire Shortt C. Douglas Franks
C. Douglas Franks Gerald F. Earle
Executive Committee E. K. Beddall James Barber
George K. Kirkham W. W. Shaw
J. E. G. Higgens (Chairman). F. B. Thomason
W. P. Ritchey John Gault
L. B. Sanderson Thomas Beard
H. W. J. Bucknall Clarence Whitman
James Barber C. F. Shallcross
W. W. Shaw L. B. Sanderson
F. B. Thomason H. W. J. Bucknall (Chair-
Com. of Accounts George Massey C. C. Hiscoe [man)
Clarence Whitman E. S. Twining
S. A. Frith S. A. Frith
Physicians Thos. R. Pooley, M.D Thos. R. Pooley, M.D.
George Gray Ward, Jr., M.D. George Gray Ward, Jr.,
1904 1905
Chaplains Rev.D.ParkerMorgan,D.D.. .Rev. D. Parker Morgan,
Rev. F. L. Patton, D.D Rev. F. L. Patton, D.D.
Delegates to St. Luke's
Hospital George Gray Ward George Gray Ward
Berkeley Mostyn Berkeley Mostyn
1906 1907
President Edward F. Darrell J. E. G. Higgens
Vice-Presidents J. E. G. Higgens E. K. Beddall
E. K. Beddall L. B. Sanderson
Treasurer H. W. J. Bucknall. H. W. J. Bucknall
Secretaries C. Douglas Franks'. Chas. W. Bowring
Newton A. Couper Newton A. Couper
Executive Committee James Barber L. B. Stoddart (Chairman)
W. W. Shaw '. .Hon. Hugo Baring
F. B. Thomason F. Cunliffe Owen
John Gault F. H. Cauty
Thomas Beard F. L. Patton, Jr.
Clarence Whitman F. S. Wonham
L. B. Stoddart, (Chairman) . . J. D. Peterson
Hon. Hugo Baring Thos. Beard
F. Cunliffe Owen Clarence Whitman
Com. of Accounts Frederick Toppin F. Palmer Page
H. C. E. Hoskier Hon. R. M. Stuart-Wortley
Hon. R. M. Stuart-Wortley, . .H. C. E. Hoskier
Physicians Thos. R. Pooley, M.D Thos. R. Pooley, M.D.
George Gray Ward, Jr., M.D.George Gray Ward, Jr.,
Chaplains Rt. Rev. Fred. Courtney ,D.D.Rt. Rev. Fred. Courtney,
Rev.D.ParkerMorgan,D.D...Rev. D. Parker Morgan,
Rev. Francis L. Patton, D.D. .Rev.Francis L.Patton,D.D.
Delegates to St. Luke's
Hospital George Gray Ward George Gray Ward
Berkeley Mostyn Berkeley Mostyn
1908 1909
President J. E. G. Higgens E. K. Beddall
Vice-Presidents E. K. Beddall H. W. J. Bucknall
L. B. Sanderson L. B. Sanderson
Treasurer H. W. J. Bucknall L. B. Stoddart
Secretaries Chas. W. Bowring F. Cunliffe Owen
Frank L. Hughes Chas. F. Wreaks
1908 1909
Executive Committee F. C. Cauty Hon. R. M. Stuart -Wortley
L. B. Stoddart (Chairman).. W. H. Macintyre
F. S. Wonham C. F. Shallcross
Hon.R.M.Stuart-Wortley.. W. A. Ross
W. H. Macintyre Henry A. Murray
C. F. Shallcross Chas. W. Bowring (Chair-
Hon. Hugo Baring F. H. Cauty [man)
F. Cunliffe Owen F. L. Patton, Jr.
F. L. Patton, Jr F. S. Wonham
Com. of Accounts F. Palmer Page F. Palmer Page
H. C. E. Hoskier H. C. E. Hoskier
C. Douglas Franks Arthur W. Morriss
Chaplains Rt. Rev.Frederick Courtney,
D.D Rt. Rev. Frederick Court-
ney, D.D.
Rev.D.ParkerMorgan,D.D...Rev. D. Parker Morgan,
Rev. Francis L. Patton, D.D. Rev.Francis L.Patton, D.D.
Physicians Thos. R. Pooley, M.D Thos. R. Pooley, M.D.
George Gray Ward, M.D George Gray Ward, M.D.
Delegates to St. Luke's
Hospital George Gray Ward George Gray Ward
Edward F. Darrell Edward F. Darrell
1910 1911
President L. B. Sanderson L. B. Sanderson
Vice-Presidents H. W. J. Bucknall H. W. J. Bucknall
Chas. W. Bowring Chas. W. Bowring
Treasurer L. B. Stoddart L. B. Stoddart
Secretaries F. H. Cauty F. H. Cauty
F. L. Patton, Jr E. Burton Lyon
Executive Committee W. A. Ross Hon. Regd. Walsh,M.V.O.
H. A. Murray R. St. George Walker
W. P. Lough F. Cunliffe Owen
Hon. Reginald Walsh.M.V.O. W. E. Lambert, M.D.
R. St. George Walker (Chair-
man) Fred. Toppin
F. Cunliffe Owen F. H. Tabor
Hon.R.M.Stuart-Wortley. . .W. A. Ross
W. H. Macintyre H. A. Murray
C. F. Shallcross W. P. Lough
Com. of Accounts F. Palmer Page Hon. R. M. Stuart -Wortley
H. C. E. Hoskier H. M. Vickers
Arthur W. Morriss W. H. Macintvre
1910 1911
Chaplains Rt. Rev. Frederick Courtney,
D.D Rt. Rev. Frederick Court-
ney, D.D.
Rev.FrancisL.Patton.D.D. .Rev.Francis L.Patton,D.D.
Rev.D.ParkerMorgan,D.D...Rev. D. Parker Morgan
Physicians Thos. R. Pooley, M.D Parker Syms, M.D.
G. Gray Ward, Jr., M.D. . . A. E. Gallant, M.D.
George Gray Ward, Jr.,
Delegates to St. Luke's
Hospital George Gray Ward George Gray Ward
Edward F. Darrell Edward F. Darrell
1912 1913
President Henry W. J. Bucknall Henry W. J. Bucknall
Vice-Presidents Chas. W. Bowring Chas. W. Bowring
Hon. R. M. Stuart-Wortley. . Hon. R. M. Stuart- Wortley
Treasurer L. B. Stoddart L. B. Stoddart
Secretaries F. H. Cauty Frank H. Cauty
E. Burton Lyon R. L. Nosworthy
Executive Committee Walter E. Lambert, M.D... .Walter E. Lambert, M.D.
Frederick Toppin Frederick Toppin
F. H. Tabor F. H. Tabor
C. F. Shallcross (Chairman) .C. F.Shallcross (Chairman)
Chas. Smithers Chas. Smithers
Norrie Sellar Norrie Sellar
J. J. Broderick E. S. Marston
R. St. George Walker J. H. Post
F. Cunliffe Owen Henry P. Winter
Com. of Accounts H. M. Vickers H. M. Vickers
W. H. Macintyre Rupert S. Hughes
H. A. Murray F. Cunliffe Owen
Rupert S. Hughes R. St. George Walker
Chaplains Rt. Rev. Frederick Courtney,
D.D Rt. Rev. Frederick Court-
ney, D.D.
Rev.D.Parker Morgan, D.D... Rev. D. Parker Morgan,
Rev. Francis L.Patton,D.D.. Rev. W. T. Manning, D.D.
Physicians Ernest Fahnestock, M.D Ernest Fahnestock, M.D.
Parker Syms, M.D Parker Syms, M.D.
Austin W. Hollis, M.D Austin W. Hollis, M.D.
Delegates to St. Luke's
Hospital George Gray Ward George Gray Ward
Edward F. Darrell Edward F. Darrell
The Old Badge
The badge, from which this facsimile was taken, was worn by Richard
Pennell, Esq., M.D., who became a member of St. George's Society of
New York in 1828 and was one of its physicians from 1830 to 1861.
The New Badge
The badge, from which this facsimile was taken, was adopted by
St. George's Society of New York in 1897, and is the one at present used
by the members.
1786 to 1913
Barclay, Capt. Thomas, R.N. . . 1824
Macready, Wm. C, Esq 1827
Hughes, James, Esq. 1827
Hughes, Ball, Esq 1830
Atkinson, Geo., Esq 1830
Buckland, Henry, Esq 1832
Frodsham, Ellison, Esq 1835
Thornton, Sir Edward, K.C.B . . 1869
H.R.H. Arthur William Patrick
Albert, Duke of Connaught,
K.G., K.T., K.P 1870
De Costa, Rev. B. F., D.D . . . 1883
Herbert, Sir Michael H., C.B.,
G.C.M.G 1902
Durand, Sir Henry Mortimer,
G.C.M.G., K.C.S.I., K.C.
I.E 1904
Bryce, The Right Honorable
James, O.M 1907
1786 to 1913
Showing Membership, whether Honorary, Life, or Annual, and all offices and
positions held on committees.
Present members of the Society are indicated by a star (*).
Pres. — President; V. P. — Vice-President; Treas. — Treasurer; Secy. — Secretary;
Chap. — Chaplain; Phys. — Physician; E. C. — Executive Committee; C. C. —
Charitable Committee; C. A. — Committee of Accounts; D. L. — Delegate to St.
Luke's Hospital; L. M. — Life Member; Hon. Mem. — Honorary Member.
The dates under the heading "Elected" refer to the year of election as an ordinary
member of the Society.
Abbott, F. W 1903
Abbs, Edward J 1905
Abrams, Josiah 1793
Adams, George 1829
Steward 1834
Adams, James 1858
Adams, Wm. E 1863
L. M. 1874
*Adams, Oliver 1876
Secy. 1885-89
*Adams, Edward 1897
L. M.
*Adams, T. Albeus 1906
*Adams, Cecil S 1910
Adcock, H. W 1818
Alden, Fied. T 1893
Alderton, Chas 1865
Alexandre, J. E 1880
L. M. 1880
Allcock, R. E 1848
Allen, Geo. C 1880
L. M. 1880
Allen, Philip 1880
Allen, T. H., M.D 1884
Phys. 1887-95
Allingham, Chas 1786
Allport, James 1818
Allsopp, Geo. A 1909
Allura, Walter E 1897
*AUum, W. L 1910
*Alton, Ralph 1910
Amery, William 1861
Anderson, Samuel 1786
Steward 1806-07
Anderson, John A 1817
Anderson, W. O 1851
Anderson, Henry 1900
•Angel, E. M 1884
*Anson, Hon. Alfred 1912
Anstice, Moses 1836
Anyon, James T 1887
C. A. 1893
Appleby, Georg » 1786
Apthorp, Col 1801
Archibald, Sir Ed. M., C.B.,
K.C.M.G 1857
L. M. 1865
Pres. 1867-70
E. C. 1879-84
Archibald, E. Brenton 1869
C. A. 1872-76
E. C. 1877-79
♦Argent, Edward H 1910
Arkill, James 1874
Armitage, Benj 1809
C. A. 1824
Armstrong, William 1817
Arnold, E., M.D 1851
Steward 1852
Phys. 1852-55
Arnold, Aaron 1866
L. M. 1866
Arnold, Richard 1879
L. M. 1879
Arrowsmith, L. Y. D 1848
Arthur William Patrick Albert,
Duke of Connaught, K.G.,
K.T., K.P 1870
Hon. Mem. 1870
Arthur, John 1850
Ash, J. H 1846
Steward 1847
Ashley, John 1790
Ashmore, Sidney 1858
*Ashmore, Henry B 1903
Ashton, Robert 1816
Ashton, Adam 1828
Steward 1832
Ashworth, C 1870
Aspinwall, Thos 1873
♦Astlett, H. A 1911
Astor, George 1822
Atkinson, Francis 1786
Atkinson, John 1788
V. P. 1792
C. C. 1796-1803
Steward 1807
Atkinson, Geo. H 1815
Atkinson, John, Jr 1809
C. C. 1810-12
Atkinson, Wm. H 1816
Atkinson, Hon. George M 1830
♦Atkinson, Chas. 0 1910
Atwood, Hermon W 1893
Auchincloss, Hugh D 1889
Auchincloss, E. S 1889
♦Auchinloss, S. S 1910
Audsley, Stuart R 1894
Austin, Thomas 1848
Aylwin, Horace 1860
Babbitt, Rev. F 1867
Chap. 1868-77
Bach, Robert 1809
Bache, Theophylact 1786
V. P. 1786-87
Pres. 1788-99
Bache, Paul R 1791
Steward 1806-11
Bache, Andrew 1793
Bache, William 1794
Secy. 1796-1801
Badcock, Daniel 1787
Steward 1793-94; 1 98
Bage, Robert 1831
L. M. 1865
Steward 1842-51
Treas. 1844-70
Bagg, J. Herbert 1897
Baggot, Joseph 1831
Bailey, Thomas 1860
Bailey, G. F 1860
*Baillie, Thomas J 1911
♦Baily, Geo. W 1906
Bainbridge, Absalom 1793
C. C. 1797
Bainbridge, Richard 1853
Steward 1856
Bainbridge, John G 1883
Baker, Luke 1822
L. M. 1822
Baker, Edward 1860
Steward 1862
Baldwin, Edmund 1839
Steward 1843
C. C. 1845-48
♦Bale, Frank 1910
Ball, F. W 1898
Ballantine, H. F 1910
Bamford, C. L 1871
♦Bangs, Geo. D 1909
Banks, William 1826
V. P. 1830
L. M. 1830
Banyar, Goldsborough 1786
Pres. 1786-87
Barber, Alfred 1824
Barber, Thos. H 1840
Barber, James 1840
L. M. 1840
*Barber, Herbert 1882
E. C. 1883-87
♦Barber, James 1898
E. C. 1904-06
♦Barber, Edward J 1910
Barbour, Thomas 1878
Barclay, Capt. Thos. R. N. . . . 1824
Hon. Mem. 1824
Barclay, Anthony 1835
L. M. 1835
Pres. 1837-39
Barfe, Thomas 1804
Barfe, Robert 1809
Barham, F . . 1846
Baring, Thos. C 1862
L. M. 1865
Baring, Alexander 1883
♦Baring, Cecil 1893
L. M. 1893
♦Baring, Hon. Hugo 1902
E. C. 1906-08
Barkenshaw, Wm. C 1873
Barker, Luke 1825
C. C. 1825
Barker, J., M. D 1822
L. M. 1832
Phys. 1828-38; 1849
C. C. 1840-41
Barnard, Charles 1811
Barnes, Robert 1815
C. C. 1824-29
Barnett, Thomas 1827
Barney, James 1809
Barr, Wm. S 1863
Barraclough, Wm 1816
Steward 1829-33
♦Barratt, T. J 1889
Barrow, Thomas 1786
Steward 1786-87; 1812
V. P. 1817-20
Barry, John, Jr 1792
Bartlett, John H., M. D 1824
Steward 1828-29
V. P. 1837 and 1846
Pres. 1847
C. C. 1852-53
Bascombe, Western J. D 1862
Bass, Charles..... 1847
Bassett, Francis M 1872
Batchelor, Charles 1859
Bates, Joseph 1811
Baxter, Timothy 1838
Baxter, John 1854
Baxter, Wm 1908
Bayard, Wm 1791
Steward 1807-09
Baylehole, Charles 1810
Bayley, Richard 1787
♦Bayley, C. Clive 1899
Baylis, Henry 1843
Bazalgette, Daniel 1817
Beach, John H 1891
Beadeston, A. N 1892
Beale, J. H. G 1889
Beale, A. M. A 1906
Beales, John C, M.D 1835
L. M. 1835
Steward 1837
Phys. 1837-78
V. P. 1848
Pres. 1849-53; 1858-60
Beales, James A. G 1869
L. M. 1869
Beament, George 1873
*Beard, Thomas 1901
E. C. 1905
*Bearman, H. W 1907
Beaumont, John P 1865
Beavan, Jeffrey 1885
Secy. 1886-88
L. M. 1885
Becket Henry 1816
Beckley, John 1789
*Beddall, E. F 1880
C. A. 1894-98
D. L. 1896-1901
E. C. 1881-82
Chair. E. C. 1883-86; 1890-91
V. P. 1885
Treas. 1887; 1893
Pres. 1888
*Beddall, E. K 1884
Secy. 1897-1900
V. P. 1901
Chair. E. C. 1902-03
E. C. 1904
V. P. 1905-08
Bedford, T. Stanley 1850
Beesley, James 1883
*Behrens, Ernest H 1906
Bell, Henry 1896
*BelI, E. Hamilton 1902
L. M. 1902
Bellamy, Samuel 1793
Bend, Wm. B 1873
Benley, John H 1858
Bennett, Percy 1897
Bennett, Francis 1910
♦Bennett, C. W., C.S.T 1907
Benson, J. J 1860
Bent, Buckley 1828
Bent, W 1831
Bentley, Henry 1840
Benttell, Alfred W 1908
Berdell, Theodore 1895
Berdell, C. P 1899
*Berresford, J. H 1899
Berry, John 1786
Steward 1786-90
Berthoud, F 1900
Beste, Chas. F 1871
*Betts, Clement H 1910
Beverley, John 1817
Bicknell, David 1879
♦Bigham, Henry I 1912
♦Billin, Arthur J 1903
Bingham, D 1867
Bingley, Geo 1818
Binney, Edward 1865
L. M. 1865
Bird, Robert 1801
Birkbeck, Alex 1835
Bishop, E. W 1845
Bissell, Peter 1831
Black, John 1799
Black, W. H 1899
♦Blackburn, Robt 1888
L. M. 1888
Blackburn, Thos 1859
Blackburn. Edward 1865
L. M. 1865
♦Blackburn, Arthur 1876
L. M. 1876
Blackstock, Jas 1822
C. A. 1824; 1828-33
Steward 1826-27; 1833
Secy. 1834-35
Blagdon, S. P 1885
Blain, Joseph 1831
L. M. 1832
Steward 1838
*Blake, Arthur M 1908
Blatch, Wm. Lindsay 1877
C. A. 1881-82
Blechynden, R 1899
Bliss, Theodore E 1823
♦Bliss, Ernest C 1884
L. M. 1884
Bloomfield, David 1858
Bluhm, Otto 1883
♦Blythe, C. A 1898
Boardman, E. C 1883
*Bogert, Beverly 1900
Bond, Phineas 1790
Bond, W. S 1852
*Bond, F. E. Vivian 1897
*Bond, Humphrey D 1907
♦Bonner, G. T 1867
L. M. 1909
Bonner, E. H 1867
♦Bonner, Chas. W 1910
*Bonner, Paul E 1910
Bonnor, Chas. S 1879
C. A. 1883-85
Boocock, J. A 1829
Booker, Sir Wm. Lane, K.C.M.G. 1883
L. M. 1883
Pres. 1892-93
Boorman, James 1810
Boorman, Robert 1819
Boorman, James 1835
L. M. 1865
C. C. 1838
Boote, Edward 1877
Booth, James 1874
♦Booth, G. M ... 1903
Borrows, W. B 1865
L. M. 1867
Bottomley, Jas., Jr 1835
Bottomley, Wm 1839
Steward 1841
Boultbee, A. Watkin 1900
♦Bound, Charles F 1887
Bound, Walter 1893
Bowerbank, Thomas 1810
Steward 1823-24
♦Bowring, Sir W. B., Bart 1868
E. C. 1870
L. M. 1868
♦Bowring, Sir Thomas B 1871
E. C. 1873 and 1885-87
Treas. 1888-92
L. M. 1871
♦Bowring, F. C 1883
♦Bowring, Charles W 1898
E. C. 1901-02
Treas. 1903-05
L. M. 1898
Secy. 1907-08
V. P. 1910-13
Chair. E. C. 1909
Bowron, Wm. A 1882
Boyle, Wm. Lewis 1889
♦Brackenridge, CD 1901
Bradbrook, G. A 1845
Bradbury, John K 1841
Steward 1843
C. A. 1845-46
Bradbury, E. H 184i
Bradbury, Samuel 1841
Bradford, Geo 1865
Bradley, Geo. A 1876
Bradley, Orton 1898
♦Bradley, Geo. A 1910
Bradshaw, J. W., M. D 1841
Phys. 1843-59
Steward 1847-50
V. P. 1854-55
Braine, Thos. M 1857
L. M. 1862
Steward 1859-60
C. C. 1859-61
Secy. 1861-73
C. A. 1874
*Braithwaite, A. D 1904
Brancker, J. Sefton 1866
E. C. 1871
Brandreth, B. M.D 1847
Brandreth, Wm 1882
Branker, Wm 1839
*Brasier, John C 1910
Braunt, Jas. Ori 1893
Breckenridge, Chas. D 1900
Breingan, A. S 1900
*Brewer, Geo. J 1907
Bridge, Joel 1814
Brigg, Benj. L 1884
Brimble, H. E 1883
Brind, Henry 1845
Steward 1846
Brinkman, Wm 1870
Bristed, Rev. John 1810
C. C. 1818-21
Bristow, Alfred 1870
Broadbent, Abraham 1825
Brock, John 1835
*Broderick, J. Joyce 1909
E. C. 1912
*Brodie, H. W 1900
Brooking, Roope 1858
Brooks, Thos 1803
Broom, Wm 1800
Brophy, Gerald F 1908
*Broughton, Urban H 1901
Brown, Wm 1806
Brown, Thos 1815
Brown, John B 1833
Brown, Robert 1840
Brown, John P 1843
Brown, Geo. B 1847
Steward 1849
Brown, Thos 1858
L. M. 1858
Brown, James M 1894
*Brown, Vernon C 1910
*Brown, James 1910
*Brown, J. S 1910
*Brown, W. Hargreaves 1907
Brown, D. C 1900
*Browne, Stewart 1899
Brownell, Wm 1858
Brownfield, Fred 1892
Brown John, Samuel 1788
Brownlow, E. B 1867
Bryan, Thos 1826
Bryan, Wm 1829
Bryce, Rt. Hon. James 1907
Hon. Mem. 1907
Buchanan, Robt. S 1835
Steward 1837
*Buchanan, S. E 1909
Buchanan, J. G 1902
♦Buckley, Wilfred, 1899
Bucknall, J. Stafford 1894
♦Bucknall, H. W. J 1883
C. A. 1893
E. C. 1894; 1903-04
V. P. 1895-96; 1909-11
Chair. E. C. 1905
Treas. 1906-08
Pres. 1912-13
L. M. 1883
*Budd, Thos. C 1889
L. M. 1889
Budd, Palmer 1885
*Buffett, Benj. R 1911
Bulfin, G 1852
Steward 1854
*Bullen, Percy S 1910
Bullock, Richard. 1790
Bullock, Thos 1791
Bumpus, Thos. T 1903
Bunch, R 1849
C. C. 1850-53
Steward 1852
Burgh, Thomas 1875
Burgess, Geo 1851
Burnaby, Geo. R 1874
Burnett, M. B 1852
Secy. 1854-57
Steward 1854
Burnley, Jas 1898
Busch, Peter 1873
*Busch, Briton N 1904
Bushnall, Thos 1792
Busk, J. R 1875
L. M. 1875
*Busk, Fred. T 1899
Butcher, Samuel 1824
Steward 1829
Butt, John 1816
Butterfield, Aubrey G 1862
Butterfield, Fred 1874
L. M. 1874
Butterfield, W. J 1907
*Bywater, Selwyn 1911
Cable, Thos. E 1871
Cadman, Maurice D 1910
Cadman, Rev. S. P 1906
Cairns, Wm 1809
Steward 1829; 1833-34
C. A. 1830-39
Cairns, Geo 1816
*Cairns, Robt. C 1912
Calder„Wm 1818
Caldwell, Alex 1898
*Callender, G. Rae 1910
Calrow, Richard 1822
*Camp, Hugh N 1910
Campbell, Daniel. 1811
Campbell, John 1841
C. C. 1843-44
Campbell, Jas. M 1843
Campbell, Alex 1843
Campbell, Jas 1843
Campbell, J. N. C 1882
♦Campbell, Wm 1908
L. M. 1908
♦Campion, A. G 1905
Canning, Edward W 1833
L. M. 1833
Steward 1836
Secy. 1837
V. P. 1838
C. C. 1862-68
C. A. 1869
Cansdell, Dr. H. W 1860
Phys. 1860
Capper, Walter S 1823
Capron, Henry 1789
Carbutt, G. H 1860
Carey, John 1875
L. M. 1875
V. P. 1878-79
♦Carlisle, H. H 1910
Caroille, Chas 1830
Carr, Geo 1860
Carr, Wm. R 1868
Carr, Geo. W 1879
Carrel, C 1831
Carter, Matthew 1816
Carter, Thos 1816
Steward 1824
Carter, John 1819
Carter, Nicholas 1849
Carter, R. A 1878
Cartledge, John 1900
L. M. 1900
Cartlidge, Chas 1840
Cartmel, Robt 1818
Cary, S. T 1835
Steward 1837
Case, Wm. T 1899
Casey, James 1786
Treas. 1792-95
Steward 1797-98; 1809
Casserly, Jas. A 1864
Castello, David 1836
Castle, John 1835
Cater, Aymar 1867
L. M. 1867
C. C. 1869-70
♦Cathcart, G. E 1905
Catherwood, Fred 1838
Cator, Arthur A 1891
Cattelle, Wallis R 1881
♦Cauty, Frank H 1900
E. C. 1907
Secy. 1910-13
Cawley, John 1897
♦Challenger, Edgar 0 1910
Chamberlin, J. F 1895
♦Chamberlin, Emerson 1893
Chambers, Jno. W 1848
Chance, Geo 1817
Steward 1822-23
V. P. 1825-29; 1839
L. M. 1830
C. C. 1832-34
♦Chaplin, Ernest 1871
E. C. 1872
L. M. 1871
Chapman, Henry 1787
Chapman, Wm 1811
Chapman, Benj 1820
Chapman, Robt 1848
Chase, E. E 1889
*Chesebrough, Robt. A 1911
Chesterman, J 1815
C. C. 1816-26
L. M. 1830
Treas. 1827-43
Child, Lewis 1817
*Chisholm, Hugh J 1910
Christianson, E. T 1860
Steward 1861
L. M. 1865
Christmas, Chas 1854
Steward 1855
Chubb, T. C 1876
*Chubb, Percy 1882
Secy. 1884-85
*Chubb, Hendon 1909
Church, Richard 1893
Clapham, Jos. G 1815
Clapham, Samuel 1835
Steward 1838
C. A. 1840
Clapham, Glover 1838
Steward 1840
Clapham, Jas. P 1839
Clapham, Samuel 1866
L. M. 1866
*Clapperton, Geo 1893
E. C. 1897-98
Clark, Chas. R 1816
Clark, Richard 1842
Steward 1844
Clark, W. J. H 1902
Clark, W. A 1906
Clarke, Richard 1840
*Clarke, C. Howell 1910
Clarke, Sir Caspar P 1906
Clatworthy, John 1863
Clatworthy, Thos. B 1863
Clatworthy, Frank 1871
Clatworthy, Wm 1871
Clayton, Thos 1792
Clegg, Walter O 1864
*Clements, Jas. P 1910
Clifton, Chas. . 1841
L. M. 1844
C. A. 1847-70
Clough, J. B 1809
Cobden, Henry A 1835
Cochran, Rupert L 1836
Cochrane, John W 1889
Cockcroft, Jas 1789
Cockcroft, J. H. V 1888
Cocker, R 1843
Cockle, Fred 1786
*Coe, W. R 1903
*Coe, Geo. V 1893
Coffey, Arthur C 1897
Coggill, Geo 1815
Colden, Cadwallader D 1793
Steward 1816-17; 1821
Secy. 1818-20
*Cole, Wm. H. J 1910
Coleman, Robt 1803
Coles, John 1790
Comer, John H 1887
*Cone, John 1910
*Congdon, Thos 1885
Congdon, Ernest W 1900
Congrcoe, Chas 1822
Congreve, CM 1858
Congreve, Chas 1858
Connah, John 1831
Connah, John, Jr 1843
Connah, John 1868
Steward 1835
L. M. 1870
*Connor, Robt. H 1910
Constable, Jas. M 1878
L. M. 1881
Constable, A. G 1879
Converse, Chas. M 1867
Conway, Jas 1840
*Cook, David 1910
Cook, John 1843
Secy. 1863
Cooke, Thos 1838
*Cooke, H. J. W. S 1906
Cooke, R. J. T 1910
Cookman, Rev. F. S 1897
Coombe, H. L 1900
Cooper, Joseph 1816
Cooper, C 1845
Steward 1856
L. M. 1865
Cooper, Chas. W., M.D 1863
Phys. 1857-64
Cooper, H. P 1878
Cooper, Harry D 1893
Cooper, Rev. Dr. Edmund D . . . . 1889
Coopley, James 1870
E. C. 1870
Copcutt, W. H 1874
Coplestone, R 1899
Coppell, Arthur 1899
L. M. 1899
Coppell, Herbert 1899
L. M. 1899
Coppell, George 1869
V. P. 1899-1900
Coppinger, J. B 1860
Cordukes, Isaac 1879
♦Corning, John Jr 1899
L. M. 1899
*Cornwallis, Kinahan 1864
Corp, Samuel 1786
Steward 1788-96
C. C. 1796-97; 1805-12; 1830-
V. P. 1802-07; 1820
Pres. 1809-12; 1821; 24
L. M. 1826
Corrie, Wm 1821
Corrie, Geo. H 1822
Cortis, R. J 1859
Steward 1860
Secy. 1860-62
L. M. 1865
C. C. 1866-68
Treas. 1874-75
V. P. 1881-82
Pres. 1885-86
*Cortis, Samuel S 1865
*Cortis, A. E 1898
Costa De, Rev. B. F, D.D 1882
Hon. Mem. 1882
Chap. 1884-99
*Cott, F. A. E 1898
Coulson, John 1882
Couper, Newton A 1905
Secy. 1906-07
Courtauld, Geo 1789
Courtney, J. J 1885
♦Courtney, Rt. Rev. Fdk., D.D. . 1877
Chap. 1877-80; 1906-13
♦Courtney, Reginald S 1909
♦Courtney, Walter A 1909
Couse, Capt. Charles 1790
Cowley, E. J 1861
Cowper, Geo 1831
Cox, John 1794
Cox, Henry 1816
Cox, John 1822
Cox, Joseph 1823
C. C. 1835-37
Cox, Chas 1831
C. C. 1838-40
♦Cox, W. W 1897
♦Cox, Geo., Jr 1901
♦Cox, Henry L 1910
Craigie, A. Walpole 1901
Craske, Chas 1872
Cripps, Wm 1823
Cripps, Geo 1828
C. C. 1836
♦Crompton, David 1912
Crook, Wm. T 1835
Crookes, Septimus 1838
Secy. 1841-42
Steward 1844
V. P. 1845
Pres. 1857
Crookes, Geo. R 1854
Steward 1855
*Crooks, R. Fleming 1883
E. C. 1886; 1891
V. P. 1887-88
L. M. 1883
♦Crooks, J. Kirke 1889
L. M. 1889
♦Cross, Philip 1900
Crosskill, Edward 1854
L. M. 1854
♦Crossley, G. R 1898
Crouch, Geo 1893
Crow, Wm 1809
Crowe, M. M 1896
Cruger, Henry 1791
Steward 1816
Crusoe, E. H 1871
Cunard, Sir Edward 1847
L. M. 1865
Cunningham, Wm 1838
Curphey, Jas 1865
L. M. 1871
E. C. 1871-74
Curren, D. E 1898
Cuthbertson, Wm. D 1838
C. C. 1839
V. P. 1840-42
Pres. 1844-45
Cuthbertson, W. F 1867
Cuttriss, Chas 1899
Cuyler, Jas 1796
Dale, Robt 1787
Dale, J. G 1858
L. M. 1858
V. P. 1869-70
Pres. 1871-73
E. C. 1874-75
Treas. 1876-83
Dale, F. G 1884
Dally, Samuel 1873
E. C. 1877
*Dalziel, Fred. Y 1913
Dana, Geo. E 1897
Danby, Wm. H 1881
*Dansey, Capt. Claude 1912
Darby, Abraham 1858
L. M. 1858
Darlington, John E 1835
♦Dairell, E. F 1897
L. M. 1897
E. C. 1899-1900
Chair. E. C. 1901
V. P. 1902-04
Pres. 1905-06
D. L. 1908-13
Darrell, Augustus 1866
♦Darrell, J. H 1902
Daulby, Wm 1816
David, Tucker 1874
Davidson, D. M 1869
♦Davidson, W. L 1910
Davies, Thos. E 1838
L. M. 1838
Davies, Jas 1841
Davies, R. J 1857
Davies, John T 1868
Davies, Acton 1897
Davies, Wm. G 1900
♦Davies, W. Sanders 1901
♦Davies, J. Vipond 1903
♦Davies, Wm. J 1910
Davis, B. W 1838
Steward 1839
Davis, John H 1895
Davis, Rufus 1901
Dawson, Wm 1826
Steward 1827-28; 1834
Secy. 1829-33
L. M. 1831
Dawson, Ben. F 1850
Dawson, Ben. F., M.D 1878
Phys. 1879-86
♦Dawson, Henry 1881
Day, John 1800
V. P. 1821
*Day, F. W 1900
Dealey, Jas 1848
Dean, Thos 1829
L. M. 1846
*Dean, E. C 1910
*Deane-Tanner, D 1912
*Dearbergh, R. E., M.D 1910
L. M. 1910
*Dearborn, F. M., M.D 1905
De Cordova, R. J 1867
De Cordova, Alfred 1871
Deeley, Thos. E 1901
De Guise, Verner 1896
Delafield, John 1788
Steward 1788-90
C. C. 1816-17
Delves, Thomas 1802
Secy. 1802-05
*De Mercado, M. C 1904
*De Mercado, Gerald 1904
*Deming, W. B 1894
Denby, Isaac 1901
Denniston, Samuel 1841
Denston, Chas 1809
Dent, Geo 1857
Despard, C. L 1892
*Despard, W. D 1901
De Wolf, Chas. A 1865
Dewhurst, John 1791
Steward 1791-92
Diaper, Fred 1838
Steward 1845
V. P. 1847
Dickenson, S. S 1904
Dickinson, Gilchrist 1786
Dickinson, Henry 1858
L. M. 1858
♦Dickinson, Arthur L 1908
Dickson, Geo. M 1893
Dillon, St. George 1895
Dixon, Thos 1816
Steward 1821 ;23
L. M. 1824
*Dixon, Thos. (Cont'd)
Pres. 1825-34
C. C. 1839
C. A. 1848-49
Dixon, John, Jr 1822
Dixon, Joshua 1828
L. M. 1828
Steward 1831
Secy. 1834
Dixon, Henry 1841
Steward 1842
Dixon, John 1848
Dixon, John 1853
Dobell, Edward 1866
E. C. 1872
Dobson, Thos 1851
Dodd, J. B 1831
C. C. 1835
Dodson, Nathaniel 1811
*Dolby, Geo. H 1902
Donnelly, Jas. A 1892
Donnison, J. 0 1903
♦Dowdeswell, Chas 1903
Dowdney, Rev. John 1841
Chap. 1843-47
Dowhurst, John 1786
Dowler, Randolph A 1901
*Dowler, A. E 1900
Dowling, J. W., M.D 1883
Phys. 1886-88
Downes, John 1809
C. C. 1816-17
Downing, B. H 1837
Steward 1838
Secy. 1839-41
C. C. 1845-47; 1838 and 1848
Downing, E. B 1838
Drake, Chris 1809
Drake, David 1826
Drake, H. J 1894
*Draper, Geo 1909
Drayton, Henry 1848
Drew, Thos 1863
L. M. 1865
Ducker, H. W 1870
*Duckett, A. W. 1904
Duer, Wm 1788
C. C. 1804
Steward 1812-17
*Duff, Wm. H 1884
L. M. 1881
Dunderdale Joseph 1802
Dunlea, Cornelius 1893
Durand, Sir Mortimer 1904
Hon. Mem. 1904
Durbar, Augustus H 1899
*Duttson, Frank T 1909
Duxbury, Giles 1845
Dyson, Geo 1810
Fade, George 1910
Earl, John 1821
*Earle, Gerald F 1901
Secy. 1905
Earnshaw, John W. S 1865
L. M. 1865
Eastburn, James 1809
Steward 1816
Eastburn, Rev. Manton, D.D. . . 1837
Chap. 1837-43
Eastwood, J. P. B 1913
*Eaton, Henry W 1880
Edam, Samuel 1787
*Edgar, H. I. M 1912
Edwards, Chas 1834
Steward 1835
V. P. 1836-38
Pres. 1840-41
L. M. 1842
Edwards, Frank S 1850
*Edwards, Pierrepont 1858
Edwards, Abraham 1862
Edwards, G. A 1866
Edwards, H. T 1883
Edye, Henry W. 0 1871
E. C. 1882-85
V. P. 1886
Pres. 1887
Elger, W. J 1867
Elliman, J. B 1833
Secy. 1835-38
Elliman, J. B. (Cont'd)
C. A. 1841-44
L. M. 1846
Elliman, Chas. B 1840
Secy. 1842-43
C. C. 1849-53; 1856-58; 1868
C. A. 1860-67
*Elliot, Arthur H., Ph.D 1894
Elliott, Wm 1866
Elliott, E. C 1869
♦Elliott, R. H. E 1900
Ellis, John 1786
Steward 1799-1806
C. C. 1800-04
Ellis, John F 1799
Ellis, David 1899
Ellis, Wm 1893
Elmes, Thos 1787
*EIsmore, Thos 1902
Emanuel, J. M 1884
England, J. W 1878
English, Wm 1805
English, W. C. R 1846
Entwistle, J 1822
Esterbrook, R., Jr 1867
Evans, C. J 1788
Evans, David 1831
Steward 1838
Evans, Wm 1873
Evans, Thos 1874
E. C. 1876
*Evans, Geo. E 1894
Evening, Abraham 1786
Everall, George 1888
Evers, John 1786
Steward 1786-92; 1802-06
*Evers, Cecil C 1910
*Ewart, Talbot 1903
L. M. 1903
*Ewart, Richard H 1893
L. M. 1893
Eyre, Henry 1840
L. M. 1852
C. C. 1854-55
Steward 1855
Eyre, Henry (Cont'd)
V. P. 1856-57
Pres. 1861-66
E. C. 1879-82
Eyre, Henry M 1865
L. M. 1865
Eyre, Chas. G 1865
L. M. 1865
*Eyre, Maynard C 1865
L. M. 1865
Secy. 1876
*Eyre, John Jas 1865
L. M. 1865
Eyre, Geo. Arthur 1865
L. M. 1865
*Fahnestock, Ernest H., M.D. . 1910
Phys. 1912-13
Fairbank, Henry 1836
Fairchild, P. F 1888
Fairchild, H. J 1897
Fanshaw, John 1819
Farmeloe, James 1877
*Farr, John 1910
*Farris, M 1905
*Fawcett, Geo. E 1902
Fay, John E 1879
L. M. 1882
Fearon, R. J 1885
E. C. 1890
Fearon, Jas. S 1889
Fenno, John W 1801
Fenwick, Geo. J 1888
*Fenwick, Arnold G 1900
Ferguson, Samuel 1803
V. P. 1809-11
Ferguson, John 1829
Ferguson, Dr. Farquhar 1898
Ferguson, F. M 1898
Fernie, Arthur K 1901
Ferrand, Benj. F 1810
Ferrers, John 1788
Treas. 1796-1812
Ficken, H. Edwards 1895
E. C. 1899-1901
*Finlay, Fred. W 1910
*Finlay, Geo. H 1910
Firth, John 1856
L. M. 1856
Firth, Archibald S 1863
*Fiske, Haley 1894
Fisher, James 1798
Fisher, Henry 1798
Fisher, Jos., M.D 1806
C. C. 1816-21
Phys. 1822; 1828-31
L. M. 1829
Fisher, Thos 1819
Fitch, Joseph 1799
Fitch, John 1871
L. M. 1872
*Fitz Gibbon, F. D 1909
*Fitzroy, Alfred 1910
Fleming, Howard 1883
Fleming, Wilfred H 1900
Foot, John F 1824
Foote, Randal H 1867
Force, John C 1856
Forrest, H. A 1884
*Forrest, Fred. W 1910
Forwood, Geo. P 1880
*Forwood, T. Britain. 1884
L. M. 1884
Forwood, H. S 1886
E. C. 1889-92
Foster, Jas 1893
Foster, Frank 1895
Foster, Clarendon A., M.D. . . . 1903
Fowler, Anderson 1894
*Fowler, Harry K 1901
Fowler, Joseph 1822
V. P. 1825-34
L. M. 1835
Pres. 1835-36; 1843-46; 1856
Fowler, Richard 1856
*Fowles, Chas. F 1910
Fox, James 1822
Fox, Geo, W 1848
*Fox, B. W. J 1910
Francis, Arthur W., M.D 1849
Phys. 1849
Francis, James 1879
C. A. 1886-88
♦Francklyn, C. G 1869
L. M. 1869
Francklyn, Reginald 1884
Frank, Thos. F 1860
C. C. 1861-68
L. M. 1865
C. A. 1869-73
Franklyn, Joseph 1875
*Franks, C. Douglas 1894
Secy. 1903-06
C. A. 1908
Fraser, Gilbert 1883
♦Fraser, Geo. H 1894
*Fraser, Alfred 1879
L. M. 1879
Frear, R. W 1816
Frederickson, C. W 1858
Steward 1860-61
L. M. 1865
♦Freeman, W. W 1909
Freeman, Edgar 1910
French, Chas. S. Le P 1892
Frith, Edward 1835
Secy. 1838
Frith, Samuel S. J 1855
C. C. 1861
♦Frith, S. Archibald 1863
C. A. 1904-05
Frith, Thos. T 1867
Frodsham, Ellison 1835
Hon. Mem. 1835
Frost, John 1790
Froste, Joseph 1826
Fry, C. A 1897
Fuller, Wm 1834
*Fulton, R. A 1912
Furness, Thos. S 1858
L. M. 1868
Galerey, Wm. T 1867
♦Gallant, A. E., M.D 1906
Phys. 1911
Gandry, Arthur 1816
Gandy, Wm 1816
♦Gardiner, Clement E 1898
♦Gardiner, A. K 1904
Gardner, Henry 1810
Gardner, H. P 1854
Gardner, Wm. C 1896
♦Gardner, Wm. C 1910
Garlick, J. H 1911
Garnar, Thos 1837
Garner, Thos 1866
L. M. 1866
Garr, Andrew S 1810
Secy. 1824-29
V. P. 1832
Garread, John 1867
L. M. 1867
Garrett, Fred. A 1837
Garsed, John 1812
Garsia, Edwin C. B 1867
Garsia, Alfred C 1869
Gascoiyne, Jas. B 1823
♦Gash, Joseph G 1901
Gates, Geo. H 1792
♦Gault, John 1897
L. M. 1897
C. A. 1899-1900
Treas. 1901-02
E. C. 1898; 1905-06
Gellibrand, Edward 1863
♦Gemmell, R. G 1894
E. C. 1901
Georgen, W. T 1900
Georges, Wm. P 1789
Geoiges, Wm. P., Jr 1789
Gerrard, Geo. L 1863
Gibbes, A. H 1856
L. M. 1865
Gibbons, Thos 1823
C. C. 1824
Gibbs, H. C 1899
♦Gibson, R. W 1902
Gibson, F. James 1901
Gilbert, John A 1907
♦Gilbertson, John S 1910
Giles, Aquila 1790
Steward 1799-1801
Gillespie, A. M 1908
Gillespie, David B 1901
Gilley, Wm. B.. 1822
Gillham, Edward 1873
Gillilan, W. H 1889
Gillott, Jos 1839
L. M. 1839
Glass, Jas. W 1822
♦Glassup, F 1896
Glentrooth, Jas. B 1838
Glyn, W. E . 1885
Godwin, R. J . ... 1860
L. M. 1860
C. A. 1871-75
E. C. 1876-77
Godwin, John D 1873
Godwin, Allan W 1892
Goldingham, Percival 1900
*Gooch, W. T 1896
L. M. 1896
♦Good, Brent 1895
*Good, Henry 1896
Goodbody, Robt 1887
Goodchild, Jno. A 1849
Goodeve, John 1788
C. C. 1816-17
Goodeve, Jas 1869
Goodwin, Daniel 1862
Steward 1862
♦Gordon, Robt 1869
L. M. 1871
Gordon, Wm ; . . 1861
Gordon, Geo. O 1890
Gosley, Geo 1797
Gostenhofer, Chas. T 1865
L. M. 1865
E. C. 1871 and 1874
V. P. 1872-73
C. A. 1878-85
Gostenhofer, F. C 1875
*Gostenhofer, C. H 1906
*Gough, Richard 1892
♦Gough, Wm. T 1912
♦Gould, E. R. L v . . . 1901
Gowland, G N 1913
*Grace, Morgan H 1910
Graham, J. L 1841
L. M. 1841
*Graham, L. H 1899
♦Grainger, John E. 1 1868
L. M. 1871
Grant, James 1867
Grant, Wm. W 1899
Gray, Chas. B 1867
Gray, Bryce 1869
L. M. 1869
Gray, Austin 1883
Greata, John M 1897
Green, T. G. S 1886
Green, H. F. L 1892
*Green, Gustavus 1911
♦Green, T. E 1909
Green, Joseph 1826
Steward 1828
Green, Thos. F 1835
Stewaid 1839
Green, Jesse 1835
Green, John 1883
Green, L. A 1884
*Green, H. T. S 1910
E. C. 1888
V. P. 1889-91
Greenup, Wm. M 1824
Greenup, Geo 1825
Greenwood, R 1815
♦Gregory, Charles 1896
Gregory, C. F 1909
Gregory, Henry 1873
Gresham, Geo 1839
Gresham, John H 1906
Grey, Robin 1903
Gribble, Henry 1890
Grice, Chas. C 1846
Grierson, M 1899
Grierson, Samuel 1860
♦Grieve, Richard A 1908
♦Griffin, Wm. A 1892
Griffith, J. R 1858
C. C. 1862-67
L. M. 1865
Steward 1867
V. P. 1868
Griffith, T. W 1887
Griffiths, Percival D 1893
Grimson, Joseph 1819
*Grinnell, Wm. M 1910
Grocer, Geo. B 1848
Grose, J 1884
♦Guile, John J 1888
♦Guinness, Benj. S 1910
♦Guiscard, A. K. de 1911
♦Gulick, John C 1910
Gundry, Frank 1869
Gunning, T. B., M.D 1862
L. M. 1865
Gunning, T. B., Jr 1883
Gurney, B. F 1852
Gurney, Victor R 1881
♦Guttridge, Frank 1910
Haddan, Wm 1844
Haddon, Jas 1872
♦Haddow, John 1901
Hadley, F E 1898
Hague, John 1844
Hague, H. W 1894
Hague, Henry 1879
C. A. 1886-90; 1892-96
E. C. 1892
Haigh, John, Jr 1866
Halcomb, E. H 1897
Hall, Joseph 1822
Hall, Thos. D 1866
L. M. 1866
Hall, Lewis A 1887
Hall, Wm. C 1893
Hall, Frank L 1894
Hall, C. Montague 1895
Hallam, Lewis 1792
♦Halle, A 1910
Hally, Wm 1817
Hamersley, Andrew 1786
Steward 1817
Hamilton, His Ex. Geo 1792
Hamilton, Geo 1848
Hamilton, C. K 1848
L. M. 1868
Hamilton, R. W 1851
Hamitt, John 1818
Hancock, C 1816
♦Hancock, La Touche 1911
Handren, J. H 1885
♦Harcourt, Vivian 1897
Hardcastle, Thos. H 1859
Harding, E. J 1873
Harding, W. J 1870
Harding, Dudley P 1904
Harding, Herbert B 1901
Hardy, Wm. H 1816
Steward 1825
Hardy, Edward 1822
L. M. 1822
Steward 1826-27; 1830; 1835
C. A. 1833-34
C. C. 1840-41
Harison, Richard 1787
Steward 1817
Harper, J. G 1876
C. A. 1880-81
Harriman, J. B 18S5
Harriman, Edward H 1895
♦Harrington, Howard S 1912
Harris, W. A 1875
Harrison, Joseph S 1816
Harrison, Charles 1857
♦Harrison, Fred 19C0
L M. 1900
Harrison, George 1865
♦Harrison, H. B 1906
♦Harrison, R. L 1896
♦Harrison, Geo. T 1911
Harrold, John 1838
Harst, Arthur 1842
L. M. 1842
Hart, Bernard 1793
Hart, D., M.D 1852
Hartford, Jas 1898
Hartley, R. W 1852
Hartman, Chas. J 1881
Harvey, Wm 1815
Harvey, Chas. C 1850
Steward 1851-52
C. C. 1851-52
Harvey, Joseph 1839
Steward 1844
♦Harvey, Willoughby 1894
Harvey, Joseph N 1863
L. M. 1863
Steward 1864
Harvey, Robt. H 1866
♦Harvey, Eugene 1900
♦Harvey, G. B. M 1900
Hasbrouck, J. C 1893
♦Haslar, Thos. B 1905
Hasler, F. E 1913
Hassall, Wm 1864
Hastie, Henry 1801
♦Hastings, Solon S 1910
Hatfield, Jos 1788
Hawke, Madison G 1900
Hawkes, Geo. W 1815
Hawkes, W. W 1835
Hawkes, Rev. F. L., D.D 1836
Chap. 1836-43; 1855-62
C. C. 1837
Hawkins, B.W., F.R.S 1870
Hay, S. H 1900
Hayden, J. A 1894
Hayne, H. J 1870
Hayward, J. W 1882
Hearn, Arthur H 1893
L. M. 1893
♦Hearn, Geo. A 1891
L. M. 1891
Heath, John 1852
Heath, Noble 1874
Heather, W. J 1844
Steward 1848
Heaton, E. P 1888
♦Hebden, R. Y 1893
C. A. 1897-99
♦Heckscher, Jas 1910
Heimann, Chas. A 1887
♦Hely-Hutchinson, M. R 1910
Hemming, D. W 1894
♦Henderson, Richard 1889
E. C. 1891
L. M. 1889
♦Henderson, David G 1890
L. M. 1890
Henry, M. H., M.D 1867
Steward 1868
Phys. 1868-70
Hepburn, A. E 1900
Herbert, Sir Michael H 1902
Hon. Mem. 1902
Herbert, H. W 1834
Herring, R. G 1823
Heward, Alfred H 1884
♦Hewetson, Walter 1911
♦Hewitt, C. H 1898
Hewitt, Jas 1793
Hewitt, Alex 1822
Heycock, Henry 1824
Steward 1826-27
Hicks, Chas. A 1910
♦Higerty, Alex. C. A 1910
Higgens, J. E. Grote 1889
L. M. 1889
E. C. 1903
Chair. E. C. 1904
V. P. 1905-06
Pres. 1907-09
Higginson, Jas. P 1851
Higgs, Benj. W 1865
♦Higham, Neville G 1906
Hildich, A. H 1866
Hill, Thos 1839
Hill, Edward 1856
C. C. 1862-69
L. M. 1865
E. C. 1877-78
V. P. 1880-82; 1874-76
Pres. 1883-84
Treas. 1885-86
Hill, R. W 1861
Hill, Alfred B 1882
♦Hill, Hugh R 1884
L. M. 1884
♦Hill, Frank 1885
L. M. 1885
♦Hill, Fred Trevor 1910
L. M. 1910
Hillyer, John 1859
Hincken, Edward 1867
Hinckley, W. J 1887
Hindhaugh, Wm 1843
Steward 1845
C. C. 1846-47
Hiscoe, C. C 1898
C. A. 1905
Hitchcock, H. M 1897
Hitchcock, Henry 1849
Hoansfield, Bart 1803
Hoare, W. R 1877
♦Hoban, J. W 1910
Hobart, H. C 1839
Steward 1843
Hobbs, John 1859
L. M. 1865
Steward 1867
V. P. 1868-69
E. C. 1870
Treas. 1871-73
Hobbs, R. M 1870
Hobson, Jonathan 1788
♦Hockmeyer, Vincent 1905
♦Hockridge, W. G 1909
♦Hocombe, Bexley 1905
Hodges, Chas 1857
Hodgkinson, John 1795
Hodgskin, Jas. B 1863
Steward 1865-66
Hogan, Wm 1840
Hogan, John 1865
Hogan, Thos 1883
♦Hogan, C. W 1883
E. C. 1893
♦Hogan, Jefferson 1885
Holbrook, Henry 1890
♦Holcombe, C. Herbert 1896
Holden, Edward 1830
Holden, Thomas 1831
Holder, Fred D 1899
Holland, Jas. C 1872
♦Holland, Chas. H 1911
♦Holland, Wilfred 1904
♦Hollis, Austin W., M.D 1907
Phys. 1912-13
♦Hollis, H. Stuart 1905
Holmes, Charles 1801
Holmes, Thos., Jr 1809
Holyoake, Thos 1842
Homer, Joseph 1819
Hook, Andrew 1817
Hook, C. G 1852
Steward 1854
Hoole, John R 1848
L. M. 1865
♦Hooley, Vernon 1912
Hooley, Abraham 1866
♦Hooper, Henry 1882
E. C. 1898-1902
♦Hooper, Alfred 1887
L. M. 1887
♦Hooper, R. H 1901
Horsey, Josiah A 1893
Horton, John 1865
♦Hosford, Albert R 1912
♦Hoskier, H. C. E 1896
C. A. 1906-10
L. M. 1896
Hoskins, Ed. W 1833
C. A. 1844
Hounsfield, Ezra 1794
C. C. 1805-12
Hovey, Franklin S 1874
How, Francis 1893
Howard, Henry 1824
Hudson, Samuel 1815
Hudson, John 1816
Hudson, Joseph 1818
Hudson, Joseph 1836
Hudson, J. D 1870
Hughes, J. 0 1808
Hughes, James 1827
Hon. Mem. 1827
Hughes, Ball 1830
Hon. Mem. 1830
Hughes, John 1836
Hughes, T. W. B 1873
L. M. 1880
Hughes, Wm. H. T 1879
L. M. 1882
Hughes, Thos 1900
♦Hughes, Frank L 1900
Secy. 1908
♦Hughes, R. S 1898
C. A. 1912-13
Hunt, Edwin 1835
L. M. 1835
Hunter, H. C 1900
Hurry, Edmund A 1900
Hurst, F. W. J 1866
L. M. 1866
Secy. 1867
Steward 1867
E. C. 1868-69; 1883-85
V. P. 1870-73
Pres. 1880-82
Treas. 1884
Pres. 1889-91; 1895-96
D. L. 1896-1901
Hutchinson, John 1830
Hutchinson, E. B 1906
Huth, Henry 1840
L. M. 1843
Hyde, John 1795
Hyland, Wm. C 1864
Hyman, L 1848
Ibbotson, Henry 1829
Ibbotson, Robert 1833
lies, Wm 1873
Ingham, Benj., Jr 1839
Inman, Wm 1815
Inman, Herbert 1879
Innes, John 1822
Ireland, Rev. John 1806
Ireland, Wm. M., Dr 1822
Phys. 1828-35
Irish, Charles 1821
Irving, Sir Henry 1894
L. M. 1894
Irving, Wm 1866
Irving, G. A 1889
Irvine, Geo 1885
Irwin, J. A., M.D 1885
Phys. 1889-97
Isaac, Edward 1793
Isaacs, Moses 1834
C. A. 1837
Isaacs, Henry 1842
♦Ismay, J. Bruce 1887
E. C. 1891
L. M. 1909
Jacka, Edgar V 1909
Jackson, James 1804
Jackson, John 1810
Jackson, Henry 1815
Steward 1829-30
V. P. 1833-34
Jackson, Benj 1818
Jackson, Edward 1824
Jackson, Matthew 1824
Jackson, Wm 1834
C. C. 1838; 1840-45
Jackson, Job 1841
Jackson, John C 1835
Jackson, F. H., M.D 1845
Phys. 1846-52
Jackson, Robt 1856
L. M. 1861
Jackson, Arthur 1864
Jackson, H. C. H 1903
♦Jackson, Herbert E 1910
Jacob, Leonard 1878
♦Jacob, Bartholomew 1910
♦Jacobs, Chas. M 1903
Jaffray, John R 1855
L. M. 1855
Jaffray, Edward R 1856
L. M. 1856
Jaffray, Richmond W 1856
L. M. 1856
♦Jaffray, Howard S 1872
L. M. 1872
Jaffray, Wm.P 1872
L. M. 1872
James, Thos 1862
James, Fred 1871
James, H. Whitehouse 1888
Jardine, Geo 1862
L. M. 1865
♦Jarrett, Henry T 1893
♦Jarvie, Di. Wm. T 1888
*Jarvie, Jas. N 1884
L. M. 1884
♦Jasper, E. W. S 1910
Jee, E. A 1830
Jee, Arthur W 1835
Steward 1839
Jenkins, Frank 1886
Jenkins, J. M 1897
♦Jenkins, J. C 1906
Jersey, Arthur F. De 1901
Jessop, Henry 1835
Steward 1837-49
Secy. 1839-40
V. P. 1844-45
Jessop, Sidney 1867
L. M. 1867
Jessop, Thos 1867
L. M. 1867
♦Jevons, Thos. E 1871
V. P. 1880
Chair. E. C. 1892
V. P. 1903-04
♦Jevons, Thos. S 1897
Jex, Josiah 1868
Johnson, Jas 1786
Johnson, Geo 1835
Johnson, Geo 1844
Steward 1847
L. M. 1867
Johnson, H 1846
Johnson, John A 1863
Johnson, Edward H 1879
Johnson, Digby 1894
♦Johnson, Willis F., M.D 1910
Johnston, John 1806
♦Johnston, Cyril E 1882
L. M. 1882
Johnston, Hayward 1899
Johnstone, R. L 1896
Johnstone, Rev. J 1896
Johnstone, Henry 1906
Jones, Captain 1792
Jones, Jonathan 1857
Jones, S. J 1866
Secy. 1868-69
Steward 1868
Jones, Peter 1867
Secy. 1870-75
Jones", CO 1869
Jones, Joshua T 1894
Jones, Albert C 1901
Jones, Philip H. W 1903
♦Jones, Clement W 1900
♦Jones, A. Preston 1907
♦Jones, A. Wallace 1910
Jordan, Arthur M 1904
♦Kahn, Otto H 1907
Kamp, John 1806
Kay, Edward 1850
Kean, Charles 1865
L. M. 1865
Keene, Jas. R 1880
L. M. 1880
♦Kelcey, Herbert 1897
Kellock, Henry G 1894
E. C. 1899
Kelly, Wm 1823
Kelly, Horace R 1871
Kemble, Robt 1789
Steward 1793-94
Kemble, Peter 1790
V. P. 1792
Kemble, Col 1806
Kendall, Arthur 1856
Steward 1857
C. C. 1858-69
Kendall, Arthur (Cont'd)
C. A. 1861-68
L. M. 1865
Kendle, Thos 1846
Kennedy, T 1839
Kennin, John L 1860
Kenvill, F 1848
Kent, Thos 1825
Kenworthy, Chas. F 1841
Kenyon, Wm 1786
C. C. 1796
Kenyon, Wm. B 1815
Kepling, Rich., Jr 1851
Kerr, John E., Jr 1889
♦Kerr, R. B 1894
Kersey, H. Maitland 1892
E. C. 1893-96
Kershaw, Joseph 1850
Steward 1851
♦Kessler, Alfred 1892
Kessler, Edward 1884
*Kessler, Albert 1906
Ketland, Thos 1787
Ketland, John. . 1794
Key, Edward 1864
♦Kiddle, Alfred W 1898
Kighley, John 1809
Kighley, Geo 1809
Kimber, Alfred 1882
Kimber, Arthur 1867
Kinder, Thos 1805
Kinder, Arthur 1805
King, Joseph 1799
King, J. F 1848
King, John 1897
♦King, Norman 1908
Kingsford, J. J 1844
Kinworthy, A. W 1891
Kirby, Jos 1822
Kirby, H. G 1866
♦Kirkaldy, Jas. B 1909
♦Kirkham, Geo. K 1889
E. C. 1900; 1902-04
Secy. 1901
L. M. 1889
*Kirkham, H. P 1882
L. M. 1882
Kirkland, Samuel 1787
Kirkman, John 1786
Kirkpatrick, Edward 1857
Etching, Geo 1835
Knevitt, Geo. M 1856
Steward 1858
C. C. 1859-60
L. M. 1865
Knight, Edward 1827
Knight, Robert 1854
Knight, Alfred 1872
Knight, Geo. W 1882
♦Knight, Geo. T 1883
L. M. 1883
E. C. 1888-89
♦Knight, Camille B 1887
L. M. 1887
Knight, Herbert 1894
Knock, Thos 1837
Steward 1848-49
V. P. 1854-55
Kortbright, G 1882
Kortright, Capt 1789
Labron, John 1829
Laffin, Chas. J 1901
Lahrbush, Capt. F. de 1858
Laight, Wm 1787
Laird, J 1845
♦Lambert, C... 1877
♦Lambert, W. E, M.D 1905
E. C. 1911-13
♦Lance, Dr. H 1911
♦Lancy, Robt. C 1863
L. M. 1863
♦Landale, Russell H 1905
♦Landale, Cecil D 1905
♦Landon, A. R. W 1910
Lang, Thos 1794
Lang, Wm 1810
C. A. 1828
♦Langshaw, Walter H 1910
♦Langton, John 1904
♦Lanskail, C. E 1905
Large, Alfred 1848
Steward 1853
Lauder, F. V 1909
Laurie, John 1887
♦Lawford, Hugh R 1909
Lawrance, John 1788
Lawrence, Nat 1808
Lawrence, E. B 1812
Lawrence, Benj 1856
Lawrence, Phineas 1856
Lawrence, John M 1858
♦Lawrence, A. M 1906
Lawson, Robt 1868
♦Lawson, J. Levy 1898
♦Lawson, Wendell H 1910
Leake, John 1788
Leaman, A 1859
Leaman, Richard C 1901
Leaward, Benj 1892
Leaycraft, Jeremiah 1856
L. M. 1865
Leaycraft, Charles R 1877
Ledyard, Geo. H 1909
Lee, David R 1847
♦Lee, Samuel 1876
Secy. 1879
♦Lee, Donald S. L 1889
♦Leech, Robt 1853
L. M. 1853
C. C. 1854-55
Steward 1855
Leeming, Thos 1894
Leeming, Wm 1910
♦Legg, Geo 1881
♦Legg, H. Bertram 1909
♦Legg, Geo. A 1909
Lehmann, Fred 1889
Secy. 1891-92
Leith, Alex. J 1888
I* Jeune, G. F 1904
♦Lemon, Edward A 1911
Leng, John S 1869
L. M. 1876
Leo. Richard L 1809
Leonard, Rev. A. S„ D.D 1859
Chap. 1863-66
♦Lester, J. B. Garland 1910
Lethbridge, Richard 1852
Steward 1853
Lethbridge, Robt. P 1886
Lethbridge, Geo 1900
♦Lever, Samuel H 1912
Levinges, Thos 1856
Levitt, Morriss 1838
Levy, Mark 1848
Levy, Isaac I860
Lewin, Robt 1841
Lewis, Robt 1788
Lewis, Morgan 1788
Lewis, Geo 1790
Lewis, Jas 1791
Lewis, Thos 1809
Lewis, Thos I860
Lightbody, J. G I860
Lindam, Robt. H 1840
L. M. 1864
Lindam, Augustus 1903
Linder, Joseph 1863
Linder, Jos., Jr 1872
Lindslay, Joseph 1809
Lingham, John S 1838
Linton, H. G. M 1873
Secy. 1874-75
Lister, H. J 1868
♦Litchfield, Edward 1883
Treas. 1894-98
V. P. 1899-1900
L. M. 1913
♦Little, R. W 1869
L. M. 1869
Livermore, E. R 1889
Loch, JohnC 1854
Steward 1855
Secy. 1856
Lock, Chas 1858
Lock, Frank 1886
Lockett, B. C 1898
♦Lockett, A. H 1907
Loder, Geo 1845
Steward 1846
Lodge, Wm 1796
Lomax, Howell J 1909
Longcraft, Chas 1877
♦Longman, Walter 1903
Longsden, Wm 1817
Lonsdale, Wm 1808
♦Lothian, Jas 1910
Louck, Thos. E 1850
Lough, Geo. F 1857
L. M. 1865
Lough, Inglis, M.D 1862
Phys. 1863
Lough, E. St. George 1893
♦Lough, Wm. P 1901
E. C. 1910-11
♦Lovejoy, Ernest Wm 1908
Low, Oscar F 1858
Lowe, Joseph 1835
Steward 1836
♦Lowe, Henry W 1910
♦Lowndes, Rev. A., D.D 1900
L. M. 1900
Lowrie, Julius 1872
Lowther, W 1845
Lowther, Chas 1845
Steward 1846
C. C. 1849-50
L. M. 1865
♦Lowther, Albert 1911
Lubeck, Rev. H 1900
Lucas, David 1787
♦Lucey, Fred S 1911
Ludlow, Gab. W 1787
Ludlow, W. W 1787
Ludlow, Geo 1787
Ludlow, Daniel 1787
Ludlow, Cary 1787
Ludlow, G 1791
Ludlow, Peter 1793
Ludlow, G. V 1796
Ludlow, Edward H 1838
Ludlow, E. H. 1861
♦Ludlow, W. B 1905
Lund, John 1893
♦Lund, Capt. F. B. 1901
♦Lydecker, Chas. E 1897
L. M. 1897
Lyman, Francis 1815
♦Lynch, W. J. T 1907
♦Lyon, E. Burton 1907
Secy. 1911-12
♦Lyons, W. W 1895
Macban, Geo. H 1878
♦MacCallum Dougall 1909
♦MacCutcheon, Geo. W 1910
Macdonald, H. J 1868
Macdonald, A. J 1884
♦Macdonald, J. Brewster 1911
♦Macdonald, N. M 1899
Machen, Chas. W 1871
♦Macintyre, W. H 1898
E. C. 1908-10
C. A. 1911-12
♦Macintyre, Gerald R 1909
♦Mackarness, H. J. C 1911
♦Mackay, F. B 1898
♦Mackenzie, Henry 1910
♦Mackenzie, Thomas A 1910
Mackie, Robt 1863
L. M. 1863
E. C. 1869-70
Ch. E. C. 1871
♦Mackie, Geo. B 1866
L. M. 1866
Mackie, S. F 1866
L. M. 1866
♦Mackie, Alex. L. A 1868
L. M. 1868
Macmahon, T. J 1893
Macpherson, R. B 1894
Macready, W. C 1827
Hon. Mem. 1827
♦McAlpine, C. S 1898
McAndrew, Jas. C 1892
L. M. 1892
♦McClure, Hugh S 1900
McDougal, Campbell 1867
McEwen, J. P 1900
McFarland, Thos 1850
McGeorge, Arthur J 1898
*McGinley, Jas. M 1906
♦McGregor, John A 1901
Mcintosh, W. E. A 1867
Mclntyre, Peter 1822
♦Mclntyre, Ewen, Jr 1911
McKay, John 1839
McKay, John Angus 1901
McKinnon, Daniel 1787
McLellan, Hugh. . . 1871
*McMullen, Arthur 1898
McStea, J. B 1882
McVickar, Jas 1881
Maddock, Thos 1877
*Main, Thos. F 1894
E. C. 1899-1900
L. M. 1894
♦Maitland, J. Digby 1910
Makin, Richard 1867
Malcomson, Alfred S 1894
Male, Wm. H 1904
Mallard, Edward 1827
♦Manders, V. E. C 1912
Manks, Wm 1816
♦Manley, H 1906
Manners, A. C. S 1899
Manners, Robt R 1913
Manning, Alfred 1884
Manning, Thos 1885
♦Manning, Rev. W. T., D.D 1910
Chap. 1913
Marc, Theophilus M 1903
L. M. 1903
March, Samuel 1792
C. C. 1796-7
Steward 1798; and 1809
Marcus, Rev. Moses 1845
L. M. 1846
Chap. 1846
Secy. 1847-48
Markland, Bertie 1817
Marks, Geo. H 1886
Marie, Robt 1849
Marling, Chas. E 1894
♦Marling, Alfred E 1894
L. M. 1912
Marr, Wm 1862
Marsden, John 1857
♦Marsden, A. M 1911
Marsh, E. Y 1819
Marsh, Thos. E 1819
Marsh, Isaiah 1867
Marshall, Chas. W 1877
Marshall, Wm. L 1893
Marsland, Stephen 1827
♦Marson, T. M 1910
Marston, Thos. Jr 1798
Steward 1819-20
♦Marston, Edwin S 1901
E. C. 1913
Martey, John 1793
Martin, R 1847
Stewaid 1848
♦Martin, Robt 1873
L. M. 1873
Martin, John J 1894
Martin, Henry 1898
Martin, W. Wallace 1910
♦Martin, G. Napier 1912
Martyn, Geo. D 1899
Mascord, Edward W 1871
E. C. 1874-76; 1880-81
C. A. 1882-83
Mason, Alfred H 1892
Mason, Wm 1894
Mason, Jos 1841
♦Massey, Wm. M 1873
Secy. 1889
V. P. 1892-94
Pres. 1897-98
♦Massey, Geo 1880
Ch. E. C. 1887-89
E. C. 1890-1898
C. A. 1904
Massey, Lieut. Col., Fredk 1894
♦Massey, John 1894
♦Mather, Frank H 1910
Mathew, G. C 1858
Matthew, Rob't 1879
Matthews, Joseph 1822
Steward 1822
Matthews, Chas. F 1894
Matthews, Jas 1911
Maule, Thos 1786
Maurice, Wm 1796
Mawson, E. S 1849
Mawson, Lewis 1849
Maxwell, Wm., Jr 1788
Maxwell, Jas. H 1788
♦May, Geo. 0 1908
Maycock, Samuel 1838
Mayer, John 1831
Maynard, Rev. N 1878
Meade, Henry 1853
Medhurst, R. F 1853
Meglaughlin, W. T 1899
Mellis, J. M 1860
Melville, Dr. A 1859
Melward, John F 1860
Merrett, T. E 1898
Merrylees, J , 1899
*Merryweather, Weir 1910
Metcalfe, Bernard 1797
Steward 1819
Mettam, Wilford 1835
Mewburn, Arthur 1867
Meyers, Julian L 1881
*Michell, Arthur A 1903
Middlebrook, S 1848
Middleton, John 1835
Middleton, John N. B 1858
Steward 1861
L. M. 1865
Middleton, Thos. D 1858
V. P. 1864; 1871
L. M. 1865
Steward 1867
♦Middleton, Austin D 1872
L. M. 1872
Miles, John 1894
♦Miles, S. A 1909
Milford, Edward 1834
Milford J. Stanley 1850
Steward 1856-57
Milford, B. E 1877
Miller, Peter 1854
Miller, John Doull 1894
L. M. 1894
♦Miller, Constantine S 1905
Mills, C. T 1877
♦Mills, David B 1910
♦Mills, Robt. E 1910
♦Mills, J. Clawson 1910
Minton, Herbert 1853
L. M. 1853
Mitchell, Wm 1816
Mitchell, W 1845
Moat, H. S 1837
Moeran, E. H 1882
Mohun, John 1897
Moir, W. W 1877
Moke, Geo 1865
L. M. 1865
♦Molineux, John T 1897
♦Molloy, Maurice 1906
Moltey, Jas 1893
Monk, Joseph 1846
Monserrat, N 1870
Montanya, E. P 1846
♦Mooney, Edmund L 1900
Moore, Rev. Benj., D.D 1787
C. C. 1796-1809
Moore, T. W 1802
Steward 1818; 1828
V. P. 1819; 1822-24
C. C. 1820
Moore, Lucas E 1874
♦Moore, F. P 1910
Moran, Rev. F. J. E 1900
Moran, Robt. G 1905
♦Morel, A. P 1894
Morewood, Gilbert 1786
Steward 1793-96
Morewood, Geo 1788
Morewood, Edward 1790
Morewood, Geo. B 1835
Morewood, J. R 1859
Morewood, Wm. B 1872
Morgan, Thos 1810
Morgan, H. M 1882
♦Morgan, Rev. D. P., D.D 1882
Chap. 1883-1913
♦Morgan, J. W 1903
Morgan, H. Grace 1910
Morgan, Thos 1810
*Morley, The Earl of 1910
*Morrell, Wm. H 1865
L. M. 1865
Morris, Chief Justice R 1788
Morris, Richard 1791
♦Morris, Fred P 1903
Morrison, Lewis M 1850
♦Morrison, Geo. Austin 1895
♦Morrison, Geo. Austin, Jr 1901
♦Morriss, Arthur W 1906
C. A. 1909-10
♦Morriss, Arthur D 1910
Morse, A. W 1859
♦Morse, Edward P 1912
Mortimer, R 1817
L. M. 1832
Mortimer, John Jr., 1822
Steward 1832
C. A. 1835-44
Mortimer, Rev. A. G ". 1881
Chap. 1881-82
Morton, Thomas 1870
Moss, Joshua 1828
Moss, F. W 1883
L. M. 1883
Mostyn, Berkeley 1877
C. A. 1879
E. C. 1880-82
Secy. 1883-84; 1890-96
V. P. 1885-87; 1897-98
D. L. 1902-07
Mote, Henry 1888
♦Motley, Jas. M 1893
♦Mott, H. C 1900
Mottram, Matthew 1843
Steward 1846
Moulson, John 1857
Steward 1860
L. M. 1865
E. C. 1874-78; 1882-84
V. P. 1877
Moulton, Chas 1793
Moulton, Stephen 1836
Mountain, G. F 1848
♦Muir, Kenneth ' 1910
♦Muir, Reginald L 1911
Mullender, Samuel 1827
♦Mullins, Hugh A 1911
Mumford, W. C 1864
C. C. 1868
E. C. 1870-71
Munn, Harry A 1894
Munn, Ernest M 1894
Munro, David A 1898
Munroe, Geo. E., M.D 1894
Murray, Wm. S 1841
Murray, W. S 1848
Murray, F. Temple 1893
♦Murray, Henry A 1897
L. M. 1897
C. A. 1900-03; 1912
E. C. 1909-11
Musgrave, Thos. B 1884
L. M. 1884
Musgrove, John 1830
Myers, Geo 1910
Napier, James 1858
Steward 1859
C. C. 1859-61
Nase, Matthew H 1899
Nash, Henry 1787
Nash, J. R > 1833
Naylor, Wm 1794
Neil, Walter P 1895
Neill, Wm. M 1858
Nelson, Wm. S 1892
♦Nelson, J. P 1910
Nevins, Pim., Jr 1816
Neville, Rev. D, 1853
Chap. 1853-56
Newberry, W. B 1849
Newbould, G. H 1810
Steward, 1826
C. C. 1835
Newbould, Thos 1822
Steward, 1824-25
C. A. 1827-28
Newbould, Edward M 1857
C. C. 1859
Newby, Robt. S 1801
Secy. 1806-17
Newman, John 1809
Newman, Capt. S 1809
Nicholl, Alex 1885
L. M. 1885
Nichols, Fred 1887
Nicoll, Donald 1908
Nightingale, J. W 1877
Noble, John 1810
Treas. 1816-23
L. M. 1824
C. C. 1824-31
C. A. 1825
Noble, J. F 1857
Norman, Robt 1871
♦Norman, Capt. Francis 1902
Norris, Henry 1830
L. M. 1830
C. A. 1835-43
Norris, Edward 1873
Northcote, H. 0 1882
L. M. 1882
E. C. 1885
Norton, Arthur 1887
*Nosworthy, R. L 1911
Secy. 1913
Notman, John 1884
E. C. 1888
Nott, Fred J., M.D 1894
Nuttall, Thos. C 1856
Oakey, Daniel 1802
C. C. 1818-19; 1826-36
V. P. 1821-24
C. A. 1825
Oakley, Alex 1831
♦Oastler, Frank R., M. D 1911
Oates, Geo 1816
Oddie, Orville 1861
Steward 1862-65
L. M. 1865
*Offord, John H 1910
Ogden, Jonathan 1791
C. C. 1805-12
Pres. 1816-20
L. M. 1832
Ogden, David 1798
Ogden, Wm 1801
Ogden, Robt 1803
C. C. 1818-21
Ogden, David 1835
Ogden, Jonathan 1835
Ogden, Ludlow 1893
Ogilvie, James H 1894
Okill, John 1803
C. C. 1820-21
Oldham, John 1811
Orchard, Samuel 1858
Orgill, Fred 1859
Orgill, Wm 1861
L. M. 1866
Orgill, Joseph 1861
Orgill, Edmund 1868
L. M. 1868
♦O'Rorke, J. J 1899
Orpe, John 1871
C. A. 1875-77
E. C. 1886-87
Osborn, John 1858
Osborn, R. A 1893
Osborn, Chas. S 1893
Osborne, Percival 1861
Osborne, Francis P 1889
L. M. 1889
Ould, Thos 1894
*Outerbridge, Eugene H 1908
Overing, Henry 1796
Owen, Henry 1838
Steward 1842
Owen, Henry (Cont'd)
Secy. 1843-46
V. P. 1856
Owen, James. 1838
Steward 1844
*Owen, F. Cunliffe 1901
E. C. 1906-08; 1910-11
Secy. 1909
C. A. 1913
Owen, A. Cunliffe 1907
*Owen, Hugo Cunliffe 1910
Paddon, Wm 1837
Page, J. Seaver 1886
♦Page, Fred. P 1897
L. M. 1897
C. A. 1907-10
*Page, Henry W. A 1896
L. M. 1896
♦Paget, Almeric H 1900
L. M. 1900
Pain, Henry J 1898
♦Palmer, W. J 1909
Pardow, Geo 1822
Steward 1828
Pardow, Robt 1841
Paris, David 1789
Park, James 1900
Parker, Wm 1849
Parker, Thos. F. B 1867
L. M. 1867
♦Parker, Robt. A 1911
♦Parker, Hon. M. B 1910
♦Parker, Hon. John 1910
♦Parker, M. P 1902
Parkinson, Leonard 1811
Parkinson, Robt 1873
Parr, James 1846
Parsons, Wm 1787
Parsons, Edward L 1827
Parsons, Arthur 1836
Parsons, Jas. H 1841
♦Parsons, John 1883
L. M. 1883
♦Parsons, John (Cont'd)
E. C. 1885-87
V. P. 1888
♦Parsons, Kenyon 1902
Partridge, W 1831
Paterson, H. D 1840
Patterson, Stephen 1791
Patterson, Walter 1809
♦Patton, Rev. F. L., D.D 1898
Chap. 1904-12
♦Patton, Francis. L., Jr 1903
E. C. 1907-09
Secy. 1910
Paulson, Chas 1850
C. C. 1862-69
L. M. 1863
Pauw, J. K 1907
Pears, Andrew 1901
Pearce, Rev. W. J 1875
Pearse, H. F 1882
♦Pearson, Chas 1901
♦Pearson, Jas. J 1902
♦Pearson, John B 1906
Pease, Chas., Jr 1868
Pease, Daniel P., M.D 1899
L. M. 1899
♦Pedder, H. C 1883
L. M. 1883
Pelham, J. C 1837
♦Pelham, Geo. F 1907
Pell, W. F 1837
♦Pellew, Henry E 1857
Steward 1858
Secy. 1858-59
L. M. 1862
Pres. 1874-77
E. C. 1878-85
Pellew, Chas. E 1894
♦Pells, John 1910
Pemberton, J 1882
Pennell, Richard, M.D 1828
Steward 1830-31 ; 1844-45
Phys. 1830-61
C. C. 1836-37
Pennell, Rev. G. C 1858
Chap. 1858-61
C. C. 1860
*Pennell, Geo. C 1907
Penninger, Herbert W 1893
Penrice, Wm 1863
Pepper, Harry 1894
♦Pepper, Chas. H 1898
Percy, Samuel R., M.D 1864
Phys. 1865-66
Percival, C. A. S 1898
Perkins, R. C 1894
Perring, J. Frederick 1883
Perry, Robt 1806
Perry, S 1817
*Perry, Richard D 1872
L. M. 1872
E. C. 1875-77
Ch. E. C. 1878-79
Perry, Edward 1885
Peterson, J. D 1904
E. C. 1907
Petrie, G. D 1897
Petrie, Major C. L., D.S.0 1907
Pettet, Chas 1838
Phillips, Henry 1787
Phillips, Frederick 1788
Steward 1791-92
V. P. 1798-1801
C. C. 1805-12
Phillips, Nathan 1791
Phillips, Samuel 1834
Phillis, Francis 1859
Phillips, H. J., M.D 1861
Phys. 1864-65
Phillips, Edward 1864
E. C. 1871-73
L. M. 1880
Phillips, Arthur E. P 1865
L. M. 1865
Phillips, Lawrence 1871
*Phillips, Alexander 1899
Phillips, Frederick 1899
♦Phillips, Chas. E. H., M.D.. . . 1901
Phillips, Wm. D 1903
♦Phillips, L. Rowley 1903
Phillips, Chas. S 1903
Phipps, W. W 1875
Secy. 1878
E. C. 1879-80
L. M. 1882
Phipps, E. A. C 1889
Picard, Jesse 1873
L. M. 1873
Pickerskill, W. C 1835
L. M. 1865
*Picke, Herbert L 1911
Pigot, Capt 1810
♦Pike, Henry H 1910
♦Pike, Herbert P 1910
Pilkington, Jas 1816
Pilkington, Daniel 1849
Pim, Geo. F 1872
E. C. 1873
Piper, Lewis H 1839
Pirsson, Chas 1847
♦Pitman, Clarence A 1907
Pitt, C 1845
C. C. 1848-55
V. P. 1850-53
Piatt, Jas. B 1885
Piatt, John 1841
Piatt, John 1900
♦Playfair, Sidney 1911
Plumb, RE 1888
♦Plumb, Chas. L 1910
Plynth, Chas 1811
Pollard, H. L 1902
♦Pooley, Thos. R, M.D 1894
Phys. 1896-97; 1902-10
Porter, Thos 1819
♦Post, Jas. H 1910
E. C. 1913
Postlethwaite, G. T 1893
Potter, Joseph 1796
Potter, Chas 1848
♦Potter, E. Clifford 1910
Potts, R. H 1824
♦Potts, Thos 1897
♦Pouch, Alonzo B 1910
Pound, Rev. Jesse 1847
Chap. 1848-49
Powell, R. Hare 1876
L. M. 1876
Powell, Wm 1873
Powell-Rees H. P 1899
♦Powell, R. W. R 1909
♦Power, W. H 1863
Power, Edward P 1894
Power, W. B., M.D 1900
Pratchatt, Wm 1858
Pratt, E. D 1866
Pratt, T. H 1899
Prentice, Jas 1870
♦Prentiss, John W 1910
♦Prichard, H. Adye 1912
Prince, J. D 1895
Pringle, Harold D 1904
Pritchard, Thos 1822
Pritchard, Philip 1849
Steward 1859
Secy. 1859-60
C. C. 1859-61
V. P. 1861-63
Pritchard, Geo 1885
♦Probst, A. 0 1901
Proctor, Thos 1806
Steward 1808-11
Secy. 1821-23
Proctor, Wm 1816
Prosser, L. Kemp 1894
Prout, J. Hooper 1858
Secy. 1859
Puffer, Geo 1816
Pulsford, Jas. E 1877
C. A. 1879
Purkis, Thornton 1910
Purton, Matthias 1833
Purton, Henry J 1865
Pycock, B. W 1859
♦Quirk, George 1903
Rabone, Jas 1812
Racker, H. A 1874
L. M. 1874
E. C. 1882-90; 1892-93
C. A. 1891
V. P. 1894-96
Rae, G. Bentham 1876
E. C. 1879-80
Railton, Henry, M.D 1865
Phys. 1866-67
Rainsford, Geo. S 1848
C. C. 1854-58
L. M. 1863
♦Ralph, Jas. H 1900
Randall, Thos 1786
Randall, Paul R 1787
Randall, E. J 1883
Rann, R. C 1913
Raper, H. H 1899
Rathbone, W. G 1875
Rathborne, Chas. L 1865
♦Rathborne, Richard C 1910
♦Rauch, Wm 1910
Rawlings, Thos 1851
Rawlins, Wm 1860
Rawlins, Henry 1892
♦Rawlins, J. Armstrong 1894
♦Rawlins, Herbert N 1907
♦Rawlins, G. Foster 1911
Rayner, John 1824
Rayner, Wm. S 1829
♦Read, Clark Potter 1911
Reade, John 1788
Reade, Wm 1867
Reade, Robt. L 1891
♦Reeks, Edmund 1899
♦Reimer, Otto E 1894
Rendle, Arthur C 1884
♦Reville, Fred. J 1906
Reynolds, Fred 1835
Reynolds, Thos 1843
Secy. 1846-47
Reynolds, John 1851
♦Rhinelander, Philip 1909
Rhoades, Wm 1789
Rhoades, John 1796
Rhodes, Jos 1840
Steward 1841
Secy. 1844
Richards, John 1791
Richards, W.W 1897
Richardson, Ed. J 1847
C. C. 1848
Richardson, Briton 1863
V. P. 1874-77
Pres. 1878-79
E. C. 1880-85
Richardson, Frank G 1873
Secy. 1880-82
♦Richardson, B. H 1879
Richardson, S. W 1894
♦Richardson, Stewart 1910
Rideing, Wm. H 1898
Rider, Francis 1853
*Ridgeway, E. J 1903
Ridgeway, Chas 1848
♦Ripley, Arthur P 1903
♦Ritchey, Wm. P 1897
E. C. 1902-04
Ritchie, Edmund L 1867
Rivington, Jas 1786
Rivington, Jas., Jr 1793
♦Roach, O. C 1911
Robbins, Fred B 1903
Roberton, John 1867
Roberts, Michael 1786
Roberts, Thos 1787
C. C. 1797-1805
Roberts, Wm 1816
Steward 1823; 1829-33
Treas. 1824-6
V. P. 1831
Roberts, W. C, M.D 1833
Phys. 1836-42
Roberts, Job 1847
Steward 1855
Roberts, Joseph 1848
Roberts, John P 1852
Roberts, Wm. Lea 1872
♦Roberts, John E 1897
L. M. 1897
♦Roberts, Jas. S 1899
♦Roberts, W. J 1909
♦Roberts, Franklyn 1910
Robertson, John A 1816
Robertson, John 1867
Robertson, Henry 1876
Robins, John W 1882
Robinson, Jas 1809
Robinson, J., Ji 1822
Steward 1834
Robinson, H.W 1838
Robinson, Geo 1848
Robinson, Joseph 1858
L. M. 1858
Robinson, A. R., M.D 1903
Robinson, John 1904
Robinson, Sir J. B., Bart 1906
Roche, Wm 1839
Rodgers, Jos 1819
Roe, Wm. B 1893
Rogers, Wm 1788
Rogers, Langdon M 1850
Rogers, John 1856
L. M. 1856
♦Rokeby, Ralph T 1903
Rolfe, John 1838
Rolfe, Geo. B 1871
Romilly, Hon. Henry 1873
L. M. 1874
E. C. 1875-79
Secy. 1876
Rooke, John 1810
Roquette, W. F. B 1885
Rosevear, Thos 1886
Ross, W. A 1884
L. M. 1884
E. C. 1909-11
♦Ross, Wetherald A 1907
Roston, Edward K 1786
Rotton, Otto, M.D 1852
Phys. 1852-70
C. C. 1856
*Roughton, Roger 1909
L. M. 1909
Round, Chas. F 1887
Roussell, Henry 1871
Routh.H. L 1844
Routh, Henry DeBeauvoir 1849
L. M. 1865
V. P. 1865-67
Rowan, John R 1867
Rowe, Reginald P 1901
Rowlett, Wm 1787
Rowson, Cecil 1874
Royse, Samuel C 1866
Rudge, Henry 1865
L. M. 1865
Rudsdale, Matthew 1833
Rumsey, Alex 1858
Rundle, Richard P 1865
L. M. 1865
Rushton, Wm 1834
Russell, R. W 1856
L. M. 1865
Russell, C. H 1861
Russell, Richard 1866
Rutherford, T 1808
C. C. 1821
Rutter, John 1840
Rutter, Thos 1890
Rutty, Wm. H 1894
Rycroft, Chas. E 1888
Rylance, Rev. J. H., D.D 1874
Chap. 1875-81
Ryle, Wm 1877
Ryle, Wm. T 1879
*Ryle, A 1899
*Ryle, Graham 1910
L. M. 1910
Ryley, R. A 1887
*Sabin, Chas. H 1910
Sabine, Dr. Geo. A 1839
Phys. 1841-52
♦Sackett, Henry W 1898
Sadler, John 1787
Steward 1808
Sager, R. H 1809
Sager, James 1835
Sagner, Geo 1816
Salaman, F. N 1901
Salomans, Fred 1860
♦Salvage, Samuel A 1910
Sancton, W. B 1867
Sanderson, James 1811
Steward 1819
Sanderson, E. F 1825
Steward 1829-34; 1837-38
L. M. 1831
V. P. 1840-41
Pres. 1842 and 1848
C. A. 1850-53
Sanderson, Geo 1866
Sanderson, Geo 1874
♦Sanderson, Richard 1879
C. A. 1880
♦Sanderson, Harold A 1879
L. M. 1879
E. C. 1888-90
V. P. 1891-93
Pres. 1894
♦Sanderson, Oswald 1883
L. M. 1883
E. C. 1892-98
♦Sanderson, L. B 1894
Secy. 1898-1902
E. C. 1903-05
V. P. 1907-09
Pres. 1910-11
♦Sanderson, Sir Percy, K.C.M.G.. 1895
L. M. 1895
Pres. 1901-02
Sands, Thos 1816
C. C. 1818-19
Stewaid 1824-25
Sands, Jos 1819
Steward 1830
Secy. 1831-33
C. C. 1834
♦Santer, A. Gledden 1910
Sargeant, Thos 1817
Satterthwaite, Thos. W 1797
Satterthwaite, Thos. W 1856
Satterthwaite, Franklyn 1873
Saunders, S. M 1893
Saunders, John 1858
Saunders, Henry 1860
Saunders, F. N 1882
*3aunders, R. E 1908
Saward, Wm 1865
Sayce, Montford P 1889
Sayce, M. P 1900
Schedel, Geo 1854
C. C. 1855
Schermerhorn, J. M 1873
Schmidt, O. E 1885
*Schoonmaker, Frank 1910
Schrivener, Richard 1854
Scott, J. J 1877
Scott, T. 0 1898
Scribner, G 1861
*Seager, John C 1871
L. M. 1896
Seager, Mark 1871
Seager, John C 1896
*Seale, Chas. L 1907
Secord, Dr. F. L 1898
Sedgfield, John 1809
*Seed, JohnH 1906
Sellar, W. C 1887
*Sellar, Norrie 1905
E. C. 1912-13
Semple, Lorenzo 1895
Seton, Wm 1786
V. P. 1786-91
Seton, Wm. M 1792
Seton, Jas 1792
Steward 1810-11; 1821
*Seton, Mgr., D.D 1895
L. M. 1895
Sevening, H. W 1905
Sewell, Adam 1805
Sewell, E. H 1881
C. A. 1889-90
*Seward, Benjamin 1892
*Shallcross, C. F 1900
E. C. 1901-03; 1905; 1908-10
Ch. E. C. 1912-13
Shannon, Wm., M.D 1910
Sharp, Henry 1854
Sharp, Chas. S 1866
*Sharp, Colin B 1910
Shaw, JohnC 1786
Steward 1786-96
V. P. 1808-16
Shaw, Charles 1787
Steward 1810-11
Shaw, Samuel 1835
Shaw, George 1838
C. C. 1846-49
Shaw, Samuel C 1841
Shaw, Jas., Jr 1841
Shaw, Samuel 1869
Shaw, Wm. Geo 1873
Shaw, John 1879
Shaw, Thos. F 1894
Shaw, Walter W 1900
E. C. 1904-06
*Shaw, R. E., M.D 1907
Shawcross, R 1871
Shearson, Chas. A 1904
*Shebbeare, R. A 1908
Shephard, John 1792
Shepherd, Thos. S 1868
Sheppard, G. G 1835
Sherbrook, Miles 1787
V. P. 1793-99
Pres. 1800-01
Sheriff, A. G 1899
Sherman, Geo 1893
Shermer, Wm 1793
Sherwin, John 1813
Sheward, Jas 1831
Steward 1839
C. C. 1844
Secy. 1845
Shipman, W. H 1815
Secy. 1824-28
Shirley, W. W 1822
C. C. 1827-28
Steward 1831-32
*Shirley, R. G 1905
L. M. 1905
Shoosmith, John 1870
Shortt, Wm. A 1897
E. C. 1900-02
Secy. 1904
Siffkin, Fran. E 1838
Sill, Rev. Frederick 1873
Chap. 1873-74
Simes, Chas. F 1878
Simes, Edward J 1879
Simes, Rowland J 1879
Simes, Fred. W 1895
Simonds, H. A 1885
E. C. 1893-94
Simpson, Thos 1816
♦Simpson, T. S. H 1890
♦Simpson, E. L 1894
♦Simpson, Wm. Hope 1901
Sinclair, John 1894
Sinclair, Donald G. C 1910
Sinclair, Thos 1907
Sinclair, Jas. H 1901
Sintzenick, E 1854
Sketchley, Capt. Wm 1810
♦Skimming, E. H. B 1901
L. M. 1901
Skinner, Wm 1859
Skinner, Geo. B 1873
Slater, Sidney P 1880
♦Slazenger, Frank L 1910
Slinn, Benj. S., Jr 1904
Smales, Holbert 1851
Steward 1852
L. M. 1865
Smart, Jos 1822
Smart, John H 1897
Smedley, J. V 1857
Smellie, Ernest 1908
♦Smiles, A. R 1911
Smith, Richard 1786
Smith, John 1786
Smith, Dr. Wm 1787
Smith, Jas. S 1787
Smith, Thos 1788
Smith, Abraham 1788
Smith, Thos., Jr 1788
Smith, Wm 1791
Smith, Henry 1823
Smith, John P 1840
Smith, Jas. S 1850
Smith, W. M 1855
Steward 1856
Secy. 1857
Smith, Wm. T 1862
Steward 1864
Secy. 1864-66
L. M. 1865
Smith, Chas 1877
Smith, Arthur W 1890
Smith, J. Gait 1894
♦Smith, Alfred G 1905
♦Smith, Edwin G 1908
♦Smithers, F. S 1876
C. A. 1884-85
L. M. 1876
E. C. 1894-98; 1901-03
Smithers, John 1879
E. C. 1895-99
♦Smithers, Rev. F. S., Jr 1893
L. M. 1893
♦Smithers, Chris. D 1893
L. M. 1893
C. A. 1897-98
♦Smithers, Chas 1895
L. M. 1895
E. C. 1912-13
♦Smithers, Herbert B 1912
Soloman, John 1816
Somersgill, H 1850
Sother.T, M 1848
C. C. 1849-55
Steward 1853
Southack, Eugene 1889
♦Sowter, E. T 1911
Sparks, Jos. H 1871
E. C. 1872-73
Sparks, W. J 1913
♦Sparks, T. Ashley 1899
Spawforth, John 1841
Speakman, Lee 1818
Spence, Chas. J 1869
L. M. 1869
*Spence, L. H 1899
Speyers, Albert G. P 1887
*Spicer, H. W 1910
Spies, Francis F 1901
Spring, Fred 1858
Spooner, Hugh 1819
C. A. 1826-29
Steward 1828
Secy. 1830
Spurgeon, Robt. H 1903
Spurr, Jos 1817
Stabb, N. S 1883
Stabler, Wm 1791
Stables, Wm 1786
Stagge, Jos 1843
Stalker, Thos 1838
V. P. 1839
*Staniland, W. G 1905
Stansbie, Luke 1817
Stansfield, Abraham 1822
Stanton, Stephen P 1846
*Stanton, John R 1901
*Stanton, F. M 1901
Starey, Alfred B 1893
Starr, Leander J 1847
V. P. 1848-49
Startin, Chas 1787
Staveley, Richard 1794
Stead, Daniel 1817
Stead, Thos 1825
Stead, Edward 1831
Stead, Thos 1869
Steel, Dr 1789
Steele, Jos 1838
C. C. 1839-43
*Steer, E. J 1912
Steers, Henry 1895
*Steers, J. Rich 1910
*Stephenson, Cyril S 1910
Sterling, Geo. L 1894
*Stevens, H. M 1904
Stevens, Jas. W 1825
Stevens, Jas 1840
Stevens, Thos. H 1871
Stevenson, H. J 1869
Stikeman, H 1889
C. A. 1891-92
*Stitt, Jos 1859
L. M. 1862
Stodart, Wm 1818
L. M. 1835
*Stoddart, Lawrence Bowring 1892
L. M. 1892
E. C. 1895-96; 1899-1900
Ch. E. C. 1906-08
Treas. 1909-13
Stoddard, John H 1894
Stokes, Anson Phelps 1895
Stokes, James 1847
V. P. 1847
Stokes, Henry 1842
Stokes, Chas 1866
Stokes, Geo 1869
*Stonhan, Arthur 1904
Stothard, Geo 1839
Steward 1840
C. C. 1841-43
Stott, Jas. J 1841
Stranack, John R 1878
Strange, E. B 1857
L. M. 1857
Strange, Theo. H 1878
L. M. 1883
Street, Jas 1905
*Struthers, J. W. W 1907
*Stuart-Wortley, Hon. R. M 1896
C. A. 1902; 1906-07; 1911
E. C. 1903; 1908-10
V. P. 1912-13
Stubbs, Rev. A., D.D 1866
L. M. 1866
Chap. 1867
Suckley, Geo 1809
Suckley, John 1816
C. C. 1822
♦Sulima, Adam 1904
Summers, R 1884
Sutherland, John 1862
Sutton, Geo 1791
Swayne, Adam 1806
Sweet, Chas. S 1887
Sweetland, Henry 1873
Sykes, Wm 1823
Sykes, John, Jr 1856
L. M. 1865
*Sykes, W. H 1908
*Sykes, W. H., Jr 1908
Syle, Rev. E. W 1861
Chap. 1867
*Syms, Parker, M.D 1910
Phys. 1911-13
♦Tabor, Francis H 1906
E. C. 1911-13
Tadman, P. L 1853
*Taff, Alfred 1893
Tait, Wm. H 1871
Talbot, Richmond 1886
Talboys, W. P 1858
Secy. 1858
Steward 1858
Tapp, Alfred 1894
*Tappenbeck, Wm 1910
Tapscott, Wm 1854
Tapscott, Jas. T 1854
L. M. 1865
Tarrant, Jos 1830
L. M. 1832
Steward 1832-34
V. P. 1835
Tate, Frederick 1835
♦Tavenor, Thos 1902
Taylor, John 1787
Taylor, Chas. W 1802
Taylor, Andrew 1828
Taylor, John, Jr 1839
L. M. 1841
Steward 1841
C. C. 1842
V. P. 1843-44
Taylor, Geo. W 1842
L. M. 1843
Taylor, E. C 1844
Taylor, Chas. K 1848
Taylor, Chas 1872
Taylor, Thos 1877
Taylor, Wm. H 1878
Taylor, Herbert J 1893
Taylor, Prof. R. W., M.D 1897
Phys. 1898-1901
Taylor, Jos. G 1898
*Taylor, Geo 1900
Tempest, Thos 1848
Steward 1853
C. C. 1853-54
Temple, Sir John Bart 1788
Thackray, Richard 1862
Thallon, John 1871
Thomas, Francis 1786
Thomas, Wm 1786
Thomas, W. H 1809
Thomas, Wm 1840
Thomas, J 1845
*Thomason, Fred. B 1899
Secy. 1902-03
E. C. 1904-06
Thompson, John H 1786
C. C. 1796
Thompson, Robt 1822
Thompson, Samuel 1831
Thompson, W. N 1845
Thompson, T. Logie 1853
Thompson, J. H 1857
Thompson, Fred. D 1870
L. M. 1870
Thompson, Wm. H 1882
Thompson, A. S 1889
Thompson, Walter 1892
Thomson, Jas 1892
♦Thomson, Giraud F 1893
Thomson, Geo. A. 1894
Thomson, F. K 1901
Thorburn, A. M 1898
Thornely, Thos 1809
Thornton, Edward 1792
Steward 1818
Thornton, John 1804
Thornton, Sir Edward, K.C.B.. 1869
Hon. Mem. 1869
Thorp, Joseph 1793
Thorp, Thos 1858
♦Thorpe, Robt. H 1893
Thurman, John 1787
♦Thurston, E. W. P 1906
Tibbits, Geo 1796
Tidswell, Thos 1822
Tilby, Jas 1846
Tillotson, John, Jr 1838
Tilston, Fred 1903
Tilt, B. B 1858
L. M. 1865
Tilt, Albert 1867
Timmins, John S 1822
Steward 1825
Tinker, James 1869
L. M. 1869
Tinson, Robt. N 1839
Steward 1841
V. P. 1842-3
C. A. 1845-52
Titford, Isaac 1798
♦Titherington, Richard 1907
Titterton, Wm 1861
Tobias, S. T 1816
Steward 1825
Tobias, Samuel J 1835
Tod, J. Kennedy 1898
Todd, J. Jackson 1893
Tomes, Francis 1821
Steward 1821; 1826-27; 1831-33
L. M. 1825
C. A. 1829-32
C. C. 1833-34
V. P. 1835-36
Tomes, Francis, Jr 1835
Secy. 1836
Tomes, Chas 1836
♦Tomes, C. A 1907
Tomsey, Alex 1848
Toone, J. W 1904
Toop, Geo. H 1887
L. M. 1887
Tooth, Augustus 1899
♦Toppin, Frederick 1898
C. A. 1906
E. C. 1911-13
Torrance, Henry 1865
♦Torrey, Gerald F , 1907
Tothill, Wm 1858
L. M. 1858
Towning, Richard 1840
♦Townsend, A. M. 1883
L. M. 1883
E. C. 1885-88
V. P. 1889-90
C. A. 1891-96
Townsend, A. P 1895
♦Townsend, H. N 1893
♦Townsend, S. J 1912
Travers, E. M 1858
Travis, John 1790
Treherne, A. K 1870
Tremain, Jos 1815
Steward 1819
♦Trench, Stewart A 1912
♦Trench, Archer A 1910
♦Trench, Chas. J. LePoer 1910
♦Trench, Chas. S. LePoer 1910
Trenor, J. D 1885
♦Trevor, Clyfford 1910
Trulock, Jos 1822
C. C. 1830-37
Tryon, E. B 1893
Tucker, Daniel 1786
Tucker, Fanning C 1815
Steward 1820
Tucker, Robt. A 1861
L. M. 1865
Tucker, Thos. B 1866
♦Tucker, Alex. E 1876
Secy. 1877-82
L. M. 1879
E. C. 1883-84
Turle, Henry 1868
Turle, Robt. H 1872
L. M. 1884
F. C. 1889-90; 1897
Turle, Robt. H. (Cont'd)
Ch. E. C. 1898
Treas. 1899-1900
V. P. 1901-02
Pres. 1903-04
Turnbull, Geo. R 1899
Turner, Jas 1827
Turner, Richard A 1867
Turner, A. H 1870
*Turney, J. A. E 1905
Turton, Thos 1857
Turton, John K 1906
Tweddall, Major F 1906
Tweddall, Wm. H 1901
L. M. 1901
Tweddell, Harvey 1 1910
L. M. 1910
Tweddle, Thos. B 1868
Tweddle, Wm. D 1868
Twining, E. S 1899
C. A. 1905
Tyler, Jos 1803
Unckles, Wm 1853
Underhill, Edward 1862
*Underwood, John T 1910
L. M. 1910
Upfold, Rev. Geo., D.D 1822
Chap. 1822
L. M. 1829
C. C. 1830-31
Upjohn, R 1845
Upsdale, J. A 1847
Urquhart, John 1876
Vacher, E. P 1885
Valpy, Edward 1899
*Van Guysling, G. E 1907
L. M. 1907
Van Rossen, J. P., Jr 1867
*Vassar, Geo., Jr 1910
Vaughan, Thos 1804
Vaughan, E 1900
Venning, Wm 1786
Vickers, J. M 1859
Steward 1861
L. M. 1865
C. A. 1868
*Vickers, H. M 1906
C. A. 1911-13
Vickery, Coleridge C 1899
Vigers, Wm. R 1810
Vincent, John C 1871
Vincent, Joseph C 1871
E. C. 1874-7
C. A. 1877-78
Vinten, Chas 1852
Steward 1863
E. C. 1872-73
Vinton, Rev. F., D.D 1849
Chap. 1850-53; 1860-72
L. M. 1851
Virtue, Wm. A 1860
Steward 1864
Virtue, H. S > 1897
Vose, Richard 1809
C. C. 1816-17
Vyse, Wm 1834
Vyse, Chas 1841
Vyse, Thos. A 1852
L. M. 1865
Wadbrook, Elston E 1909
Waddington, Joshua 1786
V. P. 1788-91 ; 1800-01
Steward 1797
C. C. 1798-99
Pres. 1802-1808
Waddington, Henry 1786
C. C. 1800-03
Steward 1802-03
Waddington, John 1790
C. C. 1804
Steward 1804-05
Waddington, Thomas 1805
C. C. 1805-12
Wade, W. T 1835
Wade, Geo 1862
Steward 1865-66
Wagstaff, David 1794
Steward 1818
Wainwright, Rev. J. M., D.D. . 1821
L. M. 1825
C. C. 1826-29
Chap. 1838-54
Waistell, J. B 1827
Steward 1836
Waite, Robt. N 1822
Waite, Geo. N 1822
Waite, Capt. A. M 1903
Wake, Chas 1902
Walker, Benj 1789
Walker, Jas., Jr 1816
Walker, Joseph 1830
L. M. 1864
Walker, Jas. R 1843
C. C. 1844
L. M. 1846
Walker, Edward 1843
C. C. 1844-47
Steward 1845
Secy. 1848-51
C. A. 1853-57
L. M. 1865
Walker, J. T 1846
Secy. 1849-52
Steward 1850; 1848
C. C. 1859-65
L. M. 1865
V. P. 1866-67
Walker, James R 1843
L. M. 1843
V. P. 1858-65
E. C. 1869-71
Walker, Jos. E 1849
Steward 1857-58
L. M. 1865
Walker, James E 1849
Steward 1853
Walker, Z 1849
Walker, John R 1870
E. C. 1881
Walker, C 1878
Walker, G. F 1883
Walker, B. E 1854
Walker, Samuel J 1887
Walker, Isaac 1895
Walker, Joseph 1898
*Walker, Chas. E 1910
Walker, Norman S 1907
♦Walker, R. St. George 1906
Ch. E. C. 1910-11
E. C. 1912
C. A. 1913
Walker, Herbert B 1903
♦Walker, W. Douglas 1900
Wall.S 1818
Wallack, J. Lester 1870
Wallbank, Samuel, M.D 1864
Waller, Alfred 1839
Steward 1840 1850
C. C. 1842-45
L. M. 1865
Waller, Robert 1841
C. C. 1850-67
Steward 1851
C. A. 1853-59; 1870-71
L. M. 1865
Ch. E. C. 1872-82
V. P. 1884
Waller, John R 1866
L. M. 1866
Wallis, Geo. W 1819
Steward 1824-25
Wallis, Henry P 1824
Walsh, T. Laurent 1864
*Walsh, Hon. Reginald, M.V.O.. 1908
E. C. 1910-11
Walter, Jas. R 1843
Steward 1845
L. M. 1846
V. P. 1846
Walter, John R 1866
L. M. 1866
♦Walter, T. H 1911
Walton, Wm 1787
Walton, Gerald 1787
Steward 1788-89
Walton, Abraham 1787
Walton, DeLancey 1840
Walton, Rear Admiral J 1841
Walton, J. T 1848
Walton, Luis P., M.D 1871
Phys. 1871-85; 1898-1903
Wand, Marmaduke 1814
Wansbrough, J. Evens 1882
Warburton, Benj 1837
Ward, Richard 1837
Ward, Thomas 1849
Ward, E. F 1850
Steward 1853
Secy. 1853-55
C. C. 1856-58
V. P. 1858-60
Ward, Asline 1853
L. M. 1853
♦Ward, Geo. G 1893
D. L. 1902-13
L. M. 1893
E. C. 1895-96
V. P. 1897-98
Pres. 1899-1900
Ward, Sidney F 1898
*Ward, Geo. G., Jr., M.D 1898
L. M. 1898
Phys. 1904-11
*Ward, Sidney F 1897
L. M. 1897
Wardle, Thos 1846
Waring, Geo 1839
Warner, Geo 1837
Warner, Thos 1846
L. M. 1846
Steward 1847
Warner, E. H 1900
Warren, Thos 1800
Steward 1818; 1826
C. A. 1824-25
Warren, Rev. E. Walpole, D.D. . 1888
Chap. 1889-1903
Warren, Alfred K 1892
Warrin, John 1835
Steward 1840
C. C. 1842-43
Warrin, Thos 1841
C. C. 1844
♦Warriner, Gerard 1903
Warwick, John 1848
Waters, John R 1884
L. M. 1884
C. A. 1886-90
♦Waters, C. H 1909
Waterworth, H. W 1906
♦Wathen, G. W 1902
Watkinson, Henry 1804
Watson, Thos 1788
Watson, Thos. W 1819
Watson, J. C 1860
Watson, Walter 1869
Watson, W. A 1900
Wattleworth, J 1806
Watts, Talbot 1848
♦Watts, F. S 1882
♦Waud, Sidney P 1904
♦Weathered, T. W 1874
C. A. 1876-77
L. M. 1883
Webb, Chas. H 1824
Steward 1831-32; 1865-66
C. C. 1857-58
L. M. 1866
Webb, J. M 1860
Steward 1862-63
L. M. 1865
Webb, Henry 1866
Webber, R. H 1904
Webster, Thos 1871
L. M. 1871
Webster, Fred 1877
♦Webster, Lewis C 1894
Weddeburn, Wilson 1901
♦Wedgwood, K. L 1908
Wells, J. C 1848
Steward 1849-50
C. C. 1850-51
Secy. 1852-53
V. P. 1857
C. A. 1860
L. M. 1866
*Wells, Robt 1872
L. M. 1872
Wells, Jas. S 1872
Welsh, JohnM 1874
Wemple, Henry Y 1899
West, Charles 1894
Weston, R 1848
♦Weston, Geo. T 1911
*Wey, H. F. G 1900
Weyman, Abner 1822
Weyman, Wm 1822
C. C. 1824-25
C. A. 1826-27
Whale, Thos 1816
Wharton, W. B 1866
Wharton, John R 1866
Wheeler, Gervaise 1856
Wheeley, John 1817
Steward 1824
Whiffen, Thos 1889
Whitaker, E. G 1905
White, Henry 1789
Steward 1799-1805
♦White, Francis F 1905
♦White, E. H 1909
White, W. W 1899
♦Whitehead, John W 1910
Whitehouse, Jas 1805
Steward 1820
Whitehouse, Edward 1835
♦Whitelaw, Aubrey G 1909
Whitman, Eben 1874
♦Whitman, Clarence 1894
C. A. 1903-04
E. C. 1905-07
♦Whitman, Mortimer W 1911
Whitney, Francis W 1865
♦Whitridge, F. W 1907
♦Whyte, Wm. DeB 1910
Wickham, Wm 1789
Widner, Wm 1811
Wiggin, Augustus 1858
Wiggin, Fred 1859
♦Wigglesworth, Henry 1908
Wigham, Isaac 1809
Wigham, Geo. H 1910
Wignal, Thos 1789
Wilcock, Jas 1794
Wilford, W. H 1898
Wilkes, John 1786
Secy. & Treas. 1786-91
Secy. 1792
V. P. 1802-08
Wilkes, Chas 1786
Steward 1812; 1820
V. P. 1816-18
Wilkins, Martin S 1793
Secy. 1793
Williams, Wm 1786
Steward 1797-98; 1809
Williams, Capt. John 1818
Williams, John 1822
Williams, R., Jr 1894
Williams, P. P 1898
♦Williams, Thos 1901
Williamson, F. S 1903
Willis, Gordon 1909
Wills, Fred H 1878
L. M. 1879
Wilmer, Arthur 1857
♦Wilmot, F. W 1908
Wilson, Richard 1787
Wilson, Geo. T 1835
Wilson, Geo 1869
Wilson, Edward 1869
Wilson, P 1871
♦Wilson, J. Godfrey 1902
♦Wilson. Geo. T 1905
♦Wilson, F. M 1906
Wiman, Erastus 1879
L. M. 1879
Windhurst, Edward 1838
Windle, W. B 1835
♦Winny, R. G 1886
L. M. 1886
E. C. 1899-1900
Winslow, Daniel 1895
♦Winter, Henry P 1889
E. C. 1913
Winthrop, Francis B 1790
Steward 1795-97
C. C. 1796
Winthrop, Benj 1793
C. C. 1797-1804
Winthrop, Wm 1798
Withers, F. C 1853
Withers, Geo 1885
*Wollersen, Alfred 1912
♦Wonham, F. S 1901
E. C. 1907-09
Wood, Thos 1841
Wood, Joseph 1843
Wood, Fred 1850
Wood, Wm 1894
*Woodcock, R. C 1893
Woodcock. W. N 1861
Woodhead, Thos 1820
*Woodriff, J. R. P 1881
L. M. 1881
Woodruffe, Robt 1797
Woolley, Geo. L 1900
E. C. 1901-02
Wootton, Edwin H 1867
Wonall, Thos. H 1871
Worwell, Wm. P 1863
*Wray, A. H 1899
Wreaks, Henry 1831
L. M. 1832
Steward, 1832-35
C. A. 1834
Wreaks, Joseph 1834
Wreaks, Chas 1835
Steward 1836
Wreaks, Richard 1836
Wreaks, Chas. F 1866
E. C. 1877-84
C. A. 1878
Wreaks, Henry 1883
Secy. 1890-97
E. C. 1899-1901
♦Wreaks, Chas. F 1900
Secy. 1909
Wright, Jas. A., Jr 1893
Wrigley, Joseph 1841
Wyalt, Edward 1848
Wynne, Chas. W 1884
Yates, Lawrence R 1786
Yates, Adolphus 1786
Steward 1790-92
Yates, Richard 1789
*Yorston, Chas. H 1867
L. M. 1867
Young, Wm 1786
Young, Wm 1848
L. M. 1865
V. P. 1849-53
Pres. 1854-55
Young, Wm 1872
Young, Chas. F, M.D 1871
Phys. 1871-77
Young, Jesse 1883
with the Act of Incorporation
I hereby certify that the within is a correct copy of the Constitution of the St. George's
Society of New York, as adopted February 4, 1836; revised January 11, 1869
January 11, 1875, January 10, 1877, April 10, 1878, January 10, 1880, January
11, 1886, January 23, 1895, January 23, 1897, October 23, 1903. Amended January
23, 1906, January 24, 1910.
New York, January 23, 1913.
The Author of our Being intended man for Society and impressed him with
principles of a social nature. A disposition to benevolence is implanted in his
heart, which, unless eradicated by the prejudice of education, will extend itself in
such a manner as to comprehend the whole human race. This amiable disposi-
tion, however, cannot be exerted in an equal degree toward mankind, Our
families, our friends and our countrymen have claims upon our affections prior
in order and superior in strength to those resulting merely from our common
Even in particular societies, besides the ties of friendship and family, there will
exist other circumstances by which individuals find themselves connected with
each other more intimately than with the rest of their fellow citizens. Thus the
graduates of a particular university or the natives of a particular province consider
themselves in all countries as bound to each other by a more immediate relation
than that in which they stand to others of the community.
In a country like North America, the inhabitants of which derive their origin
from different parts of Europe, it is not surprising that these observations should
emphatically apply.
Though now blended in one political body, they are still distinguished by the
races from which they sprang; and foi the most part look back to England, Scotland
or Ireland as the country of their ancestors. Hence have arisen societies, by names
peculiarly adapted to each country and these, so far from prejudicing, do truly
promote the general interests of humanity by directing the attention to particular
objects ; many acts of the most beneficial charity have originated with these institu-
tions which have their use in various ways.
Besides other good effects, they may afford counsel and assistance to sti angers
upon their arrival and by leading them to prosperity may encourage the
emigration of others, to the benefit of the individuals and the ultimate aggrandize-
ment of their adopted country.
Such being the tendency and nature of these societies in general, which cannot
be considered as otherwise than truly laudable, the resolution has been formed
by a number of inhabitants of this city, themselves natives of England or the imme-
diate descendants of Englishmen, to establish themselves as a Society and to be
subject to the following rules for the government thereof:
New York, January, 1786.
Act of Incorporation, Laws of the State of New York,
1838. Chapter 97 . . .An Act to Incorporate
the St. George's Society of the City of New York,
Passed March 23, 1838.
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact
as follows:
Section 1. Anthony Barclay, Joseph Fowler, Charles Edwards, Rev. Manton
Eastburn, and such other persons as now are or may hereafter become associated
with them, are hereby constituted a body corporate, by the name of the "St.
George's Society of New York."
Section 2. The objects of said society are benevolent, and to afford relief to
indigent natives of England, and their wives and children.
Section 3. The Corporation shall have power to make bylaws, rules and
regulations for the admission of its members and their government, the election of
its officers, and their duties and government, the expelling of any of its members
for not obeying its laws, and for the safe keeping and protection of its property
and funds.
Section 4. The said Corporation may purchase and hold real and personal
estate, but the annual income of the said real and personal estate which the said
Corporation may at any one time hold, shall not exceed five thousand dollars.
Section 5. The said Corporation shall possess the general powers, and be
subject to the general restrictions and liabilities prescribed in third title of the
eighteenth chapter of the first part of the Revised Statutes.
Constitution of the St. George's Society of New York
Adopted February 4, 1936.
Revised January 11, 1869
11, 1875
10, 1877
April 10, 1878
January 10, 1880
11, 1886
23, 1895
23, 1897
" October 23, 1903
Amended January 23, 1905
23, 1906
24, 1910
The title of this Society shall be the "St. George's Society Title and
of New York," and its object shall be to afford relief and objects of
advice to indigent natives of England and the British Colonies, the Society
or to their wives, widows or children in the cities of New Yoik
and Brooklyn, and to piomote social intercourse amongst its
members. The property and income of the Society can only be
expended in charity.
Section 1. The following persons may be admitted members Of Members
of this Society:
A native of England.
A son of a native.
A grandson of a native.
British officers and their sons, wherever born.
Natives of any of the colonies, territories or dependencies of
Great Britain.
Section 2. No person shall be admitted a member of this Modes of
Society, unless elected by the Executive Committee, his name Election
properly proposed and seconded, having been submitted to the
Executive Committee at a meeting previous to his election ; and,
if elected, his name shall not appear upon the roll unless he has
complied with the terms of Section 3.
Section 3. Every member shall pay to the Treasurer Admission Fee
an annual subscription of Ten Dollars. But upon the pay- and Annual
ment by any member of a sum at any one time, not less than Subscription
Of Life Members
and how
Annual Sub-
payable 23d
of April
of Absent
Order and
must be
of Rules
One Hundred Dollars, the same shall be accepted in lieu of
any further fee, subscription or contribution, and he shall
thereafter be considered as a Life Member.
Section 4. The annual subscription shall be considered due
and payable, on the 23rd day of April, in every year, and if any
member shall neglect to pay his subscription fo( more than one
year, the Treasurer shall notify such delinquent that his narre
will be reported to the Society at the next meeting, and such
person, unless he pays his dues, shall thereafter be considered
as having forfeited his membership; and shall be stricken from
the roll.
Section 5. Any member being absent more than a year
at any one time, may, if he think fit, decline paying his subscrip-
tion for the period he has been absent; and on his stating in
writing to the Treasurer the time of his absence, the charge
standing against him in the Treasurer's book shall be modified
or annulled accordingly; or if he cease to reside in the city, shall,
if he so elect, upon notice to one of the Secretaries, in writing,
become an associate member; provided always that the dues of
said membei shall not be in arrears.
Section 6. No member shall take his seat or be entitled to
vote until he shall have paid his dues.
Section 7. Honorary members shall be such persons as this
Society shall from time to time elect, but no person shall be
elected an honorary member except as provided by Section 2.
Section 8. At every stated meeting the minutes of the pre-
ceding meeting shall be read, and those parts which are not
objected to shall stand confirmed. To preserve order and
expedite the business of the Society, every member who may
have proposals to make or observations to offer upon any proposi-
tions, shall rise and address the President; and no person shall
interrupt another while speaking, if the speaker be in order.
Section 9. Any member wishing to resign, shall send in his
resignation in writing to one of the Secretaries, who shall notify
the Treasurer of the same; and such resignation shall have effect
from the time the member shall so send it to the Secretary,
provided the amount of dues for which said member may have
been in arrears be paid up.
Section 10. The members of this Society shall faithfully
observe and conform to all the rules and regulations that shall
be made by the Society, and entered on the books thereof, on
pain of dismissal, and having their names erased from the list
of members.
Section 11. In case of any non-observance of the rules
referred to in the preceding Section — and of a charge being made
at any meeting against a member to that effect — a special com-
mittee shall be appointed to investigate the same, and to report
thereon at the following meeting; and then, if a majority of all
the members present shall vote for expulsion of the member, his
name shall be erased, and he shall never afterwards be admitted
to attend any meeting of the Society, unless again elected by
ballot as in the first instance.
Section 1. The Society shall meet twice in every year, to Stated
wit: On the twenty-third days of the months of January and Meetings
October respectively, and shall dine together on St. George's day.
Any of these appointed meetings falling on Sunday the same Anniversary
shall be held on the day following. Dinner
At all meetings the following shall be the order of business:
Calling the roll. Order of
Reading the minutes of the previous meeting. Business
Reports of Officers.
Reports of Committees.
Unfinished business.
New business.
Election of Officers.
Section 2. At the January meeting, the Treasurer, Secre
taries and Standing Committees shall present their annual
Section 3. At the October meeting, preparatory measures Preparatory
shall be adopted to provide suitable candidates for each of the measures
offices, as hereinafter mentioned ; and the members at this meet- at October
ing shall elect a committee of three who shall be prepared at the Meeting
stated meeting on the twenty-third day of January, to submit a
list of candidates to the consideration of the Society, having first
ascertained that the person named will be willing to serve, if
elected. Said list to be posted on the bulletin board in the
offices of the Society not less than twenty-five days before the
Annual Meeting and mailed at least twenty days before the date
of said meeting.
Should there be no quorum formed at the October meeting,
then a special meeting shall be called by the President, or Vice-
President, for as early a day afterwards as may be practicable,
for the purpose of adopting the preparatory measures of
and Mode
of Election
to be first
power and
Treasurer' s
No names shall be considered at said Annual Meeting that
have not been posted ten days and mailed to members seven
days before date of said meeting.
Section 1. A President, a First and Second Vice-President,
a Treasurer, a Secretary and Assistant Secretary, one or more
Physicians and Chaplains, an Executive Committee and a Com-
mittee of Accounts shall be elected annually at the stated meet-
ing on the twenty-third day of January, if a quorum of members
can then be formed, and if not, a special meeting shall be called
to carry this election into effect. All officers elected shall enter
upon their duties on the day following their election. The
election shall be by ballot and a plurality of votes shall decide.
The President shall be the first chosen, and duly announced to
the meeting by the presiding officers. Afterwards the rest of the
officers shall be balloted for.
Section 2. The President, with concurrence of the Execu-
tive Committee, shall appoint the place for holding established
meetings. The President (or in his absence a Vice-President)
shall have the power to call special meetings, of all of which he
shall give timely notice to the Secretary, who shall give at least
three days' notice to the members, naming therein the object of
the meeting, its time and place, as he may be directed to do by
the President.
It shall be the duty of the President to provide at the meetings,
to appoint special committees, as well as generally to superintend
the concerns of the Society, and he shall be ex-officio member of
all committees; but in the absence of the President at any meet-
ing, then the First Vice-President shall preside ; or in case of his
absence, the Second Vice-President; or, he being absent, one of
the ex-Presidents; or, he being away, the Treasurer, and such
persons presiding shall exercise the same authority as would have
appertained to the President if personally present.
Section 3. The Vice-Presidents shall assist the President
in the several duties that devolve upon him, and be ex-officio
members of the Executive Committee.
Section 4. The Treasurer shall have the custody of all the
moneys, papers, badges, ornaments and effects belonging to the
Society (except the book of minutes and other documents directed
to remain with the Secretary) , and he shall carefully preserve and
keep them. His accounts shall be fairly stated, and produced
for the inspection of the Committee of Accounts whenever called
for, and be exhibited on or before the twentv-third dav of Jan-
uary in every year, signed by a majority of the Committee of
Accounts and countersigned by the President. The Treasurer,
on leaving office, shall deliver to his successor the books, papers
and other effects remaining in his hands; or in the absence of
the Treasurer last appointed, the same shall be lodged with the
President until he shall be ready to enter upon his duties.
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to honour any pay drafts
signed by two members of the Executive Committee, other than
himself, provided they do not overdraw the amount to the credit
of the Charitable Fund.
He shall keep an account of the fees and dues that accrue,
and shall appoint a proper and discreet person to collect the
same, and shall allow such a person a reasonable compensation
Section 5. The Secretary shall keep a fair register of all
proceedings, orders, rules and regulations of the Society, and
shall cause the same to be entered in a suitable book provided
for that purpose, a duplicate of which shall be lodged with
the President. If a motion is negatived the Secretary is not
required to enter it in the book of minutes. He shall have
the custody of all the records and journals of the Society, he
shall give notice to the members of all meetings ; he shall keep
a roll of the members, and from time to time amend and keep
up the same as circumstances require; he shall duly notify
members of their election, and of the offices to which they may
be elected and of the special and other committees on which
they may be appointed ; he shall sign such cards of invitation to
the Anniversary Dinner as may be requested of him by
the Executive Committee.
The Assistant Secretary shall aid the Secretary in the execu-
tion of his duties, and supply his place when absent.
Section 6. The Physicians shall give advice and assistance to
such sick or maimed persons as may be committed to their care.
Section 7. The Chaplains shall perform the religious
duties at the meetings of the Society, and shall, by their counsel
and advice, promote harmony and good will among the members.
They shall also visit such sick and distressed persons as may be
recommended to their attention by the Executive Committee or
by the President.
Section 1. The Executive Committee, in addition to the
President, First and Second Vice-Presidents, ex-Presidents, the
Treasurer and Secretaries, shall consist of nine (9) persons.
Three to serve one year, three two years, and three three years ;
to be elected at the annual meeting in January, 1898, and there-
after three new members shall be elected at each annual meeting
to serve three years, no outgoing member to be eligible for re-
election until one year has elapsed. These, with the Committee
of Accounts (to consist of three) shall be elected at the Annual
Meeting, as provided in Article IV, Section 1.
Power and Section 2. The Executive Committee shall organize by
duty of the electing a Chairman and Secretary, and five shall be the quorum
Executive of this Committee; they shall keep a book of minutes of their
Committee proceedings and in all questions relative to the payment of any
sums of money belonging to this Society, the ayes and nays shall
be taken and recorded therein.
The Executive Committee shall adminster the charitable funds,
devise and suggest such measures as may promote the welfare
and usefulness of the Society ; employ, when necessary, counsel
for the protection of emigrants; engage a suitable almoner, at
such rate of compensation as the majority of the Committee
may authorize ; hire such room or rooms as may be necessary for
properly conducting the business of the Society; require the
almoner to investigate any case of distress that may be brought
to their notice, and decide upon the amount of relief he may
grant to such as may be found deserving, provided, always, that
no larger amount than Fifty Dollars per annum shall be allowed
by the Committee to any one person or family.
The Executive Committee shall issue orders upon the Treas-
urer for such sums of money as the funds of the Society may
warrant being employed for charitable purposes.
Section 3. The Executive Committee shall make and carry
out the necessary arrangements for the Anniversary Dinner on
St. George's Day.
Power and duty Section 4. It shall be the duty of the Committee of Ac-
ofthe Committee counts to audit those of the Treasurer, and to confer with him
of Accounts respecting delinquents, etc., and they shall, with the concurrence
of the President and Treasurer, direct the Treasurer to invest
The joint names in the joint names of the President, Treasurer, and Secretary,
in which funds for the time being, such security as they may jointly approve,
are to be in- all moneys belonging to the Permanent Fund; and the Com-
vested mittee, with the concurrence of the officers of aforesaid, shall
direct the Treasurer to sell out such portion of these invest-
Power to sell ments as they may deem it prudent to realize, and to re-invest
out and reinvest the proceeds in such other securities as they may jointly determine
upon as safe and desirable.
Funds of Section 1. The distributable funds of the Society are to
the Society consist of, and be derived from, initiation fees, the annual sub-
scriptions of the members, and from the interest of such
securities as form and become the permanent stock of the
Section 2. All gifts from life members, and all donations or Permanent
bequests to the Society from other individuals shall be vested in Fund
some permanent fund (unless the same are specified as being
for the Charitable Fund), the interest only of which shall be
placed among the distributable funds for charity; and no funds
of the Society shall ever be paid out or used save for strictly Charitable
charitable purposes. Fund
Section 1. A majority of votes shall decide every question, Votes
except on a motion to annul or alter any of the rules of the and Voting
Society, in which case the votes of three-fourths of the members
present shall be requisite — the presiding officer to vote if he
thinks fit. No number under twenty-one shall constitute a
meeting for the purpose of making or altering this Constitution
oi any Rules or By-Laws of this Society ; but for the transaction
of all other business nine shall form a quorum.
Section 2. In case of any office of the Society becoming
vacant the same shall be filled by the President, with the con- Notice
currence of the Executive Committee. required for
Section 3. No alterations shall be made in this Constitu- alteration of
tion unless such alteration shall have been proposed at a previous Constitution
meeting of the Society.
This Constitution shall go into force immediately, and all articles, clauses and
ordinances not embraced in the present Constitution are hereby abrogated.
tform of TBequegt
A Provision in the following form may be made
in any will bequeathing money to the Society for the
purposes of the Corporation.
/ give andbequeath unto ST. GEORGE'S SOCIETY
OF NEW YORK, a Corporation created by an Act of
the Legislature of the State of New York, the sum of
[Facsimile of original, presented by Mr. J. H. V. Cockcroft to
the Society.]
J. HE Author of our Being intended Man for
Society, and has imprefled him with Principles
x>f a iocial Nature. — A Difpofition to Benevo-
lence is implanted in his Heart; and, unlefs
eradicated by the prejudices of Education, will
extend itfelf in fuch a Manner as to comprehend
the Human Race.
The FfTe&s of this amiable Difpofition can-
not, however, be exerted in the fame Manner
towards all mankind : our Family, our Friends
A 2 and
C !» ]
and our Countrymen have Claims upon our
Affections, prior in Order and fuperior in
Strength to thofe that remit merely from our
common Nature.
Even in particular Societies, befides the Ties
of Friendfhip and Family, other Circumftances
will exift by which Individuals find themfelves
more intimately connected with each other, than
with the reft of their fellow Citizens. — Thus the
Graduates of a particular Univerfity, or the Na-
tives of a particular Province, confider them-
felves, in all Countries, as bound to each other
by a more immediate Relation than that in
which they (land to others of the Community.
In a country like North-America, the Inhabi-
tants of which have derived their Origin from
different Parts of Europe, it is not furprifing that
they mould be attentive to that Circumftance.
Though now blended in one political Body,
they are (till diftinguifhed by the Places from
which they fprang, and look back to England,
Scotland or Ireland as the Country of their
Hence have arifen Societies, diftinguifhed by
Names peculiarly adapted to each Country; and
fo far from prejudicing, they promote. the general
[ v ]
Interefts of Humanity, by directing and fixing
the Attention to particular Objects*
Many Acts of the moft beneficial Charity
have owed their Exiflence to thefe Societies: —
And Merit in Diftrefs might frequently have
pafTed unnoticed, if there had not been a Body,
to whom it could make Application with Con-
fidence of Succefs.
Even in a political View, confidering this
Country as deriving infinite Benefit from the
emigration of Foreigners, thefe Societies have
their L fe.— They may afford Counfel and Aflifl-
ance to Strangers upon their firft Arrival* and
by leading them to Profperity encourage the
Emigration of others.
Such being the Tendency and Nature of
thefe Societies in general — the Subfcribers con-
fider them as truly laudable, and being all
either Natives of England or Defcendants of
Englishmen, have agreed to form themfelves
into a Society, and be fubjed to the follow-
ing Rules for the good Government thereof.
HAT this Society be called the SOCIETT
cf ST. GEORGE, eftablifhed at New-York
for the Purpofe of relieving their Brethren in
That no Perfon who is not an Englifliman,
or the Defcendant of an Englifliman, fhall be
admitted a Member of this Society.
( 8 )
That no Perfon (hall be admitted a Member
of this Society unlefs chofen by Ballot, and no
one (hall be balloted for unlefs he is nominated
at a Meeting previous to a Baflot being held,
(excepting honorary Members who maybe pro-
pofe.d and elected at "the fame Meeting). That
no Election fhall be held unlefs twenty-four
Members be prefent, and no Perfon fhall be ad-
mitted a Member unlefs he be chofen by three-
fourths ofahe Members prefent.
That the Society fhall meet four Times
every Year, to wit, on the 23d Day of January,
on the 23d Day of April, on the 23d Day of
July and on the 23d Day of O&ober. That the
Society fhall Dine together on St. George's
Day, and that the other Meetings fhall be if!
the Evenings.
That a Prefident, Vice Prefident, Treafurer,
Secretary, four Stewards and a Charitable .Com-
mittee, to confift of feven, fhall be appointed
annually (the fame Officers who ferved the pre-
ceding Year may be re-choferi) ; and that the
23d Day of January fhall **#±tof* be the Day
of -Election.
C 9 )
That every Member (hall pay an annual
Subfcription of Thirty Shi/lings to the Treafury,
on or before the firft Day of April. And every
Member neglecting to pay his Subfcription, (hall
no longer be efteemed a Member of the Society,
unlefs he be re-elected by Ballot.
That the Charitable Committee mall, with
the confent of the Prefident, Vice Prefident and
Treafurer, or any two of them, diftribute any
Sum or Sums in Charities between the Times of
Quarterly or Special Meetings, provided fuch
Diftribution does not in the whole exceed one
Fourth of the annual Funds of the Society.
That every Member abfenting himlelf from
the annual Dinner, fhall pay to the TrcafureT
Ten Shi/lings as a Fine for fuch Abfence, and
Four Shillings for abfenting himfelf from the
Quarterly Meetings, unlefs prevented by Sick-
That no Refident of this City who is eligible
to be a Member of this Society fhall be admitted
as a Vifitor.
( io )
That a majority of Votes (hall decide every
Queftion (the Chairman to have a calling Vote)
except to annul or alter any former Rules ; in
which cafe three-fourths fhall be requifite. 1 hat
no Number under twenty-four fhall conftitute a
Meeting for the Purpofe of making or altering
That the Prefident, Vice Prefident and Offi-
cers fhall have Power to call Special Meetings,
on giving three Days Notice to every Member
rending in this City of fuch Meeting and the
Bufmefs. And as great Inconvenience may re-
fult from Members not attending Special Meet-
ings, any Member neglecting to attend any
Special Meeting that may be called, fhall pay
a Fine of Four Shillings towards the Charitable
Fund, unlefs prevented by Sicknefs.
That any non Refident, being an Englifh-
man or the Defcendent of an Englifhman, who
may apply to become an Honorary Member of
the Society, may be propofed and admitted
agreeable to the Rules of the Society, on pay-
ing Forty Shillings to be applied to the Chari-
table Fund.
( " 1
Society of St. George,
A Bache, Theophylaft
Atkinfon, Francis Berry, John
Appleby, George Bayley, Richard
Anderfon, Samuel Barrow, Thomas
Allingham, Chiles ^^^t^f
B Corp, Samuel
Banyar, Goldfborow Cafey, James
( 12 )
Cockle, Frederick
Chapman, Henry*
<^A&ttA&rf ,//rfr
Dewhurft, John*"
Dale, Robert
^-Bickinfon, Gilchrift
Evers, John
Ellis, John
Evening, Abraham
Elmes, Thomas rf
Evans, Charles *>fe^
Elam, Samuel*
Harifon, Richard
Hamerfley, Andrew
1 ^
Johnfon, James *&*
C 13 )
'ttt^yen- R^J^**"**- Maule, Thomas
Ketland, Thomas* '"jM'Kinnon, Daniel
Kirkman, Samuel*^** u y/,*ni
Kirkman, John Jimxwe&.W.^'"
Nafli, Henry
Laight, William
Ludlow, Gabriel Wil-
Ham °
Ludlow, Carey
Ludlow, Daniel
Ludlow, William
Ludlow, Ceorge
Lucas, David*
j Parfons, William
Moore, Rev. Mr.
Morewood, Gilbert
O*1or~lo AL^6**-/?<
( 14 )
Randall, QtfLutm*
Randall, Paul Robert
Rowlett, William
Taylor, John
Thompfon, John
Tucker, Daniel
Thurman, John
Thomas, William
Thomas, Francis
Rofton, Edward King Q&fi/^jfr**
Rivmgton, James ***"! j »j
Roberts, Michael u
Roberts, Thomas
$C*t*. <7**m.-*r Venning, William*
Seton, William
Smith, Richard
Staples, U%t^f^{/^Uc^rr^
Snaith, John
Startin, Charles
Shaw, John Charles W
Sadler, John Waddington, Jolhua
^ ^+*&e,^t#" Waddington, Henry*
^^rwr^T^ • Walton, William
<Unt*£. ^n^**<,^u^Walton, Gerard
^<*fXfJZ~rr>~> WilkeS>
( *5 )
"Wilkes, John Y
Wilkes, Charles Young, "William
"Williams, William Yates, Lawrance Reade
"Wilfon, Richard* Yates, Adolphus.
•0 Thofe ivhofe Names are marked with a Star,
are Honor ary Members,
Date Name Amount
1837 Donation of James Boorman $500 .00
1837 Money raised by members under the conditions of Mr. Boorman's
gift 1,100 .00
1838 Money collected by St. George's Special Fund Committee.. . . 1,658.00
1838 Donation of Thos. E. Davies 100. 00
1 839 Proceeds from a Charity Concert in aid of the Society's funds .... 250 . 00
1840 Proceeds of Charity Concert at which Braham, the great singer,
gave his services 1,300 .00
1841 Proceeds of Charity Ball in honour of birth of Prince of Wales . . 700 .00
1845 Gift of Queen Victoria's Portrait.
1848 Collection at special service in Trinity Church on behalf of the
Funds of the Society Ill .60
1849 Proceeds of Charity Concert 567 . 17
1849 Proceeds of Concert at which Mrs. Fanny Kemble gave her ser-
vices 1,651 .09
1853 Gift of Burial Plot in Cypress Hills Cemetery. The gift of
William Miles, Esq., President of St. David's Society.
1855 Money collected by special appeal to the members 2,015 .00
1855 Half share in Thackeray's Farewell Lecture 283 .00
1856 Donation of John Rogers, Esq., of Sheffield, England 120.00
1857 Donation from Ebbw Vale Company, England 500 .00
1858 Proceeds of Concert at which Mrs. Fanny Kemble gave her
famous reading of "Hamlet" 785 . 18
1865 Donation of Henry Eyre, Esq., President of St. George's Society. 5,000 .00
1865 Subscriptions raised on the condition of Mr. Eyre's gift:
James Boorman 500 . 00
T. B. Gunning 500.00
Robt. W. Russell 500.00
Edward Walker 500 .00
Royal Insurance Co 500 .00
Thos. D. Middleton 300.00
Sir Edward Cunard 250 .00
Chas. C. Gostenhofer 250 .00
Arthur E. P. Phillips 250.00
1865 Subscriptions raised on the condition of Mr. Eyre's gift: (Cont'd)
Mrs. Geo. S. Rainsford 250 .00
Messrs. William Jessup & Sons 250 .00
E. F. Sanderson 250 .00
Geo. W. Taylor 250 .00
Samuel Clapham 200 .00
Thomas Charles Baring 150 .00
Messrs. John Sykes, Jr. & Co 150 .00
Charles Clifton 150 .00
John Sykes, Jr 150 .00
E. M. Archibald 100 .00
Edward Blackburn 100 .00
Aaron Arnold 100.00
John Haigh, Jr 1C0 .00
Edward T. Christianson 100.00
George Moke 100 .00
Wm. H. Morrell 100 .00
Orville Odde 100.00
William C. Pickersgill 100 .00
Richard P. Rundle 100 .00
Henry Rudge 100 .00
Benjamin B. Tilt 100 .00
Thomas A. Vyse, Jr 100.00
Joseph Walker 100 .00
John T. Walker 100 .00
Alfred Waller 100 .00
Robert Waller 100 .00
William Young 100 .00
Liv. Lond. & Globe Insurance Co 100 .00
1880 Gift of Jas. R. Keene in aid of the charitable work of the
Society 500. 00
1886 The following is a list of the principal subscribers to the Centen-
nial Fund:
Edward Hill 2,500.00
Executors of Edward Hill 2,500 .00
Edward Blackburn 2,000 .00
Henry W. O. Edye 250 .00
A. D. Shepard 150 .00
E. F. Beddall 100.00
Thomas B. Bowring 100 .00
Benjamin L. Brigg 100 .00
James M. Constable 100 .00
R. J. Cortis 100.00
R. Fleming Crooks 100.00
Thomas Garner 100.00
C. T. Gostenhofer 100 .00
The following is a list of the principal subscribers to the Centen-
nial Fund: (Cont'd)
Timothy Hogan 100 .00
F. W. J. Hurst 100.00
James N. Jarvie 100.00
Geo. T. Knight 100.00
George Legg 100 .00
Alexander Nicoll 100 .00
John Orpe 100.00
Edward Perry 100 .00
B. Richardson 100.00
F. S. Smithers 100.00
John T. Walker 100.00
Erastus Wiman 100 .00
Other subscriptions 840 . 00
Bequest of William Skinner, Esq $1,000 .00
Donation from Geo. A. Hearn, Esq 500 .00
Annual Grant from "The Havens Relief Fund Society" 250 .00
Principal Subscribers to Contingent Fund
Crooks, R. Fleming,
"In Memoriam J.T.A.C." $5,000 .00
Hill, Edwaid 1,300.00
Jaffray, E. S 1,300.00
Francklyn, C. G 1,250 .00
Hurst, F. W. J 1,050 .00
Pellew, H. E 1,035 .00
White Star Line 900 .00
Power, W. H 900.00
Gostenhofer, C. F 650 .00
Archibald, E. M 600 .00
Carey, John, Jr 600 .00
Dale, J. G 550.00
Richardson, B 500 .00
Moulson, John 450 .00
National S. S. Co 450 .00
List of Almoners
John Mackie 1842-1844
Charles H. Webb 1844-1867
E. W. Canning 1867-1868
Rev. Frederick Sill (Honor-
ary) 1868-1869
James W. Munroe 1869-1877
Joint Almoner for St. George's and
St. Andrew's Societies.
J. Hatch 1877-1878
Wm. Graham 1878-1883
J. D. O. Hutchins 1883
C. Nevill Crozier 1883-1898
J. R. Couper 1898-1899
Scott H. Gilbert 1899-1902
Jas. Bingham 1902-1903
L. D. Langley 1903-
The Places of the Banquets
1770-1771 Bolton's
Dinner omitted (Distress in
1772 Unknown
the old country).
1773-1774 Hull's Tavern
1848-1849 City Hotel
1775-1777 Unknown
1850-1854 Astor House
1778 Hick's Long Room
1856 Metropolitan Hotel
1779 Unknown
Delmonico's (14th Street)
1780 Mr. Strachan's Queen's
Metropolitan Hotel
Head Tavern
Astor House
1781 Mr. Amory's Tavern
Delmonico's (14th Street)
1782 Unknown
St. Nicholas Hotel
1783-1786 Banquets not held (Revolu-
1862-1864 Dinner omitted (Civil War).
tionary War).
Dinner omitted (Death of
1787-1822 Unknown
1823-1831 Bank Coffee House
Everett House
1832 City Hotel
Delmonico's (14th Street)
1833-1834 Webb's Congress Hall
Dinner omitted (Political
1835 City Hotel
1836 Niblo's Saloon
1869-1906 Delmonico's (14th, 26th,
1837 Globe Hotel
and 44th Streets)
1838 Cailton House
1911 Waldorf-Astoria
1839-1842 City Hotel
Dinner omitted (Titanic dis-
1843-1845 Astor House
1846 City Hotel
Permanent Fund
Jan. 10, 1826, 5 shares United States Bank Stock, $100 each $500 .00
Jan. 11, 1836, 27 shares National Bank stock, $50 each 1,350 .00
Jan. 10, 1846, 51 shares National Bank stock, $50 each 2,550 .00
$600 City Water stock 600 .00
Cash 262 . 88
Jan. 1856, 51 shares National Bank stock, $50 each $2,550.00
10 shares Mechanics Banking As., $25 each 250 .00
13 shares Bank State New York, $100 each 1,300 .00
10 shares Bank of Commerce, $100 each 1,000 . 00
45 shares Mechanics Bank, $25 each 1,125 .00
Cash 120.25
Jan. 1866, One bond Hudson R. R $1,000 .00
20 bonds Morris & Essex, 1st M'tg, $1,000 each 20,000 00
7 bonds Morris & Essex, 1st M'tg, $500 each 3,500 .00
Cash 691 .92
25,191 .82
Jan. 1876, 10 bonds Mich. Cen. G. M., $1,000 each $10,000.00
6 bonds Morris & Essex, 1st M'tg., $1,000 6,000 .00
5 bonds Morris & Essex, 2nd M'tg., $1,000 5,000 .00
1 bond Morris & Essex, 2nd M'tg., 500 .00
1 bond Lake Shore & Mich. So., CM 5,000 .00
5 bonds Lake Shore & Mich. So., C. M., $1,000 each. . . 5,000 .00
1 bond Hudson R. R 1,000 .00
Cash 569 .76
Jan. 1886, 11 bonds Chicago & N. W. Gold, $1,000 each $11,000 .00
6 bonds Morris & Essex, 1st M'tg., $1,000 each 6,000 .00
5 bonds Morris & Essex 2nd M'tg., $1,000 each 5,000 .00
1 bond Morris & Essex 2nd M'tg., 500 .00
1 bond Lake Shore & Mich. So., 6M 5,000 .00
5 bonds Lake Shore & Mich. So., $1,000 each 5,000 .00
1 bond Ches. & Ohio Pur. M 1,000 .00
1 bond Northern Pacific Ld. Gt, 1,000 .00
2 bonds St. Paul, Min. & Man., $1,000, each 2,000 .00
Less Dr. Cash 113.16
January 1896 Pennsylvania R.R. Co, \\% Bonds $5,000
St Paul, Min. & Man. Dak. Div., 6% Bonds 4,000
Ches. & Ohio, 6% Bonds 1,000
Bait. & Ohio, Loan of 1885, 5% Bonds 5,000
Morris & Essex, First Mortgage, 7% Bonds 6,000
Illinois Central, 8J% Bonds 10,000
Chi. B. & Q. Surety Fund, 4% Bonds 5,000
Pacific of Missouri, First Mtge, 4% Bonds 3,000
N. Y., C & St. L. 4% Bonds 3,000
West Shore R. R. 4% Bonds 10,500
Cent. R. R. of N. J. 5% Bonds 3,000
N. Y., C. & St. L., First Mtge., 4% Bonds 3,000
Rome & Watertown & Ogden, 5% Bonds 2,000
January 1906 N. Y. Gas & Electric L. H. &. P., 4% Bonds 1,000
Wisconsin Central, 4% Bonds 2,000
N. Y, Chi. & St. L., 4% Bonds 6,000
Atchison, Topeka & St. L., 4% Bonds 6,000
Oregon Ry. & Navig. Co., 4% Bonds 3,000
Union Pacific, 4% Bonds 10,000
Pac. R.R. of Missouri, 4% Bonds 3,000
Cont. Pacific, 4% Bonds 12,000
Northern Pacific, 4% Bonds 5,000
Northern Pacific, 3% Bonds 17,000
B. & O. S. W. D., 34% Bonds 4,000
Chicago & Alton, 3£% Bonds 6,000
Chicago & Alton, 3£% Bonds 5,000
January 1913 Balto. & Ohio S. W. D., 1st Mtge. 34%, No. M 495-8. . . . $4,000
Northern Pacific R.G.L. Rly. & L.G., Gold Bond, No. 1278 10,000
Southern Rd. 4% Gold Bonds, Series A, No. M124-125. . . 2,000
Southern Rd. 4% Gold Bonds, Series A, No. V47 5,000
N. Y., Chi. & St. Louis 1st Mtge. 4% Gold Bonds, No. 4738. 1,000
Balto. & Ohio S.W.D. Equipment 3£% No. B15-16-17. . . 1,500
Union Pacific, 4% 1st Mtge. & Land Grant Bond, No. E1042 10,000
Chicago & Alton 3£% Gold Bond, No. X52 10,000
Chicago & Alton SJ% Gold Bond, No. M107 1,000
Northern Pacific 4% C. B. & Q. Bonds, No. 555-9 5,000
Central Pac. 4% Bond, No. M608 10,000
Central Pac. 4% Bonds, Nos. M444-445 2,000
Atchison General Mtge. Bond, No. RC1272, 4% 10,000
Virginia R.R. Co., 1st Mtge., 5% Bonds, 1962 10,000
(Interim Certificate.)
N. Y., Chi. & St. Louis 1st Mtge. 4%, Nos. 4737, 2643, 2386,
19440, 10983. (In Memoriam J. T. A. C.) 5,000
1809-1819 $5,477.50
1820-1839 14,411 .15
1840-1853 19,345 .98
1854-1868 35,428 .35
1869-1885 84,472 .90
Jan. 10, 1886. Balance Cash to Credit Charitable Fund 609 .40
Balance Cash to Credit Contingent Fund 1,209.59
Peimanent Fund par value securities. . . . $36,500.00
Less balance Cash debt 113.16
Total subscribed and disbursed 77 years 197,451 .71
1 886-1912 Total subscribed and disbursed 27 years 172,615 . 16
Grand Total 370,066 .87
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Act of Incorporation, The . . 46-47, 294
Address to the Queen, Congrat-
ulatory 87
Admiral Seymour's Visit . . 97
Admission of Life Members . . 36
Aged, Proposed Home for the. 77
Agincourt 16
"Albany Annals" . . . .103
"Albion" Newspaper 43, 45, 48, 132
Almoner, The Office of . .49,59,79
Almoners List of .... 322
Amherst, Sir Jeffrey ... 22
Amory's Tavern 30
Andrew, Cross of St. ... 17
Andrew, Society of St.37, 59, 73, 75, 76
Anglo-American Free Church of
St. George the Martyr
Anniversary of the Society, The
Fiftieth 43
Anniversary of the Society, Cen-
tennial 79-80
Apollo and the Python ... 18
Archibald, Sir Edward M . .
Armada, The 17
Astor House 322
Atlantic Cable, The . . . 66, 175
Attempt to Aid Immigrants 38
Bache, Theophylact .
Badge of Society
Bage, Robert
Bank Coffee House .
Banquets, Places of .
Banyar, Goldsborough
Barclay, Anthony .46,
Barnes, Robert
Bartlett, John S., M.D
Battenburg, Prince Louis of .
Beales, John C, M.D. 58,65,130-131
Beddall, Edward F ....
Beddall, Edward K . . . .189
Bennet, C. W., Consul General . 98
Bennet, James Gordon . . 175
Beowulf 18
Bequest, Form of .... 301
Bequests to St. George's Society
Biographies of Presidents . 103-194
Birth of Prince of Wales (1841) 49
"Black Sloven," The ... 22
Blackburn, Edward ... 80
Bolton's, Celebration at . . .26,27
Book of Minutes, Original . 35
Booker, Sir Wm. Lane . 80,165-167
Boorman, Donation from James 45
"Boston American Celt," The . 57
Bowring, Charles W . ... 11
Bowring, Sir Thomas B. . . 83
Braham. the Singer .... 48
British Military Tournament Co. 84
"British Muse," The ... 22
British Museum, The ... 22
British Protective Emigrant So-
ciety 51,54,74
Broad St. (108) .... 40, 94
Bryce, Rt. Hon. James ... 95
Bucknall, Henry W. J. 21, 22, 94, 193
Building for the Society, Pro-
posed 82
Bulwer, the British Ambassador,
Sir Henry 56, 57
Bunch, Robert 119, 195, 198, 199, 202
Bureau Labour .... 78-79
Cable, The Atlantic ... 66, 175
Calais, Siege of 15
Cappadocia, George of . . 12,13
Caracas Expedition . . . . 112
Cai den, the Portrait Painter 51
Carlton House 46
Castle Garden 76
Celebration, Hudson-Fulton . 96
Centenary of Sir Walter Scott 73
Centenary Year of the Society,
The 79.80
Centennial Fund, Subscribers tJ
Certificates of Membership,
Copies of Old and New . 247,302
Chamber of Commerce, New
York . . 107,109,114,143,176
Chance, George 32
Change of the Name of the
Society 36
Chapel at Windsor, St. George's 15
Charitable Fund 39, 45, 59, 60, 67, 92
Charitable Committee . 34, 42, 49,
Charity Ball 48
"Charity and Humour," I^ecture
on . 60-61
Charity Concert 47
Charity Organization ... 74
Charity Organization Society 76, 146
Charity, St. George and . 19-20
Chesterman, James .... 40
Christmas Gifts 73
City Corporation, The Society
and the ...... 44
City Hotel 48
Civil War, The American . . 139
Clapton, Dr., Biographer of St.
George ........... 14
Clarence, Death of the Duke of 83
Cockcroft, J. H. V 35
Colden, Lieut. Governor 26
Committee, The Executive .
72, 74, 96, 149, 153
Committee, Charitable 34, 42, 49, 50,
Committee, Ladies' ... 76
Committees, List of Officers
ana 211-246
"Comus," Quotation From Mil-
ton's 11
Concert, Charity .... 47
Confessor, Edward the ... 15
Congratulatory Address to the
Queen 87
Connaught, Duke of . . 72, 100
Constantine the Great ... 14
Constitution of Society, New
72, 293-301
Contingent Fund, The .
Cornwallis, Kinahan. .82,132,133
Coronation of George V., The 99
Corp, Samuel. . . .33,112-113
Cortis, Richard J. . . 68, 157-158
Costa, Rev. B. F. De, D.D. 88,202,208
Council of Oxford in 1222 15
Courtney, Rev. Dr 101
Crawley's New Assembly Room 22
Cricket Club, St. George's . . 32
Crimean War 120, 141
Crookes, Septimus . .134
Crooks, Bequest of R. Fleming . 83
Cross of St. George . . 16, 17, 32
Cushman, Miss Charlotte . . 63
Cuthbertson, W. B. . . . 127-128
Cypress Hills Cemetery . 90
"Daily Times," New York 61
Dale, John G 141-143
Dana, Paul 21
Darrell, Edward F. . . . 93, 183
David, Society of St. ... 59
Death of the Duke of Clarence . 83
Death of Queen Victoria 89
Death of Edward VII .. . 98
Death of Lincoln .... 69
Delmonico's . . 62,79,82,89,140
Diamond Jubilee, Queen Vic-
toria's 86
Diocletian, The Roman Emperor 13
Diploma of Membership 49
Disaster, "Titanic" . . . 100, 101
Dixon, Thomas . . . . 37, 116
Donations to St. George's So-
ciety 319-321
Drake, Sir Francis .... 17
Dragon, St. George and the .17-19
Dunmore, Earl of ... . 27
Durand, Sir Mortimer ... 92
Early Notices of St. George's
Festivals 22-31
Eastbum, Rev. Manton ... 46
Eastern, The Great .... 175
Ebbw Vale Company, Donation
from . . . . . . ■ . 319
Edward III 15,20
Edward VII., Death of . . 98
Edward the Confessor ... 15
Edwards, Charles 40,46, 121-123, 134
Edye, Henry W. O. . . . 159-161
Efforts to increase Membership 81
Elliman, James B 113
Emblems, St. George and his 16-17
Emigrant Board, General . 67-68
Emigration Discouraged . 59
Everett House 322
Executive Committee, The .
72, 74, 96, 149, 153
Eyre. Henry . . . .63, 135-137
Eyie, Gift of Henry ... 70
Eyre, Subscribers to Gift of
Henry 319-320
Facsimile of "St. George's
Song" 23-24
Facsimile of Original Rules 303-312
Fanny Kemble, Mrs. 55-56, 64, 67
Father of English Public Schools,"
"The 19
Festivals, Early Notices of St.
George's 22-31
Field, Cyrus W 67
Fielding, the Novelist, Henry . 193
Fiftieth Anniversary of the So-
cietv, The 43
Finances of the Society . . 323-332
Financial Worries .... 39
Form of Bequest .... 301
Foundation of St. George's So-
ciety of New York ... 21
Fowler, Joseph . 33, 40, 43, 46, 117
Frank, Thos. Field .... 202
Franklin, Sir John .... 57
Friendly Relations with Kindred
Societies 37
Fund, Charitable 39, 45, 59, 60, 67, 92
Fund, Contingent ....
Fund, Havens Relief 101-102, 321
Fund, Permanent ....
36, 39, 43, 54, 70, 72, 94, 135, 153
Fund, Subscribers to Centennial
Gage, General .... 26, 27
Garter, Motto of the Order of the 16
Garter, The Order of the . . 15
Garter, Knights of the ... 20
Gazette, New York .... 26
Gazette, Royal 30
Gazetteer, New York . . 27, 28
General Emigrant Board . 67-68
Geneva Award, The . . . .139
George of Cappadocia . 12, 13
George V., Coronation of . 99
George for Merry England, St. 12-19
George and Charity, St. 19-20
George, Cross of St. . . 16, 17
George, History of St. . . 12-19
George and His Emblems, St. 16-17
George and the Dragon, St. 17-19
George, History of the Society
of St. . . • . . . . 99-100
George's Channel, St. . 14,16
George's Chapel at Windsor, St. 15
George's Society of New York,
Foundation of St 21
Gift to the Contingent Fund . 82
Gift, Subscribers to Mr. Eyre's
Gifts, Christmas 73
Globe Hotel 322
Golden Legend, The ... 18
Gordon, E. O., Author of "Saint
George," 20
"Great Eastern," The . . . 175
"Great Western," The "Sirius"
and the 45, 46
"Grinnell" Arctic Expedition 57,58
Hamilton, Alexander . . . 121
Hamilton Hotel Company . 51
Harison, Richard .... 34
Havens Relief Fund Society, The
Hearn, George A. . . . 91 , 321
Herbert, Sir Michael . . . 90
Hick's Long Room .... 28
Higgens, J. E. Grote ... 185
Hill, Edward 80, 153
Historical Sketch of the Society 21-102
History, St. George in English 14-16
Honorary Members .... 248
Hoskin, R. N., Lieutenant . 46
Hospital, St. Luke's
Hudson, Captain 66
Hudson-Fulton Celebration . 96
Hull's Tavern 28
Hurst, F. W. J . 83, 88, 89, 151, 202
Immigrants, Attempt to Aid 38
Incorporation, The Act of 46-47,294
Increase in Membership
Introduction .
"Irish American," The
Irwin, Dr.
Isaacs, Moses.
"Jewel" of the Garter
"Journal," New York
Jubilee, Queen Victoria'
mond ....
Kean, Charles
Keble College, Oxford
Keene, Gift of James R. . . 320
Kemble, Mrs. Fanny 55-56, 64, 67
Kipling Quoted 17
Kossuth, Louis 58
. 248
Labour Bureau
Ladies' Committee .
Lecture on "Charity and
mour," by Thackeray
Legend, The Golden
Life of St. George
Lincoln, Death of
List of Members
List of Original Members
List of Honorary Members
List of Officers and Committees
List of Almoners .... 322
Louis of Battenburg, Prince 93, 179
Louis Kossuth 58
Lucknow, Relief of ... 66
Luke's Hospital, St.
Lydda, Birthplace of St. George 12, 14
Manning, Rev. Dr. . . . 98, 101
Marcus, Rev. Moses 195, 202, 209
Mariner, Captain .... 108
Massey, George 87
Massey, William M. . . . 171-172
Matthews, Charles .... 63
McKinley, Assassination of
President 90
Melville, Rev. Dr 200
Members, List of . . . 249-291
Members, List of Original 313-317
Members, List of Honorary 248
Membership, Certificates of 247, 302
Membership, Efforts to increase 81,98
Membership, Qualifications for 40
Membership, Society's Diploma
of ....... . 49
Mercantile Library Association 60
"Mercury," New York .
22, 27, 28, 29, 30
Metropolitan Theatre ... 60
Metropolitan Hotel .... 65
Miles, Wm., President of St.
David's Society .... 59
Military Tournament Co., Brit-
ish 84
Minutes, Loss of the Book of 32-33
Moore, Rev. Dr 34
Morgan, Rev. Dr. . . . .65,87
Mortier, Major 103
Mostyn, Berkeley . 89, 95, 202, 208
Motto of St. George's Society 34, 62
Motto of the Order of the G arter 1 6
Moulson, John 78
"Muse, The British" ... 22
"Mutiny," The Days of the 65
Napier, Lord .... 63, 65
National Opera House ... 48
Nelson 17
New Constitution of the Society
New York Chamber of Com-
merce . . 107,109,114,143,176
Niblo's Saloon 43
Nicholas Hotel, St 322
Nicomedaea 14
Norfolk Orphans 60
Office of Almoner . . 49, 59, 79
Officers and Committees, List of
Ogden, Jonathan . . . .114
Oldfield, Tom 127
Order of the Garter, The . 15
Organization, Charity ... 74
Original Book of Minutes, The
Iass of 32-33, 35
Original Certificate of Member-
ship 302
Original Constitution Lost and
Found 35-36
Original Rules of Society, Fac-
simile of . .... j 303-312
Original Members, List of 313-317
Oxford Colleges 20
Oxford, Council of ... 15
Oxford, Keble College ... 145
Page, Walter H. (Ambassador
to England) 102
Partridge, Portrait Painter . 50
Patrick, Cross of St. ... 17
Patrick, Friendly Sons of St. .
37, 50, 59, 73
Pellew, Henry E. ... 75, 145
Pennell, George C 88
"Permanent Home" Fund . 91,94
Permanent Fund 36, 39, 43, 54, 70,
Perseus and Andromeda . . 18
Piccolomini, La 67
Pickersgill, W. C 83
Places of Banquets .... 322
Porter, General Hcrace . 80
Portraits of Presidents . . 103-194
Portrait, Queen Victoria's . 50, 65
"Post, Evening" 35
Preedy, Captain 66
President's Biographies . . 103-194
Prince Consort, Death of . . 69
Prince of Wales, Birth of (1841 ) 49
Prince of Wales in 1860, Visit of 68-69
Principal Bequests to St.
George's Society . . . 319-321
Pritchard, Philip ... 67, 68
Proctor, Thomas .... 36
Proposed Building for the Society 82
Proposed Home for the Aged 77
Protective Emigrant Society,
British 51,58
Qualifications for Membership . 40
Queen Victoria, Portrait of . 50, 65
Queen Victoria's Death 89
Queen's Head Tavern, Mr.
Strachan's 29
Racker, H. A. . . . 10, 79, 2C2
Raphael's "St. George with the
Garter" \ 11
Reid, Whitelaw 80
Relief Fund, Havens . . 101,102
"Repeal of the Union," Toast
of 50
Revolutionary War, Period of 31-32
Richard Coeur de Lion 14
Richardson, Briton .... 147
Roberts, R. N., Lieutenant 46
"Rose of Sharon, The" . . 13
Round Table, The ... 15, 20
Royal Society of Literature . 12
Rules of Society, Facsimile of
Original 303-312
Sanderson, Edward F. . .125
Sanderson, Harold A. 96, 169-170
Sanderson, Lloyd B. 96, 97, 100, 191
Sanderson, Sir Percy
Sargent, Winthrop .... 21
Scott, Centenary of Sir Walter . 73
Seward, William H 121
Seymour's Visit, Admiral 97
Sherbrooke, Miles .... 108
"Sirius" and the "Great Wes-
tern," The 45, 46
Sketch of St. George's Society,
Historical 21-102
Skinner, Bequest of Wm. . 91
"Sloven, The Black" ... 22
"Song of St. George" 11,21,27
Sons of St. George, Order of 78
Spenser the Poet Quoted . . 12
Statistics 326-332
St. Andrew's Society 37, 59, 73, 75, 76
St. David, Society of . . . 59
St. George ana the Dragon 17-19
St. George and His Emblems 16-17
"St. George with the Garter,"
by Raphael 11
St. George, Cross of 16,17,32
St. George for Merry England 12-20
St. George in English History 14-16
St. George the Martyr, The
Church of 77, 85, 153, 195, 196, 206
St. George the Martyr, Ward of
196, 199, 207
St. George's Society, Constitu-
tion of 293-301
St. George's Society, History of
St. George's Society, Members of
St. George's Channel 14,16
St. George's Cricket Club . . 32
St. George's Day in New York, A 45
St. George's Society, Principal
Bequests to .... 319-321
St. George's Chapel at Windsor 15
St. George's Society's Badges . 88
St. John the Evangelist, Church
of 88
St. Luke's Hospital ....
11,85,95,153,164, 195-209
St. Nicholas Hotel .... 322
St. Patrick, Friendly Sons of
St. Thomas's Church ... 65
Steamship Privileges Revoked . 96
Subscribers in Connection With
Mr. Eyre's Gift . . . 319-320
Subscribers to Centennial Fund
Tabor, Francis H 11
Thackeray's Farewell Lecture 60-61
Thomas of Walsingham . 15
Thornton, Sir Edward ... 72
"Times," New York Daily 61
"Titanic" Disaster . . .100,101
Toast Lists of 1 771 and 1 780 27, 29
"Tom Jones" 193
Trafalgar 17
Transatlantic Cable Service 175
Transcription of "St. George's
Song" 25
"Tribune," The New York 80
Tiinity Church
Turle, Robert H. . . . 83,181
Union Jack, The 17
Union with British Protective
Emigrant Society . . 54-55
Universal Magazine of Knowl-
edge and Pleasure .... 22
Urumiah 13
Victoria, Portrait of Queen . 50, 65
Victoria, Death of Queen 89
Victoria's Diamond Jubilee,
Queen 86
Vincent, Sir Howard .... 92
Visit of Prince of Wales in 1860 68-69
Visit of Duke of Connaught in
1870 72
Voragine, Jacques de ... 18
Waddington, Joshua . .110
Wainwright, Rev. Dr. . 38, 53, 57
Waldorf-Astoria, The . 93,97,102
Waller, Robert
10, 67, 68, 78, 79, 84, 97, 201, 203
Walsingham, Thomas of 15
War, The Revolutionary . 31-32
War Times 69
Ward of St. George the Martyr
Ward, George Gray . 87, 175-176
Warren, Thomas .
Warren, Rev. Dr.
Washington, George
Webb, Chas. H. .
Webb's Congress Hall
Webster, Daniel
Wilkes, John
Winchester College
Winterhalter, Portrait Painter
Wreaks, Chas. F. .
Wykeham, William of
Young, William
. 78
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St. George
New York
s society of
A history of St
George's -society of Nek
York from ]770 to 1913